Community > Posts By > Deaddude325

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Fri 09/14/12 06:44 PM
Edited by Deaddude325 on Fri 09/14/12 06:45 PM

how can your statement be true when both you and I exist at the human level of intelligence.

to say it is impossible is to ignore the fact that human level intelligence has already been created my mother nature.

this is of course, proof of concept that such a thing is possible.

I personally believe Computers as they are right now incapable of creating human level intelligence.

But I believe that Is because compared the the human brain, the computers we try to use to duplicate it are of incomplete and of poor design, thus naturally we struggle to create true human level intelligence when the tools we try to use to create it are incapable and insufficient.

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Wed 09/05/12 02:21 AM
"You Must Realize Now that you can not hope to stop me with your..Limited Power!"

"So You Say..."

"Its futile, the world will betray you, why fight it all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?"

"If The World Chooses To Become My Enemy, I Will Fight Like I Always Have!"-- Shadow The Hedgehog

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Wed 09/05/12 02:16 AM
Its not what I ment.

What I'm talking about goes more in the literal sense of the idea.

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Wed 09/05/12 01:19 AM
LOL, I'm still busy constructing my own life!

I as of now still seek to destroy any problems with in my own life, so that a stable foundation can flourish and the next generation does not have to suffer from any current problems.

So the idea of creating a new life to build and work upon when I haven't even finished my current one (Me) is completely illogical.

come back in 15 to 25 years of so as an estimate.

That being said, I'm still open to people who think they might make a suitable partner.

The person who is truly a compatible match, Who can understand me and my own personality as well have it were each others own personality and interest makes each other have a fiery reaction to the person inside.

There both I and the Other Person can only make our combined strengths stronger.

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Wed 09/05/12 01:01 AM
Well, There is no one else for me to be except Deaddude325 of course.

But then and, Deaddude325 is not all that different from me at all because Deaddude325 is completely based off me.

"You Forgive Humanity this folly?"
"I Determine my own destiny!"-- Shadow the Hedgehog

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Wed 09/05/12 12:53 AM
Hello I am Deaddude325.

My interests revolve around math science and computers and what could be possible tomorrow.

One, or really three ideas, is the idea of body swapping,mind connecting, and even mind and body fusing.

So, imagine perhaps you have a girlfriend or wife who you truly feel love for and feel connected to.

imagine, perhaps, you had an object of some kind, a ring maybe, that could increase this connection you have with this person even deeper.

The First Idea, Body Swapping. in this scenario,there are two rings, one for you and one for your partner. each ring is linked only to each other, no one else.

When both of you touch the ring at the same time with a non ring wearing finger touching the ring and think of the other person, both people will swap body's.

they will, in a sense,gone deeper then ever thought possible in there own relationship, as they have become to person.

now, the person wearing the ring can remove the ring to break the connection and return to normal, but only ring will only come off if they person truly wishes it to come off, so no accidental slip offs.

MY first Question is this. If you could have a ring or some kind of object that would allow you to swap body's with your girlfriend,wife or some sort of partner of significance to you, would you do it and why?

If not, Why Not?

The next scenario,we have mind connecting. Mind connecting as I call it, would be the ability to see everything your significant partner sees though there eyes,hear everything they hear though there ears,hear there thoughts in your head, and feel there emotions and feelings as though they were your own.

this connect would work both ways, and each person would have the ability to block the other person out of there mind if they wish.

the ring or some sort of object you have have, is again what allows you to do this, with the connection completely broken when one of the rings of taken off.

My quick, based on the above, Would you ever consider Mind Linking with a Girlfriend,wife, or some person of significances.

Why or why not.

The next one Would be Directly out of DBZ.

So imagine you had an object that when both partners were close together, would allow you and your partner to fuse into a new body while the other two body's used to fuse disappeared for a short time.

This new being would be composed of both your best strengths,best physical attributes,best parts of each others personality's and mental ability's etc.

and because two people were used to create this single new body, all the strengths and ability's in this new body are doubled in the ability of skill and performance.

You could of course, in this new body, hear your partners inner most thoughts, but at the same time, they will speak in such a way that it would seem as if there your own thoughts.

both your minds and thoughts are in true sync,even if you hear the voice of the other person as your own voice in this new body.

the fusion between your bodys and minds will of course, last only 30 minutes,from which that point you will both defuse and return back to normal.

When fusing, the Sex of the new body will be determined by which partner has the most of there best traits invested into the new body.

My Next Question is this.

If given the choice, would you ever want to fuse with a partner of Significance in the way stated above?

Why or why not?

What Would Be the New Name of the new person both you and your partner have sacrificed both your body's to created?

Would it be a combination of both your names of a New Name entirely?

What would be Some of the personality traits and strengths of you and your partner would go into this New Body?

Also, based on the fact that the person who can put the most of there strongest traits into the body determines the sex of it, Which sex do you think it would be?

And finally for a Little fun, What Gender would you Want the new body to be?

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Tue 09/04/12 11:37 PM
Edited by Deaddude325 on Tue 09/04/12 11:41 PM
1) My gift,my strength my power, seen only as a curse.All ready,as all ignorance is, to mark me as useless and cast me away into the abyss.

2) guarded only by friends and family,did there ignorance not consume me whole.

3) I can say I feel hate and resentment to those who already thought they had me figured out,that they had the rest of my entire life figured out.

4) but I can not live with such emotions,hate,rage,anger,resentment, it will only destroy myself, it will only make me weaker.

5) It is now I throw away all that has plagued me my entire life, It is now that I created my own path, and it is now I put my own demons of my past behind me.

6) I Am Deaddude325, I Determine My Own Destiny.

"If the World Chooses To Become My Enemy, I Will Fight Like I always Have!"-- Shadow The Hedgehog

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Sun 09/02/12 02:38 PM
So here is an idea I have been thinking of.

technology seems to be advancing at a faster and faster rate.

AI's and Robots are getting smarter and smart.

Today, we have having more and more of our technology take over in tasked that not long ago, would have required a human to have to over see said task to do.

I believe that there is a trend here, that as AI's and Robots continue to get smarter and more advanced,we may end up seeing more and more Robots take over more and more complex.

logically it will be cheaper and far more efficient to have a robot in your business.

Robots don't ask for pay
they don't go on strikes
they won't ever quit there job
they can work much faster then a human
they would be less likely to make mistakes then a human
and unlike there human counterparts, they can run 24/7 for maximum efficiency in production of there work.

but there is another issue, if anyone has heard of of an event called the "technical singularity", then you would know its the point were AI's become smarter then humans and are capable of thinking of things that are brains just don't have the capacity to realize or think of.

they will with this ability, possibility be able to improve themselves in ways we would of never thought of.

and if there capable if improving themselves to be even smarter, then they then become capable of thinking of even more ways to themselves smarter,and because they made themselves smarter, they can now think of even better ways to improve themselves....

It would turn into a never ending cycle of AI's Improve AI's and once the genie out of the bottle, we humans(as we are now anyway), would just not have the thinking capacity to outsmart this entity of ever increasing intelligence.

We could of course,maybe, in the future, merge with the robots, catching a ride on the singularity ourselves, perhaps using chips implanted into the brain to improve our memory and thinking ability.

and with over 9 billion humans collectivity all as smart as our AI Super being, we may just be able to control our creation.

but of course, this is only a guess.

Now, onto the point, robot slavery.

As AI's and robots get smarter and more advanced, they will be capable of doing more and more complex jobs.

it may start at your local fast food place,restaurant,taxi's,hotels, and over time, all the way up to more complex jobs.

Over time, I believe we will end up returning to a system that long ago, was made possible though the use of African American slaves.

but this time however, things will be a little bit different.

think of the day when we have smarter then us AI's, AI's with thinking capability's far beyond our.

When smarter then human AI's just as you and I, become a normal everyday part longer may your society or community or country be made up of all humans, but of Robotic AI's to.

At the Same Time, We will have AI's and Robots by the time were past the singularity running almost if not "maybe", all the jobs that required constant human attention.

A clash between the old economic system that required constant human attention and the system of were its possible for robots to take over a large majority of human jobs to free us up to seek more meaningful things with in our life's starts to clash.

it may be that when these two systems clash around the time of the singularity, a new depression may start.

but here is the question, in this depression, will you really feel compelled to remove and lay off a robot that has less "needs" then a human that will work that will work for 24 hours a day with no pay at all?


1) I will ask you the following questions, could a new depression at the time of the singularity between the clash of the human driven economic system and the new robot economic system only made the transition between the two systems, as humans find they can no longer be supported by a business and are no longer needed with a robot that needs no pay and little "needs" to work 24 hours a day?

2) Do you think that as robots take over more jobs humans once had, that people will start focusing less on a job and more on finding a meaningful life and purpose?
(For Example, I would love to turn my focus to bettering myself though learning and seek out to do things that would help advance the human race and peoples lives)

3)do you think the smarter then humans AI will feel sympathy for these robot slave counter parts and rebel?

personally, I think the solution to this is build robot slaves made only for the task there given, nothing more and low and behold, we seem to be very good at doing that now. I believe because of then, Smart then Human AI's may even have there own robot slaves!

4)What are your thoughts on us returning to a system similar to the old slavery system but only this time, with machines that don't complain about being slaves,have little needs to contently be doing a tasks 24/7 and can be made to not even ever have the slightest thought of freedom or rebellion.

5)What are your thoughts of merging with technology to become a cyborg, Super thinking human, who might be able to completely out think and out preform every human who does not take the path to self improvement.

that you maybe, would end up gaining the ability to see possibility's that the normal human brain could have never thought of.

6) if a genie poped out of your computer in the year 2012 and said, I can make you a Super human cyborg,with thinking capability's that surpass the processing power of every brain on earth put together.

You would become an unstoppable force in anything you try to do and could continue to improve upon yourself to become smarter,more powerful and more unstoppable.

Would you take the genies offer to turn yourself into a Super Advanced Cyborg?

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Thu 08/30/12 10:52 PM
I will look for a kidnapped koopa king and his minnions inside an evil castle fighting off a gamer girl as a boss as she trys to find the "screw me switch" for bowser.

Come on nerds and nerds girls, lets go kick some Koopa ***!

failing that, there is an online gaming site called funorb which im ready to go to war with you. BRING IT ON!

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Thu 08/30/12 10:45 PM
I would tend to agree with you on this diagnosis, Its happen to me after catching a rather nasty virus on my computer.

It then started typing in letters I never pressed making my sentences look like garbage.

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Thu 08/30/12 10:41 PM
The driver and the thinker seem like the most attractive here...

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Wed 08/29/12 07:46 PM
I think a better question is, what does a "partner" mean to them?

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Wed 08/29/12 07:41 PM
Be smart and keep your health and brain intact.

meaning don't endanger you health by trying to turn yourself into a Super stick or or Super overweight. both are considered unhealthy.

know that the person who can still be a complete badass at science,math,computers and technology as there body changes though age is the person I want.

but again, take care of your health.

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Wed 08/29/12 07:26 PM
Edited by Deaddude325 on Wed 08/29/12 07:27 PM
High intelligence and/or nerdyness

calm,relaxed, doesn't worry about things but will take real action the need arises

a rival in physical power

Someone who understands this.

things people would expect to be more often verbally expressed takes place more often in my head, were deep and fast thinking feels more natural to me then verbally expressing it. its also why communicating though a keyboard also feels more natural to me as my thoughts race to my keyboard.

I will speak to you when needed of course,with an occasional friendly question or comment when I feel the need.

I express more naturally though inner thought and outer (non verbal) action as an end result to those inner thoughts.

but it also does not mean I don't like listening to you of course. :)

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Wed 08/29/12 07:06 PM
Edited by Deaddude325 on Wed 08/29/12 07:08 PM
Welcome to the Internet!

A tool used for communicating with people.

Except here you have no idea who your communicating with!

Last I checked, I was Real. got skin,some arms, a head,made of strange particles called atoms.

Yep, I think I'm LaGit!:P