Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 02:30 PM
Edited by Foliel on Tue 10/13/09 02:31 PM

to any one who has ever read any of my post on this site i am am very sorry for my commnets i have posted here as a direct form of appology i will no longer be a member of this site this is a site to find romance and love not detere peoples ideals and beliefs.

again i so sorry for all the ruckus and i wish everyone here the best.

you should be sorry tongue2

who is this?

what did he do?

thought good bye threads were against the TOS

well since he deleted his account, what are they gonna do to him? lol cancel his account? laugh

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 01:05 PM
no idea lol

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 11:06 AM
I come here to share my beliefs, I'm not here for love or romance :)

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 08:31 AM
That's the problem I have with zero tolerance. At this rate, kids won't be able to go to school anymore.

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 08:26 AM
If the cop was cleared of any wrong doing i really doubt there is going to be a full investigation...

shoot first ask questions later?

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:44 AM
The top 10 also are not embroiled in war year after year :)

Foliel's photo
Mon 10/12/09 10:27 PM
Benedict Arnold was originally a general, promoted once to major general, in the american continental army. He switched sides after he was passed over many times for a promotion. Somehow I doubt they would have promoted him if they thought he wasn't loyal. I also believe that there was a pledge in order to be a high ranking officer.

Regardless of that, there shouldn't be a need to say a pledge to prove loyalty to ones country. That just shows lack of trust in our citizens (in my own opinion that is)

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 08:12 PM
Edited by Foliel on Sun 10/11/09 08:14 PM
I never had to say the pledge of allegiance in order to be loyal to my country. I'm loyal to this country with or without having to say so.

Children are given an education and will more than likely be loyal to this country regardless. Just because you say the pledge doesn't make anyone any more loyal to this country than someone who does.

Benedict Arnold was loyal to this country before he betrayed us.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 08:07 PM
the united states (at the time it was the new world) itself was founded by immigrants, the pilgrims werent exactly born here. They came over on boats from another country and took the area from the native americans. Kinda funy that now we have a problem with immigrants.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 01:00 PM
most religions have something in them about a false god, I believe this would include prayers about a god that differs from their own. Not sure on that though.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 12:53 PM
According to the Freedom Forum Organization, legal systems, and society at large, recognize limits on the freedom of speech, particularly when freedom of speech conflicts with other values or rights.

Freedom of speech does grant certain protections, but when it might become offensive to someone then it's a problem. If freedom of speech protected all then we wouldn't have libel lawsuits.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 12:25 PM
I would swear to tell the truth but i wouldn't say "so help me god".

I'm not sure about the president thing.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 12:19 PM
I don't follow any religion, I do think all religion should be kept in the heart, at home or in a place of worship. I also feel that people should have the right to worship as they see fit, provided ritual sacrifice isn't required, as long as it isn't bothering anyone then there is no harm in it.

I read religion just like I read mythology, since all mythology at one time was a religion.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/11/09 12:13 PM
I never said the pledge either, I would stand and be respectful but would never say it. I always show respect for this country and for the people that run it or protect it, but I don't always agree with how things are done.

The schools used to call my mom but like Lulu did my mom defended my right to not say it. I do not feel that it should be something children are told to say. If they don't feel it in their hearts then they shouldn't say it. I also do not like the under god part, as I am an atheist, why do I have to be under a god I don't believe in? I thought the pledge was fine the way it was.

Foliel's photo
Wed 10/07/09 11:21 AM
i really shouldn't read these, someday i'll learn

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/06/09 09:49 PM
never trust anyone that says "trust me".

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:25 PM
if that study is true...oh boy will i be in for it lol, i used to eat candy like it was going out of style.

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:15 PM
I think if they start teaching a religion in school it should be:
a) optional
b) at parents discretion
c) also taught about other religions and what they believe.

It should include all religions, even mythology ones as they werent always mythology. Even mythology was once a religion.

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/06/09 05:57 PM
The man that hurt me (very touchy subject with me) only served 6 months in prison for it. He served his time but big deal. That little girl will go through hell for the rest of her life. She will pay for his crime for a long time to come. While he will eventually be released and have millions of dollars to his benefit. How about the little girl that will need counseling for a long time.

It may not happen in all cases, but i was molested 20 years ago and i am still in counseling. He served his time and died shortly after his release...I'm still paying for his crime, as that 8 year old girl will.

I think half of the money he was awarded should go towards paying for that girls psychiatry bills and other medical expenses. I could care less that he got beat up, that happens all the time in prisons. The guards should have been doing their jobs but then again he shouldn't have done what he did.

Generally a molester is someone you know, family member or friend, in rare cases its a total stranger. That man is a monster and will more than likely do it again.

I hope that girl is strong and has a good family behind her, and I hope she doesn't go through the hell most molestation victims go through.

Foliel's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:59 AM
Edited by Foliel on Sun 10/04/09 10:05 AM
The way I see it, if the christian god does exist then so must all the other gods & goddesses that came before as will the ones that come after. Every religion has a twilight of the gods, when that god ceases to exist. This has been happening for thousands of years and will continue to happen until the extinction of humanity.

Giving birth to a baby proves nothing to me beyond the fact that a woman and a man had intercourse without protection.

*edited because there was something I just didn't like how it came out.