we be on to the next one
Send me your phone number. I'll call in an hour and you can say something like "Oh No, I'll be right there", or if it's going well you can say something like "Oh no, not tonight. I'm with someone much better than you".
Be honest....
"Look into my eyes. You will believe anything I tell you".
About a minute ago. |
Who watches family guy?
I haven't seen the show but isn't Louis a guys name? |
I think the color that you are talking about is called Puce... I don't really know, I just like saying the word Puuuuce.... No,'s pronounced pukes |
Unfortunately, there are some people out there like that. It certainly does not mean all people their age are like that. You're right Singme. I've heard complaints about "this" generation for over 45 years. btw, one of Hitler's speeches complained about the younger generation. |
I got a big stick!!!
"I believe I have been hit on/ asked out with this intention but would never actually date someone who didn't love me for my big bulging ...."
Not a lot of class putting out there in public
Why they Hate OBama
This is why I hate politics. People are so blinded by there own beliefs and reasoning. Love or Hate, go ahead and beat each other to death. In the mean time, I'll work on keeping our country going. I'm with you. I've been working for the benefit of our country since 1966...but I need to tell someone. I just had a verbal argument in the grocery store because some one was blaming Obama for welfare. That was around long before Obama. |
Yep more poltical BS.
Riddle #5
one hundred and one
I dnt get it
People discriminate against me everyday. I work and live in the hood but I wear suits and ties everyday. So some people "of the hood" don't think I belong there. So they yell stuff like "You just here to take our money and go back to your home in the suburbs".
Oh, did I mention I'm poor too. |
He's got Mona Lisa.....
??? no pic ???
those damn men
My ex told me she was teaching my 9 year old daughter values by watching 90210 on tv with her... Now there's some value there.
Can I play the viola while you dance???
Hard times
The economy is so bad that Sponge Bob had to take a part time job as a Sham Wow!
Wolverine took a second job doing circumcisions. |
Well then, don't pee on the rocks!
And here I always though that we were fishes who grew legs and crawled out of a river in Etheopia.
random off the wall stuf
you mean here? i mean eny were I hear you...any where. |
random off the wall stuf
you mean here?