Community > Posts By > Pinky01

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:55 AM
lol the title?

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:52 AM
hey... dont go to church over here

kay i reminded you

Pinky01's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:49 AM
bubbles... lol that's my college nickname

Pinky01's photo
Mon 11/10/08 02:47 AM fun at all

Pinky01's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:18 AM
dayton is over by south brunswick right?

Pinky01's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:15 AM

get out my super-soaker filled with maple syrup and molasses and start targeting little kids trying to sell me magazine subscriptions?

lmfao i've done that to cars before... i'm a *****

Pinky01's photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:14 AM
eh... i have trust issues.... i gave out my phone number a few times... STALKERRS! blah... eventually they stop

Pinky01's photo
Sat 11/08/08 03:45 AM
we got snow here like 2 or so weeks ago... it was weird... i don't think NJ has ever gotten snow in october, but sure enough... I was driving to work one morning and it was just flat out raining and the next thing i know it turned into snow! So i'm thinking ok it's not going to be that bad, and then cotton balls started to fall from the sky and it was actually sticking... thought i was in the twilight zone

Pinky01's photo
Sat 11/08/08 03:43 AM
lol derrr... if i were to move to VA it'd be with the guy lol

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:42 AM
well I'm almost positive no guy is about to deny sex... unless they're in physical pain..
so yeah..... only leaves one other person lol

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:39 AM
not in every case...

Or at least not when you're dating a sex addict

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:34 AM
Edited by Pinky01 on Fri 11/07/08 12:35 AM
not just for myself either.. i mean he was just gone from sunday until today.. and we both went at it like rabits on speed when he got back..

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:29 AM
Ok don't get me wrong, i do like the sex... A LOT!... but it's more than just sex... right now i'm just figuring a way to make it less painful for the both of us.

I said before, that i do have strong feelings for him, but we've only been together a month now, I dont want to jump the gun and move too fast. Despite what feelings i have for him now, or what feeling he has for me i know that in reality those feelings might change later on down the road. People get married for years and then divorce because of a change of heart. So if i act on impulse now and go to virginia with him, what happens if it doesn't work?

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:25 AM
He's anything but a player, he's even a little bit of a dork. Especially since I made the first move... And before we even started dating he told me his plans to move to Virginia in February so it would've been my choice to even start the relationship or not... and I liked him a lot... February seemed so far away at the time, and... I kind of put it to the back of my mind until now

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:20 AM
lol that i don't need advice on lol No glove no love...

But that was the whole purpose of this post... i know the whole situation is inevitable, i just don't know whether to wait, or just get it over with?

If i wait the, more feeling I'll have for him come February and the separation will hurt more, but if I end it right now, there's going to be that awkwardness from now until February knowing we should've been together, but aren't, I would like to think we could still be friends, but it would hurt a lot..

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:11 AM
so do i just break it off now? Or wait till february?

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:04 AM
i know i'm young and stupid

but you can't help to think 'what if?'

What if he is the one? And i just go and Screw it up...

Ugh i just dont know what to do right now.. should i stay or should i go?

Pinky01's photo
Fri 11/07/08 12:00 AM
we haven't said "I love you" to each other yet... but it doesnt mean the feelings aren't there. I feel strongly for him and i know it's the same way for him... I accidentally passed out on our second date and had to go to the hospital, and because he's a volunteer firefighter he has the flashing blue lights in his car, which he turned on and followed that ambulance to the hospital... he sat the beside my hospital bed crying because he was so worried..

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:57 PM
1- moving would mean leaving my friends and family, here. Not to mention, i'm paying bills upon bills, car payments for my new car, Full coverage on my car until i pay it off in full, cell phone, food, rent, ect. Plus we haven't really talked about moving in together and i dont know if it would be too soon.

2. LDR, i dont want to seem selfish but i KNOW that neither one of us would be able to go that long with out sex, or seeing each other for that matter. (If you could only see us in the bed room)

3- self explanitory... i mean i would be saving us both the heartache later on down the road, but it's going to be so hard, going almost everyday seeing each other... to just friends.. or friends with benefits

Pinky01's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:51 PM
New Jersey is my comfort zone, my friends, family, job, everything is here... Not to mention i'm not financially stable to move out of state just yet

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