Community > Posts By > Marine1488

Marine1488's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:11 PM
Hug for all the ladies above meblushing

Marine1488's photo
Sun 01/06/08 06:21 PM
Edited by Marine1488 on Sun 01/06/08 06:22 PM
I wouldn't pi*s on her if she was on fire!

Marine1488's photo
Sun 12/30/07 08:10 PM
SMO. I was with you right up until you brought up Indians. If you feel that they are owed repriations,feel free to go to any of their reservations that their multimillion dollar casinos are on and hand over your money. Turtle. You come here and the only thing coming out of your mouth is"prove it, prove it# reminds me of a third grader. The reason we have the right to bear arms aka 2nd amendment is to protect the 1rst amendment and if ever shall arise to overthrow a tyrannical government. I notice that you say protective regulation. I simply see it as a regulation. A criminal will get his hands on a weapon no matter what law you try to enforce. Heres a scary thought. Enforce the laws on the already in the books.You cry about guns. Like they are some evil entity that jumps into someones hands and makes them do evil. Thats like saying ban all cars and theres no more drunks driving them. Go ask Nicole Brown Simpson what killed her. Ted Kennedys car has killed more people then my civilian gun. Go spout your liberal poison on Hillary.Net. A$$clown

Marine1488's photo
Sun 12/30/07 02:08 PM
What I meant by that was,universal right and a wrong while living and who cares when death comes. Its about how you lived.

Marine1488's photo
Sun 12/30/07 01:15 PM
You know what..when I said wackos. I was talking about certain groups of people who take the name of their God or Gods and do what ever they please and justify it by some religion. My comments to you were to try to cheer you up, but you took it the other way. It's called thinking outside the box. Not what someone has told you to think. The Muslims are peaceful,right?? It was just a few. Christians are good right?..People burned at the stake in Salem. Holy Crusades? Spanish Inquisition? Holy War? Ever notice the so called do-gooders that are trying to run our lives are usually the first ones caught doing the bad things.

Marine1488's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:56 AM
I know I am going to be attacked for saying this by the wackos. All religion is man made. They can't except that they don't have an answer to what happens to you when you die. I say "Who cares!". Worrying about it will not stop it. There is a universal right and wrong and you can feel it. Are you happy when you look in the mirror? I'm not talking about looks either. Look at death this way. Remember when you were growing up and got into trouble? You thought that was the end of the world and you wouldn't make it,but after you did you looked back on how much you over reacted. Same thing with death. Live your life and be happy.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 12/26/07 03:41 PM
Why don't ya go to the kitchen and get ya a big glass of shut the hell up! -----Rock

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