Community > Posts By > iamgeorgiagirl

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/30/08 12:21 PM

huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


No Georgia I have already explained to Jeannie in an earlier post, praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person is NOT casting a spell.
NOT at all.....

Already clarified this matter with Jeannie..and she now understands.flowerforyou

Be Blessed Now....flowerforyou

Hi MorningSong flowerforyou :heart: ,
I am glad! :heart: I have been praying that my mother's cancer isn't back. I am wishing her well not casting any spells. I also have a friend who has an addiction problem and I pray that they find the strength to kick it because it is harming my friend and those that care too. It is such a waste of a life that could be so much better.

No prayer would go against free will anyway, and in that respect I find it difficult to be viewed as someone casting a spell still. noway ohwell


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/30/08 01:59 AM
huh I guess I don't see how praying for the spirit of addiction to leave a person alone etc. could be viewed as casting a spell. Hmm! Interesting view but personally if I was addicted to drugs...I would appreciate all the help I could get to rid me of the evil. A prayer can do wonders for someone in need. I look at prayer as a way of wishing people well and asking a higher power for help in accomplishing that. To me it is a good thing. I never realized how it might be viewed as offensive. I've never had anyone tell me not to pray for them yet have witnessed it. To me it is no different than helping someone move out of the way of an iminent danger like a falling rock headed for them. Not much different than wishing someone well. If it is sincere.


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/23/08 06:50 PM




You may be blocked emotionally and that is effecting your financial flow. Normally, when you are not blocked, you are lucky in love and lucky in money.

The blockage is fear. What ever the reason, you must find the faith and set your mind to positive pictures and while you visualize this, make sure you feel good (happy).

You are faced with a decision that effect your pocket book. Money will come through cooperation, partnership, or the bringing together of a coalition of forces working for a common goal. If you and a significant other were considering going into business together, now is a good time.

Bad advice could bring a sudden reversal of fortune or at the very least thing move in a different direction that you anticipated. You feel paralyzed and unable to act on your own behalf. Cut your losses and come to terms with the reduced situation. Other solutions will quickly appear.


Very interesting...Thanks!

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/18/08 01:52 PM


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:13 PM

I read once that anything that we can imagine exists, for all that we imagine can exist because we are the creators and our thoughts are manifested in this dream-like holographic reality.

That which we cannot imagine cannot exist. Plain and simple.



I'm in total agreement with this. flowerforyou

This veiw is compatible with pantheism. bigsmile

And for someone who isn't a pantheist salesman I sure as hell sound like one huh? laugh

I do believe that pantheism is true, beautiful, and compatible with much more than people realize.

I would also suggest that there are places within the Bible that imply that the world is created via our imagination. Both in the Old and the New Testament.
bigsmile :heart: flowerforyou happy

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Fri 05/09/08 11:42 AM

You know I swear my ex may've come from Lilith or Cain.

laugh laugh

I think they called them children of the corn
laugh laugh

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:53 PM
You know I swear my ex may've come from Lilith or Cain.

laugh laugh

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:10 PM
Speaking of sex with spirits...this is a great article that explains a lot of stuff to many people or it should. It isn't too long. Here is a few highlights of what happened in the garden of Eden and who Cain and his wife were.

Genesis 6:1-4, "When men became promiscuous and multiplied on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, the sons of God lusted after the outward beauty of the daughters of men; and took any woman they chose. And the Lord said, 'My spirit shall not always contend with man's carnal lusts: yet I will delay judgement one hundred and twenty years'."

"There were giants in the earth in the days before the Flood; and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bare children. These Canaanites became mighty men as were of old, men of renown (like the sons of Cain)".

The Serpent's seed was in the ark. It was Noah's wife Naamah, who bore Ham's illegitimate son, Canaan. God commanded that the whole race of the Canaanites should be extirpated.

In Genesis 6:1-4 the term "daughters of MEN" denotes the mortality of Cain's Serpent seed race, contrasting their earthly, carnal origin with the eternal and Godly origin of Adam's race, "the Sons of GOD".

The "Sons of God" signify offspring of the original seed, Adam, in the likeness of their heavenly Father. "Daughters of man" signify the earthly byproduct of man's lust and hybreeding, and not original creation from God. The phrase, "came in to" refers in this connection only to the male who visits a woman's quarters (Genesis 30:16; 38:16). "Men of renown" are men with an enduring name, like the sons of Cain and the sons of Ham who built the tower of Babel saying, ". . . let us make us a name . . ." (Genesis 11:4).

"There were giants in the earth in those days before the Flood (the children of Cain); and also after the Flood (the children of Canaan)".

Our English Bibles render "Nephilim" "giants", but the form of the Hebrew word indicates a verbal adjective or noun of passive or neuter signification, from Naphal, "to fall": hence "the fallen ones", the descendents of Cain. Afterwards the term is transferred to their offspring as we may gather from the only other passage in which it occurs (Numbers 13:33).

In the evil report which the ten spies gave of the land of Canaan, we find them saying, "All the people which we saw in it were men of great stature. And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, descended from the mighty men: and we seemed to ourselves as grasshoppers, and so did we to them" (Numbers 13:32-33). It was the mention of the great stature of these men, together with the Septuagint rendering that suggested our translation "giants".

The roots of the Greek word have no reference to great stature for the word signifies "earth-born". The meaning of "giants" in our sense of the term, is altogether secondary, and arose from the fact that these beings of mixed birth were said to have displayed a monstrous growth and strength of body.

Eve was deceived and seduced by the Devil-incarnate Serpent and was still under the delusion she was bearing "the beginning of the creation of God" when she gave birth to Cain. Genesis 4:1 "I have gotten a man, even the Deliverer," or "I have gained a man, the Lord." Eve actually thought her first-born was Jesus.

Genesis 4 identifies Cain and his offspring as sons of the Devil. Intellectual, full of worldly wisdom, cultured in the arts, but liars and murderers. Like their vicarious father, Satan, they are conceited and boastful because of their shrewdness and beauty. Jesus castigated their children, the Edomite Pharisees, "You are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks naturally: for he is a liar, and the father of all that is false" (John 8:44).

The Will of Canaan is the modus operandi of his heirs who control the present World Order and will rule the NWO. Yet those who are being robbed, enslaved, lied to and morally degraded have not identified the Canaanites in the midst perpetrating their genocide. They are indeed the 'hidden hand' behind all governments always working under a different name and in a different occupation.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:04 PM
All this sex talk is getting to me


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 04:14 PM
Cause there are so many incompatable people?

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 04:01 PM
Abra has dreams about me too!

laugh laugh

He wants to spank me...

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:59 PM
Lick me

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:50 PM
smokin smokin smokin

*cough cough*

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:41 PM
laugh laugh laugh

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:00 PM
iamgeorgiagirl after all

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 02:47 PM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Sun 05/04/08 02:47 PM
If you died and came back and told people a lot wouldn't believe you anyway.


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 02:42 PM
Silly rabbit

laugh laugh laugh

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 02:22 PM

flowerforyou Most single women are (kinda)poor so I dont even think about money when it comes to galsflowerforyou

Aaw mirror you are a sweet guy.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 10:54 AM
Forums on JSH are so friendly and fun. I'm bored frown


This topic should be in a pet peeves section

I have a friend who spells and types so bad it's scary. I still luv her.

My name is Cassandra

grumble grumble grumble
indifferent indifferent indifferent
laugh laugh laugh
Enuf said...
Enough said.
enuf said.
bigsmile blushing glasses

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 05/01/08 05:35 PM
:heart: flowerforyou :heart: