Community > Posts By > extantinlife
oh for sure.
gay dudes have a lot of hot women for friends. |
bad girls 4 life!!!
The Pickup Artist
maybe the not uncovering the why they do what they do is the part i'm missing.
I'm not walking up to a group of 3 women and saying, "I like pickle juice." Even if I knew the reason you would do something that retarted, I wouldnt do that, but still... they do need to give some logic behind it. There strategies are too goofy that they have shown with no explanation to even think about trying. |
Celebrity Rehab is back ---
Gary Busey is messed up, wow.
it is so hilarious how he thinks he is there to help. |
The Pickup Artist
it is addicting late at night and vh1 isnt afraid to ONLY show reruns of the same 3 shows.
The thing that bothers me is watching them get rejected by trying retarted things like "opening a set"... "opening a 4 set". whatever happened to just buying a woman a drink, giving a compliment. i just don't get the trickery that is needed to get a woman in bed. lol |
Still playin over here ![]() so many terrible thoughts going thru my head reading that sentence you just wrote. ![]() ![]() are they really terrible though ![]() good point, mmmm, no ![]() ![]() |
If you made a dating website
Still playin over here ![]() so many terrible thoughts going thru my head reading that sentence you just wrote. ![]() ![]() |
have a friend hook ya up |
Patience is a virtue
Not only that, but, most women don't respond to emails right away. Think how many they probably get a day, hell, they probably don't even bother reading all of them. Do something unique to impress the girl... make her feel like she HAS to read your email somehow. just a suggestion... I clearly don't know how you do that.... but it sounded smart. ![]() |
Nah- she'll be in Playboy before you know it
What's up bro? I would say, YES, it's setting yourself up for failure - unless you are resigned, in all honesty, that you can only be friends. And that is tough indeed, especially when she's deliciously tasty. whatsup CB ya, ur prolly right. Wise indeed, wise indeed my friend. |
well, if that were me, id tell em to go do their thing, and if and when they are over that "other person," they are welcome to see if i am free...otherwise, id say bye bye and don't contact me until then. Thank you |
Escaping the Friends Zone
She probably relies on you for support, advise, someone to talk too when she is going through a difficult time.
Nothing wrong with that , but thats just called friends. Doubt it will go any further than that. Friends isn't the worst thing that could happen though |
for another person.
So you have an option of going on a date with someone who you know has feelings for another person, they are upfront and honest about it. You don't know what could come out of the date obviously, but is it worth putting yourself on the line when you usually don't, with someone that is really into another person? Aren't you just setting yourself up for failure? Opinions please. |
Guys PLEASE....
If you have an "EX", keep the DOG on a leash with her muzzle on! I have this acquaintance on Mingle. This young man an I exchange emails, ask how each others days are going...we talk over the phone about family issues, blah, blah, blah... Here is the screwed up part: His "ex wife" (according to him) contacted me via TEXT messaging today. She called me a "Fat whore" and told me to leave her husband alone... ![]() I wasn't offended being called a whore (because I am far from it) However, I was hurt being called fat- 'cause I am ![]() ![]() I text messaged her back and said "Aren't you the whore? Weren't you the one that screwed two other people? Insecure female...tell him to leave me alone." She replied with "hahahahaha tear aww anyways good job getting him horny mm no wonder he was so good i don't mind that i really enjoyed it thank u" ^^^^ ![]() ![]() ![]() I told her she was sadly mistaken, I wasn't involved with her "husband" (I don't know whether or not he lied about his marital status now)...we merely communicate about each others days. Stupid High school sh!t! ![]() So out of all this, your question is... "How did I get him horny!!??!?!!!" seriously? shouldn't your question be... "why the hell did he lie to me about not having a wife!?" |
no shot. she really hates me. i see her now and then and i think she wants to throw up when she sees me. lol
seems like such a bad idea. why not just buy a new toothbrush?
one question.
is it hard being so pretty?
one question.
If you were reincarnated into any animal in the animal kingdom.... what would you want to be?