Community > Posts By > Dredz_Hang_Low
Damn thats messed up! How ever will we keep up with Sonny, Jason, and Elizabeth as long as Obama is in office!
McCain would never have been so insulting to the American house wives(and house husbands)! |
The Next "Barack Obama"
Edited by
Fri 11/07/08 04:15 PM
So i was watching MSNBC on election night and i see a guy named Cory Booker come on to talk.
He was asked something to the effect of you think the election of Obama means the country is beyond race, post racial? This is what he had to say: “I reject the idea of a post-racial America. I want to luxuriate in the racial deliciousness of our country: the Italian-Americans, the Irish-Americans, the Mexican-Americans. I mean, that’s what makes America great. We are a nation that celebrates racial diversity. We’re not Norway. We’re not South Korea. We are the United States of America. The story of America is bringing such differences together to manifest a united set of ideals, not a united culture, not a united language, not a united religion, but a united set of ideals. That was what made America dramatic when it was founded, the first country of its kind in humanity. So I reject that [the idea of a post-racial America]. I want to celebrate all of America: its richness, its diversity, its deliciousness.” Mayor Cory Booker, (D) Newark, New Jersey: I wish i could find the video because it is really quite amazing, Mayor Booker's passion is something to behold. The clarity of his speech is beautiful. here is something you can watch: As an African American i am pleased to see the inteligence of my people being displayed all over the world rather than just the vulgarity of our adopted gangster culture. I agree with the gentleman from Newark. Our goal in America is not to be post-racial, it is not to get away from the recognition that I am a black man and that you may be a white person. The goal is to understand that our differences in culture are not walls that divide us. They are experiences to be shared and united towards a common ideal that is the American dream. I think Mayor Booker has a bright future... look for him to be on capitol hill one day. I know a lot of you have been watching the news lately, who do you think, regardless of party, is a rising start in politics? |
My appology to black america
It happened during the Clinton Administration as well. When President Elect Obama takes office here in Jan. and we go seven years with no attacks on our soil, I will commend him as well. Bush also acted afterwards about the threat of WMD's in Iraq, now people hate his guts. Imagine what it would be like if we dropped bombs on Afghanistan with only the sneaking suspicion that they might fly planes into the World Trade Center? We were indeed attacked during the clinton years. thing is Clinton wanted to attack Afganistan and it was the republican congress that wouldnt let him. The best he was allowed to do was launch missiles into the terrorist camps. I dont hate Bush, i think i finally understand him now. He hasnt had the best of luck. He wins in 2000 but its by supreme court decision and 500 votes. The left thinks hes not the prez. Then some aholes fly planes into the WTC. Then Anthrax. Afganistan and then the Iraq gamble. then no WMD's found. Katrina, loosing the war.... Finally the surge helps after some presidential cabinet retooling. Then he looses the majority in the house and senate in '06 then the housing bubble burst.... it hasnt been a good run for o'l GWB. Hes just trying to keep himself and the country above water. I feel bad for him.... so much so i am willing to go to DC and help him pack his ****! UHAUL is on me!! |
My appology to black america
You haven't had airplanes crash in you backyard the last 7 years have you? i love this line of logic its like saying "HEY! I havent been punched in the face! 'Cept for tha one time when i got punched really hard!" Fact is we got punched. let me remind you of history Secretary Rice testifies to the 9/11 commission "RICE: I remember very well that the president was aware that there were issues inside the United States. He talked to people about this. But I don't remember the al Qaeda cells as being something that we were told we needed to do something about. BEN-VENISTE: Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the August 6 PDB warned against possible attacks in this country? And I ask you whether you recall the title of that PDB? RICE: I believe the title was, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States." Now, the... BEN-VENISTE: Thank you." So yeah we havent been punched in a while but when you get a memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States." you have to ask... could we have avoided being punched in the first place??? |
Texas Mom says: Thank You Sarah Palin I would like to take a moment thank Sarah Palin. I would like to thank her for being a perfect example for my bright and creative 11 year old daughter. Thank you, Sarah, for helping open a dialog between us to discuss the mockery of pseudo-equality and the men who hide behind a woman, putting her in a leadership role not because she exemplifies the qualities of a leader but because she *is* a woman and their denial of their own misogyny demands they nominate a figurehead with breasts. Thank you, Sarah, for illustrating so perfectly for my ambitious 5th grader how wrong things go when one participates in spreading ugly rumors and for making my point that what you don't stand up against is just as bad as what you spread yourself. Thank you, Sarah, for giving my intuitive and perfect girl a glimpse of understanding into how much she could lose if she allows someone else to make her decisions for her - she's already her own advocate for access to sex education, prevention and choice for both herself and for any vicitimized woman/girl who would suffer under your preferred policies on women's reproductive rights, because even a child is horrified at the thought that suffering an attack or abuse could lead to the additional mandatory mental anguish of 9 more months of suffering. Thank you for being an example of insensitivity in office and inability to empathize with victims of atrocities. Thank you, Gov. Palin, for being a great example that people in power can make statements opposite of the truth in an effort to put money ahead of global good since she's already understanding that no amount of money made in oil fields can insure the promise of a planet to live on for her future children. Thank you, Gov. Palin, for being the ideal example of how maliciousness, pettiness, manipulativeness, and viciousness can hide behind an appealing, friendly smile and look and sound a lot like people you can trust. You've been the best example I could ask for to give her the tools to evaluate the actions of someone and their effects on those around them over how they sound, what they look like, and who their friends are. As a woman, a mom, a troop leader, a rare disease patient, a volunteer religious educator, a community activist, a believer in humanity, a struggling environmentalist, and most importantly - as a human - I do thank you, but now I want you to go back to AK and stop giving us both nightmares. Please. -Dawn M. , 31, Cedar Park, TX |
My appology to black america
I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this. Madison, I don't know that I've ever read a more patronizing and condescending "apology" than the one you wrote above. That you think you need to apologize for the actions of someone you dislike is beyond arrogant. That you think intelligent people of varying ethnicities need you to point out what they are fully capable of figuring out independently is just incredibly scary. -Drew cut him a little slack he was simply being polite. if anything the premise that it takes one ethnicity to clean up another's mess is insulting for all involved but that would be parsing words a bit much for someone who is obviously a supporter of the same cause. its not patronizing it is somber and a sober realization that we as a nation have a lot to deal with.... i would add regardless of the skin of our president. |
Say what you will about Palin....-no doubt her life will be much calmer now...the way the media and so many have treated her and her family has been disgusting. Think if your life were thrown out for the world to pick apart, how would you feel? & maybe think twice before you state your 'opinions' of someone else. I agree with TJN --- WHY claim to want change for our Country, then turn right around talking hateful about someone you do not even know...?? That is (one reason) why our Country is SO divided....and it has to stop. I think...alot of the reason Sarah Palin was " picked apart "...was because Liberals held the belief...that the rightful..." female "...progression to the white house...was held by Hillary Clinton..." how dare a conservative, and pretty woman...shall inhabit in the white house...after the path has been forged and paved by a pro rights...intelligent woman "... She got picked apart because shes DUMB thats it Period. Theres been woman all over the world in power, but they all deserved it ...Shout out to Marget Thatcher! woot woot! |
My appology to black america
Not to take away from african-american's who have every right to be excited ... I think people overlook that his Mother was white. This is a victory for all of us. I think it's a step in the right direction of having only 1 human race....forget color. you are absolutely right. i think black America is going to be jumping for joy for a while it is a good thing for you to remind me that this is for all of us equally. I have white friends who are even more excited than i am. I am very proud of my country. im glad the world is getting to see that the USA stands by its creed. The symbol this gives us is huge now the real work begins. the country is in a tough spot. its time for us to stick together. |
Say what you will about Palin....-no doubt her life will be much calmer now...the way the media and so many have treated her and her family has been disgusting. Think if your life were thrown out for the world to pick apart, how would you feel? & maybe think twice before you state your 'opinions' of someone else. I agree with TJN --- WHY claim to want change for our Country, then turn right around talking hateful about someone you do not even know...?? That is (one reason) why our Country is SO divided....and it has to stop. Oh give me a break! I have sat and listened to the hate spit out of Palins mouth since september and i have heard people yell "Kill Him' about Obama at Palin rallies. She said nothing to stop it! What a great American! Come off it. You two are acting like we are attackin your mother. We are talking about a woman who was sheltered from the media for weeks! She is a governor of a state you would think she would take the shelter time to get to know the policies of her country and that being able to see Russia is not a qualification on national security. She didnt get mistreated by the media! She got vetted by the media! More than McCain did it seems. If you are a public official it is the peoples right to test them. She failed. She can take her 150,000 dollar shopping spree gift card and a duffle bag and hit the road. shes Alaska's problem now. Haven't you heard? Many Alaskans don't want her back. the sad thing is Alaskan Senator and CONVICTED FELON Ted Stevens might get re-elected to the senate. The race is tied even the day after the election. If Ted "The Crook" get re-elected he may face expulsion from the senate leaving the senate seat vacant... if that happens guess who gets to appoint the new senator??? she will have the power to appoint herself to the senate!!!! |
Say what you will about Palin....-no doubt her life will be much calmer now...the way the media and so many have treated her and her family has been disgusting. Think if your life were thrown out for the world to pick apart, how would you feel? & maybe think twice before you state your 'opinions' of someone else. I agree with TJN --- WHY claim to want change for our Country, then turn right around talking hateful about someone you do not even know...?? That is (one reason) why our Country is SO divided....and it has to stop. Oh give me a break! I have sat and listened to the hate spit out of Palins mouth since september and i have heard people yell "Kill Him' about Obama at Palin rallies. She said nothing to stop it! What a great American! Come off it. You two are acting like we are attackin your mother. We are talking about a woman who was sheltered from the media for weeks! She is a governor of a state you would think she would take the shelter time to get to know the policies of her country and that being able to see Russia is not a qualification on national security. She didnt get mistreated by the media! She got vetted by the media! More than McCain did it seems. If you are a public official it is the peoples right to test them. She failed. She can take her 150,000 dollar shopping spree gift card and a duffle bag and hit the road. shes Alaska's problem now. |
My appology to black america
for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours that is fair but really there is no way to talk about this election and ignore how huge this is for a black man to be president. The white house was built with black slave labor. President Obama, a black man, will now run this country from that house.... you are not black so i dont expect you to see it my way but you have to face facts, this is beyond huge! |
My appology to black america
I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this. They left him a gift. if he fixes this mess he will go down in history bigger than it is already written. remember there is still space on Mt. Rushmore |
Edited by
Wed 11/05/08 07:05 PM
WOW you all talk about change and our country coming together yet you spew such hatred towards people why would people want to associate with people like you who hate others i think most Obama supporters like McCain, just didnt want him to win. That lends itself to bi-partisanship. however, no one likes Palin. how do you respect "i can see russia from alaska"? sorry to ruffle your feathers but oh well |
SARAH PALIN will be the Breath of Fresh Air people will be craving after they get a taste of the loonie left. She's the BOMB!!! Sarah palin is the breathof freshly licked ash tray |
Why McCain Lost !
We covered this before many times on this board. Whites don't own racism. Every one of us engage some degree of stereotyping. The real measure of a person is how they chose to act. Yesterday was a great day for everyone in this country. Now we can all look at our sons and say, "You can grow up to be anything you want! Even the president of the United States" I look forward to the day when we can say that to our daughters too!! Whites don't own racism is a matter of opinion ! Yes, I think everyone is happy and excited about yesterday's outcome. White indeed dont own racism. that is no opinion it is a fact. i just hope that racism itself took a real shot to the head yesterday and that it is even weaker that is was before we knew President Obama. Oh and i wouldnt be hesitant to say to young women they can be president Hillary Clinton showed you that it is possible and even Palin on some level. If there Where no Obama we might have seen Madam President Clinton last night. |
for what its worth....
No. No. I wasn't saying that I thought it was racist. Just saying that some might view it that way. But, since you talked about McCain, let me add to what you said. McCain is a honorable man, but he really did get too negative with his campaign. I know he has a sense about him that rubs some the wrong way, but if you look at his track record in the Senate, the man has done what I would say is a good job. I still believe his negativity hurt him, while Obama presented himself as this "beacon of hope", and reached out. The major problem for McCain wasn't Palin. But I will get to her in a minute. His major problem was Obama, and the fact that you could just sense that McCain knew he was bound to lose. Yeah, I voted for McCain, but when I did I honestly felt that Obama would win, and he did. Obama had everything going for him. He got a ton of funds, to which he used wisely. He sent troops out to homes, he got young volunteers texting all over the country. The man used technology, reached out to young voters, new voters, and people who didn't believe in voting. Obama got them to the polls. If you look at the numbers, state by state, county by county, it is amazing how Obama was able to win in most "traditionally" red areas. Hell, he won Virginia, and he was the first Democrat in 44 years to do that. This was Obama's time. Hillary found that out in the primaries, and John found that out in the election. Now to Palin. She isn't as bad as she has been made out to be. Her major downfall is that she was thrust into the spotlight and she didn't know how to handle it. Trust me when I say haven't seen the last of her. The GOP will work on her and get her ready. Not to run in 2012, but she will be a strong Republican voice in the Senate. Down the road, Sarah will run for President. It's what she does up to that time in how popular she becomes. Now, as to her role in this election? Well, you can't blame McCain for choosing her. It made sense to do so. But I don't fault her for losing this election for John. He hurt himself more than she did. Actually, his campaign manager really screwed him with some of the choices he made. But, as I said, you could just tell that no one in the McCain camp felt they would beat Obama. I honestly believe he didn't put up the strong fight he should have. Probably still would've lost, but I will always wonder how much tighter a race he could've made it. i agree with everything you have stated. this election will go down in the history books in big bold letters not just because of the African American aspect but because of the phenomenal race that was had. From the primaries to the debates to Nov 4 2008, just epic. Every twist and every turn made yesterday all the more cathartic |
Why McCain Lost !
Just a point to toss out for discussion....not that I even remotely agree....I have a lady friend who lives in a mostly white neighborhood near Philadelphia who voted for obama, but her reason spooked me. She says she voted for Obama out of fear...fear that if he lost the "blacks would riot and burn my neighborhood down." Makes me wonder how many others had the same fear when they went to vote. A misguided fear, I am certain, but, how many whites had that fear? Any guesses? Was CRACK OR WEED involved it seem like she was PARANOID LUNATIC.................. is it a guy or a girl? |
Why McCain Lost !
Just the way he said it....I seems like he knows something that we don't. Or at least he's praying that it people are so obvious ! ummm.... what the heck are you saying??? The comment made by the guy about Obama being shot within a year. It's scary that someone would say that so politely. if you are talking about me. i didnt take that lightly I was talking about a guy named The Shadow that made a comment about obama being shot...I think it's a horrible thing to say. ah, yes i agree |
Why McCain Lost !
Just the way he said it....I seems like he knows something that we don't. Or at least he's praying that it people are so obvious ! ummm.... what the heck are you saying??? The comment made by the guy about Obama being shot within a year. It's scary that someone would say that so politely. if you are talking about me. i didnt take that lightly |
Why McCain Lost !
Just the way he said it....I seems like he knows something that we don't. Or at least he's praying that it people are so obvious ! ummm.... what the heck are you saying??? |