Community > Posts By > Foliel

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 04:35 PM

This is what I do for my micro:

1. Fill a microwave-safe glass or bowl half full of water and add a
tablespoon of white vinegar.

2. Place inside the microwave.

3. Turn on for 5 minutes. The idea here is to steam up the walls of the microwave and loosen the dried-on gunk.

4. When it is done, remove the glass container and wipe down the inside of microwave with a clean towel or paper towel.

5. The loose gunk should come off easily now, and without chemical cleaners inside the microwave.

6. Take out the glass tray or turntable and wash it like a dish. You could even run it through the dishwasher if you have the time.

Follow these easy steps, and she'll be good as new again. happy

Wow, I am gonna try it. I'd love to get the yellow coloring out. The turntable is clean and the smell is finally gone, but the discoloration is annoying. Thanks!

cool, thanks for the tip ^^

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 12:41 PM
That's the word lol

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:48 AM

when you are done there....will you clean my house?bigsmile

Is housework ever truly done?

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:47 AM
Edited by Foliel on Sat 12/26/09 11:48 AM
omg I cleaned house today and went to clean my microwave.....all I can say is....

sad sick

it looks like a tomato exploded inside my microwave...I bet my cat did it, he's evil...

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:45 AM
I can't do yoga at this time, my body is too out of shape, I am working on that though.

I do daily meditation and I love it.

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:43 AM
My family, friends and my cats.

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:20 AM

If it is then money exchangers have taken it over...

Exchanging toys and gifts for what you need to survive... all in the name of your god.

do you ever feel used?

christmas gifts don't have to be something bought. Showing someone love is the greatest gift. Opening a door for someone is a gift, holding someone while they are sad is a gift, telling someone how beautiful they are is a gift. People have lost track of what is a gift and what is not. People have become narrow minded and only see what's before them. A good christmas gift in general is just going over to your loved ones place and having good conversation with them maybe going over memorys of the past with them and quite possibly a nice meal with them. Always remember love is the greatest gift anyone could give.

lol tell a crying 5 year old that love is all he/she needs for a gift and they're gonna look at you like you're nuts

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:18 AM
I have done alot of thinking over the holidays and have talked with my roommate and best friend alot. I have come to realize I am not a total atheist. I am spiritual but not religious, I believe in the possibility but I am not a blind faith follower.

I like my life the way it is, I am honest, trusting, caring and have morals and values without having religion in my life. I am keeping an open mind and heart to the possibilities.

One possibility that I am interested in Wicca. I am going to start looking into it and see where it takes me.

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:14 AM
The only thing I require are:

No drugs, no alcohol, have a sense of humore and be reasonably intelligent, must like cats as I own 2 beautiful cats and any man I am with must like them too.

Preference is no smoking but I can probly work around that as long as you don't smoke in the house (I have severe asthma and smoke can make it act up)

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 05:19 AM
I get annoyed by people that think they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives.

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 05:14 AM
Since christmas is more commercial than anything now, no one is going to stop practicing christmas. Besides if you are pagan you have just as much right to celebrate christmas as any christian since the holiday was originally pagan.

Everyone celebrates christmas in their own way, whether it be about Jesus, Mithra/Sol Invictus/ or about spending time with your family. No one has the right to tell someone to stop practicing christmas.

That would be like telling christians that if you arent part of the sam hain religion you can't celebrate halloween, since halloween is in honor of Sam Hain.

Instead of worrying about what millions of other people are doing, worry about spending time with your family and practicing christmas in your own way.

Foliel's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:00 AM
I never knew my dad, he split when he found out my mom was pregnant and she never saw or heard from him again. I spent every year with my mom for christmas.

Please don't feel sorry for me since I never knew him I don't know what I missed. I feel no regret or remorse for not missing a man i never knew.

I am very happy with my life, my mom did her best to raise me on her own and I turned out pretty well. happy

Foliel's photo
Fri 12/25/09 04:48 AM
Edited by Foliel on Fri 12/25/09 04:50 AM
I guess I'm odd, I don't like anyone touching me not even family or friends. I don't mind if it's a tap on the shoulder to get my attention but I don't like being hugged or anything like that.

This holds true for men or women, I just don't like to be touched. I will put up with it if it's physical therapy or massage therapy though.

Foliel's photo
Fri 12/25/09 04:39 AM
we always did them christmas morning at around 5 or 6am....

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/23/09 11:53 AM
This topic is a neverending arguement that can't be won.

I refuse to live a lie and pretend to be straight just to do what other people expect of me. I was brought up to be honest and live my life in the way that makes me happy.

I turned away from religion because it wouldn't allow me to do that. I would have been able to be gay as long as I did not have a relationship with a man, so I would have been lonely and single for the rest of my life. (Unless I married a woman that I had no feelings for and lived my life as a lie.)

At least now, I am a gay man with a chance at a future with a guy.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/23/09 07:43 AM
this thread hasn't died yet?


Foliel's photo
Wed 12/23/09 07:40 AM
Yes the bible was around before the constistution but marriage was around before the bible. Christianity did not invent marriage, there were romans and greek that were getting married long before the bible even existed.

If they really don't want gay people to have "marriage" and be miserable with everyone else, then give them better civil unions.
Make it so businesses HAVE to abide a civil union just like they would a marriage, cuz at this stage businesses do NOT have to adhere to a civil union or a domestic partnership.

Some places see a civil union as nothing more than legalized dating. So in order for a civil union to be fully binding, they MUST be given every single right that a married couple has. In which case the civil union is no longer a civil union but has become a marriage.

Foliel's photo
Wed 12/23/09 03:39 AM
Edited by Foliel on Wed 12/23/09 03:40 AM
Seems the supreme courts in various areas disagrees about marriage being a right:

Because the exclusion of same-sex couples from eligibility for civil marriage infringes the fundamental right to choose one's spouse, such exclusion may be sustained only if it serves a compelling state interest. The Supreme Court has consistently reaffirmed that, since the freedom to marry is a fundamental right, restrictions that “significantly interfere with decisions to enter into the marital relationship” are subject to “rigorous scrutiny” and “cannot be upheld unless ... supported by sufficiently important state interests ...closely tailored to effectuate only those interests.” Zablocki, 434 US at 386-388.

There are three decisions concerning the right of a gay couple to marry: Hernandez, et al., v. Victor L Robles, City Clerk of the City of New York, Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, from Massachusetts, and Heather Anderson and Leslie Christina; et al., v. King County, et al. from the state of Washington. All three concur that marriage and the right to choose one's partner in marriage, are fundamental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. All three confirm that it is unconstitutional to disallow gay couples the right to marry.

BTW marriage was around long before the christian bible.

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/22/09 05:08 PM
Edited by Foliel on Tue 12/22/09 05:11 PM
I always thought marriage was a union of souls not a union of genitals but apparently since marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman, love doesn't matter just their genitals.

I am all for equal marriage rights but it should be made clear that churches are not required to perform said marriages, if they choose to then that's the churches decision.

Marriage itself grants many more rights than domestic partnerships or civil unions. It's not just those partnerships that have to be reworded but also the business that can choose to ignore them. It won't do alot of good to fix the partnerships if they continue to be ignored.

Foliel's photo
Mon 12/21/09 08:39 PM
I get along with either, but i develope better friendships with women.

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