Community > Posts By > silverwaya

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:40 PM
Looking at Draven, Men and their weapons.
never changes and she smiles seductively

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:31 PM
Sees Kory walk in
Hello my friend how have you been?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:29 PM

now for our drink,, shall we Reanna?

why of course

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:10 PM

reanna, may i offer a drink? or would you spurn me like always?

Oh Draven, stop being so melodramatic. Of course I will have a drink with you.
Did you think that I wouldn't? second thought,,,, don't answer that she says laughingly.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:08 PM
Watching Idara trying to get the zombies away from the wandering minstrels, as they try to dance is surely a sight to see.
Still laughing and shaking her head , she returns to the Inn and tries to find a seat.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:03 PM

stands and watches as Idara conjures the new playmates.
Laughs hysterically as the orc repeatedly hits himself.
Trying to compose herself, she looks over at the vampire....
I am RéAnna, and who might you be?

Azareak, nice to meet you

Well met, Azareak. Not often to see a vampire in these parts. Where are you from?

yes I have notices. everyone seems to be on edge that I'm here....

Well, i don't guess that there are that many that would want to become your dinner. lol
*laughs* I dont feed on people that I know

Well isn't that interesting to know.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:02 PM

*damn the orc just ran off with his new toy.....i hope he doesn't sit on this one like he did the's hard to clean human guts off a dead orcs butt*

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Idara I am not going to help you with that if the stupid oaf does

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:01 PM

Wanders back in to the inn to grab a bottle of grapan liquor from calliope and hands her a gold pice as a tip and heads back in to the street to see if they are ready

we're ready....they start walking in the shadows to sneek up on the people in town....they stand back in the dark and watch as the people start to scream and run from the zombies that are groaning and chasing them around...the the dumb orc jumps out and picks up a woman and starts to pet her on the head thinking she is his play toy

*sees the people running and the orc with his pet.*

"Damn the guards will be busy tonight"

Well, you wanted to stir something up, guess you got your wish laugh
What else shall we get into?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:57 PM

stands and watches as Idara conjures the new playmates.
Laughs hysterically as the orc repeatedly hits himself.
Trying to compose herself, she looks over at the vampire....
I am RéAnna, and who might you be?

Azareak, nice to meet you

Well met, Azareak. Not often to see a vampire in these parts. Where are you from?

yes I have notices. everyone seems to be on edge that I'm here....

Well, i don't guess that there are that many that would want to become your dinner. lol

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:56 PM

Wanders back in to the inn to grab a bottle of grapan liquor from calliope and hands her a gold pice as a tip and heads back in to the street to see if they are ready

we're ready....they start walking in the shadows to sneek up on the people in town....they stand back in the dark and watch as the people start to scream and run from the zombies that are groaning and chasing them around...the the dumb orc jumps out and picks up a woman and starts to pet her on the head thinking she is his play toy

Oh Idara, you do have a twisted sense of humor, I like that.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:54 PM
Walking back outside after Earendur, she sees the zombies trying to dance with some of the towns people. They however, don't see the humor in that and they scream.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:53 PM

you evil female, must your mind always rest with the pleasure of the flesh?

Me? evil? now now, Draven. You need to lighten up some.
There is only two things that are worth having in this life and that is good lovin and a good fight
and she laughs as she takes a drink.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:51 PM

stands and watches as Idara conjures the new playmates.
Laughs hysterically as the orc repeatedly hits himself.
Trying to compose herself, she looks over at the vampire....
I am RéAnna, and who might you be?

Azareak, nice to meet you

Well met, Azareak. Not often to see a vampire in these parts. Where are you from?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:49 PM

watch it reanna, for i can toss you with ease too

OOOOO sounds kinky

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:45 PM

i see the halfling is clear headed tonight, no hitting your head small one

well, isn't it the horny bastard from the other night?! and she laughs

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:44 PM
stands and watches as Idara conjures the new playmates.
Laughs hysterically as the orc repeatedly hits himself.
Trying to compose herself, she looks over at the vampire....
I am RéAnna, and who might you be?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:06 PM

grabs Idara and Reanna by the arm and say to Theogen lets go Raise some fun

Well now, nothing like being grabbed by a handsome man, How about you Idara?
What shall we get in to?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:05 PM
Looks at Calliope and says.... Oh no we have created a monster.
Idara i would tread lightly around that one.
laughing still

We definitely need some excitement around here. Just not the kind that has been around the past week or so. I have had enough death among friends.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 07:03 PM
watches all the excitement and can't help but laugh uncontrollably .
I can just see the looks on the faces of the crowd as the zombies walk in.
Tears start to run down her cheeks from laughing so.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 06:59 PM

*Sees Caracatus enter the inn in a fowl mood*

"Another one that could be easily persuaded to cause some trouble."

"If by that you mean to knock some sense and manners into those noisy....revelers..." he turns and spits on the floor. "then you can count me in. Uncouth, drunken, mumble, mumble"

"well lets see. If you can bring the cat back to life then we can all go out and play with the revelers. sssh...don't tell Idara she'll have them all dead with the wave of her hand."

leans over to Thogeon.... I don't think that the cat is dead, just petrified.
However the zombie theory sounds like fun...
she gives a wicked grin

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