Community > Posts By > Marine1488

Marine1488's photo
Tue 03/18/08 06:20 PM

I voted for McCain and that is who Im voting for come November. Hiliary doesnt need to be in office and we sure as hell dont need a black man.....hell just get shot and Hillary wont be running the USA her ****ing husband will. And the troops are in Iraq because they attacked us, not the other way around. They are protecting our freedom and RIGHT TO VOTE. So dont punish them for the Presidents actions. They are just doing their job like everyone else. My Brother-n-Law was over seas twice, one was because he had no choice and the other was because he volunteered. If we dont have the troops willing to fight for us we wouldnt have the things that everyone in America takes for granit. u all should be ashamed of urselfs
I am in love.flowerforyou

Marine1488's photo
Tue 03/18/08 06:09 PM
Well its quit simple. Michael Moore films a movie called "Sicko" and on the other end of the spectrum is a movie called "Michael Moore Hates Anerica" done by an independent film maker showing the people that Michael Moore has interviewed saying that he is full of crap. What am I here Siskel and Ebert? Go watch the movie sheep.

Marine1488's photo
Mon 03/17/08 04:42 PM
Why don't you go watch " Michael Moore Hates America" and see the other side of the story called the TRUTH!

Marine1488's photo
Sun 03/16/08 03:29 AM

That makes it right????noway huh

Yes, it does.

There is no justification for torture, none, sorry.

To save the lives of innocents, that justifies torture.

There is absolutely no proof that torture saves innocent lives. What if the person would have told you anyway? Or better yet, tells you the wrong information and causes more lives to be lost??? Not even valid still.

Torture is not a civilized, intelligent thing to do. So if you want to wallow with the animals be my guest but I will take the high road. I will not wish on another human that which I would not want done to myself. Because I am human and intelligent.
Oh. You are going to take the high road? How noble of you promising not to torture anyone from the comfort of your own house. I mean my God you think highly of yourself.laugh

I would hope the military people feel this same way otherwise they are war criminals and that doesn't sit well with me at all. I want to believe there are just, fair, righteous, humans in our military who see human life as I see it.
Guess I am a war criminal then in your mind. In your world you think that we should all get along. Heres news for you. They don't want to. You could be on your knees begging for your life showing pictures of your kids and they wouldn't even think twice about eliminating you. Under their laws Dragon you would not be here speaking like this and you have the b*lls to tell us how we are wrong. I bet if I gave you a new car you would ***** about the new car odor. In a perfect world you would be right. Its not perfect. Whenever you through humans into the equation. Signed..Proud war criminal and member of the right wing conspiracy.

Marine1488's photo
Sat 03/15/08 07:42 PM

That makes it right????noway huh

Yes, it does.

There is no justification for torture, none, sorry.

To save the lives of innocents, that justifies torture.

There is absolutely no proof that torture saves innocent lives. What if the person would have told you anyway? Or better yet, tells you the wrong information and causes more lives to be lost??? Not even valid still.

Torture is not a civilized, intelligent thing to do. So if you want to wallow with the animals be my guest but I will take the high road. I will not wish on another human that which I would not want done to myself. Because I am human and intelligent.
Oh. You are going to take the high road? How noble of you promising not to torture anyone from the comfort of your own house. I mean my God you think highly of yourself.laugh

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:26 PM

Well since you are using words of former Marines heres some for you. He is full of crap!

Yeah, thats what I say,
Bush is full of crap!!
Hmmm. Ah no. But I would like to know what politician isnt nowadays.

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:22 PM
Wow. 42 people died in Iraq? That would be amazing if the crime in the U.S. was that low.

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:19 PM
Well since you are using words of former Marines heres some for you. He is full of crap!

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:16 PM
Yea we should just say "Please,with sugar on top!" Scary place in your mind there Dragon. Let me know if you have ever written to the terrorist and explained your position on beheading to them.

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/07/08 08:02 PM
I had a dream near 3 am.
That crashed into my night.
A multitude of warriors.
Standing in full sight.

On their anguished faces.
Were grim and hateful glares.
They wore Marine Corps blouses.
Yet all they did was stare.

I saw the wounds of Belleau Woods.
I saw the scars of Guam.
The dead were there of Heartbreak Ridge.
And a company from Nam.

Then one spoke out and asked me.
A question loud and strong.
Can they burn the flag we died for?
How can it not be wrong?

I did not have an answer.
To ease their angry pain.
I could only give excuses.
For a country gone insane.

I saw the flag of Iwo.
Just before I died.
I saw the lead pole lifted.
Where the flag was safely tied.

I know its just a symbol.
That flies above our graves.
But let it be a symbol.
Of what those men before you gave.

With that the dream was over.
And I woke with fear and shame.
To think a fool can tranple.
The flag that bares their names.

Dragon. I can say this from the bottom of my heart. If I saw the Taliban or some terrorist having their way with you. I would do nothing. You reap what you sow. Now report this like the whining liberal you are.

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/07/08 07:38 PM

and for the record...sexual reassignment is not always about homosexuality...many male to female transgender consider themselves heterosexual women after their surgeries.

Homosexuality like heterosexuality is not a "choice"

75% of pedophiles identify as heterosexual...including catholic priests....

Thank you! I was beginning to think this was the Nazis Onlu section.
Here we go again. Can we make up some better names for people with morals besides Nazi or neocon. You bore me. Away with you. signed the NAZI

Marine1488's photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:35 AM

Clearly none of you have grown up with gender dysphoria. You are so quick to have a laugh at the expense of people who have. Do you think that they asked to be born like that? Have some respect and a sense of humanity.

The woman I'm dating has a daughter who said that some of the kids she knows in high school are 'coming out' (deciding they are gay, bi-curious or whatever).

Whatever happened to kids just being kids and enjoying things like debate, trying out for the school play, cheerleading or the school prom without being so conflicted about their sexuality?

Wouldn't it be better for them to wait until college to address these issues?

I think there's too much obsession with this in the media and that's part of the reason why some kids are so confused these days. huh huh huh

wait until college to address sexuality? Maybe on the planet Brady Bunch. Not in the real world. And gender dsyphoria has nothing to do with bisexuality or homosexuality.

And let's say they do wait until they get to college? Then what? They still deserve respect. People don't ask to be born the wrong sex. I think we need to show some compassion for people who have issues we will never have to deal with, instead of just saying "yuck" and branding them as weirdos who will attack our children.
Born the wrong sex? Then what your saying is pedaphiles have no choice about their sexual preference also. Play the cards you are dealt with. Homosexuality is a choice, just like beastiality.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:04 AM
I don't have to watch the news. I live it and see it everyday.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:56 PM
Glad to see the flag girl is here. Gonna flag someone else today? Liberals are all the same when you confront them with the truth.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:43 PM
Edited by Marine1488 on Wed 03/05/08 06:44 PM
Yea. The liberals have NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV and all the newspapers. Fox tells both sides of the story and they are considered right wing. Go figure.

Marine1488's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:46 PM
Edited by Marine1488 on Tue 03/04/08 07:47 PM
Oldest trick in the book. She was going to break up with you anyhow and you gave her an easy out to make you look like your the bad person. Don't buy it. She was busted trying to talk to an ex and arrange a meeting. If you have doubts about someone you should check them out. Don't apologize for anything.

Marine1488's photo
Mon 03/03/08 05:04 PM
Read a book on history before you start preaching about it. The U.S. dropped the second bomb because Japan hadn't surrendered and didn't think we had another one in our arsenal. Dropping those bombs saved many American lives. Dragon. I recommend you watch the movie "Rules Of Engagement". That will show you the kind of people we are dealing with.

Marine1488's photo
Thu 02/28/08 05:32 PM
Yea...Sorry about that. Will try not to throw my clothes on the floor anymore. lol

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:14 PM

the "if it feels good do it additude" is much better than the republican additude of "I know it hurts but I cant stop" additudedrinker

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:09 PM

I think the Church likes to have kids sexualy oppressed as it makes them easier to manipulate. We all see what suppresion of sexuality has done to pastor Ted and any number of catholic priests who have been engaged in homo sex with minors. My own teen years were charged with parking and makeing out in the back seat sneaking out my bedrrom window to sneak in the neighbore girls window etc etc, you get the picture. I recall a nympho girl of my youth who went to church 3 timesa week and her parents were the pillar of the community, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion at 16.....welcome to the real world
So you think in order to have morals you have to be religious or go to church? Its a little thing called universal right and wrong.
I absulutly have no idea what you are trying to saynoway
Boy this is a shocker!