Community > Posts By > rockstarskates

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:12 PM
i dont mind them,as long as they serve a purpose

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:09 PM
you start another thread asking more advicedrinker

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:04 PM
i get the same thing, im just as thrown as you

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:17 PM
that.........was funny sh!t

but remarkably true, they should use thatdrinker

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 11:23 AM
simple, i took drugs and it was a drug called Chantix, its Dr prescribed, but totally worth it. once i started taking this pill i lost the cigarette craving(i could barely go 20 minutes w/o shoving another one into my mouth)side affects, the most intense dreams ever and thats about it, nothing else. i took the pill for a total of 2 weeks and stopped

i havent smoked since and thats nearly 2 years

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:40 AM
im so glad i quit, if you want to know how, just ask

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 08:54 AM
here here

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 08:23 AM

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 08:21 AM

i carry a fortune from a chinese fortune cookie in my wallet that reads,

the love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly!

i had that one and no bs either, i threw it away after this girl threw me through a loop, needless to say it didnt work

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 08:19 AM
leftover spam

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 05/25/08 08:19 AM
respect thy neighbor

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:13 PM
i make my own music

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:59 PM

well to clarify, i am one of those people, and im not foolish in any way, my tattoos have strong meanings as well as the size of my piercings and just because i have these may limit me from mainstream work, but then im a rocknroll rigger, so go figure. as long as people go to shows, i will have work

but thank you for your honesty, that is if it was at all honest to begin withdrinker

That's cool that you can incorporate all the things you enjoy in life....way ahead of most people!drinker
i think its still refining a sense of class when you do things for reason rather than for a fashion

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:50 PM
that would be a trip, where do i sign up?

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:46 PM
Edited by rockstarskates on Sat 05/24/08 12:47 PM

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:42 PM
well to clarify, i am one of those people, and im not foolish in any way, my tattoos have strong meanings as well as the size of my piercings and just because i have these may limit me from mainstream work, but then im a rocknroll rigger, so go figure. as long as people go to shows, i will have work

but thank you for your honesty, that is if it was at all honest to begin withdrinker

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:35 PM
When you walk down the street and you see a male or female with lots of tattoos and extremely gauged holes in parts of their body, what do you honestly think of them initially?

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:30 PM
i go for the brains

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 12:01 PM


well then you will be the last to be eaten then

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/24/08 11:58 AM

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