Community > Posts By > Marine1488

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:51 PM

Thats right. The hell with most other countries. I have seen with my own eyes. Not read it from the New York Times. Are you willing to throw out the constitution for the U.N. charter? One currency? Being held accountable by any country that deems that their laws are more important then the freedoms given to us by the Bill Of Rights? You want foreign soldiers on our streets? I have seen what the U.N. has handled the Aid for Oil in Iraq. Mishandled and stolen monies. I have seen U.S. troops commanded by some French idiot General. I bet you think that the U.N. actually had something to do with winning in the first Gulf War. The French sent seven Mirage jets that were all shot down. Didn't see any others other than the English. Outside of Kuwait City after the war I did see Saudis and Kuwaities blowing their horns riding in jeeps into the city after the fighting had finished but I guess you would never read that in the history books because the truth would be too politcally incorrect. Lets face it. Nothing gets done without the U.S. leading the way.

I don't have a doubt that militarily there is nothing close to US. BUT if you choose to be the police of the world you have to do it right, militarily, tactically AND morally.

That is if you want to be proud of yourself as a nation.

If on the other side you want to expand and dominate..well than no, but then you can't pretend to be "better" than any other thug out there, just better armed and richer.

I know perfectly that all the manouver in Iraq was to estabilish more control on that region. Personally I would have appreciated more a president sayng "Hey we need to control the oil flow and keep the WHOLE region at bay, therefore we are invading it" Fine. It sucks but at least it's true.

What I don't buy is all the "fight for freedom" propaganda.
I agree with you that the UN is a joke, still you have to somewhat came up with better rules, if you are on top of the game, instead of just ignoring the existing ones...

Besides the bill of right is valid in US, not abroad, like an islamic law would not makes sense here.

I never heard of 7 mirages shot down by the way. I remember one Italian Tornado that was the only pushing a mission of a 6 ship group after a failed refuel to be shot down by AA...All I could find about Mirages was that quite a few Iraqi one were shot down..not French

I know a bit OT...sorry for that.

I am not fighting for freedom. I am fighting against fanatics who think we don't have the right to exist because we are not muslim. Call it what you want but not wrong.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:39 PM

I think the Church likes to have kids sexualy oppressed as it makes them easier to manipulate. We all see what suppresion of sexuality has done to pastor Ted and any number of catholic priests who have been engaged in homo sex with minors. My own teen years were charged with parking and makeing out in the back seat sneaking out my bedrrom window to sneak in the neighbore girls window etc etc, you get the picture. I recall a nympho girl of my youth who went to church 3 timesa week and her parents were the pillar of the community, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion at 16.....welcome to the real world
So you think in order to have morals you have to be religious or go to church? Its a little thing called universal right and wrong.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:36 PM
Did you see me speak at Democrats??? No you didn't. You saw liberal and put two and two together. Your mistake not mine.

How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

Why on earth would someone being a Democrat mean that they are not teaching their children morals and responsiblities?

There is no reason to put people down for what political party they belong to - liberal or conservative. I thought that we were all adults here.

I am a Democrat. My child is taught morals and responsibilities. My child even attends a Christian school. My child will be encouraged abstinence but not taught abstinence only. Why? That would not be very responsible of me. We also perform volunteer work for the less fortunate. Now tell me again how being a liberal means not being a good parent and not teaching morals and responsibilities? laugh

To Armydoc:

The more money put into education means more hope for the future of the children. The children will feel that. Money needs to be put back into schools for sports and the arts. Hmmm...wasn't that money taken out of the schools after Clinton? After school activities help keep kids busy and off the streets and less time to spend on "other" things.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:34 PM

How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

I have two points to make:

1. Why is it always necessary to slam people that are liberals? Because a few speak up with their view points does not mean that all think the same way(no I am not an out and out liberal - I am middle of the road). I get tired of people not discussing the issues and just promptly turning it in to and us vs. them. The issue plan and simple - are policies affecting teen pregnancy?

. 2. I have been teaching high school now for 15 years - through the Clinton and the Bush presidencies - and as a matter of fact presidential policies do affect what happens in schools(lets not forget NCLB and its wonderful affects/effects on schools) and in homes. Someone already mentioned something about what was being taught in the schools and it went from examining all aspects of birth control to abstinence. Does it work? No preaching abstinence does not work for all and never really has - lots of babies born out of wedlock or before a couple had been married 9 months (historically speaking).
The issue of parents teaching morals - I don't think that morals overrides horomones for all teens. Some counties in the Bible Belt states have reported in with a 40 out of a 1000 birth rate among teens while the national average was 22 out of a 1000(I believe these statistics were from 2003 or 2004, which is the most current I have). How about responsibility? Most teens have that part down - after they get pregnant they have the child and drop out to be responsible.
Blaming a specific person makes no sense - blame the policies the man endorses and those that can't see the whole picture as well. All my years teaching have been spent in impoverished areas - reservation to inner city students, and I have seen the change in the birth rate go up among teens drastically in the last 7 years. With a lot of teens they don’t see education as a means to get out of the poverty cycle, they don’t think they can achieve anything more than a minimum wage job, so why bother – start the family early, quit school and move on with life. The cycle perpetuates itself.
What needs to be truly discussed is not that Bush made this happen, but rather how if this trend continues it will affect you, because it does. These kids get pregnant, drop out and become welfare moms….which comes out of your pocket, whether you are a conservative or a liberal.

It is not the governments job to raise your child. Can't raise them or support them. Don't have them. It's kinda simple. I didn't sleep with you so why am I responsible for your child. RAISE YOUR OWN KID AND STAY OUT OF MY WALLET!

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:50 AM
How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 02/26/08 08:12 PM

WOW, is there anything that you would like to type yourself, or do you have some of your own opinions on this topic.....

isolated incidents.. yeah it sucks, but it is isolated none the less, to think or imply or suggest that this is everywhere in the military is not true.

did i want to beat my ex senseless when 1 month back from iraq she said she was seeing a lawyer because her friends had convinced her i was part of a military that was killings babies.... yeah i did, but i didnt.

post traumatic? yeah its real enough i guess, but its also a freakin cop out.

how many people today, just today, went home and killed someone in america? murders are in every walk of life, they work at the irs, fbi, corner grocery store, gas attendants, factory workers, preachers, you name it and someone from that community has killed someone, some even had restraining orders. life sucks sometimes doesnt it?

Men who have violent jobs, such as cops and military are more stressed and tend to not know how else to release their agression. I can post information on it if you would like?

It is a part of the big picture here. And these families SHOULD NOT EVEN BE GOING THROUGH THIS SINCE THE WAR IN IRAQ IS ILLEGAL.

the war isnt illegal, get over it, your democratically elected congress voted for it, and , we should have been there anyway....if your so concerned with the welfare of ordinary people like you say in the afghanistan thread.... millions of people killed by your beloved saddam hussien, more brutallized and raped by him or his sons, who when they were thru with them would simply toss them in an alligator pit at one of the palaces,(seen the pit- kind of disturbing- all while we did nothing, have your cake and eat it to moments)

what do you know about a violent stressful job like ours, nothing but what you read, lady i live it, im not going around doing stupid crap and blaming it on anything. and strangely enough most of the murders in this country are done by people who dont work in the military or police force.

when you raise a gun, and fire it, with the hostile intent on killing someone who was trying to harm you or one of your friends then i would gladly sit down and shut up and listen to the diatribe with which you profess your intelligence.
drinker drinker drinker

Marine1488's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:58 PM
You post stories because you are not there. Have never been there. And would never be willing to go THERE! Stand for something or fall for anything.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 02/26/08 07:40 PM

I know hearing this might come as a shock to you dragon. We are not the United Nations. We are the United States. The greatest nation on the face of this earth. You moan like you have it soo bad. Need help finding the door? I bet you can still access this site from Canada. Thats north of us in case you didn't know. I don't wear a blue beret nor will I ever. Stick that in your peace pipe and smoke it!



we own the planet, the hell with anybody else.
We are infact the superior race.


Thats right. The hell with most other countries. I have seen with my own eyes. Not read it from the New York Times. Are you willing to throw out the constitution for the U.N. charter? One currency? Being held accountable by any country that deems that their laws are more important then the freedoms given to us by the Bill Of Rights? You want foreign soldiers on our streets? I have seen what the U.N. has handled the Aid for Oil in Iraq. Mishandled and stolen monies. I have seen U.S. troops commanded by some French idiot General. I bet you think that the U.N. actually had something to do with winning in the first Gulf War. The French sent seven Mirage jets that were all shot down. Didn't see any others other than the English. Outside of Kuwait City after the war I did see Saudis and Kuwaities blowing their horns riding in jeeps into the city after the fighting had finished but I guess you would never read that in the history books because the truth would be too politcally incorrect. Lets face it. Nothing gets done without the U.S. leading the way.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 02/26/08 02:39 PM
I know hearing this might come as a shock to you dragon. We are not the United Nations. We are the United States. The greatest nation on the face of this earth. You moan like you have it soo bad. Need help finding the door? I bet you can still access this site from Canada. Thats north of us in case you didn't know. I don't wear a blue beret nor will I ever. Stick that in your peace pipe and smoke it!

Marine1488's photo
Mon 02/25/08 01:40 AM
That is how the liberals respond. If you don't agree with them. Must be a Nazi. Don't believe in welfare. Nazi! Don't believe in amnesty for illegals. Nazi! The liberals who claim to preach about peace and love are they first ones who will hit you with their peace protest signs. Then they claim its your fault for them hitting you. Just check out the Berkley scumbags on the city council. Passing ordinances on banning Marines?? Where is the outrage? Giving parking passes in front of Marine recruiting stations to Code Pink. Thats sounds like harrasment sponsored by the local government.


Marine1488's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:45 PM

Marine1488's photo
Fri 02/22/08 07:51 PM
After seeing all these threads being posted I finally understand. You have convinced me. We should put them in a room that has no locks(perhaps one in Madisons house) Tell them to please stay put. Hell why stop there. Lets see if they want a massage. Tell them you are sorry that you took away their ability to kill you. And as far as the statement of crushing some babies balls???.. How did we get from waterboarding to crushing balls? lol Nice try on trying to link them together. Well whatever floats your boat.(scratching head) And I sleep very well thanks. As a matter of fact before I lay my head down to sleep. I think of some of the terrorist I have helped meet Allah and their 72 virgins. Gives me a warm feeling inside. Well gotta go. Getting sleepy. SEMPER FI

Marine1488's photo
Fri 02/22/08 03:23 PM
Hey dragon. Where are these so called human rights groups when the Taliban is around? How about in Africa? Not to be found. They wait till the U.S. liberates them, then they b**ch about how we should do it. I say we let them form a little army of super heroes..Tim Robbins,Susan Sarandon,Bono,Sean Penn. Lets see what they can do. They can take flowers and stick them in the gun barrels of the terrorist. That should show them fanatics the whats for! rofl

Marine1488's photo
Fri 02/22/08 02:21 AM
Tell ya what Madison. Lets say your entire family was taken by terrorist and the only way to get info on them was to waterboard the kidnappers. I wonder how you would feel then about it. It must be nice to be an armchair warrior. You pretty much got this all figured out. Hows it feel to get up every morning being all knowing?

Marine1488's photo
Fri 02/22/08 02:09 AM
Yea. We should just ask them pretty please with sugar on top. And by the way.. Could you please stop cutting off our heads and video taping it!??? Please. I say if it saves one American life its worth it.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 02/21/08 05:29 PM
Its too late!! They got to me.... Must comply with the Borg.laugh

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/20/08 03:51 PM
Okay. What you said makes no sense at all. Do you think soldiers want to die or kill?

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/20/08 03:12 PM
Everytime I look at these threads it always the same. First. I didn't believe we should have invaded Iraq. We can't change the past. Now the terrorist have chosen to use this as their battle ground which is fine by me. We MUST not leave without finishing what we began in Iraq. They will use this as a propaganda tool and it will give them the spirit to fight on. What angers me is how people from day one have fought against each other instead of uniting.Don't you know that they see how we bicker and know its only a matter of time before we lose the will power. You can't cut and run. All the time I see how people bring up so called American atrocities but never speak about how women are treated over there or how their children are taught to blow themselves up in a crowd. Where is your outrage then? I have been there and expect to go again. I would like to think that if I did die it was for a good reason. At least it is in my opinion. Right or wrong stand behind America. We are fighting a group of people who are about 300 years behind us in their way of thinking. Over there you don't have the luxury of disagreeing like you do here. You would lose your head. I can say we agree to disagree but some people in here act like if they had a gun they would fight against the U.S. or hope we lose.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:47 PM
Union workers ha! I got it!laugh laugh

Marine1488's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:44 PM
Shiny happy people. lol

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