Community > Posts By > LIJOMA

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:36 PM

take the battery out and let it dry for two days, or help with a hair dryer on high, med heat. i'm a victim as well, too many times. your crystal may fog, but it should still call.

Thanks everyone. Its under dryer now, and I am going to keep it there. I had alot of phone numbers in there that I cant loose for work too.

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:18 PM


i think the cell might need a funeral....
and hopefully had life insurancebiggrin biggrin

nope, didnt have life insurance....laugh Cellular South, gotta :heart: em'.

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:16 PM
Thanks. I got it apart, and I have the hair dryer on it too...

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:13 PM
Took the kids tubing down the river today, and I had my little ziploc bag with my truck key, cigarettes, liter, and my cell phone. I hit a limb in the water and the ziploc bag went flying and it wasnt zipped up, I had just got a cig out to smoke. Any suggestions on saving my cell. It is a razor.

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 07:35 AM
Yes, I have been told I do, well hell I know I do...

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 07:33 AM
Edited by LIJOMA on Sat 07/05/08 07:33 AM

Name somethings or lines or things people say that can ruin a conversation whether it is online or in person.

derogatory words
I am not talking about the f word more like stereo type insults
Last week I was talking to this lady she mentioned the word N***r and that was it she was finished as far as I am concerned. She has been upset why I have not called her back . I don't have the time to be her educator. I hope she is reading

That is a conversation killer for me too. I met a man from JSH on here last week, and he to said that in a conversation that we had, and I wont answer his calls anymore, and I hate it too because he was local to me...

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 07:31 AM
Edited by LIJOMA on Sat 07/05/08 07:36 AM
Took the kids to Grand Paradise water park, Got BURNT, then went to watch the fireworks show.... Going to the river today to go water tubing.... Should be fun.

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 06:42 AM

LIJOMA's photo
Sat 07/05/08 06:08 AM

the bastard has a wife or woman on the side.dump him.

My first thought too.

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:43 PM
Believe it seeing that WE are going to HELLNAHANDBASKET!!!

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:40 PM
already there... Got burnt today at the water park. NOTHING can touch me right nowgrumble

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:39 PM

me tooooooo, so whats up babylaugh flowerforyou

Not much darlin'. How are you?

That word "Darlin" reminds me of whats her name???? Gina Gershaw-maybe spelled wrong, shes a hotty though, in Show Girls.

Single is GREAT by the way!drinker

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:35 PM
When I originally put child support on my daughters father, I had to do through the state, and he took check stubs up there where he had missed some days at work. So for 3 years I got $170 a month, and daycare alone was over $500, go figure.... So, about 7 years ago, when I began working for this attorney, he got a partner of his in his law firm to take on my case and took it away from the state. We found out that he makes over $70,000.00 a year +, and now my daughters child support is garnished from his check and mailed directly to my house. At first he was suppose to send it to me directly, and when he didnt, we took him back to court, and the judge put him in jail until he came up with all that he was in arrears, but now I dont have to worry about it. Some people are so stupid, with my daughter being his first child, in our state, at the time, she was intitled to 14% of his adjusted gross income, and she will receive it until she is out of college, not 18 or 21. My attorney put it in our papers, as long as she is in school, he pays. Why would you not want to take care of your child??? Makes no sense to me, but I had to make him, and he chooses not to see her either, something he has to live with each day, not me.

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:24 PM
This actually happened to one of my closest friends. and she took her husband back for a little over a year also... She thought that maybe she could make it work even though she caught him cheating, but she could never let it go. Long story short, in the end it hurt her taking him back, when the divorce was filed about 2 yrs ago, she could not get him for cheating, because she took him back after she had found out. They are still going through a custody battle to this day. And.... he got the house, he had to buy her out of it, but he got the house, and temporary custody of the child, and he is the one that cheated! That is messed up....

Best of luck to your sister!

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:16 PM
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< VERY LAZY TODAY, WILL only send short responses! (If thats ok with you)ohwell

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:11 PM

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:06 AM
Edited by LIJOMA on Fri 07/04/08 12:06 AM
tree one without the glasses, 3rd

LIJOMA's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:01 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh Great pic!

LIJOMA's photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:28 PM

LIJOMA's photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:23 PM

about. I do not work for management companies now, I work for 2 individual attorneys who have commercial and residential real estate that I manage all their properties for them, ALOT better for me!!!

OMG. You actually hang out with lower life forms? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I so do not know you. surprised surprised surprised

laugh laugh laugh Ok, I know....... Love em' though!

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