Community > Posts By > Pinky01

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:48 PM
OK.. so a while ago I met a new friend,that turned out to be more than just a friend.... he was my fix for a broken heart...
We've been together officially a little over a month now.

The problem is, before we started 'officially' seeing each other he told me that he'd most likely be moving to Virginia in February because of the fire academy in Virginia Beach. Since, he's made several trips from NJ to VA to train. About two weeks ago he took his written exam to get into the academy, a few days later he got his acceptance letter in the mail. So, we sat down together and he asked me what i wanted to do, and that he understood if i wanted to leave him to make it easier on the both of us when february came around and he would no longer be here. We both know that LDR's dont work most of the time and it probably wouldn't for us (lack of sex)

Honestly, i don't know what I should do.

Should I risk getting my heart broken worse than it would be now by staying with him and falling even more for him.. and then just have him leave in February?

Or Should i break it off now to save us both the severe heartache later on down the road?

What do you think?

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 03:14 PM
i'm "that girl... yeah the one with the face.. Hey yOU!"

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 03:10 PM
I dont want to say he's a perv... because he's not.. The 6 months that we were dating.... we never had sex.. He was a sweet heart... but he reminded me too much like my dad.... looks & personality wise... which is why i eventually broke it off with him... the feelings were just not there

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 02:37 PM
My ex invited me out to eat with him.. specifically as friends... i havent spoke with him in a few months so this is kind of out of the blue

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 12:14 PM

Sounds pretty bad. Been to the doctor yet?

no health insurance just yet

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 12:07 PM
what's today's date

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:51 AM
sad sad ugh i swear health is inevitable! I've been sick for 4 days now, when am i going to get better!?!?sick sick sick sick

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 12:48 AM
smelly donuts

Pinky01's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:27 PM
That show pisses me off, but its sooo addicting... the dorks on that show are so cute though.. in an awkward kind of way.. especially brian... who knew he could get away with telling a girl "I like Pickle Juice" ?

Pinky01's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:20 PM
Of being sick... ugh when am i going to get better!?

What are you guys up to?

Pinky01's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:19 PM
curiosity killed the cat.. but the monkey got away with murder

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 11:56 PM
u8gh... i hate being sick
i'm so hungry and soup just doesnt cut it for me... but it's the only thing i can eat right now

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 11:33 PM
isn't it supposed to help you sleep while your sick?

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 05:37 PM

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 05:35 PM
As if the wonder bra wasn't enough for us, Now we have the mirical bra from victorias secret.. lol

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 05:29 PM
nah, i have a really bad sore throat, like yesterday i had to have some else call me out of work because i had no voice

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 05:26 PM
some of it... depending on the brand.... right now im eating Campbells select harvest light southwestern-style- vegetable soup... its spicey but its good.... considering soup is the only thing i can eat right now

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 05:12 PM
yep, yesterday i had those new V8 soups... the southwestern corn is pretty good

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/04/08 05:08 PM
why is it so hard to find a soup thats not made with chicken broth or beef stock!? Damnit
I've been so sick since yesterday, i called out of work yesterday, and my manager sent me home early today.... Someone make me feel better!

Pinky01's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:22 PM
snake bites are similar to having your labret peirced

(Right under your bottom lip- snake bites are two adjacent peircings below the bottom lip)

and no offense hun but i dont think they'd look good on ya... only certain people can pull em off really