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Topic: My appology to black america
madisonman's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:11 PM
I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

browns8127's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:14 PM
for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:15 PM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

They left him a gift. if he fixes this mess he will go down in history bigger than it is already written. remember there is still space on Mt. Rushmore

madisonman's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:18 PM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

They left him a gift. if he fixes this mess he will go down in history bigger than it is already written. remember there is still space on Mt. Rushmore
I like thatdrinker cheers

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:18 PM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

that is fair but really there is no way to talk about this election and ignore how huge this is for a black man to be president.

The white house was built with black slave labor. President Obama, a black man, will now run this country from that house.... you are not black so i dont expect you to see it my way but you have to face facts, this is beyond huge!

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:20 PM
It's time for us to quit the whining and do what the man needs, which is file rank behind him IN UNISON. We've reached an historical apex in this country. It's time we made it happen for the next 200 year's worth of Americans by working together.

I voted for Obama but I am no better than a racist skinhead if I take this opportunity to wag my finger in victory. Let's grow up and be a country that is trully a melting pot rather than one which just proclaims itself so.

LOVE :heart: drinker

madisonman's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:21 PM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

that is fair but really there is no way to talk about this election and ignore how huge this is for a black man to be president.

The white house was built with black slave labor. President Obama, a black man, will now run this country from that house.... you are not black so i dont expect you to see it my way but you have to face facts, this is beyond huge!
It is huge and so well deserved. This country turned a corner and hopefully every raceist black and white can finaly forgive and forget and move forward.

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:22 PM
Edited by brandynicole on Wed 11/05/08 07:23 PM
Not to take away from african-american's who have every right to be excited ... I think people overlook that his Mother was white. This is a victory for all of us. I think it's a step in the right direction of having only 1 human race....forget color.

browns8127's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:23 PM
id agree with you it is a huge deal and a great for america but i just hope he is judged on his actions as president not color. either way good or bad

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:32 PM
Thank you BrandyNicole!! He's not JUST black. We all get how huge this is. I have biracial nieces and nephews, and I want them to have as much opportunity to be president, if they so choose, as my nieces and nephews who aren't biracial. I just don't get why he's just seen as black. That sends a negative message to biracial children brought up by white parents that they should deny any piece of them. My niece, nephew, and younger cousin have always been told that they are two beautiful races blended together to make the most beautiful children anyone's ever seen, and that they should know both sides of their roots and embrace both equally.

madisonman's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:44 PM

It's time for us to quit the whining and do what the man needs, which is file rank behind him IN UNISON. We've reached an historical apex in this country. It's time we made it happen for the next 200 year's worth of Americans by working together.

I voted for Obama but I am no better than a racist skinhead if I take this opportunity to wag my finger in victory. Let's grow up and be a country that is trully a melting pot rather than one which just proclaims itself so.

LOVE :heart: drinker
They so deserve to have a finger waved at them bro, and much more. They are lucky they are not being chased with a pitch fork for what they have done to our country.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:46 PM

Not to take away from african-american's who have every right to be excited ... I think people overlook that his Mother was white. This is a victory for all of us. I think it's a step in the right direction of having only 1 human race....forget color.

you are absolutely right. i think black America is going to be jumping for joy for a while it is a good thing for you to remind me that this is for all of us equally. I have white friends who are even more excited than i am. I am very proud of my country. im glad the world is getting to see that the USA stands by its creed. The symbol this gives us is huge

now the real work begins. the country is in a tough spot. its time for us to stick together.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:47 PM
I'm not talking about Rove, Cheney, Bush, et al; I'm talking about our fellow citizens who voted McCain. As for what those cats did, that's up to smarter people than you and I to hash out.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:49 PM
BTW, how good was Obama's speech last night?

Remind anyone of anyone? flowerforyou If you can make Oprah cry, that's saying something.

McCain's concession speech was also great. He showed he is trully a patriot. He will be a great ambassador for the administration, because he really is about the country. There aren't many left who are like him. I'm proud to call him an American as well.drinker

madisonman's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:49 PM

I'm not talking about Rove, Cheney, Bush, et al; I'm talking about our fellow citizens who voted McCain. As for what those cats did, that's up to smarter people than you and I to hash out.
Its the burden of a free society to hash it out as citizens. You see what has happened when good men have done nothing. Its over for now but we will be paying the price for years to come.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:53 PM

I'm not talking about Rove, Cheney, Bush, et al; I'm talking about our fellow citizens who voted McCain. As for what those cats did, that's up to smarter people than you and I to hash out.
Its the burden of a free society to hash it out as citizens. You see what has happened when good men have done nothing. Its over for now but we will be paying the price for years to come.

So what do you suggest we do to these guys? What would you do as incoming AG or as Obama?

Moondark's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:57 PM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

They left him a gift. if he fixes this mess he will go down in history bigger than it is already written. remember there is still space on Mt. Rushmore

One of the reasons he got my vote is because I thought we needed someone with Rooseveltian potential. He had it, McCain didn't. So I really have to agree with on the Rushmore statement. Not that THAT would happen. But if he manages it, the sentiment is accurate.

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:59 PM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.


I don't know that I've ever read a more patronizing and condescending "apology" than the one you wrote above. That you think you need to apologize for the actions of someone you dislike is beyond arrogant. That you think intelligent people of varying ethnicities need you to point out what they are fully capable of figuring out independently is just incredibly scary.


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:03 PM
:smile:Obama is a historical presidency for several different reasons, not just race.:smile:

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:07 PM
What's with the continued division? One nation ... work together and make the rest of the world proud! flowerforyou flowerforyou

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