really sad, need advice
She only wants what she can't have and when he does finally give in she will dump him again. I've been with women like you.
would u date me
I think it wasn't right for you to even reply then.
How much is too much?
I wish I could forgive...but my children haven't spent one night at my home in 7 months....a court battle rages...she's turned them against me & they are only 12 & 14...I often cry myself to sleep...such is life... I feel for you man.. Good luck and remember dad's have rights too. |
How much is too much?
There is no such thing as a perfect break up. I know lots of us here are divorced or no longer with the other parent of our children. How much venting about your ex to your significant other is too much? I know I get totally frustrated with/about my ex and do vent about it...probably too much. So, how much is acceptable to vent about or accept as the person vented to? Hourly? Daily? Weekly? What do you do about it when it gets to be too much? On the giving or receiving end. What are YOUR thoughts??? ![]() If you have to ask it's to much... |
A diamond tennis bracelet. WOW!!! He said new not long time love of his life... LOL your an expensive one. ![]() |
Put 3 ice cubes into a highball glass. Pour in vodka. Fill balance of glass with orange juice, stir, and serve.. LOL works for me :) Just Kidding...
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older women
What are your views on an 18 year old guy dating a woman in her late 20's? How should you treat a woman that is 8 years older than you, already has 2 kids, and divorced? She is going to move way to fast for you dude. I suggest you date someone younger as you have your whole life ahead of you, but then again if you have strong feelings for her then you just have to take it slow... Real slow.. |
You Nice Guys Out There....
I'm lost as to why you even made such a stupid@ss thread. I treat my women with respect and if they want the man who treats them like sh*t and lives in his mothers basement at 40 then so be it.
sex buddy? or more?
I have an idea why don't you tell him you don't want to be sex buddies anymore while u2 are having sex? LOL A woman with your good looks is always going to run into men who just want sex so you have to make sure you let the person know you want more then that.
Asking someone out
Edited by
Sun 12/09/07 12:54 AM
Write a note asking if she wants to go out and have her circle yes or no. Have a friend give it to her. ![]() Don't date co-workers!!! TRUST ME. ![]() ![]() |
I appreciate all your comments an advice. I don't believe I did anything wrong. I didn't pressure her into meeting me as I asked nicely and I got a negative result that is why im questioning my own tactics. I'm not at all mad at her, but I can take a hint so I won't bother her anymore as it seems I'm not what she is looking for. Thanks folks... ![]() |
I'm sorry, but no relationship can work without physical attration.
Edited by
Sat 12/08/07 05:07 PM
I'm 27 and I never really had any trouble getting a date when I lived in Illinois, but when I moved to Indiana I have been on a cold streak and I just can't figure out why. I mean I've gone out with a couple ladies sense I moved to Indiana, but they had no personalities or sense of humor and we had nothing in common, but at the end of the night I received the would you like to come in invite.( I declined as I'm not looking for just sex) I then decided to try online dating sites and things started to look promising as I started a very nice email conversation with a woman and I was really interested in her, but as soon as I sent the email asking to meet her she started ignoring me not answering my emails or chat invites so I give up why do ladies panic when you ask to meet them? I thought that was what these sites were all about (meeting people) I'm not really looking for a virtual girlfriend. if I was I would be happy playing the sims and starting a virtual family with 2.5 children and a dog named spot. I think I'm going to just give up and admit I will never find love. ![]() ![]() |
Luis.... your looking too hard it throws off vibs of desperation which will not seem attractive. change your thought patterns I swear man it really works , be yourself thats what Women will be attracted to first. and mix up the pictures a bit in your account....right now you look like a hitman for the mafia...-LOL |