Community > Posts By > Dredz_Hang_Low

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 02:05 PM

Why do guys only like you if you do the sexy, flirty, playful banter thing? But if you're not into it, or you're thinking things are leading to potentially more than that, they bail?

for me i like the sexy banter. as a guy youre never quite sure if a woman likes you on a more than a friend level unless the conversation leads to sex. i know some women are going to take issue with that but really unless you come out and say i like you and are calling the guy alll the time how does a guy know?

if i where a woman i would just assume that all guys want to sleep with me. even if you have known some guy for years and he has never made a pass. he would sleep with you in a heartbeat if you made it clear that is what you wanted

that said you have to be able to seperate the guys who want more than just sex from the guy who just wants a F-buddy. no clear way to do that . but for me if i take you out, spend money and make elaborate plans or spend a whole day with you and dont really try to move it to a bedroom then im trying to keep you around a while. if we go for burgers and then back to your place.... well. lol i dunno its hard to tell. i myself dont really hide my intentions if all im looking for is sex. the conversation usually gets there as fast as possiable.

hope that helps

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:56 PM

Isn't it a lot better to find out RIGHT AWAY that someone isn't your type than to have things drag on for weeks, months, or years? I mean, what better indicator could you need that someone is not right for you if communication sours right from the get-go?

I had on my headline on the book of matches site for quite awhile that I didn't have the time or inclination to cyber with people. Some found it offensive and antisocial, lol. But like I care..?

You have a right to your personal standards, and so do they.

Just keep lookin! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

people are still trying to have cyber sex???? that s#!t is so ten years ago lol

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:40 PM

I don't believe that Obama is playing the race card. He is half white and half black. Which one is he supposed to be playing the card for?

Everyone knows that being "white" is not considered to be of any "ethnic" background...........

And I didn't point blank say he was playing any card.........but there are people who support him that do so simply because part of him is "black".

It matters little to me, I will probably vote for him when elections come, because I like him better than McCain.

I honestly don't know which card he supposedly is playing.

And I never said that HE I'm not sure why you keep posting that??? I said, some people play it FOR him..... That bothers me, not he himself...and as I said, that isn't going to effect how I vote, either.

I am not arguing with you. I was trying to learn about the race card because I have not seen evidence of it.flowerforyou

You had said, "I like Obama, but if race doesn't matter, then why does he play the "race card"?

Sorry..........I took it the wrong way.

I don't keep track of everything I read or hear.............let me just say it was an impression. Having Jesse James Jr in ur campaign.......probably had an effect.

Things like this: (link to youtube)

I could find more if I wanted to........but I won't, because everything reported has a flip side. I'm simply explaining why I said what I did............It wasn't Obama himself, but his wife in this one.

Polling African Americans..and women with Hillary, and wondering why not all African Americans didn't support, imo, bringing race into the equation. As if voters should vote for him just because they are black and so is he.

I'm new to politics.........I don't know everything about the was simply an "impression" I had..based on things I've mentioned.

ok seeing that you are new to this you get a bit of a break but please aloww me to clear the record

Jesse Jackson Jr you mean correct? well if that is the person you mean Jesse Jr. is nothing like Jesse Sr. so if you wish to pass judgment on him do a bit of research. not doing so is how negatives of race are brought on.

As far as the you tube clip you posted Michelle was talking about what i kinda eluded to earlier that black people only vote for black people if they are qualified, the fear in the primary was that he would prove to be unqualified. Therefore black people wernt voting for him in the early goin regardless of race... that kinda goes against your logic doesn't it? when he proved otherwise black people voted for him.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:53 AM

I have talked to lots of people and they are basing their decisions on those reason listed below:

racism (against Obama)
sexism (for Palin)
or ageism (against McCain)

sad but true fact
no one wants to decide on what the candidate stands for
which is understandable to some degree, because McCain or Obama haven't really stated what they stand for or what they can can do for the American peopleohwell

i think after 2 years of these people running for president if you think these guys "haven't really stated what they stand for or what they can can do for the American people" you either havnet been listening or you dont want to hear what they have been saying.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:32 AM

I don't believe that Obama is playing the race card. He is half white and half black. Which one is he supposed to be playing the card for?

Everyone knows that being "white" is not considered to be of any "ethnic" background...........

And I didn't point blank say he was playing any card.........but there are people who support him that do so simply because part of him is "black".

It matters little to me, I will probably vote for him when elections come, because I like him better than McCain.

I honestly don't know which card he supposedly is playing.

And I never said that HE I'm not sure why you keep posting that??? I said, some people play it FOR him..... That bothers me, not he himself...and as I said, that isn't going to effect how I vote, either.

no one is playing it for him.

if someone in his campaign is doing it then that is one thing. but they havent.

if someone unassociated with the campaign is playing it then that is just them and has no reflection on the candidate what so ever

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:27 AM

I don't believe that Obama is playing the race card. He is half white and half black. Which one is he supposed to be playing the card for?

Everyone knows that being "white" is not considered to be of any "ethnic" background...........

And I didn't point blank say he was playing any card.........but there are people who support him that do so simply because part of him is "black".

It matters little to me, I will probably vote for him when elections come, because I like him better than McCain.

I honestly don't know which card he supposedly is playing.

well it aint the black one. 'cause if he where to play that he would loose. Obama seems to have made a real effort to make race a non-issue because he never mentions it. if he did i would remeber and expect him to fail in Nov.

no one is playing cards this election.

although the sexism card has been used.... so i guess someone is playing cards somewhere

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:16 AM

Ummm Drez...Jesse and Al are radicals. Of course they didn't win. That is a clear example of race/gender making no difference, IMO. But religiosity? That makes a HUGE difference.

Were you alive when Jesse tried to run? I was and it was pathetic.

Now give me an Obama, Colin Powell, Condy if she switches parties...

I think I can say, in all honesty, (Like that one?)... that I have a problem with a man running who can't run, swing his arms, or dial a phone. I want the president to be able to call 911, and run for help. That isn't the reason I won't vote for him... but it does play a part.

i was very young when Jesse ran but i remember black people in my area being very excited. I think there is going to be a certain amount of pride involved with a voter for someone who is like you running for office.

That said you are right Jesse and Al are radicals and no leaders of mine.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:11 AM

I want black people to vote for Obama...if it is because they see him leading our nation out of this recession, ending the war, and other reasons. People need to vote for who they feel is best to lead. Color has nothing to do with it.

I know this is an exciting time because it can be a historical event. I realize that. I just feel it is asinine to vote for Obama due to that fact.

well consider this. historically black people vote democratic. so say that John McCain was black and say Obama was white (using the name Barry lol). I think you would see the black vote split though no equally. that is most blacks would continue to vote democrat but you would see a rise in black voters willing to vote republican.

What that means is that black people have been voting in large numbers for WHITE democrats for years! so to see a large turnout for a black democrat is less surprising than it may seem.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:05 AM

dont have to have a degree to know that is someone is kickin your a$$ or putting a gun to your head you get the f*ck out!!

you always have a choice. and seeing how she is still alive she made the wrong choice to not go to the cops and since she said they didnt help she made the wrong choice by not getting out of town.

she also insinuated she didnt have children before he violated her so the stay at home mom thing seems mute.

but if there are any stay at home moms reading... let this be a lesson, get a job and a baby sitter, cause nothing is worth your independence especially if it just the price of a greyhound bus ticket holding you in a f*cked situation

couple things.. i did leave when he put the gun to my head.. prior to that it was mostly holes in walls..
i DID go to the poliece.. they called me a liar.. cuz his skank of the week said that he was with her at the time..
i DID get out of town... thus the 50 mile drive for him to see the kid..
i DID have 3 children before he raped me... however i was not a stay at home mom.. but it is near imposible to raise kids alone..
and with so many people out there with attitudes like YOURS.. it was not hard for me to feel as if he was the best i could get as i had kids already..
AND.. there is no greyhound, train, taxi.. anything within a 65 mile radious of where i live...
thought id clear up those points..
when i met him... he was a sweet kind considerate guy.. after the 3rd year he changed.. a gradual change to what i ended up with..
anything else you want to assume about me?

i assume you are happy enough to go watch your child ride horses. have a good day.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 11:01 AM

Yeah. I don't like how many within the black community are saying that black people should vote for Obama because (a) it will make history and (b) cause he is black. WTH???

I would say that there is a fair bit of excitement in the black community about Obama because he is black so you have a valid poit on one had.

However, Jesse Jackson ran in the 80's and didnt win the parties nomination. Al Sharpton ran last election cycle and got even less than Jackson did. Why? Because they wernt qualified for the office of president.

Say what you will about Obamas resume. The people of this country see him as qualified. That is why black people are excited. It is because he actually has the qualifications and a chance to win.

I would also add that black people are still a minority vote in the US and it takes a large amount of white and other votes to make someone the candidate of a major party. Obama has gotten a great many of those votes.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:49 AM

Now see!!!! We got in trouble! *stomps foot and goes running and crying to room*

i dont think anyone was bashing you. i personally dont know you but i wish you the best and know that things work out.

much love to you sistah

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:35 AM

nad yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE.

Do you have kids?

The man only gets the weekend visitation if the mommy is nice and lets him or if he pays for the time through child support.
i DROVE my kids 50 miles one direction every weekend to see their dad... he did NOT pay child support...
has never paid...

he would email me and tell me where and when to meet him.. of the 45 times i drove them in.. he saw them exactly 9!!!!!
SxBoY.. i like you.. but you are starting to pizz even me off here!

dont always blaim the mom.. my ex beat and raped me on a regular basis.. he cheated on me with 29 girls in the time of 6 years.. he brainwashed me to beleve that i could never find better...

i finaly got the strength to leave after he held a gun to my head once... he broke in my house and raped me.. and a few weeks later after he found out that i was preg.. he came back and tried/threatened to cut the baby out of my stomach..
his gf at the time lied for him and so the cops did nothing.. and STILL i tried to let him see his kids..

i did NOTHING wrong.. stood up and take care of my kids...
love every one of them.. they are MINE!!!

but i have to put up with attitudes like you are presenting EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

You are making the critical error of passing your inability to learn to making it other people's mistakes.

1) You can only be brainwashed if you can't think for yourself.
2) Nobody forced you to drive 50 miles, 45 times. That is nobody's fault but your own. If he only met them 9 times out of 45 times, you should have learned after the first 5 drives what the pattern would be. If he really wanted to see the kids, he would have driving 50 miles to see them.
3) I don't sympathize for you if you stayed with him and allowed him to do all those things to you. If you are looking for sympathy, look somewhere else. You are all about responsibility, yet, when it comes to personal responsibility for yourself, you blow it off.
4) I don't see how you can relate my attitude to a person that abused you and cheated on you 29 times. That's a little overboard.

Again, a mean and uncalled comment. Why the hate?

She can think for herself and she has the ability to learn.

Methinks that you may do well with a psychology class and learn more about abused women and what happens to them psychologically while they are being abused.

Computers can't teach about life, you know.

really it may be tasteless or mean to make that comment but i think a lot of people think that when it comes to abuse. i mean sounds to me like a person with low self esteem got with a violent person with low self esteem and a god complex. i think the average person would have left the relationship long before many of those things happened.
however seeing as they did happen and she felt that she couldnt leave no one made the guy do the **** he did to her. all things considered id kick the **** out of him for her...

Do you have a background in psych.? What you have said it not always the case.

Quite often the woman feels that she doesn't have the choice to leave, especially if she is a stay-at-home mom with no money of her own.

And there are the women that fear for their lives if they leave. And more.

dont have to have a degree to know that is someone is kickin your a$$ or putting a gun to your head you get the f*ck out!!

you always have a choice. and seeing how she is still alive she made the wrong choice to not go to the cops and since she said they didnt help she made the wrong choice by not getting out of town.

she also insinuated she didnt have children before he violated her so the stay at home mom thing seems mute.

but if there are any stay at home moms reading... let this be a lesson, get a job and a baby sitter, cause nothing is worth your independence especially if it just the price of a greyhound bus ticket holding you in a f*cked situation

Again, you have no idea what the cycle of abuse does to a woman or man's psyche. It wouldn't hurt to read up on it.flowerforyou

i dont need to. i dont beat women. i am a nice guy contrary to all the s#it being thrown at me in this forum. i know right from wrong. and i dont allow myself to become a victim.

if you think there is some logical psychoanalytical reason that a woman would stay there then i mean i find that disturbing. im not saying we should blame her but we certainly shouldnt lead her to believe it wasnt her fault in some way.

i know this is a small stretch of a analogy but follow me. if a black kid goes to school in the ghetto and he fails every class. people will be quick to blame society. all that does is tell the kid, its not your fault you failed you where destiny to fail because you live here in the ghetto. if that kid live in the suburbs they would get him a tutor. big difference! really it the kids fault for not passing. it is going to take the kid to realize it was his fault so he knows he also has the power to pass. you control your own destiny.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:21 AM

nad yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE.

Do you have kids?

The man only gets the weekend visitation if the mommy is nice and lets him or if he pays for the time through child support.
i DROVE my kids 50 miles one direction every weekend to see their dad... he did NOT pay child support...
has never paid...

he would email me and tell me where and when to meet him.. of the 45 times i drove them in.. he saw them exactly 9!!!!!
SxBoY.. i like you.. but you are starting to pizz even me off here!

dont always blaim the mom.. my ex beat and raped me on a regular basis.. he cheated on me with 29 girls in the time of 6 years.. he brainwashed me to beleve that i could never find better...

i finaly got the strength to leave after he held a gun to my head once... he broke in my house and raped me.. and a few weeks later after he found out that i was preg.. he came back and tried/threatened to cut the baby out of my stomach..
his gf at the time lied for him and so the cops did nothing.. and STILL i tried to let him see his kids..

i did NOTHING wrong.. stood up and take care of my kids...
love every one of them.. they are MINE!!!

but i have to put up with attitudes like you are presenting EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

You are making the critical error of passing your inability to learn to making it other people's mistakes.

1) You can only be brainwashed if you can't think for yourself.
2) Nobody forced you to drive 50 miles, 45 times. That is nobody's fault but your own. If he only met them 9 times out of 45 times, you should have learned after the first 5 drives what the pattern would be. If he really wanted to see the kids, he would have driving 50 miles to see them.
3) I don't sympathize for you if you stayed with him and allowed him to do all those things to you. If you are looking for sympathy, look somewhere else. You are all about responsibility, yet, when it comes to personal responsibility for yourself, you blow it off.
4) I don't see how you can relate my attitude to a person that abused you and cheated on you 29 times. That's a little overboard.

Again, a mean and uncalled comment. Why the hate?

She can think for herself and she has the ability to learn.

Methinks that you may do well with a psychology class and learn more about abused women and what happens to them psychologically while they are being abused.

Computers can't teach about life, you know.

really it may be tasteless or mean to make that comment but i think a lot of people think that when it comes to abuse. i mean sounds to me like a person with low self esteem got with a violent person with low self esteem and a god complex. i think the average person would have left the relationship long before many of those things happened.
however seeing as they did happen and she felt that she couldnt leave no one made the guy do the **** he did to her. all things considered id kick the **** out of him for her...

Do you have a background in psych.? What you have said it not always the case.

Quite often the woman feels that she doesn't have the choice to leave, especially if she is a stay-at-home mom with no money of her own.

And there are the women that fear for their lives if they leave. And more.

dont have to have a degree to know that is someone is kickin your a$$ or putting a gun to your head you get the f*ck out!!

you always have a choice. and seeing how she is still alive she made the wrong choice to not go to the cops and since she said they didnt help she made the wrong choice by not getting out of town.

she also insinuated she didnt have children before he violated her so the stay at home mom thing seems mute.

but if there are any stay at home moms reading... let this be a lesson, get a job and a baby sitter, cause nothing is worth your independence especially if it just the price of a greyhound bus ticket holding you in a f*cked situation

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:09 AM

nad yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE.

Do you have kids?

The man only gets the weekend visitation if the mommy is nice and lets him or if he pays for the time through child support.
i DROVE my kids 50 miles one direction every weekend to see their dad... he did NOT pay child support...
has never paid...

he would email me and tell me where and when to meet him.. of the 45 times i drove them in.. he saw them exactly 9!!!!!
SxBoY.. i like you.. but you are starting to pizz even me off here!

dont always blaim the mom.. my ex beat and raped me on a regular basis.. he cheated on me with 29 girls in the time of 6 years.. he brainwashed me to beleve that i could never find better...

i finaly got the strength to leave after he held a gun to my head once... he broke in my house and raped me.. and a few weeks later after he found out that i was preg.. he came back and tried/threatened to cut the baby out of my stomach..
his gf at the time lied for him and so the cops did nothing.. and STILL i tried to let him see his kids..

i did NOTHING wrong.. stood up and take care of my kids...
love every one of them.. they are MINE!!!

but i have to put up with attitudes like you are presenting EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

You are making the critical error of passing your inability to learn to making it other people's mistakes.

1) You can only be brainwashed if you can't think for yourself.
2) Nobody forced you to drive 50 miles, 45 times. That is nobody's fault but your own. If he only met them 9 times out of 45 times, you should have learned after the first 5 drives what the pattern would be. If he really wanted to see the kids, he would have driving 50 miles to see them.
3) I don't sympathize for you if you stayed with him and allowed him to do all those things to you. If you are looking for sympathy, look somewhere else. You are all about responsibility, yet, when it comes to personal responsibility for yourself, you blow it off.
4) I don't see how you can relate my attitude to a person that abused you and cheated on you 29 times. That's a little overboard.

Again, a mean and uncalled comment. Why the hate?

She can think for herself and she has the ability to learn.

Methinks that you may do well with a psychology class and learn more about abused women and what happens to them psychologically while they are being abused.

Computers can't teach about life, you know.

really it may be tasteless or mean to make that comment but i think a lot of people think that when it comes to abuse. i mean sounds to me like a person with low self esteem got with a violent person with low self esteem and a god complex. i think the average person would have left the relationship long before many of those things happened.
however seeing as they did happen and she felt that she couldnt leave no one made the guy do the **** he did to her. all things considered id kick the **** out of him for her...

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:54 AM

wait i'm getting confused...are we talking about the single guys with no kids not dating moms, or are we talking about the single guys who leave their kids high and dry and won't date single moms? what

big difference there isnt it?

some guys are assholes others just dont want to become assholes
hahahahahaha.... can i give my opinion of which you are???

no?? ok.. back to my corner!!
sorry lily! ill be quite!

i think you need a hug. seriously you live your life and thats cool for you. you dont have to worry about me because we will never meet. i will never ask you out. theres no need for me to care what you think about me.

if you dont like my opinion and live your life feeding on your emotions more power to you.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:50 AM

nad yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE.

Do you have kids?

The man only gets the weekend visitation if the mommy is nice and lets him or if he pays for the time through child support.
i DROVE my kids 50 miles one direction every weekend to see their dad... he did NOT pay child support...
has never paid...

he would email me and tell me where and when to meet him.. of the 45 times i drove them in.. he saw them exactly 9!!!!!
SxBoY.. i like you.. but you are starting to pizz even me off here!

dont always blaim the mom.. my ex beat and raped me on a regular basis.. he cheated on me with 29 girls in the time of 6 years.. he brainwashed me to beleve that i could never find better...

i finaly got the strength to leave after he held a gun to my head once... he broke in my house and raped me.. and a few weeks later after he found out that i was preg.. he came back and tried/threatened to cut the baby out of my stomach..
his gf at the time lied for him and so the cops did nothing.. and STILL i tried to let him see his kids..

i did NOTHING wrong.. stood up and take care of my kids...
love every one of them.. they are MINE!!!

but i have to put up with attitudes like you are presenting EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

i am sincerely sorry about your troubles. thats truly f*cked. still if a guy doesn't want to be involved in your life because of the things that happened to you or the children you have that doesn't make him a bad guy.

Yes, it does. He's being a terrible father. End of story.


Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:48 AM

wait i'm getting confused...are we talking about the single guys with no kids not dating moms, or are we talking about the single guys who leave their kids high and dry and won't date single moms? what

big difference there isnt it?

some guys are assholes others just dont want to become assholes

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:45 AM
Edited by Dredz_Hang_Low on Tue 09/30/08 09:46 AM

then you should have said so in the respectful way that Lex did.. rather than attacking those of us who chose to take responsibility for our actions.

actually i was pretty respectful. i was the one attacked.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:44 AM

nad yet the woman raises the child (not in all cases but in alot) and the man walks away with his every other weekend visitation.... NICE.

Do you have kids?

The man only gets the weekend visitation if the mommy is nice and lets him or if he pays for the time through child support.
i DROVE my kids 50 miles one direction every weekend to see their dad... he did NOT pay child support...
has never paid...

he would email me and tell me where and when to meet him.. of the 45 times i drove them in.. he saw them exactly 9!!!!!
SxBoY.. i like you.. but you are starting to pizz even me off here!

dont always blaim the mom.. my ex beat and raped me on a regular basis.. he cheated on me with 29 girls in the time of 6 years.. he brainwashed me to beleve that i could never find better...

i finaly got the strength to leave after he held a gun to my head once... he broke in my house and raped me.. and a few weeks later after he found out that i was preg.. he came back and tried/threatened to cut the baby out of my stomach..
his gf at the time lied for him and so the cops did nothing.. and STILL i tried to let him see his kids..

i did NOTHING wrong.. stood up and take care of my kids...
love every one of them.. they are MINE!!!

but i have to put up with attitudes like you are presenting EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!!!

i am sincerely sorry about your troubles. thats truly f*cked. still if a guy doesn't want to be involved in your life because of the things that happened to you or the children you have that doesn't make him a bad guy.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:40 AM

I don't have kids. I made a deliberate and conscious decision, at age 21, that I would never be a parent. Everyone I have been involved with since that time is aware of this decision, and the vast majority of them have tried to get me to change my mind. That's one of the many reasons I am no longer with those people.

But my reality is that I know what's best for me. My being a parent would not be a good thing for anyone involved, regardless of how many people commit themselves to my ultimate "domestication." It's not going to happen.

This does not mean that I have anything at all against mothers, single or otherwise. Or fathers, either. I have friends who are parents. I like most of their kids.

But it's not the lifestyle for me.

Let's not make a bigger deal out of this than it really is. It's a choice, a preference, a decision. That's all.

And I'm not one of those guys who says "I just don't want to have to take care of another man's kids." It isn't even that -- I don't want to take care of anybody's kids, not even my own, were there hypothetically any in existence. And that's why there aren't any.

I just don't want that element in my life.

And I know this position limits the number of people I could get involved with -- but the people on the other side of that boundary are people I would never be happy with, anyway.

It has nothing to do with you, your effectiveness as a parent, your self-worth, your needs, your attitudes, your has to do with me knowing who I am and what works for me. And sometimes that doesn't always mesh well with other people's belief systems. And I'm OK with that.

at the risk of bringing my bad vibes to your comment.

i absolutely agree with what you said and live my life the exact same way.