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Topic: If you suspect....
tanyaann's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:31 AM
that a potential partner is not telling the truth or is not as sincere as they present themelves to be...

do you confront them or just hang back to see if they dig his/herself into a hole?

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:33 AM
I would say something immmediatly. Why let them humiliate themselves any further

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:33 AM
It depends on how big the issue is! Small stuff I would wait but if it was major Id confront right away!!!

CATBW56's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:34 AM
most times I'll confront them...just depends on the situation. Have let them dig themselves deeper before confronting them and then WHAMMOO.....they never knew what hit them when the confrontation begins.

irad8you's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:34 AM
I throw out rope let them hang themself and then tell them my 2 favorite words "go away" laugh

Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:36 AM
Give them enough rope to hang themselves.....bigsmile

lilith401's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:36 AM
Ahhh... honesty. The topic of the the day. I say use your memory skills and use them to confront. In the age of Internet dating you must be an open book. In the wise words of Dr. Phil, "a person with nothing to hide, hides nothing".

There is a huge difference between between cagey and hedging, cautious and guarded, and hiding the truth and making yourself look better or just different than who you are. It is hard to discern the difference and we need honesty.

beachbum069's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:37 AM
After talking with my ex after our divorce, I have figured out that:
1. small stuff really doesn't matter
2. big stuff needs to be openly talked about as soon as it happens
It's up to you to fuigure out what is small and what is big.

itsmetina's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:37 AM
see how far they will take the lie then confront.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:38 AM
Give them lots of rope and watch them swing.

beachbum069's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:39 AM

Ahhh... honesty. The topic of the the day. I say use your memory skills and use them to confront. In the age of Internet dating you must be an open book. In the wise words of Dr. Phil, "a person with nothing to hide, hides nothing".

There is a huge difference between between cagey and hedging, cautious and guarded, and hiding the truth and making yourself look better or just different than who you are. It is hard to discern the difference and we need honesty.

Marry Me !flowerforyou

Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:40 AM

After talking with my ex after our divorce, I have figured out that:
1. small stuff really doesn't matter
2. big stuff needs to be openly talked about as soon as it happens
It's up to you to fuigure out what is small and what is big.

And I thought I was the only one who INSISTS on talking about the pink elephant in the room??

That pink elephant follows me alot of places....

lilith401's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:40 AM

Ahhh... honesty. The topic of the the day. I say use your memory skills and use them to confront. In the age of Internet dating you must be an open book. In the wise words of Dr. Phil, "a person with nothing to hide, hides nothing".

There is a huge difference between between cagey and hedging, cautious and guarded, and hiding the truth and making yourself look better or just different than who you are. It is hard to discern the difference and we need honesty.

Marry Me !flowerforyou

You are even a masshole.... I'm a yankee myself (tranplant)love

shoesmonkey's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:44 AM
If they're lying, it doesn't matter if you confront them or not. Take your time and listen to find out if they're being contradictory. You don't need a confrontation. Just listen to what they say.flowerforyou

boonedog's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:48 AM
smokin drinker

ditto --shoes

beachbum069's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:49 AM

Ahhh... honesty. The topic of the the day. I say use your memory skills and use them to confront. In the age of Internet dating you must be an open book. In the wise words of Dr. Phil, "a person with nothing to hide, hides nothing".

There is a huge difference between between cagey and hedging, cautious and guarded, and hiding the truth and making yourself look better or just different than who you are. It is hard to discern the difference and we need honesty.

Marry Me !flowerforyou

You are even a masshole.... I'm a yankee myself (tranplant)love

It's hard to overcome being a masshole, but I strive to do it every day by getting better and better.

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:52 AM
i look at it like this, if they are goin to be deceiving to you about something small and insignificant, they will definately lie or choose to persuade the truth on something even on a larger scale. either way its not something i choose to have in my life, i dont deal with flakes

robert1652's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:53 AM

that a potential partner is not telling the truth or is not as sincere as they present themelves to be...

do you confront them or just hang back to see if they dig his/herself into a hole?

With a bit of patience and tact from our end we can make the process of "digging the hole and burying themselves in it" a lot quicker. How I hear you ask lend them a Caterpillar or a JCB!!laugh

robert1652's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:57 AM

After talking with my ex after our divorce, I have figured out that:
1. small stuff really doesn't matter
2. big stuff needs to be openly talked about as soon as it happens
It's up to you to fuigure out what is small and what is big.

does yours talk you are lucky mine barks and bites .The police once called her the rotwiller (excuse spelling)laugh laugh

robert1652's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:58 AM

see how far they will take the lie then confront.

when do you sleep ? I am convinced you lend your profile to your friends while restinglaugh

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