Community > Posts By > scatter111

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Thu 10/08/09 04:22 AM
broke up a month ago in that time when i have message or called him he will ignore it and then call a day or two later..last week he called and i was out with my friends i convinced him to come out and have a few drinks with soon as he arrived just the way he was looking at me was exactly the same as when we were going out and i must admit i was pretty smug at the we're all getting pretty drunk and i'm all happy and having fun and dancing anyways we all went back to a friends house to continue and he's trying to follow me around the place and talk and he's trying to get some cuddles out of me and touch me and i kept saying to him hey were supposed to be friends can't have any of that really drilling into him the whole "friends" thing because after all that's what he wanted...towards the end of the night he kisses me and i'm like what are doing we're friends ok and anyways we end up going to sleep in the same bed and he's cuddling up to me and i kinda made the assumption that he was trying to sleep with me and he went off me saying that isn't why he came to see me for he wanted to see m coz it's been awhile...i wasnt really buying it so he got angry and is like you should know me better by now i'm not like th emorning he wakes up and says im sorry i was drunk yeah just a bit tipsy and pats me on the head and leaves...i called him in the afternoon just to make sure he got work ok and we talked for a few minutes all he commented on was how drunk i was...anyways 2 days later i sent him a text msg asking if he wanted to come out again got no reply i then sent another one during the night saying i hate you now i miss you..that got no reply either....a week later asked him out again and no reply again......what is with the guy??

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Sun 09/13/09 04:38 AM
recently broke up with a guy...i don't get how in a few weeks the guy can go from i'm inlove with you i want to marry you one day to i don't think it's going to work i want to be friends with you..what's the go with men like this????

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Wed 10/29/08 05:12 AM
thought we could be friends but i can't do it.

he says he loves me misses me i found out a few things that really make him full of ****...

and well you know its not helping me move on.

i don't want to talk to him about anything i know coz he'll just feed me more words that aren't worth my time and i'm not lookig to fight im just over it..

ive tried ignoring him it doesn't work he keeps at me and i always end up giving in...

so any suggestions on how to tell him not to contact me anymore???

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Fri 08/15/08 01:56 AM
What are some good questions to ask my boyfriend what he thinks of the relationship and where he thinks it's going?

just to kinda get him to open up a bit coz i feel its going nowhere and im having a bit of trouble trying to open up about it too....

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Sat 08/02/08 05:37 AM
he doesnt seem to be to interested in spending time with me and last time i bought it up hes all like im busy i have a life. we've been on and off for over a year now...hes the one always coming back to want to "work things out" he makes suggestions but never follows them through even when i keep bringing them up...we barely see each other and even talking to each other seems to be dying down.....i dont really want to break up but how or what can i say to him that im getting bored with this so called relationship and things need to improve for us to work anything out at all

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Wed 07/23/08 02:03 AM
i dont think i have any feelings left for my boyfriend...if i tell him he more likely to try and make an effort to save the relationship or tell me just to leave?

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Sun 07/20/08 06:54 AM
are there any indirect questions that i can ask my boyfriend to suss out if he is cheating on me?

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Mon 05/19/08 06:15 PM
been dating on and off for a while have never met his family or any friends...hes met some of my family but none of my friends...we've never been out as in dinners, movies, etc....if we do see each other its just sitting at home watching tv.

how should i approach the situation....i want to spend time with him and get to know him better and the people in his life that make him who he is....and i want him to feel as though he wants that from me too....i want to be able to have some fun with him....i feel as though im getting bored and i need some excitment by doing things with him

i dont understand why he's never tried to organise anything with me ive made attemps every now and then but he always seems busy so not really sure what to say exactly to let him know im unhappy and am wanting to spend more time with him in different ways

So should i just say it how it is or does any one have any insight to why he might not be bothered by having things this way??

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Tue 03/11/08 07:18 PM
my ex wants to give a relationship another go this time he's talking about if things go well in the next year we should think about living together and getting engaged and talking about marriage and kids etc...

the thing that gets to me is 2 months ago he was all i don't want a relationship right now and stuff and now of all a sudden he wants to be as serious u can get

he also wanted to know if i had been seeing anyone or slept with anyone and i said no and i asked him and he said he went out on a date.......

so now im thinking should i really trust him anymore what if he wants to leave me one day for some other women he wants to try and not to mentioned i still feel as though i've lost my chance on dating other people to if i all of a sudden give him this commitment he's decided he's wanted i'm very confused i do love him but after we broke up i really thought that was it and i feel like i could be ready to move on but he just keeps saying the right things.....

should i keep my mouth shut about my insecurities and give it a month or two and see how things go is it fair on him if i feel im that unsure about a future with him or should i tell him how i feel so he knows i dont want to rush into anything and that id still like a bit of me time....

i just hate the thought of what if im letting the right go guy and never get a chance with him again coz i wanted to still explore my other options..

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Wed 02/27/08 05:02 PM
after my ex and i broke up a few weeks later we started hanging out/sleeping together, this lasted quite a few months until he decided it was time to go our seperate ways because he felt i was just using him for sex rather than trying to fix things up between us although he was the one to say he didnt want a relationship and out of all the options i layed out he only chose the now hes trying to talk to me again and wants to forgive and forget and try and move on and find a future for us......but i kinda feel like its going to slip into the same routine as last time considering he texts me at 11 at night asking me if i want to come over???

what can i say nicely in the best possible way that i wont sleep with him not at least i can see some kind of commitment happening or what can i say to suggest the possiblity of starting at the begginning and maybe date a while first to see if we should be trying to fix things at all this time????

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Wed 02/13/08 04:26 PM
i was looking around at valentine ecards to send to a few friends and i came across one in particular that was really funny and i thought that it would be something that my ex might appreciate for a laugh...but then i hesitated on the thought....

we only just broke up in recents days and it was a harsh break up but i thought seeing as its nothing lovey dovey or i miss u crap that it should be ok to send it...thinking it might even relieve some anxiety that theres no hard feelings that he might appreciate the joke...

any thoughts??

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Tue 01/29/08 01:05 AM
I've recently said I'm still in love with him and want to be with him....he says he doesn't want a relationship right now he's not ready for one. He says he wants to still see me and sleep with me because he still likes me and cares about me etc.

So I've agreed at this point to continue this however the other night I asked him if I could come over and he asks why. I said "same as usual I want sex" he says ok then asks "is sex all we are now?" and I say "well I'm not sure how I feel. After our discussion I'll see how I feel after tonight."

Then he says "well if it's only about sex then I don't want to see but if it's you want to see me for more like feelings and emotions then ok come over."

Also, when i previously mentioned to him that i needed some space he became a bit angry towards me asking me if that meant i wanted to start seeing other people and i told him no it wasn't and he said to me that if i have my space he can't promise me that he'll be around when i'm done having my space???

So any insight into this guy's mind? im very confused?