Community > Posts By > rockstarskates

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:03 AM
i would hope that a band of renegade midgets showed up at my doorstep with studded bats and knives wearing bicycle shorts while riding unicycles to take me out like the last battle from the movie braveheart

now that would be wierd

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:00 AM
in my honest opinion, LDR's dont really work, sure there are those few cases where it has triumphed, but come on, lets be real, everyone needs that physical part of a relationship and frankly you cant get that from an LDR, and im not just talking about sex either

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/17/08 07:09 PM
my cats name and my passion is what makes up my name

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:54 PM
any suggestions on any that are free and good quality?

rockstarskates's photo
Thu 05/15/08 04:46 PM
my cat is an alpha male, he tries to make moves on me all the time

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/12/08 01:35 PM
no no, i was meaning where is my work, sorry, should have clarified that

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/12/08 01:33 PM

The work day is almost at an end!

work???? where?

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:52 AM
i look at it like this, if they are goin to be deceiving to you about something small and insignificant, they will definately lie or choose to persuade the truth on something even on a larger scale. either way its not something i choose to have in my life, i dont deal with flakes

rockstarskates's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:12 AM
your all time favorite movie director?

i would have to say Quentin Tarantino

rockstarskates's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:55 AM
ahhh, the insatiable thread killer! (your not the only one)

rockstarskates's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:26 AM
first off i like to state that ive got to have the greatest cat on the face of the planet. this morning i wokeup to him cornering a small mouse, now please note, this cat did not harm this mouse in any way possible, of course not, cause if he did, well he just took out his fun. well this morning though, i was trying to rid my house of this tiny mouse, well as im moving furniture around to get to him, when i did create a path to get to the lil bugger, my cat steps in and gives this mouse a military style "cover". so i couldnt get him cuz he was in the way of the mouse, so in turn, me and my cat rockstar are playing catch with this small mouse running back and forth underneath furniture. kinda like tennis only with a live ball. well after a few minutes of laughter i finally nabbed the lil bugger and put his ass outside. needless to say its made my mornign, and prolly his too! ahahaha

rockstarskates's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:53 AM
yea, thought this was kinda funny, since joining this site, ive had the wonderful news of 2 people wanting to be friends, just for them to kick rocks days after, now not that im complaining, but i find this quite funny, if you dont want to be a "friend" or even an "E-friend" why would you send me one, wait til i accepted it, just to cancel it before i could say a word? obviously ythey read my page, had an idea of who i am. like i said im not complaining, if i add you as a friend, i would expect tjust that, to be a friend, im not into fake relationships, that is why its empty now. but my main question is this. does this happen to anyone else?

rockstarskates's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:44 AM
i have to say i dont, or atleast i havent as of yet

rockstarskates's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:42 AM
all honesty, 2 is the best, after that it went a lil downhill/overboard

rockstarskates's photo
Wed 05/07/08 06:58 AM

Well Mike as the old saying goes, lock your wife and dog in the truck of your car for an hour. Then open the truck and see which one is happy to see ya. happy

I say go for the dog.

thats classic!

rockstarskates's photo
Tue 05/06/08 09:03 AM
i dont really think its the fault of the "mutual match" but rather for the individual, but i guess that its the individuals that im attracted to appearently are flakes, because when i send them a polite and not a sexual message, i dont get any responses. i know that if i were to post more on here i may find someone quicker, but at a cost, like a distance cost, it narrows my chances i think ten fold if i were to go that route. i guess all in all im attracted to flakes, yea for me (sarcasm)

rockstarskates's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:49 AM
that when you do find that one person out of your whole list of "mutual matches" that you actually share some things in common with, you send them a clean and honorable message and yet they dont respond? this is happeneing way too much

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:38 PM
no way, im in denver and i didnt hear that, but then i dont watch tv, so go figure

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:15 PM
honestly i would have to laugh if someone tried to steal my identity, im having enough trouble as is

rockstarskates's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:14 AM
all i got to say man, atleast she gave a message, she gave enough decency for that. most women wont,if they dont like you

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