Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Mon 11/02/09 10:56 PM
What do the dems feel? I noticed liberals mentioned and republicans but nothing on the dems.

I'm not sure america can make new jobs simply because as soon as they do, immigrants that will work cheaper than americans will get the jobs.

The stimulus package was ok, i'm sure it helped some of the people.

Foliel's photo
Mon 11/02/09 10:52 PM
Edited by Foliel on Mon 11/02/09 10:53 PM

This is a friendly reminder

In this forum, we will not allow users to bash other users for either believing or not believing in a specific religion.

We know that religion is a topic that many people feel extremely passionate about, both believers and non-believers. However, if you wish to participate in this forum, discussions must remain civil at ALL times. If you wish to have a reasoned discussion about religion, the existence or non-existence of God, etc., you may do so, but users who resort to insults or attacks in either direction as part of these discussions will be banned without notice.

Thank you,

Site Moderating Team

Banned from the whole site or just this particular "chat" room?
Banned w/o a hearing? W/o being able to make one's case? What if someone writes something not meant to be specifically insulting yet someone takes a specific offense? What if someone makes a comment that could be insulting but has nothing to do w/ the topic? i.e. "Get a dictionary!" or "You have the grammar skills of a 6th grader, Jethro." or "Reading your posts is painful due to such bad grammar and diction."

"Banned w/o notice" seems unfairly dictitorial and heavy handed.
But hey, that's just my opinion. You're not offended, I

I'm pretty sure they mean a post that is obviously meant to insult or hurt someone. Such as name calling or bashing someones religion.
They will closely read the post and decide if it warrants banning. I doubt they would ban someone for "get a dictionary!" lol

Had to edit as i accidentally placed my post in the middle of arca's post

Foliel's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:21 AM
I thought christianity was folowing the teachings of christ, but I see so many "christians" that refer to the old testament instead of jesus' teachings.

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 04:16 AM
I don't like people anyways so why would I give my life up for the world. :banana:

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 04:14 AM
I'm partial to Volkswagen or Subaru

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 04:14 AM
Do I look fat? This is not a good question to ask of me as i will be honest lol.

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 04:12 AM
We shall have to ask smiling bob for some of his Enzyte

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 04:10 AM
I only have 1 question.....

What is the deal with the platypus?

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 04:02 AM
Edited by Foliel on Sat 10/31/09 04:04 AM
I shall happily sit in the dark, I work better alone :D

I think the world would go absolutley crazy if God ever did show himself. The religious people wouldn't know what to do with themselves. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that if God ever really did show himself the religious people wouldn't believe him.

Me.....I'd say OH HAI DERE :banana:

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/31/09 03:46 AM
I bet the rules and dress codes are still in effect whether its dems or republicans in charge. The factory I worked at had the same dress codes regardless of which side ran the country.

Foliel's photo
Wed 10/28/09 01:53 AM
That little boy has alot of heart :)

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/27/09 06:52 AM
Edited by Foliel on Tue 10/27/09 06:53 AM
I have already had my bout with the flu shot, which led to me getting sick...not doing that again lol

I went years without getting the flu, then I got the flu shot. i think I will stick to vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:21 PM

I think all the first family pictures published in my time have been lovely actually,, with the exception of those including barbara bush.

And why is that?

ummm,, she really scared me,,,,lol. mama bush looked out of place with the rest of the family I guess.

guess I'll have to find that pic to see.

i'm confused lol did it again, you said to say something positive..yet you bashed barbara bush :banana:

Saying that Mrs. Bush " scared " her is not " bashing ".

it's also not positive or nice to say.

I will post something positive as soon as i can think of something lol... I follow the "if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all" logic lol

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/25/09 02:29 AM
Edited by Foliel on Sun 10/25/09 02:35 AM
I suppose all the people that children said were witches during the salem witch trials deserved to die too.

It seems that lately child molestation = salem witch trials.

I just wish more investigation was done on an accusation before ruining a persons life. Even if it comes out later that the accusation was a lie, the persons life is over.

I do feel that those guilty of the crime deserve punishment though i wouldnt go so far as to say they should die.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/25/09 02:01 AM

I think all the first family pictures published in my time have been lovely actually,, with the exception of those including barbara bush.

And why is that?

ummm,, she really scared me,,,,lol. mama bush looked out of place with the rest of the family I guess.

guess I'll have to find that pic to see.

i'm confused lol did it again, you said to say something positive..yet you bashed barbara bush :banana:

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/25/09 01:38 AM
I am a victim of child molestation as well. What the man did to me did cause me alot of pain and problems, BUT hating him won't make that go away. Wishing him harm (even though the man died a few years ago) will not allieviate the pain. In order for the children that he molested to get on with our lives, we had to work hard to heal. I will never forget what he did nor can I forgive him, but i am trying to move on from it. I refuse to let him control my life 20 years later.

Foliel's photo
Sat 10/24/09 12:57 AM
I guess that makes my roommate truly weird lol he is not interested in dating at all.

Foliel's photo
Fri 10/23/09 10:32 AM

An American man who brewed coffee naked in his own kitchen is facing indecent exposure charges and could be jailed.
Eric Williamson, 29, from Virginia, insists he has done nothing wrong and any exposure of his private parts was purely accidental.
Williamson was making coffee in the buff at 5.30am when a woman and her seven-year-old son walked past his kitchen window in Springfield.

The woman then called the police.

Fairfax County Police spokeswoman Mary Ann Jennings said the woman claimed Williamson then moved and exposed himself again through a large front window.

In his defence, Williamson said:
"I'm by myself. So I come down here - the roommates are gone, and it's my house.

"I never had a conversation with anyone, never saw anyone. Didn't cross my mind, came and got coffee. I mean if I stood and seemed comfortable in my kitchen possibly it's natural. It's my kitchen."

Williamson, who is the father of a five-year-old girl, continued: "I am a loving dad. Any of my friends... and anyone knows that.

"And there is not a chance on this planet that I would ever, ever do anything like that to a kid."

Trial lawyer Dickson Young, who is not connected with the case, explained that "in order for it to be a crime, they have to prove - the state and police - have to prove that he knew those people were there when he was standing there.

"The statute requires an intentional display of your private parts. So if you are occasionally displaying them, accidentally displaying them, inadvertently displaying them it's not a crime."

Ms Jennings said the police would not pursue a case based on inadvertent exposure. The charge is a misdemeanour punishable by up to a year in jail.


This stupid story is right in line with all the women who keep there blinds up late at night and are surprised when their next door neighbor is there with a video camera.Get a brain people!You don't want people to see you naked close your fricken blinds. slaphead

The man had no idea she was even there, it was 5:30 in the morning, his mind was on getting coffee not on the random woman walking by at 5:30am.

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/20/09 09:07 PM

I see nothing wrong with the way she chose to dress. I highly doubt her goal was to look like a boy, she just felt more comfortable in a tux than she did in a dress. My mom is 52 and has never once worn a dress in her life. Jeans and T-shirts, when we would go out, she would wear jeans and a nice blouse or a sweater. She didn't even wear a dress to my sisters wedding.

I should point out that my mother has been handicapped since she was only 28, she only has one leg and a broken back, whcih I would figure would make a dress more comfortable.....Not gonna happen lol

Lot's of women prefer jeans and t-shirts, that's all I will wear too. I just think she's got courage to stand up for what she wants, especially when the public is going to put her through the ringer. Year books are notoriously boring, it would be nice to see one with some imagination for a change. It's their photo, let them be seen how they wish. JMO of course.

Sorry I should have also pointed out that my mom frequently buys men's clothing. She finds them to be more comfortable.

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/20/09 01:30 AM
lol i like that image