---copy in part-- Why Accept The Endorsement Of A Liar? Because He Has No Choice By Maher Osseiran 23 October, 2008 Obama is not his own man, --snip-- The scientists at our intelligence agencies had warned Powell against pushing the issue of the aluminum tubes too hard, but, any wet behind the ears recent graduate in chemical engineering could have given him the same warning about those mobile trailers. If Powell was duped into presenting those trailers so forcefully, he should come out and give us the details, otherwise, all indications are that he lied us into war. Again, why doesn’t Obama reject the endorsement of Powell? Obama is not his own man and he has no choice. This might annoy a huge segment of his supporters but that does not matter; it never did. What matters are those few moronic undecided that take us in directions we never wanted to go. Biden warned us of the test Obama is going to face early in his presidency. Biden knows something, and in his usual bigmouth Biden way, he let the cat out of the hat but spoke in riddle and his words were intriguing "Mark my words," Biden told donors at a Seattle fund-raiser Sunday night, "Watch. We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy [Obama]. The keyword Biden used is “generated”, indicating some kind of certainty, foreknowledge, and premeditation, and none really drilled him on it. Later spun by Obama and other supporters of the democratic ticket spoke of the inevitability of a crisis, after all, international crisis are popping up here and there all the time. Again, the keyword is “generated” and the only potential crisis that fits Biden’s description is a failed state in Pakistan and you cannot imagine the consequences. The crisis has been brewing awhile; “generated” by the American military activities across Pakistani borders and American intervention in internal Pakistani affairs. Obama’s first act as president, behind the guise of protecting America, will pull the rug from under Pakistan and present us, the American people, with a failed state and formidable repercussions; a test his own puppet masters have created. Important readings in support of the above: Slam Dunk! – Were the rats playing basketball? The story of how Powell lied us into war. Obama: America's "Second Chance" or is it its Last? An analysis of who Obama is and what an Obama presidency means. ---end copy--- Lots of reasons not to vote for Obama, period. If you want to take the time to follow one more link Curtain Time For Barack Obama - Part I you can see much of the court trial details on O's pal ------The investigation called "Operation Board Games" will lead to Obama's downfall and it will begin with what he claims was a "boneheaded" mistake in entering into real estate deal with the Syrian-born immigrant, Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, less than a month after Rezko received a $3.5 million loan from the Iraqi-born billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi, who ended up with Riverside Park, a $2.5 billion 62-acre development project in the Chicago Loop. --- Dirty money, words and actions, NOBAMA BB |
McCain's Brother - Oh, Boy
Edited by
Sat 10/25/08 08:25 AM
Can we see a link to this?? Thanks, BB You have access to Google, if this is more than a rhetorical trick, you'd have already used it. First you say, Shame we can't get to any / much of Obama's family. Oh, there is that half-brother in K in a hut. Bur there is alot we don't know about O. Mrs.O. speaks ----copy-- ...but then you say, Obama??; Wasn't your mother MARRIED when she had you? And , no, whether his mother was married or not has bearing on NOTHING... as does McCain's brother. So which is it? Or do you want it both ways? If the latter, why should we NOT think of your 'reporting' here as biased propaganda? -Kerry O. Yes, I can and do google often. It just isn't right, err correct to leave info w/out a link to see where it is coming from, period. I could have left their bombshell news, that Obama was born out of wedlock, not left a link, and no one would have questioned it?? It comes from Mrs. O's own mouth!! And U see how much the media has picked (NOT) up on it! ---copy--- conservative talk radio attacks by flooding the station with hostile phone calls, attempting to intimidate donors to McCain's campaign, protesting to the Attorney General's office about anti-Obama ads, quasi-terrorist tactics for obstructing the Republican convention, using ACORN to clone existing voters, resurrect dead ones, and invent fictitious ones, paying out street money to "get out the vote" on election day, charges of racism when anyone (even William Safire) dares to criticize Obama, using 527 satellite groups to spread preposterous rumors, such as the ones about Palin's baby, Fabricating racial slurs supposedly uttered by Palin, setting up phony websites to smear McCain and Palin, and planting phony exchanges in question-answering websites. Moreover, I fear that worse is yet to come.---cut-- the above's all true too, and it comes from copy--- Burying the Opposition ----end copy----- Kerry, I'd like it both ways. ![]() Maybe what the family does or does not do, matters some, - TO SOME. But giving out info should be done right - TRUE (not made up like O's camp has been shown to have done. BTW U can be biased and still do it right. IMO Peace, BB |
McCain's Brother - Oh, Boy
Can we see a link to this?? Thanks, BB
Obviously, his brother John got all the brains and good sense in the family, huh? Shame we can't get to any / much of Obama's family. Oh, there is that half-brother in K in a hut. Bur there is alot we don't know about O. Mrs.O. speaks ----copy-- From NBC/NJ’s Carrie Dann KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A day after the revelation of Jesse Jackson’s crude criticism of Barack Obama’s speeches on fatherhood and faith-based initiatives, this morning Michelle Obama was talking about fatherhood, responsibility and accountability. --snip-- Obama used the roundtable audience, as she did yesterday, to describe her husband's understanding of women's issues through the prism of the strong -- but sometimes struggling -- women in his life. His own mother, she said at the beginning of her remarks, was "very young and very single when she had him." And, Obama added, he has observed his wife's attempts to reconcile motherhood with her career aspirations. ----end copy-- Obama??; Wasn't your mother MARRIED when she had you? And , no, whether his mother was married or not has bearing on NOTHING... as does McCain's brother. BB |
Ohwidow - you stated an untruth. You said that Obama was lying in most of his ads, slanting half truths and twisting the truth - all against McCain's policies. It's McCain and Palin that are lying about Obama on ads and at rallys. It's on the news all the time and the yahoo page!! I even saw Obama being interviewed today and being asked how he felt about the attacks on him by McCain/Palin. Hey, hi again ![]() Well, I can show you a source that says O has more negative/untrue ads than McCain, do U have one to back U up? O interviewed today? I don't think so, he's in Hawii - it was an older pc. Hope his Grandma is better. U know what kills me tho, he goes on saying she was a big part of his life, and gives pic with 'them' over 10-15 yrs ago. U'd think they would have recent pics if they were so close. ------ (like this site ;)--copy--- Murray Chotiner, who successfully managed Nixon's campaigns in 1950 and 1968, was the Ty Cobb of political campaigning, a ruthless and brilliant exponent of the philosophy that "politics is war." What would he think about this year' election? In 1964, he predicted that Goldwater would lose. His general rule was that the party whose candidates do the most fighting during the primaries almost always loses the election. His argued that the mutual accusations and mudslinging during the primaries causes bitterness that prevents a united front against the other party during the final campaign. Moreover, the other party's candidate has the benefit of all the mud and dirty laundry that his opponent's former rivals dug up about him. More often than not, Chotiner's law has prevailed in presidential elections. Will it work this year? At first glance, It would seem to predict a Democratic defeat. Therefore, in order to overcome the Chotinerian disadvantages they incurred during the primaries, the Democrats would have to (1) bury the hatchet, (2) bury the evidence, and (3) bury the opposition. Let us consider these three tasks in detail. Burying the Hatchet Going into the conventions, the Democrats seemed to be at a severe disadvantage. Hillary and Obama engaged in a long and bitter wrestling match, state by state, with Hillary hanging on until she was arm-twisted into grudgingly admitting defeat. Afterward, they kissed and made up but the smiles were somewhat forced. One felt that, as Dorothy Walworth once put it, "they buried the hatchet, but in a shallow well-marked grave". Hillary's supporters, such as PUMA, were defiant right up to the convention and some of us even suspected that Hillary and Bill might attempt a coup d'etat at the convention. Meanwhile, McCain had his own problems. He won the nomination quite early and the other candidates made their peace with him in a gentlemanly fashion. But he was still regarded with tepidity, if not downright suspicion, by the conservative wing of the party. And the voting public viewed him as old and dull while the media virtually ignored him. At this pivotal point, the election became very much like a war. I don't mean the ferocity that Chotiner advocated, but rather with regard to the importance of generalship. We have already noted that elections are a test of political virtues such as stamina, persuasiveness, and negotiating skills. But at times, they can also test a candidates military skills -- the ability to make quick and forceful decisions, to take risks, to minimize or contain ones losses, to capitalize on surprise and opportunity, and to fully exploit an enemy's weaknesses. In their choices of running mates, Obama flunked this test and McCain passed with flying colors. Admittedly, Obama had a tough bullet to chew. Campaigning with Hillary (not to mention Bill) would be no picnic. Working with her for four or eight years would be worse. But it's been done before. The bond that holds the Democratic Party together is a lust for power that is stronger than pride or self respect. Democrats have long been adept at calling each other nasty names and then working together to win an election. Kennedy and Johnson despised each other but were able to form a winning coalition in 1960 that gave each of them a tour of duty in the White House.. Like a general forced to sacrifice a regiment to win a battle, Obama had no choice. Restoring party unity and reinvigorating the campaign mandated an Obama-Clinton ticket. But because of personal pride, residual rancor from the bitterness of the primary campaign, or shear arrogance, he flunked the test, choosing a bland nonentity for the vice president slot, and losing (as Victor Davis Hanson put it) "a savvy experienced campaigner, who had successfully wooed the white-working class, [and] cemented the Democratic woman's vote". In contrast, McCain, having attained the strategically superior later date for his convention, exploited it brilliantly. Using classical diversionary tactics, flying around conferring with one VP possibility after another, he kept the media guessing about his real choice, to the point where it even drew some attention away from the Democratic convention. Then he dropped the Palin bomb, simultaneously defusing Obama's post-convention surge, placating the conservatives, attracting the blue-collar voters, wooing the Hillaryites, and bringing enthusiasm and color to a hitherto lackluster campaign. It was a gamble but it worked; it reminds me of Grant at Vicksburg. McCain's choice of Palin also gave him the political equivalent of the high ground: the attention of the media. Whether they speak good or ill of her, their attention is focused on her (and him) and away from Obama, thus effectively undermining the media blackout of McCain's campaign. Therefore, on the count of party disunity, Chotiner's law will probably apply this year -- but only because of the deft way that McCain exploited it. ----smile.. ![]() |
Time-line --copy-- Nov., 17, 2007, Obama wrote: "Yes: I have been a long-time advocate for public financing of campaigns combined with free television and radio time as a way to reduce the influence of moneyed special interests."
In a Feb. 26 debate, Obama told NBC's Tim Russert he would "sit down with John McCain" to discuss the issue. But on June 19, he announced he would not be accepting public financing, allowing him to raise unlimited funds.---- Public financing refers to the roughly $85 million in public money that candidates are eligible to receive if they choose to accept it. The money comes from taxpayers who check a $3 donation box on their tax returns. Any candidate who accepts the money is not allowed to raise or accept additional funds for the general election. -----and McCain is spending that $85 Million, while Obama has to date, collected and spending $600 MILLION --This is why the internet is so good. It allows people to turn off the TV and research on their own. Below is Rev. Don Hammer (1st tape) Part of a 7 part series, entitled "7 Reasons Why Obama Is Not A Christian," done by the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. |
![]() ![]() This video is the very best yet, and it details from 1 of 4---copy-- In the meantime the You Tube Videos below CAN DESTROY the LIES of Barack Hussein Obama - IF THE NEWS MEDIA WOULD STOP HIDING THIS INFORMATION! But right now, Barack Hussein Obama is trying to ‘SCRUB’ these videos from You Tube - as for some reason - they WILL NOT LOAD to be e-mailed through You Tube & the videos CAN’T BE LOADED onto MySpace pages either!!! Barack Obama WANTS TO HIDE the TRUTH in these videos that EXPOSES that he’s not only a Muslim - but that he’s an ILLEGAL ALIEN - who WAS NOT BORN in the U.S.A. & is by all accounts - still an Indonesian citizen!!! A ‘Bombshell’ that EXPOSES OBAMA’s LIES after the first 5 minutes!!! MOST Americans have not seen this - as these videos also CONFIRM what Daniel King has been telling people about SAUDI Prince Al-laweed Bin Talal PAYING for Obama’s Harvard Law School tuition & getting Obama appointed to head the Harvard Law Review!!! HURRY - BEFORE Obama’s $$$ FORCES You Tube to REMOVE THESE VIDEOS!!! ( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Fridays facing Mecca)Lots of information on very many sites that show O lied about this and more. BB |
--copy-- Here are some key questions the American voters need answers to. We call on the media and perhaps even the Justice Department (for Q#2) to get to the bottom of these questions: 1.) What if Obama was not technically an African-American (as defined in Kenneth Lamb's peice in the links below per the old federal guidelines)? 2.) What if Obama is not Constitionally qualified to run for President in that he is not a natural born citizen (i.e. he was born in Kenya, etc.)? Many serious people have raised real questions about where he was in fact born. It is known that his mother was in Kenya right around when he was born and was traveling near that time. There are also many people that Q the legitimacy of the document Obama put on his webiste from Hawaii purporting to be said birth certificate. This is a CRITICAL Constituitional question and should be examined by the Justice Department. We take no view/position on the above questions other than to say they need to be answered and it is VERY easy to provide such proof (release full ORIGINAL birth certificate (name of hospital, certificate number, etc.), allow people to be interviewed (Mom, etc.), release reported Kenyan birth certificate, & take a DNA test), yet he and his campaign have been very evasive and instead attack the questioners instead of providing simple clear answers and definative evidence. Which definately raises the question as to why? Here are the pertinent articles to examine and we let you decide for yourself: ---end copy--- "You're cut", think he would do that?? Get to the bottom of this. THIS is important, if a man is shady, we need to know. A Cover up instead of answering the question, give us the facts. Pls see the video...BB |
k, listen.... McCain is not Bush. Obama is not experienced HE is alot to blame for the mess we are in (Fannie/Freddie - don't tell me he didn't know when he was pocketing all that cash it was wrong, and it was going to bankrupt us, as McCain tried 3 yrs ago t- along with few others -to red flag) O is just so wrong for so many reasons. Vid kinda touches on alot/most of it. See this video, note/ pass if foul words offend Thanks for asking, BB Both men have faults, but both do not have flaws as great as Obama. ---copy--Therefore, although accusations about Obama's association with Ayers may not of themselves indicate a serious disqualification, the cumulative effect of all of the accusations against Obama---such as of dishonest flip-flopping, of deceitful campaign tactics, of mendacious concealment of past deeds, and of long term associations with crooked individuals and groups -- are in aggregate an ample body of evidence of a deceitful and dishonest personality. They therefore constitute proof of a serious character disqualification that should convince any rational voter that Obama is unfit for public office. UPDATE: The three-legged stool concept has already been used by Brian Carpenter to construct an ingeneous Venn diagram of presidential types at Couple valid reasons as well/ couple sites detailing more. Nite, BB |
>> on their own
is the key there, (one of the seeds laying it out) and Obama economic advisor: Ex CEO of Fannie May is the other. BAD judgement and greed. BB |
not to offend U...
"above my pay-grade" and at the town hall debate, he avoided alot (said where he saw us in 10 yrs, not few like asked) Really, alot he doesn't. Peace, BB |
k, listen....
McCain is not Bush. Obama is not experienced HE is alot to blame for the mess we are in (Fannie/Freddie - don't tell me he didn't know when he was pocketing all that cash it was wrong, and it was going to bankrupt us, as McCain tried 3 yrs ago t- along with few others -to red flag) O is just so wrong for so many reasons. Vid kinda touches on alot/most of it. See this video, note/ pass if foul words offend Thanks for asking, BB |
Guess a H. Stern thread is a pretty good thread to put this in.
DO NOT Watch this video if you don't like your ears insulted w/foul language, however, the man is fighting mad (and right on many points) The Stern findings from his event, are scary for sure.....hate it. (whispering, so War, do you file taxes?? It would be great if the people all rebelled!!) BB |
No, just 'cause we disagree doen'st make it so. You say it isn't O, others say it is.
Obama is also outspending McCain by $300,000 (£177,000) a week on advertising. He raised funds to the tune of 600+ million Dollars...... Feeling the election is being bought.....BB |
Obama is also outspending McCain by $300,000 (£177,000) a week on advertising.
(To have one steal an election too :( ) |
Edited by
Fri 10/24/08 07:47 PM
Again the most accurate poll since 2004: Obama 45.8 McCain 42.3 Not Sure 11.9 Also, good news from North Carolina via Rasmussen: McCain 50 Obama 48 wooo wooo, BB PS. Site details a breakdown on each catagory, no suprise in some, lots in another. Obama is also outspending McCain by $300,000 (£177,000) a week on advertising. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
--copy-- 1995 Obama Bizarre, Race Baiting Interview Found. A MUST SEE!! Obama admits his Redistribution of Wealth is to SAVE the African American community SO HE CAN ENSURE HIS OWN SALVATION! (and Our Countries Salvation) He compares the plight of African Americas to the ethic genocide's of Bosnia and Africa. He blames all of African American's problems on "ONE GROUP" who suppresses them. And He says WHITE people don't want their taxes to help black children. ------end c--- I haven't - this is, BB |
God's for Palin , she says
From O's X-Pastors ----Claiming that Wright's 36 years as pastor of the church -- the largest United Church of Christ congregation, with 8,000 members -- is being demeaned, Rev. John H. Thomas, UCC general minister and president, said, "It saddens me to see news stories reporting such a caricature of a congregation that has been such a blessing to the UCC’s Wider Church mission … It's time for us to say 'No' to these attacks and declare that we will not allow anyone to undermine or destroy the ministries of any of our congregations in order to serve their own narrow political or ideological ends."
Neither Wright nor Obama was present at the church on Sunday, but all of talk news has been on the subject of the pastor, whose many sermons have been captured on video and replayed across television and the Internet over the past few weeks. Some of the more flamboyant sermons have included statements saying that the U.S. created the AIDS virus to kill African Americans and that the United States was asking for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks because it had supported "state-sponsored terrorism" against black South Africans and Palestinian -----Wright spoke admiringly of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, long criticized for making anti-Semitic comments. Wright described Farrakhan as a hugely influential figure – “one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century.” “Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy,” Wright said. “He did not put me in chains, he did not put me in slavery and he didn’t make me this color.” ---- For 20 yrs Obama family sat in that church. Rev. W married them, baptized both his kids, there is no way O didn't pick up/ nod his head when he was there. a potential 1,040 Sundays. He said the man was like a father to him. Do you honestly believe that Obama did not know what was in the man’s heart and mind? Do you honestly believe that he NEVER heard him preach that kind of hatred? If you do, you’re a fool!---"I can no more disown him than I can disown my white grandmother," Obama said. More than once, he said, she had "uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe." ---- end copy--- On the other hand, God does play a role in this ---copy-- "I would cast a vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin," he said. "But friends, it's your choice to make, it's not my choice. I won't be in the voting booth with you." All told, 33 pastors in 22 states were to make pointed recommendations about political candidates Sunday, an effort orchestrated by the Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund. ---end copy-- It is not proper to have a pastor \endorse a candidate - they could loose their IRS non profit status over it, but it appears many are willing. God plays a hand.... BB PS. one Rev. Manning is very out-spoken against Obama,---copy--ATLAH World Missionary Church is an impressive church filled with extraordinary people. Its ministries are vital to the implementation of the great vision - 50,000 righteous men living for the Lord in the community of ATLAH. (For more information on ATLAH, go to ATLAH: That's What God Said in About Us). The tenacious efforts of The Hon. James David Manning have initiated unique opportunities for ministry within his congregation. That list includes: ATLAH World Ministries ATLAH Superior Foods Great Tomorrows Schools The Ethiopian Project The Gettysburg Project The Nile River Project The Witch Doctor Project he likes Sarah (might wish to google Manning + Obama,see some outspoken videos)his blog, radio announcements, sermons, many are listening to him. Huge following BB |
![]() ![]() Please old wise one, tell us the "facts" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Biden- Has forgotten more foreign policy than his colleagues know, Hillary would be a better President than Obama, Obama doesn't have the experience to be President, I would be honored to run with John McCain for President, "Mark my words" a international crisis will occur to test our new young President within the first 6 months of him taking office, gave 2 million of campaign money to his family, a three letter word J-O-B-S ![]() ![]() 1) Palin didn't know nor approve of charges on rape kits. and some of the other 'statements' are questionable as well. But- come on, can't you see?? IF they were all true, and they are not, what is worse?? ALL the below is attributes to Obama..... Getting rich while you bankrupt the Fannie may/Freddie mack, at the expense of the economy? Hanging with the likes of Ayers, Wright, Russco, and many more pals with ...well U know. Not saluting the flag, etc. Doing HARD drugs!! (rumors fly as late as 1999) Lies frequently (even failing to provide a real birth certificate - to the tune of now 8 people in different states have lawsuits against him for that (sure would have been alto easier just to produce it, unless you can't) Favoring laws that permit partial birth abortion, and living babies of other abortions, no assistance. Taxing (or over-taxing) most of us unfavorable ably. Yes, J.Plumber people are going to overpay too. AND he's going to 'refund' instead of credit, the lower paid - giving them refunds when they haven't paid into it, (spread the wealth around!!) Lying in most of his ads, slanting half truths and twisting the truth - all against McCain's policies. Won't answer to where all the money is coming from (overseas) for his champaign. Many dollars that are questionable. (supply document ion in full) Hasn't helped his step-brother in K, lives in a hut. Wasn't at his Mom's side when she died, etc. Having on T.V. 1,300 plus ads to only 8 of McCains - in ONE month, (in one state) just because he can with all this money he has raised (the election is being bought) Well, you know, I could go on. But if you compare the faults (if they were true and not so) of Sarah P. to all these above (that is not a full list) of Obamas, why would you have any problem voting for McCain/Palin when the ethics and character, and agenda that is more for the USA -than that of Obamas?? WHAT on earth is wrong with this picture???? BTW McCain's Mom is 95, doing well and healthy, period. ![]() |
It's fair to ask questions of someone whom thinks they don't have to follow the rules - of their character when we find his pals, and of his family values as well.
See what Rush L. has to say on the subject O is being interviewed on his leaving for H to visit, he says, his ill g/mother. R.L is breaking into this, putting in his words here. MAKES sense to me! (O's step brother has not received money for assistance from O at all, and lives on less than a dollar a day) Now, many think part of the real reason O is in H is to answer to the court, about his b/certificate. -- copy-- SMITH: Some people say there's risk involved in this, with so little time left. OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the, uh, I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people. ----- RUSH: Yeah, right. Okay. Now, I have some questions here, ladies and gentlemen. If Obama has this election in the bag, if he has this election in the bag, which they're all saying, I mean, he's building the stage. They're already putting together this massive little stage out there in Grant Park in Chicago. They're making all these postelection plans. They're working on the transition team. If it's in the bag, Obama, please, stop spending money on TV and radio spots. Stop raising more money. You already have tons of it. Stop campaigning all over the country. You're wasting fuel. You're emitting carbon dioxide along the way. If it's over, then behave like it's over. By the way, I'd like to be a little bit more inquisitive than the average reporter out there and observe that we've been hearing and reading for at least three days now that Obama's grandmother is deathly ill and that he's going to rush to her side in Hawaii. Now, if he's already won the presidency, why hasn't he already gone to Hawaii? Why is he not already there? What's he waiting for? "If she's deathly ill," I'm pretending to be a reporter here. You know they'd ask McCain these questions. "If Obama's grandmother is deathly ill, why has this been announced days ago and he's only going now," or tomorrow, or whenever it is. Now, I understand, folks, Snerdley's got his head buried in his hands. I understand this, my friends, anything said about Obama is going to be turned into an unfair racist attack on the man. Am I not asking obvious questions? Who announces days in advance they're rushing to the side of a loved one who is deathly ill but keeps campaigning in a race that's said to be over, only to go to the loved one's side days later? See, I think this is about something else. You know what's really percolating out there? I've been laying low on this because it hasn't met the threshold to pass the smell test on this program. This birth certificate business, this lawsuit that a guy named Philip Berg filed in Philadelphia in August for Obama to produce his genuine birth certificate and he still hasn't replied. You've got a deathly ill grandmother, you are going to rush to her side a few days from now, when you first announced this, you're going to rush, you're going to hurry, you're going to make tracks, you're going to get over there because you don't want your grandmother to die before you got there like your mother did, but somehow you keep campaigning, you take three days to get over there, if he's left yet, and this birth certificate business, I'm just wondering if something's up. I have no clue, and folks, I'm telling you, this has not reached the threshold until now, and it's popping up all over the place. There are a lot of people now that are starting to speculate and be curious about this. I don't know, let's say for example that somebody does come up with proof that something's screwy with his birth certificate and something's screwy about the fact that he's allegedly a natural citizen, American citizen, but may not be, dual citizenship, born in Kenya, who knows, there's all kinds of stuff out -- so what? What's going to happen this late in the campaign? Do you think if it's proven that they're going to dump him? That's not going to happen. But still, these are just questions that I have. And, look, both of my parents have died. When I was told the end was near, bam, I got there, fast as I could. I didn't announce to the audience, "I just got word my father is said to be passing away and in four or five days I'm going to go to Missouri. In the meantime, I will not leave you here on this radio program." These are just natural questions. I think any inquisitive reporter -- I know the risk I'm running here by raising all this. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't do that. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: I want to go back to this one sound bite from Obama, second question from Harry Smith this morning on the CBS Early Show. SMITH: Some people say there's risk involved in this, with so little time left. OBAMA: Yeah. Well, the, uh, I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people. RUSH: Okay. "If you're not caring for your family..." How about George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama in the hut outside Nairobi living on a dollar a month? A $20 bill would double his half-brother's annual income. Not even a sign "Home, Sweet Hut" has been sent to George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama, and how many other of Obama's family members are living in squalor? Yeah, "if you don't take care of your family, if you don't put that first, you're probably not the kind of person that's going to be caring for other people." You have a half-brother living in a hut! |
Google David Manning, you will see he has been very outspoken against Obama - but this is his loudest sermon - so much negative against O. About This Video This video is Public Hon. James David Manning, PhD preaches about Obama's mama, grandmama, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezco, William Ayers, and more in the message called "God Save America" preached on Saturday, 18 October 2008. "Save America" is awesome and Impressive. Nothing could be so factual, clear and explicit to denounce the Real Senator "Tarzan". Thank You so much to voice and express your thoughts against this man and his Radical Socialist views. Now is the time for all of us to stand for Christ and to vote against those who want to change our "American way of Living". We must make every effort to maintain Freedom for all. ----end copy---- Seems more is coming out daily, more than I would've said, but this black preacher is right on. 22 min, listen to the end for how he is going to do everything in his power to stop BO. (Their are much better ways to stand for Christ than to degrade and name call on each other. But I guess he has his own way to talk to his people the full truth. He is MAD and not happy and doing something about it!) He is however telling alot of truth. For all of the emotion coming from Pastor Manning's lips, everything he said was factually true, albeit personal. He actually spared Sen. Obama more humiliation by not discussing more important subjects. Rev. White used the N. word as well when he preached to hsi congragrasion ("Hillary has never been called a n.") Now we hear that his Passport records were breached. What motivated this intrusion? Why is the State Department - hardly a conservative wing of government - interested in knowing where Obama travelled abroad? What is Obama suspected of? What is Obama hiding now? Where there is smoke, there is fire. BB PS. RUSH: We have five sound bites from a pro-Clinton preacher. His name is the Reverend James David Manning, and he preaches at the ATLAH Worldwide Church in Harlem. This is now on YouTube, ladies and gentlemen. And, as I've warned you prior to the conclusion of the last hour, this is rough stuff. This is really, really rough stuff. But, this is something I think we all need to learn and expose ourselves to, because we're being told that we are ignorant when it comes to the traditions and the context of the dynamics, if you will, of the traditional black church in America. So it's just another example of what's going on in a black church. This is in Harlem, the Reverend James David Manning, a pro-Hillary pastor. |