Community > Posts By > Marine1488

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/28/08 05:36 PM

I don't like the way Rush puts his spin on things. I don't like the way he talks about women either.grumble
The only things he says about women is..."single women are flocking to Billary or Barrak Osama. hehe Is because they want the government to take care of their children. You had them. You raise them. Not the governments responsibility to raise your kids. Is there something wrong with that statement? You can't afford them then don't have them point blank!

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/28/08 05:32 PM

Rush, your reign of gutter radio commentary has embedded you into the public consciousness as one of the ultimate slime wallowers in our nation’s history.

You show no sign of letting up. In fact, perhaps an air of desperation has finally reached you as the taste for your style of “political analysis” is receding.

To say that you embrace hypocrisy is letting you off far too gently. Yours is the mammoth category of hypocrisy that would have to be carried to the realm of infinity and beyond.

Remember Rush, you were the one who took the stern and unrelenting view that anyone caught consuming drugs under any circumstances should sustain one of two punishments: 1) execution; 2) be dismissed from America without ever receiving a future opportunity to return.

Such a strong message from someone who makes such a great role model!

When it was discovered that you were a habitual consumer of Oxycontin, what did you do, Rush? Along with obtaining highly paid, high profile Miami criminal lawyer Roy Black to fight your legal battles, what was his strategy and yours?

I cant understand why this man has any fans the rest here at

1) Humans can change. If someone feels that way at one point in his/her life, their opinion can change. That's not hypocracy, that's growth.

2) Can you show me links to those "quotes" from Rush Limbaugh?

I like Rush, if you had his talent, you wouldn't be dependant upon copy/paste to get your "message" across.

Talent?? Talent???!!! I have more talent in my big toe and it is not very talented lollaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Yea your more talented then him.(sarcasm) Thats why your on here and don't make close to what he makes. I know, I know. Its because you don't want to. Haha

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/28/08 11:20 AM
Edited by Marine1488 on Mon 04/28/08 11:21 AM

Liberals only believe in free speech when it comes out of Liberal mouths. The liberals get their voices out on ABC,CBS,NBC,New York Times and when some news source says what they don't want to hear then that makes them the man,the neocons or my favorite "Nazi". Lets take the Madman for example. Started being a democrap because they cater to the unions in which he belongs. His beliefs and values are tied with his job security while mine cannot be bought by any price. Colleges are a breeding ground for liberals anymore. I went to the school of hard knocks. You might not like where I'm going but you sure know where I stand!

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/28/08 09:58 AM
Liberals only believe in free speech when it comes out of Liberal mouths. The liberals get their voices out on ABC,CBS,NBC,New York Times and when some news source says what they don't want to hear then that makes them the man,the neocons or my favorite "Nazi". Lets take the Madman for example. Started being a democrap because they cater to the unions in which he belongs. His beliefs and values are tied with his job security while mine cannot be bought by any price. Colleges are a breeding gound for liberals anymore. I went to the school of hard knocks. You might not like where I'm going but you sure know where I stand!

Marine1488's photo
Fri 04/25/08 06:49 PM

Anyway, right wing conspiracy or not.

I still don't think 'Operation Chaos' is gonna work. ohwell

Already working. Just hate to put that other democrap McCain in office.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/24/08 07:35 PM
I think its great. If your candidate doesn't win you will call it fixed anyways. Proud member of the right wing conspiracy right here.laugh

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/24/08 01:07 AM
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Chicken Little.Propaganda,scare tactics like "Global warming".noway

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/21/08 12:41 PM

Looking every bit like darth sideouse of star wars fame the pope comes to Uber Amerika and this is what he didnt say" People of america, my sheeplike masses your hard earned tax dollars are being wasted spilling the blood of innocents in Iraq why do you not hold your leaders accountable for not practising the word of jesus? Peace and love! they claim to be men of god there deeds are that of the devil. I urge you all to pray for an end to the needles human suffering in iraq and let our planets dwindling resourses be used to eleviate human suffering not create it..........AMEN
P.S. Dear Lord thank you letting Madman enter something that wasn't cut in paste for a change. But would it be too much to ask to get him a spell checker? (No wonder he cuts and paste)laugh

Marine1488's photo
Fri 04/18/08 08:23 PM
As I have said. The Guard isn't like that anymore. The Guard units are now full of veterans from wars and conflicts. They are a mixture of different services. Just in my unit alone there are around 12 former Marines and alot of Rangers. They have been in action already before Iraq. Trust me when I say this because I didn't think it was like that before I got into it. They changed my mind. And don't forget that the guard also has other responsibilities. Going to hurricane hit areas and used to patrol the borders in Texas and Arizona. Also used to combat drugs. Regs don't do most of that.

Marine1488's photo
Fri 04/18/08 03:41 PM
Edited by Marine1488 on Fri 04/18/08 03:44 PM

Being a soldier i know the stats. The unreal stat saying that 1 in 5 soldiers suffer from these is wrong. This is just another propaganda tool used my the media it stray from the good work that my battle buddies are doing over seas. THIS FACT IS A LIE. Dont get me wrong there are soliders that are effected by this but now the number that they are giving.

What Unit are you in?

You know better Fanta.........And hope he knows better than to post that info.

The units currently in Iraq are readily available!
They have made no attempt at hiding their insignia, and it makes a difference, whether you wish to admit it or not, if a soldier is in the Regular Army or NG! Whether they are Combat or support (rear echelon) troops. Their duties in no way are comparable.
NG and support Mos's cannot imagine in their widest dreams what life is like for a grunt from a line company in say the 3rd Infantry.
That is not true anymore. In the past the Army National Guard didn't do that much. Now they are and have been right up on the front lines with everyone else. When they activate you you are sent over there with the same time requirements as the regs. And no matter your MOS you are sent to where they need you.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:57 PM
I just love how the Liberals cry about Fox news. How big are your freaking b*lls. Even though polls have been taken that show you libs control ABC,CBS,NBC, The New York Times and most of Hollyweird. The moment that one show airs something unbiased you scream right wing conspiracy. You know it and I know it but you will respond with something witty about Fox instead of telling the truth about the liberal news media.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 04/15/08 06:44 PM
I am always aware and always armed.

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/14/08 03:51 PM

The more guns are out there the more available they are to criminals. It is simple supply and demand.
Criminals will always find access to a gun. Try enforcing the laws already on the books before you give up the second amendment. Outlaw cars they kill more people then guns in America. Outlaw hamburgers they cause obesity. Lets go burn some books while we are at it. If Nicole had a gun, O.J. wouldn't be playing golf right now.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:18 PM

And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh
would it still be called logic ?
We all create our on realities. So I guess in you mind you think your right. I think your misinformed. You highlite all the problems and offer no solutions. Mud slinging. Why have you chosen this site? Really are there any political sites that would be better for you? I hope so.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:13 PM

I know who New Kids on the Block are.
hangin tough there buddylaugh laugh
Hang tough> Are ya sure he has the Right Stuff? bigsmile

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:06 PM
And the madman is going to save the world by cut and paste! woohoo! I reject your logic and replace it with my own.laugh

Marine1488's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:00 PM
You still on this? Boring! yawn

Marine1488's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:08 PM

Apparently McCain feels the need to follow in W's footsteps, as he said that he would not "rule out" a pre-emtive war
Yea and Obama said he would attack Pakistan. Next. Move along.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 04/08/08 02:13 AM
Well Happy Birthday. Sorry about your friends.

Marine1488's photo
Mon 04/07/08 06:45 PM
Perhaps you should go change then.