Community > Posts By > Dredz_Hang_Low
RULES: You are supposed to write a note with 15 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. We want to know more about you.
1. When i was 5 my parents bought me the movie 'Spaceballs' "He's an Asshole sir, Major Asshole" "....How many Asshole we got on the ship?" {bunch of people stand and respond "YO!" lol prolly one of my favorite movies ever. I still havent figured why my parent would let a five y/o watch such a movie over, and over, and over.... 2. I have dredlocks, NOT braids! Get it right! 3. I have a habit of insulting famous people. I told Tray Parker and Matt Stone that South Park sucks. I told Gordon Ramsey of Hell's Kitchen that he needs to work on his jump shot... (really you should see him play basket ball) After i say these things i realize, "****! you guys can find me work!" 4. One time Dean Cain stole my shoe right off my foot. LOL 5. I use to believe that love is like a John Cusack movie... until i heard him say in an interview "Movies tell lies about love" i wish i knew that before i stood out in the rain with a boom box over my head! Anyone got some cold medication? 6. I dont like talking to people who say things like love is dead or i enjoy being single or generally people that are love haters. It is a general lie! We, humans need to be loved. No one makes it alone. The tom hanks movie Cast Away shows this perfectly. All alone on an island Tom Hanks creates a companion, Wilson. Wilson keeps him sane for the whole film and when Wilson is lost at sea, we the audience feel that loss! because we know the importance of having a companion.. 7. I want to run for public office in California. I think i could make a difference. Lower Taxes for all!! 8. I drank so much last night i am still drunk right now. I friggin hate Alcohol. 9. People from high school still remember me and add me as friends of facebook. I feel bad because High School is completely blocked from my mind and i cant recall knowing them. 10. I joined the Navy when i was 17 on a whim. I didnt even ask my parents. I just know i didnt wanna be in Jr College with half my High School. 11. I think i could figure out how to biuld a vessle that could get me to the moon and back with parts from my garage... but women.... i dont think i can figure that one out. 12. I believe that being nice to people no matter the situation is a great service to humanity. If u live your life being polite be prepared for people to think you are friggin wierd...but sooner or later people will begin to see the light. 13. Men should get Mani/Pedis at least 3 times a year. You may think you are sexy man meat but no girl wants your crusty feet ripping up her 300 thread count sheets! 14. Me and my brother have never gotten along, I think because we have different fathers and he never got over it. I always look at guys relationship with their brothers and envy them. 15. My last name is Elder, my brother and sister's last name is Bishop.... my mom must have wanted to start a church lol. |
Whats your song of the moment? the song that is stuck in your head or the song whos lyrics just really speak to you this week?
mine? Bob Dylan It Aint Me Babe Go 'way from my window, Leave at your own chosen speed. I'm not the one you want, babe, I'm not the one you need. You say you're lookin' for someone Never weak but always strong, To protect you an' defend you Whether you are right or wrong, Someone to open each and every door, But it ain't me, babe, No, no, no, it ain't me, babe, It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe. Go lightly from the ledge, babe, Go lightly on the ground. I'm not the one you want, babe, I will only let you down. You say you're lookin' for someone Who will promise never to part, Someone to close his eyes for you, Someone to close his heart, Someone who will die for you an' more, But it ain't me, babe, No, no, no, it ain't me, babe, It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe. Go melt back into the night, babe, Everything inside is made of stone. There's nothing in here moving An' anyway I'm not alone. You say you're looking for someone Who'll pick you up each time you fall, To gather flowers constantly An' to come each time you call, A lover for your life an' nothing more, But it ain't me, babe, No, no, no, it ain't me, babe, It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe. Copyright ©1964; renewed 1992 Special Rider Music |
If you were interested in getting serious with someone and had the opportunity to find out anything you wanted to know, would you do it? If you found out something bad about them or found out they weren't who they said they were, would you tell them how you found them out? Do you wish you could have had the opportunity to do that with someone in your past, so you wouldn't have had to go through all the heartache you've been through now? Would you feel it was an invasion of your privacy if someone did this to you? you know when your a kid sometimes you play a game "if i where a superhero" and you would pick your powers most people want to fly like superman or be invisible so they can go to the girls locker room with impunity me i always wanted to be able to read peoples minds or learn everything about anything just by touching it! so yeah, i would jump at the chance to read the minds of my ex's. i think there are huge advantages to knowing what a person is thinking! and if someone had that power to use on me i wouldnt consider it an invasion of privacy... **** id sit down and ask them what they saw. it would be a revealing, eye opening experience. |
im a believer that lust and desire are the beginnings of love so i wouldnt discount a relationship because i lust for someone (true lust! not that i did it because i could thing).
Also when you think back about the people you where involved with some stick out more than others and stay with you over time. those people i'd say you had the beginnings of love with as well, if not full on "in love". That said i have had the beginnings of love with a few. I can also say that i have been in love with one or two. Hindsight isnt exactly 20/20 and over time you might think to yourself that wasnt love. Id say thats only because you definition of love from then to now has changed. Your needs now are different and if given the chance you may have done some things differently the overall point is dont discount the love and emotions you had in the past. they are just as real now as they where then. to understand them is to grow from them. |
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind i hands down agree with you! this movie altered the course of my life. A beautiful piece of film making right there |
Blair witch was cool for its time. dont hate.
Brittney Spears... people need to get off her case. im not a fan but good lord if people where following me around all the damn time, camping out in front of my house to take pictures of me going to 7Eleven id freak the hell out too. as for the worst movie ever! The Village. by M. Night Shyamalan oh my god!!! so bad and Manderlay!! it is the sequal to a good movie called Dogville. If you can watch Manderlay without wanting to slit your wrist you are super human. p.s. Howard the Duck rocks!! |
Question for the guys
WOW I'm surprised well not really I guess but just expected a few more Men that actually had a romantic side to them. Shshhs I'm really sorry that the ones that posted well except one has been burned so bad they feel that way. shows that you have never gotten past the hurt yet hope someday you are able too. ![]() ![]() Hey us guys are romantics! We all want that feeling of not wanting to get up and go home right after you've rolled around a bit. That dont mean we like the idea of marriage. We have seen far too many guys get taken to the cleaners! Paul McCartney got taken for 50 million dollars!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() im a romantic but i aint stupid! |
Question for the guys
If she is really Mrs Right then i dont need to give her half my stuff!
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Atheist need a Christmas
aren't atheists too busy protesting publicly dispalyed nativity scenes during the holidays to celebrate much ? Oh thats it ANTIXMAS LOL just rain on everyone elses parade only if the nativity scene is on public property. that would be against the law. |
Atheist need a Christmas
What do you get an Atheist for christmas?? nothing! thats kinda the point.... or is it i think we need to come up with a godless holiday for atheist that isnt Halloween. ...But what would you call it? would there still be a red nose reindeer?? help me out mingle2 The last thing we need is more made up holidays. lol yeah! down with christmas! totally made up! |
Atheist need a Christmas
What do you get an Atheist for christmas??
nothing! thats kinda the point.... or is it i think we need to come up with a godless holiday for atheist that isnt Halloween. ...But what would you call it? would there still be a red nose reindeer?? help me out mingle2 |
So much for CHANGE...
Say what you will but people had money in their pockets when the Clintons where in office.
So if Obama wants to hire every one from Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky to work in the white house see if i give a damn! All you republicans are doing is wining. YOU LOST, deal with it. You want Obama to fail so you can say "i told you so" but what you dont see is that if he fails we all fail. |
Ask me anything!!
It is a little known fact that i am a sage mystic and have the ability to answer any question posed.... and i have no tact. so ask me anything. i got the straight dope. ![]() You DO shoot straight now dontcha? ![]() they havent yet found a way to shoot at right angles. Umm yea yeah kinda they have show me a bullet turn at right angles and then we can talk. NEXT!!! |
this thing wat is it 4 its a way for a bunch of people to try and take you out on dates and stuff oh ok smart guy ![]() lol i try |
You're Fat!!!
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ![]() ![]() yup thats true in you, i like what im beholding |
Being overweight
angalena jolie had twins and looks like she was never knocked up... go figure thing is.. welcome to the REAL world.. where not all women are a size 2.. and not all men are prince charming.. you dont like it??? well i only know ONE way out! i already work in hollywood |
avoid things like "dont e-mail me if you havnt read my profile or "dont ask me things i have already answered in my profile"... Well of course silly. If they don't read my profile then they won't see the statement telling them not to write if they haven't read the profile.
Kinda sounds like you don't like reading profiles. Post edit for more stuff...... I think it's funny to get a second message from a guy complaining because I didn't respond to his first message 15 minutes before. This has happened twice already. Give me time guys, cause I am having forum fun. lol i dont know how to read dont make fun of me! |
I talk about whatever the f*ck I wanna talk about. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() YEAH WHAT HE SAID!!!!....wait YEAH WHAT HE WROTE!!!! Besides big chicks have big hearts!!!!!!!! and who wants a woman with no heart...except dreads!!! thats DREDZ to you mister! and yes i like my women with no heart problems. |
Being overweight
If God wanted me to be skinny, I would have lost the weight after my babies were born!! There is nothing wrong with being overweight, as long as your health is ok. did god stop giving out gym memberships???? DAMMIT! i hate when i miss these things. Having children changes things. Growing older changes things. Sometimes physical problems that you get when you get older changes things. Welcome to the woman's world!! angalena jolie had twins and looks like she was never knocked up... go figure |
Being overweight
If God wanted me to be skinny, I would have lost the weight after my babies were born!! There is nothing wrong with being overweight, as long as your health is ok. did god stop giving out gym memberships???? DAMMIT! i hate when i miss these things. |