Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Fri 12/18/09 06:01 AM

my favorite

vitameatavegimen girl

This is my favorite episode as well lol

Foliel's photo
Fri 12/18/09 05:49 AM
I never thought I'd see the day, soap operas are starting to be cancelled after 50+ years on the air. I never really liked them but they were a large part of our history and they are starting to disappear :(

They will probably be replaced with some reality show, talk show or some other such thing.

Foliel's photo
Thu 12/17/09 04:45 AM

The real me is an evil grey cat on a mission to take over the world. pitchfork

I had an evil black and white cat with that same mission.....sadly he's not with me anymore sad

Foliel's photo
Thu 12/17/09 04:40 AM
it's ok cowboy, I don't understand people either....then again, I've never really been a people person.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:46 PM
I thought this was a post about religious extremes, religion itself is fine for those that want/need it in their lives. For those of us that do not need/want it, thats fine too.

It's when the religion becomes more than a part of your life, it becomes your life altogether and you can't do anything without your religious leaders permission.

For example the waco, tx cult was extreme religion, some might view the muslim religion as sometimes extreme but I'm certain there are people that practice muslim religion that do not go around bombing people or terrorizing other people.

The christian crusades could have been viewed as extreme as they killed anyone that did not convert to their religion.

Everyday religion is good for the people that want it as part of their lives but extreme religion is not so good.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:29 PM
I'll take the guy in ladylid post laugh

ok now seriously, I have the person I want to spend xmas with, I would love to have my cats Smokey and Casper back though.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:27 PM
I feel bad for the guy, even after he was released people are still going to wonder, I do hope he can reintigrate with the public after this. He deserves whatever he decides to go for.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:23 PM

it seems what first create the intellectual wall, and all other things listed that one's hide behind, is indeed first developed withint he essence of the minds neuro pathways, most by the desire to be loved, as indeed, if this were a root drive and ambition within the human soul, then what each one is most HEARING, and so LEARNING, is HOW SELF DID NOT "GIVE" GOOD LOVE TO ANYTHING THAT BE SPEAKING....

how self did not meet the list of requirments, that each one somehow have tucked away, and only ask trick question's, to see if the answer given match SELF'S OWN ANSWER IT FELT, about any certain thing, and, IF, the next GIVE BACK A MATCH, a blue's clue's game of peek a boo, THEN, WA LAH, MAYBE FRIEND....

then, IF THEY ANSWER CORRECTLY about MORE, well, and they are of the opposite sex, feeling's of "love beams" rocking the heart, as self has found it's drink of water in the dessert it so believes in....

many same answer's, as what self first FELT ABOUT ANYTHING, and indeed, the declaration is declared, OFFICIALLY "IN LOVE"....

so the intellectual game of proving how smart self is, and seeking OUT SAME ANSWER'S, to those self FELT, to find the mate, the one whom shall BELIEVE IN ALL OF SELF, FOR WHAT IT IS....


so, iudeed, it appear's since indeed this is true, and none is, THIS CREATE THE MOST SEVERE DISEASE OF ALL THAT EVER DESTROYED ANY LIGING THING CALLED HUMAN, to wanten to hear how self IS PERFECT, and NOT HOW SELF IS NOT....


but, indeed, the worlld has become a large vacume machine, churning with LIVE ELECTRICITY, LIVE ENERGY, live thoughts, which are FEELINGS, WHICH ARE ENERGY, and the number one embraced FEELING, is to be told how self IS RIGHT, ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!

so there is no need to wonder, why and how the "minds" of all human's, that are naturally connected to each other, by way of natural electical magnetic sensory receptor's in the mind itself, why if one stick it's head into the "totally validate me", energy, the ONLY THING THAT CAN END UP IS A TIGER WOODS, as no doubt that is what he was seeking from each potential so called love....

what can be said, until the mind, come to realize, that even if it's body say's itself is happy, IF IT'S MIND DOES NOT AS WELL, there is no peace, which is no love within, and so no true love without....

as indeed, true love most wishes to hear from it's mate, it's accomplice, it's friend, it's lover, it's second set of eye's, what is REALLY SEEN.....

as how can two walk and talk and eat and drink, each telling the other how bad their eyesight as intellect as feeling is????

of course, anything is just for repelling away from this, but, what if the eyesight is faling???

waht is what one think it know, which is what it see intellectually, itself is really only doubting, and it only ask outside to calm it's own doubts, BUT WHY DID IT FIRST HAVE DOUBTS???

as to access half the brain tell's self true, and the other "half" does not, well, is to first call into question, how can self not become delusional, if it first access not all it's feelings as correct....

for each step anything take, it's feeling "afterward", which better be both good and bad feelings, TELL OF WHO SELF REALLY IS, but it seems THESE ARE THE ONE'S MOST TAUGHT TO TRY TO PRETEND ARE NOT THERE, as these say self made a mistake.....

could have done better....

could have loved more....

could have been kinder.....

could have bypassed those words that one knows were only to inflict back AT LEAST JUST A LITTLE OF THE PAIN THAT SELF GOT, from words of another, lol....

and so the cycle repeat, over and over, and evolution of love roll forward, just as evolution of the human body, and of the planet....

ok, sorry for the rant....

needed a break from the routine....

no edit, take for it's own worth


Am too tired to read all this after a long day at work....

I stopped reading his posts lol half the time i have no idea what his post is talking about.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:13 PM
I get a kick out of the talk shows, girl parades 35 guys on tv swearing that this one is the father...she 1000% sure...and then he isn't the father.....

um 35 guys.....we have a four letter word for girls like that but i'll be a gentleman and not say it....

I also get a hoot when they say:

"My baby needs his/her daddy"

I grew up without my father and i turned out just fine, thats not to say children should HAVE their father but they don't NEED them.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:10 PM

Mutual Matchdrinker

Biggest damn conspiracty out there! :angry:

the number of mutual matches i get each just ridiculous lol

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:07 PM
Love is living with someone, taking care of them, putting up with it for 18 years and not getting any sex outta it...

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 09:03 PM
the more I think about love the more i realize... i don't want to date lol I just want love to leave me alone and go harrass someone else...


Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:40 AM
I also see alot of parents that use the tv or video game system as a babysitter instead of actually doing things with the kids.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:35 AM
I am asking this question with an open mind just to see what responses I will get:

Since humans were supposedly (for the sake of arguement I'm going with supposedly) created in God's image, why do we have tail bones?

Having a tail bone would suggest that at one time we had tails, but according to various religions, we were created as humans with no tails, which doesn't explain why we have tailbones...

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:31 AM
Edited by Foliel on Wed 12/16/09 07:32 AM
couldn't think of a proper response lol so I erased it

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:24 AM
Edited by Foliel on Wed 12/16/09 07:26 AM
That was also at a time when parents could actually discipline their kid and not worry about the government stepping in and telling them they're a bad parent.

This does include spanking, which I do not necessarily approve of but it worked wonders when nothing else did.

I also grew up with respect for people and I didn't believe in God. I did have respect for my mom though and disappointing her would have been worse for me than anything religion could threaten me with.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:20 AM
mountain my version of coffee lol

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:17 AM

well, I bet he wishes he had used a condom lol

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:14 AM

he is in everyone, that's what that uncomfortable feeling is when you're doin somethin you're not suppose to.

sounds like gas

that could also be guilt..people have that feeling every so often

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:18 AM

I can understand people of a different religion then I but i can NOT understand atheist people. This will be short and simple but will get the point across.

Ok got some questions for you ahteist people. Have we ever been to space?........ how do you know? we only know what the news and all tells us, we haven't seen it happen or been to space ourselves. Could just be a conspiracy to make the government look good.

Are there truly atoms in things? How do you know? you haven't seen them you only believe in atoms cause someone told you of them.

We all learn most things by things we hear or read from others. But i still can't understand how they can believe we've gone to space without tangeble evidence but don't believe in God. I would like discussion on this, cause i'm totally stumped on this one.
Well if THAT stumped you,,look out,,,fo this thought,,lol

as soon as i stop being confused by it, i'll get back to you lol

What would you say, if you found out that we were placed here,,,BY,,
another life form,,who,,,,,lol,MADE US,,,,like a new project that week,,,,,they found a planet that could contain us and brought us here to grow,,,,,,BUT,,,,,as they seen HOW we were going, they decided to intervene and had to communicate to us through mid-air,,,voice and call them-selves,,,,HE.....I AM.....?
And as Jesus was,,,,,,,,ONE of them,,,,,and he was sent to PROVE we had a chance to do the right ways and better ways to self sustain our selves,,,,,?

Put our technologies that WE have now, BACK to the times of the bible,
and take any man or woman of that time frame,,,to see, hear,and BE AMAZED,,,by US,,,,as if WE were all GODS...

There ya go,,,see where THAT takes your thoughts,,,lol,loldrinker

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