Community > Posts By > Dredz_Hang_Low
yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE. Do you have kids? ahh the truth comes out. hell hath no whineyness like a woman scorned |
I'll tell you what guys... Unless you care for a sick child in the early hours of the morning. Unless you get a child ready every morning to go to daycare/school so you can also get yourself ready to go to work, come home and feed a child and do homework and then a bath and bed FIVE days a week. Unless you have cancelled plans because the ex "couldn't" pick up the child when they are supposed to because THEY had a gold outting or whatever other social event THEY had. Unless you wipe away tears from skinned knees, broken hearts, disappointment, spilled ice cream...whatever. Unless you care for a child day in and day out, DO NOT JUDGE A SINGLE PARENT FOR THE CHOICES THEY HAVE MADE. You have not a God damn clue in your God damn tiny little brain what a single parent does EVERY day of their life. god willing, most of us will never find out. |
Has anyone here read "The Scarlet Letter"? I think it is very appropriate in this setting. I don't think it applies at all. No one is wearing an A on their chest or being killed for having sex without being married. No, but women are being demonized for having children "out of wedlock" and who is demonizing the men for it? i dont think they are demonizing women for having children. i think of it more like do you like blonds or red heads? skinny or thick women? with children or without? its a preference thing. and i think a higher percent of guys would prefer a woman without children. nad yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE. Do you have kids? the woman chose to have the child. and situations may vary but the man is responsible for child support and so every one is sacrificing in the situation. maybe not in the ideal way but it is getting done. i dont have any children. i dont believe i ever will. i think it is possible to be sexually active and not have a child we have here a woman that says condoms dont work.... well im 26 ive been having sex since i was 16, that means 10 years being active. i have had 5 condoms break on me in that time (5 out of the hundred or so used thats pretty good), and i have exactly 0 children. |
i think we are making this a men against women thing instead of a reality thing. it is sad that it is deteriorating into a name calling shout fest.
Let's throw two of them out and say that I didn't plan on getting pregnant hence thats why I mentioned condoms. Besides I like to think of my son as a surprise. He was born a week before my birthday. Best birthday gift ever!!! Well, your son's birthday gift was to have no father. don't yell at me...just looking at it from other people's point of view damn even i think that was rude! go fly a kite |
Has anyone here read "The Scarlet Letter"? I think it is very appropriate in this setting. I don't think it applies at all. No one is wearing an A on their chest or being killed for having sex without being married. No, but women are being demonized for having children "out of wedlock" and who is demonizing the men for it? i dont think they are demonizing women for having children. i think of it more like do you like blonds or red heads? skinny or thick women? with children or without? its a preference thing. and i think a higher percent of guys would prefer a woman without children. |
Let's throw two of them out and say that I didn't plan on getting pregnant hence thats why I mentioned condoms. Besides I like to think of my son as a surprise. He was born a week before my birthday. Best birthday gift ever!!! Well, your son's birthday gift was to have no father. don't yell at me...just looking at it from other people's point of view damn even i think that was rude! |
when i see a girl younger than me single and with a child i think she wasn't responsible enough to use a condom or wait till married and if divorced she wasnt strong enough to work it out of choose a good guy to have a child with... i see immaturity. i am not allowed to say anything to this because i will go off on you and probibly get banned... just know that i think what you said is the most absourd thing i have ever heard in my life.. people change..and sometimes when you get married.. the person you end up with is not the same person you started out with... men say women do it all the time.. well im saying it now.. men do it!! look you can get mad if you want. however your visceral response only shows your own immaturity. i am not here for your pleasure. the fact of the matter is that is how i feel and that is how a lot of people i know feel. |
when i see a girl younger than me single and with a child i think she wasn't responsible enough to use a condom or wait till married and if divorced she wasnt strong enough to work it out of choose a good guy to have a child with... i see immaturity. i have dated a girl with 2 twin boys before and really it worked out better than i thought. i didnt know she had kids until i got her undressed... kids do things to a womans body lol (sorry maybe that was mean) so much i want to respond to in that post. First and foremost, yea that was a harsh thing to say. Guys don't bear the burden of carrying and delivering a child...enough said. Anyway I seem to have made people think that I can't get a date. LOL. But that would not be a correct assumption. I'm cute! I can get dates!!! I was just telln about what I and a few women my age know. Oh yea...It takes two to make a baby honey and sometimes condoms don't work and marriage is not a sure thing. I mean did you wait til you were married to have sex...from your story...I think not. no disrespect to you. you seemed to ask a serious question i gave you and honest emotional answer. i know i am going to get a lot of crap for my other post but if you want to know what goes through me and my male friends minds. i told ya. as far as waiting. no i didn't wait. yes i have had condoms break on me but theres this thing called the morning after pill that she took. so thats just my experience. no judgment past upon you for having a child. i just would be apprehensive about being in a serious relationship with you. just my preference and opinion |
...simply because contrary to popular belief guys evaluate women in the terms of can i see myself with this woman for an extended period of time and even more so if a child is involved. so upon evaluation i personaly see that if i am with this woman eventually that child will become my responsability. it will start costing me money in some way, anything from a birthday gift to college tuition. i know my fater married my mom with two kids. i went to college.
when i see a girl younger than me single and with a child i think she wasn't responsible enough to use a condom or wait till married and if divorced she wasnt strong enough to work it out of choose a good guy to have a child with... i see immaturity. qualities that i dont find attractive and like most guys i don't want to have a child of my own (at least now) so.... i see a lot of people here putting down guys who wouldnt date a woman with a child but seriously a child is a big deal and why deal with it when you dont have to? i have dated a girl with 2 twin boys before and really it worked out better than i thought. i didnt know she had kids until i got her undressed... kids do things to a womans body lol (sorry maybe that was mean) anyhow it was great she was great she was in love with me... but in the back of my mind all i could think is if she gets pregnant, thats 3 kids and shes already young... if we get married thats 2 and maybe 3 kids i now have to take care of and since men in this world are still expected to be providers... that is an awful lot to take on. still that girl with the twin boys... well she is now married and has a new child. she is very happy, and i am happy for her. |
okay lets make this easier
I don't do lines what does that make me? a dumbass? sits back and waits for the ban |
Well we now know that McCain is going to be at the debate.
He said he wouldnt go unless a deal was struck on the bailout.... none has been reached. ....welll... at least he made a big fuss about it. oh and this just in. the so called suspended McCain campaign has released web ads this morning saying that "McCain wins debate!" so i mean why have a debate when he has already won??? |
| Excerpt: 'When Couric asked how Alaska's closeness to Russia enhanced her foreign policy experience, Palin said, "Well, it certainly does because our ... our next-door neighbors are foreign countries." Alaska shares a border with Canada.' Did this woman just fall out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lets see canada is bordered by a foreign country on all sides if you want info on a volcano ya gonna ask the person that lives by the volcano or the person that lives a thousand miles away from it alsaka has to deal with protecting their waters from direct Russian intrusion into alaska's waters does that make her an expert no does that give her more knowledge than say the the gov. of any land locked state Actually all the things you point out are under the watch of the federal government not state government. California borders Mexico but it is not state officials that watch the border it is the federal government. So Alaska is not protecting their borders the US military/ coast guard is. so in the case of your analogy if you want to find out about US relations with Russia you Go to Washington DC.... or you can go to Moscow... which i don't think you can see from the Alaskan governors mansion |
Palin Speaks!
if you think Obama is "vacuous" i dont know what to tell you. i dont work for the campaign its not my job to change your mind... but you obviously havnt been listening to the substance of what he is talking about. i know where he stands and why he believes what he believes because he speaks clearly and thoughtfully. There is absolutely no diresct comparison with him and Palin. Obama has talked in detail about why me must protect Isreal, the finacial crrisis, health care, the war, in fact every major issue i know where he stands... Palin babbles like a kid who didnt study for the test but is trying not to fail the class. I do not have confidence in her. period. But you make the point that she is not the presidental nom. fair enough. McCain is impulsive, tempermental and, unpredictable. I do not want a president whos idea of diplomacy is to sing "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran!" If i was in Iran, after hearing that i would be biulding as many Nukes as possiable. I do not trust a man who says i dont understand the economy and then tries to tell me how he can fix things. I do not have confidence in him. period I have listened to Obama's speeches and read some of his campaign literature. As far as I can tell it is just the same political campaign fluff. The thing that irritates me is that he says that he is the agent of change but then....fluff - what real change? how is he going to do it? he says he's going to bring the parties together. how? what has he done of a bi-partisan nature? he is even more of a polarizing figure now than Clinton! it is an insult for him to misrepresent himself like this. it inspires distrust rather than confidence! his attacks on McCain are just as slimy and dishonest as the stuff being put out by McCain. his biggest strategy is to try to call McCain "Bush" so much that voters somehow magically are supposed to think McCain is Bush? WTH?! this is not intelligent. this does not show any ability to build consensus. this is not the kind of leadership i can easily believe in. McCain has issues...i don't relish the thought of him in the White House either. But Obama has lost my respect also PLUS he has no experience. i beware pretty promises especially when there is no evidence that they are in any way achievable. Obama is patently patina. OK so there are just three youtube videos explaining what change means. to go to your other points. His ability to bring parties together is not fluff. what he is saying is that you may not agree with him on all issues but he is willing to compromise some of his own stances to accomplish the greater good. example: off shore drilling. he opposes it but has said he is willing to include it in a bill that has a large focus on developing alternative energy. That is how he will bring them together. You say he is more polarizing than Clinton but that is not something he has done. He is polarizing because that is how elections work. McCain is just as polarizing. The only way to not be polarizing during an election is to not run. His attacks on McCain have all been substantive. McCains have been attacks on Obamas charachter and a lot of them flat lies and distortions. You can go to for non-partisan information about this. McCain is very similar to bush when he votes with bush over 90% of the time and has no difference with bush on any policy foriegn or domestic. This shows an ability to build consensus because 80% of the american people think Bush is doing a poor job and there you Have McCain agreeing with Bush 90% of the time. lol the consensus part is a stretch but still 90%??? Doesn't sound like a maverick to me. i don't know what promises you think Obama has made are petty and/or unachievable but i can say that all the promises made by either McCain or Obama are just promises and we wont know what will happen until 4 years from now and we re-evaluate what they really did vs what they promised to do. even their promises have to pass through the house and the senate so not everything they promise can happen regardless. that is how our nation works. i do encourage you to check out the youtube videos and we can talk about them |
Palin Speaks!
Well, I can understand some posters thinking Obama has said nothing. After all, if you are getting most of your news from FOX then that's what you would think. Obama has said a good deal. Of course for anyone to know that they would actually have to tune in and seek out multiple news sources and OMG they would have to read! Yes, I said it! Shocking isn't it? That you would have to visit Obama's site and actually read his plan! I am sure most Obama haters won't do that. The reading might be too time consuming and thought provoking. We all know how disturbing thought is to some. so what particular one point of his do you think is the most convincing? Obama has laid out a plan to begin talks with Iran. Also begin Redeploy troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. Obama has shown a even handed calm reaction to the economy and the American people have more confidence in him when it comes to the economy. McCain is impulsive, tempermental and, unpredictable. I do not want a president whos idea of diplomacy is to sing "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran!" If i was in Iran, after hearing that i would be biulding as many Nukes as possiable. I do not trust a man who says i dont understand the economy and then tries to tell me how he can fix things. I do not have confidence in him. period |
what makes obama qualified then? hes black? i know thats why a TON of people voted for him, he got anyhting else on the table? lets see controversy...... check...... ahh! a pastor who HATES white folks!.......check!.....hmmm......just shy of a decade of real political experience....check! This is revealing. it's insulting |
Obama, McCain on the issues
It seems to me that a lot of people are misstating the record of the candidates, often saying things like "he stands for nothing" well here it is.
Obama, McCain on the issues The Associated Press Wednesday, August 27, 2008 A look at where Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain stand on a selection of issues as the national party conventions affirm their presidential nominations and launch the fall campaign before the Nov. 4 election: ABORTION McCain: Opposes abortion rights. Has voted for abortion restrictions permissible under Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized the procedure. Now says he would seek to overturn that guarantee of abortion rights while being open to a running mate who supports abortion rights. Would not seek constitutional amendment to ban abortion. Obama: Favors abortion rights. AFGHANISTAN McCain: Favors unspecified boost in U.S. forces. Obama: Would add about 7,000 troops to the U.S. force of 36,000, bringing the reinforcements from Iraq. Has threatened unilateral attack on high-value terrorist targets in Pakistan as they become exposed, "if Pakistan cannot or will not act" against them. CAMPAIGN FINANCE McCain: The co-author of McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, he plans to run his general campaign with public money and within its spending limits. He has urged Obama to do the same. He applied for federal matching funds for primaries but later turned them down so he could spend more than the limits. Federal Election Commission belatedly approved his decision to bypass the primary funds, but rejected McCain's claim that he needed no such approval. McCain accepts campaign contributions from lobbyists. Obama: The presidential campaign's fundraising champion has brought in $390 million. He plans to raise private money for his general election, despite his proposal last year to accept public financing and its spending limits if the Republican nominee does, too. Obama refuses to accept money from federal lobbyists and has instructed the Democratic National Committee to do the same for its joint victory fund, an account that would benefit the nominee. Obama does accept money from state lobbyists and from family members of federal lobbyists. CUBA McCain: Ease restrictions on Cuba once U.S. is "confident that the transition to a free and open democracy is being made." Obama: Ease restrictions on family-related travel and on money Cuban-Americans want to send to their families in Cuba. Open to meeting new Cuban leader Raul Castro without preconditions. Ease trade embargo if Havana "begins opening Cuba to meaningful democratic change." DEATH PENALTY McCain: Has supported expansion of the federal death penalty and limits on appeals. Obama: Supports death penalty for crimes for which the "community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage." As Illinois lawmaker, wrote bill mandating videotaping of interrogations and confessions in capital cases and sought other changes in system that had produced wrongful convictions. EDUCATION McCain: Favors parental choice of schools, including vouchers for private schools when approved by local officials, and right of parents to choose home schooling. More money for community college education. Obama: Encourage but not require universal pre-kindergarten programs, expand teacher-mentoring programs and reward teachers with higher pay not tied to standardized test scores, in $18 billion plan to be paid for in part by delaying elements of moon and Mars missions. Change No Child Left Behind law "so that we're not just teaching to a test and crowding out programs like art and music." Tax credit to pay up to $4,000 of college expenses for students who perform 100 hours of community service a year. ENERGY McCain: Favors increased offshore drilling and federal money to help build 45 nuclear power reactors by 2030. Opposes drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Proposed suspending the 18-cent a gallon federal gasoline tax but idea got no traction. Global warming plan would increase energy costs. Obama: Now would consider limited increase in offshore drilling. Opposes drilling in Arctic reserve. Proposes windfall-profits tax on largest oil companies to pay for energy rebate of up to $1,000. Opposed suspension of the gas tax. Open to tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for short-term relief from high energy costs. Global warming plan would increase energy costs. GAY MARRIAGE McCain: Opposes constitutional amendment to ban it. Says same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into legal agreements for insurance and similar benefits, and states should decide about marriage. Obama: Opposes constitutional amendment to ban it. Supports civil unions, says states should decide about marriage. GLOBAL WARMING McCain: Broke with President George W. Bush, also a Republican, on global warming. Led Senate effort to cap greenhouse gas emissions; favors tougher fuel efficiency standards. Favors plan that would see greenhouse gas emissions cut by 60 percent by 2050. Obama: Ten-year, $150 billion program to produce "climate friendly" energy supplies that he'd pay for with a carbon auction requiring businesses to bid competitively for the right to pollute and aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. Joined McCain in sponsoring earlier legislation that would set mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions. Supports tougher fuel-efficiency standards. GUN CONTROL McCain: Voted against ban on assault-type weapons but in favor of requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted to shield gun-makers and dealers from civil suits. Obama: Voted to leave gun-makers and dealers open to suit. Also, as Illinois state lawmaker, supported ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions generally on firearms. HEALTH CARE McCain: $2,500 refundable tax credit for individuals, $5,000 for families, to make health insurance more affordable. No mandate for universal coverage. In gaining the tax credit, workers could not deduct the portion of their workplace health insurance paid by their employers. Obama: Mandatory coverage for children, no mandate for adults. Aim for universal coverage by requiring employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage similar to that in plan for federal employees. Says package would cost up to $65 billion a year after unspecified savings from making system more efficient. Raise taxes on wealthier families to pay the cost. HOUSING McCain: Open to helping homeowners facing foreclosure if they are "legitimate borrowers" and not speculators. Obama: Tax credit covering 10 percent of annual mortgage-interest payments for "struggling homeowners," scoring system for consumers to compare mortgages, a fund for mortgage-fraud victims, new penalties for mortgage fraud, aid to state and local governments stung by housing crisis, in $20 billion plan geared to "responsible homeowners." IMMIGRATION McCain: Sponsored 2006 bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S., work and apply to become legal residents after learning English, paying fines and back taxes and clearing a background check. Now says he would secure the border first. Supports border fence. Obama: Voted for 2006 bill offering legal status to illegal immigrants subject to conditions, including English proficiency and payment of back taxes and fines. Voted for border fence. IRAN McCain: Favors tougher sanctions, opposes direct high-level talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Obama: Initially said he would meet Ahmadinejad without preconditions, now says he's not sure "Ahmadinejad is the right person to meet with right now." But says direct diplomacy with Iranian leaders would give U.S. more credibility to press for tougher international sanctions. Says he would intensify diplomatic pressure on Tehran before Israel feels the need to take unilateral military action against Iranian nuclear facilities. IRAQ McCain: Opposes scheduling a troop withdrawal, saying latest strategy is succeeding. Supported decision to go to war, but was early critic of the manner in which administration prosecuted it. Was key backer of the troop increase. Willing to have permanent U.S. peacekeeping forces in Iraq. Obama: Spoke against war at start, opposed troop increase. Voted against one major military spending bill in May 2007; otherwise voted in favor of money to support the war. Says his plan would complete withdrawal of combat troops in 16 months. Initially had said a timetable for completing withdrawal would be irresponsible without knowing what facts he'd face in office. SOCIAL SECURITY McCain: "Nothing's off the table" when it comes to saving Social Security. Obama: Would raise payroll tax on wealthiest by applying it to portion of income over $250,000. Now, payroll tax is applied to income up to $102,000. Rules out raising the retirement age for benefits. STEM CELL RESEARCH McCain: Supports relaxing federal restrictions on financing of embryonic stem cell research. Obama: Supports relaxing federal restrictions on financing of embryonic stem cell research. TAXES McCain: Pledged not to raise taxes, then equivocated, saying nothing can be ruled out in negotiating compromises to keep Social Security solvent. Twice opposed Bush's tax cuts, at first because he said they were tilted to the wealthiest and again because of the unknown costs of Iraq war. Now says those tax cuts, expiring in 2010, should be permanent. Proposes cutting corporate tax rate to 25 percent. Promises balance budget in first term, says that is unlikely in his first year. Obama: Raise income taxes on wealthiest and their capital gains and dividends taxes. Raise corporate taxes. $80 billion in tax breaks mainly for poor workers and elderly, including tripling Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credit for larger families. Eliminate tax-filing requirement for older workers making under $50,000. A mortgage-interest credit could be used by lower-income homeowners who do not take the mortgage-interest deduction because they do not itemize their taxes. TRADE McCain: Free trade advocate. Obama: Seek to reopen North American Free Trade Agreement to strengthen enforcement of labor and environmental standards. In 2004 Senate campaign, called for "enforcing existing trade agreements," not amending them. |
unlike obama? i STILL have yet to hear him explain what his change means EXACTLY. why is everyone picking on her? i bet youre one of those people who reads the tabloids about her pregnant daughter. So much for the public intelligence. Alaska is so close to Russia that you can actually see Russia on a clear day. As a matter of fact, we bought alaska from the Russians. So much for stupidity...right? LOL ![]() what on gods green earth does that have to do with foreign policy today??? California was taken from Mexico... does that make me an expert on mexican trade relations? |
Palin Speaks!
By mocking her further you are just illustrating the validity of her point. AL is merely one of the many states in the US like AZ, TX, CA, NY etc. who DO have real international dealings with their neighbors and YES, that does count as some minor albeit not too intense international experience... You also by inference point out Obama's vacancy of credentials in this area among which he is trying to fill by "sitting next to Joe Biden" on the ticket supposedly headed by the one with no experience! Obama is actually hoping that some eau de "Joe Biden" rubs off on him! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The fact that Palin's thin resume is still thicker than Obama's is just the stuff from which great comedies are made!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But we are living it in our choices for presidential leadership experience... ![]() ![]() No by mocking he i am mocking her. you yourself point out that it is not real foreign policy. I can only imagine the republican out rage and fire store that would happen if Obama equated his foreign policy knowledge with his states proximity to Canada... I am not concerned with Gov Palin's lack of expeiriance. what i am concerned with is that she is unable to talk inteligently and in detail about the issues that we face in the world today. she basically sticks to what sound like pre-rehearsed generic responses. Obama may have a thin record but he has been answering questions about EVERY issue for over a Year and a half. I personally have more confidence in Sen. Obama and his ability to lead the country than i do With Gov Palin. I find no substantial difference between Palin's responses and Obama's. He's just been doing it longer since he has been campaigning for the nomination for the last two years. Sadly he has shown no more substance over the last two years than Gov. Palin has in the last two weeks. She gives one version of pre-packaged BS and he serves up another version of the recipe. Illinois not having a border with Canada does not directly deal with cross border immigration and trade issues so that is a silly "comparison". She has little. He's got nothing. Who would be the better president? I don't think you or anyone else could do anything but guess. But Palin is the VP nominee and would likely have a purely supportive role in a McCain administration. Obama would have the responsibility of actually being president of course - fueled with his vacuous platitudes and lack of experience and thin resume and backed up by his empty assertion that he will be ready. ![]() ![]() if you think Obama is "vacuous" i dont know what to tell you. i dont work for the campaign its not my job to change your mind... but you obviously havnt been listening to the substance of what he is talking about. i know where he stands and why he believes what he believes because he speaks clearly and thoughtfully. There is absolutely no diresct comparison with him and Palin. Obama has talked in detail about why me must protect Isreal, the finacial crrisis, health care, the war, in fact every major issue i know where he stands... Palin babbles like a kid who didnt study for the test but is trying not to fail the class. I do not have confidence in her. period. But you make the point that she is not the presidental nom. fair enough. McCain is impulsive, tempermental and, unpredictable. I do not want a president whos idea of diplomacy is to sing "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran!" If i was in Iran, after hearing that i would be biulding as many Nukes as possiable. I do not trust a man who says i dont understand the economy and then tries to tell me how he can fix things. I do not have confidence in him. period |