Community > Posts By > TripleA

TripleA's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:06 AM
My son got a Mustang car for Xmas (1 1/2 yrs old at the time).

Unfortunately we now live on the 3rd floor of the apt. building and it now sits on the balcony. :(

I bet she'd love a power wheels toy if you have the room for it.

TripleA's photo
Fri 02/01/08 09:29 AM
When my 3 1/2 yr old son whines or doesn't listen I tell him I'm going to call Supernanny. :)

He loves to watch the show and says that he is NOT like those kids. LOL

He really isn't but there are some days that he is a little. :)

TripleA's photo
Mon 01/07/08 10:38 AM
I found my soul mate

turns out she's FEMALE

doesn't mean I'm lesbian or that we've slept together

but none the less she is my soul mate and I am hers

TripleA's photo
Mon 12/31/07 08:29 AM
My parent's are getting a divorce ... they work together ... not pretty.

My sister just had ANOTHER kid ... she's 21 today. :rolleyes:

Well at least she gets to drink for NYE this year. :rolleyes:

I got a new job, which is about the only thing that has gone perfectly. I love my co-workers and plan to never leave this company.

My child has turned into a holy terror ... :(

TripleA's photo
Wed 12/12/07 10:01 AM
get pregnant ...


TripleA's photo
Wed 12/12/07 08:14 AM
Harry Potter rocks!

I've influenced my son into liking it too. :)

TripleA's photo
Wed 12/12/07 08:04 AM
It's hard to figure out the pronunciation when the people on TV can't agree how to say it.

Humble ... the H really is silent! I have heard both on the same news station during the same news show.

TripleA's photo
Wed 12/12/07 07:53 AM
I didn't read every post here, but I glanced through a couple.

Just because he donated the sperm to create a child does not mean that he has a RIGHT to see the child.

If he wants to grow up, be a man, take responsibility for his actions and face up to the fact that he has created a child ... THEN he has the RIGHT to see the child.

#1 rule - no one ever changes. they make different decisions based on more mature opinions. however, if he has stated that he has no reason to change unless you take him back, he will never change ... or at least not any time soon.

If he wants to drop the drugs then he can see his son, drugs are dangerous to a child whether that child can get a hold of them or not. The lifestyle isn't your say. If he brings home hookers because he was out partying all night instead of spending time with his son that he is keeping, that's one thing ...

TripleA's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:17 AM
Jiffy pie crust mix

cheap and easy ... :)

or, Betty Crocker cookbook.

TripleA's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:06 AM
can you buy sanity?

my job is driving me nuts at the moment.

TripleA's photo
Sat 12/08/07 08:42 AM
18 and you want to be in a relationship with someone who is in a completely different mind set than you are?

I would never have dated someone that 'old' when I was 18 and I've never mentally been my age.

If you're mentally closer to 25 than you are to 18 and do not relate well to people your own age then you need to socialize with people who are older than you. Generally a woman over 25 is not into partying all night long at bars every night of the week ... they have work and responsibilities to take care of. I'm not saying that they don't have fun, but 18 is party-hardy and 25+ realizes that partying is not as important as it was. And I know some people (my friends) who are 30+ and still think that spending 4+ hours in a bar 7 nights a week is fun ... I've never thought so, it's a mute point and we like each other for being different.

TripleA's photo
Thu 12/06/07 10:37 AM
Men ... all violence.


I'd much rather watch boxing. I've had discussions with a friend of mine who's really into MMA and I stil don't get it and I still wouldn't let my child watch it.

TripleA's photo
Thu 12/06/07 10:26 AM
I can appreciate anyone who wants to try and look at the 'bright side' but the reality is that he has something to hide and if he cannot be up front and honest then the relationship has no trust and cannot progress.

If he lives at home with his parents for one reason or another, come clean. If he's afraid of losing her because he lives in a place that's not all that great and he doesn't have all the material things in life he thinks that she might be shallow and not really like him for him.

I'm in agreement that he's got a wife or GF.

TripleA's photo
Thu 12/06/07 08:04 AM
ANOTHER newbie!

Wow, that was a great surprise.


Ok, so I'll try and come up with something a little better ... later. bigsmile