Community > Posts By > briancarr

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:06 PM
most likely too drink their urine if they got lost in the desertohwell

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 06:59 PM

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 06:57 PM

no matter what i always act like i am impressed. If she is not what i expected, i try even harder to get to know her. It hurts too give off a vibe, or get a vibe that you are disapointed

so, when do you let her know you're not interested?
You try to keep you conversations at a friend level, so they atleast know you like them for who they are, and what their interest are. This way when the subject of a relationship comes up, you can honestly tell them that you dont feel that way towards them, but you can remind them of the things you both have in common, so you can remain friend

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 06:50 PM
I dont think girlfriend was into guy much. Why didnt girl ever confront guy in person? She knew where he was, and when. Something is missingohwell

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 06:44 PM
no matter what i always act like i am impressed. If she is not what i expected, i try even harder to get to know her. It hurts too give off a vibe, or get a vibe that you are disapointed

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 06:40 PM

Welcome new person:banana:

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:18 PM

you get married and everyone involved seems rational and intelligent.

Then when you get divorced they lose their minds with demands?

What happens in that time?

I grew up in my marriage, he grew small and petty....
Sometimes when you are hurt, you want too control the other persons hurt. Its a sick way too amke yourself feel better.

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 04:36 PM

think of those that question your faith or, morality?
Fu<k them, unless its Truerant

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 04:35 PM

I have been dating this wonderful man for the past 11 months.Things were great but we have a little problem that is going to end up being a big one if it doesnt get better. I am 5 years younger than him and I think that we are sexually incompatible..........I have a high labido and he what should I do end it now or should i try other things(which I have but) its kind of becoming a pain............(Advice Please!)
Please end it:angel: i spent 7 long years with someone like that. The first 3 were fine. She is 4.5 years older. Some had to do with the change of life thing, but it only got worse. It got so bad, she started reminding me we just did it the other dayshocked Then it turned into weeksill After a while i convinced myself it didnt matter, because i love herill Never againnoway Never met a brain that i wanted too have Sex withnoway Get Outscared

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 04:27 PM certificate to a day spa? I got one and I don't what to make of it.
Man enjoy itbigsmile You might get a urge too go shoe shopping afterhuh Just ignore it:banana:

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 04:24 PM

:smile: Do you think its acceptable for a guy thats 31 to go out on a date with a girl thats 18 (but in college)?:smile:
Yes,and yes(high five):banana:

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 02:39 AM
I found a Brian Maskhuh Its the face of a 45 year old warn out loserhuh Some people wear it all yearohwell

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 02:36 AM

:smile: Do you make sure everyone knows that you are single and looking, or do you keep it to yourself?:smile:
I keep it to myself. some times people think you a loser, or patheticohwell

briancarr's photo
Thu 10/09/08 02:33 AM

A Chevy Vega
Had onefrown maybe i will look for a Chevy Citation:banana:

briancarr's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:31 PM

really looking for someone??
or are you here just for the entertainment.
Entertainment:banana: My odds of finding someone is the same as winning the POwer Ballohwell

briancarr's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:28 PM
I think i will just keep my 2001 saturnohwell

briancarr's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:16 PM
No more Technic's, and Gimini's, with a old style slid Mixers:banana: Check one, check two:banana:

briancarr's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:03 PM
What is a good Midlife Car too buyglasses

briancarr's photo
Wed 10/08/08 06:57 PM

Compleanno Felice !flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Come la bella donna Piacevole

briancarr's photo
Wed 10/08/08 06:51 PM
Oh Yea, dont wear that Got Milk shirtnoway

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