Community > Posts By > rockstarskates

rockstarskates's photo
Mon 06/02/08 08:20 AM
i think natural beauty is where its at

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:27 PM
livin in colorado ive seen alot of these, especially considering that Trinidad Colorado is the "go to" place for that particular surgery, they also have a really rad skatepark too, go figure

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:15 PM
"No time for love Dr Jones!"

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:11 PM

<----not a polesmoker laugh

here here

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:10 PM

I cant wait to see this movie!

What about u?
drinker Im so excited I just beat my cat to deathdrinker

what did puss c do to you?

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:06 PM

id be afraid id like the lace
ya that would be a problem huh ?laugh laugh laugh

definately life changing, or in this case, wardrobe changing

yea, not goin there

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:02 PM
id be afraid id like the lace

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:01 PM
"We stand for something, to those souls inching down the freeways in their metal coffins, we show them that the human spirit still has a name" patrick swayze point blank

I have this exert(sp?) on my cell phone

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:58 PM

I've got enough annoyance in my life, so I respectfully abstain!! laugh laugh laugh

i concur!

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:54 PM

Well, I just read your profile, and I think you're an absolute trip! I wouldn't change a thing, or worry about anyone else. From what I've seen, everybody here is a little on the different side, that's what makes it so interesting and great. We'd miss you if you left, hang in, if nothing else your making some new friends.drinker happy

thank you thank you *bows*

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:53 PM

i so agree with that outlook rockstar...ive always danced to the beat of my own drum. :wink:
HA! just so, i play the drums! lol

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:47 PM

you just be you darlin drinker

oh no worries on that sister! i wont change nor succomb to anyones ways but my own, unless they are truly better than mine, and therefore i give credit where credit is due

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:45 PM

i have tried to transition to WT but my yuppie always wins out.:cry:

thats no bueno

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:44 PM
oh nobody called me that....i did, its like a self proclaimation

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:39 PM
Edited by rockstarskates on Sun 06/01/08 02:42 PM

ummm...what makes you say you're white trash? huh
well lets see, im white.....and i go dumpster diving

id say thats a damn good start

and to answer what makes you WT? well you live in a trailer? umm, ever eaten out of a dumpster? do you take parts of one thing and turn it or use it in a manner unintended for use?
etc etc

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:37 PM
thats the purpose of the topic, im trying to find em

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:35 PM
it nearly seems that i am one of few white trash people on this site.

my question is, IS there any more of people like myself here? or should i pick up and move along? honestly i hate being somewhere i cant relate to anyone.

anywhoo, post your opinion

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:31 PM
if im correct, i think the term is "frogging"

i know people that do this. its an adrenaline rush to them

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:19 PM
<----does not watch tv, but can find it on th enet

thats some skill too

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:17 PM
i scare people without even sayin a word

and i like itlaugh

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