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Tue 10/21/08 01:18 PM
>>LOL..You just keep going. You question Obamas health but fail to answer McCain's..You say his records were release but to who and when..You bash him for family values when its well documented about McCains affair while being married..The law suits, well??? The BIG M Obama TAPE???? We are still waiting on all of the above. Answer a question honestly,
You know its down right rude to post crap and not answer peoples questions..Is that a debate???Something you said you like to do!! Okay, sorry, was getting to some others on here first. McCains Medical records were released, left link here's another. http://www.johnmccain.com/mccainrecords/ Military records, something were opened, some not. Private lives, -that's okay. He has passed tons of tests, and his history, altho not perfect, is better than many a man could do. (Oh, U had mentioned it must be the smoking why I don't like O?? LAUGHING, one challenge he can't overcome, and M can DID overcome so many much larger hurdles!!) And his divorce, wasn't there, but read report from the first Mrs.M, she's okay with him. Don't recall bashing O for his family values, however did copy some interesting things about them. No, don't have all the answers. No, am not paid to 'rally' on McCain's side (or either). Yes, I heard M say O was a fine man. No, didn't hear him comment on his 'right' to fake or lie, or evade the issue of O's b/certificate. If U have a link U think I should see, pls do so. I do not think however, that many are looking at links that might prove them wrong about their man.....hummmm Does that make sense? Anything else I missed? Have a Good one, Betty PS. Nope, do not post crap. Do not reduce the discussion to name calling or personal attacks to 'friends' on here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just hope some of this brings to light another side, for a more Informed Choice.....no lies, I don't. Yep, do copy - paste, and spell-check too. Smile, and will need to get back to U on the tapes.. BB |
Did you hear me? McCain has a truth squad! Yes, I posted that awhile back.. What I said was (adding to it prior) that they do not go around shutting down, removing and zapping sites like the O camp has. Even hiring ----copy--- http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2008/09/missouris_obama_truth_squads_2.html “What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment. “This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election. “Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”-- end-- We wouldn't care, IMO, if we just had not uncovered SO many lies and fraud coming out about O! BB PS, No, McCain does not need to do such as this. |
Who cares about all this extreanous dino duuuuky. When it comes time to vote I hope, no matter who you end up voting for, that you base your vote on ACTUALLY IMPORTANT THINGS... where a person was born has no real bearing on what they stand for or the record they have built over the years. Voting is a responsibility... We should treat it as such... we should research the true issues and vote based on what we think that canditate is bringing to the table. Yes, and why do U get to vote?? Could someone from another country come here, and in your state (or anywhere in the USA)vote for our president?? Nope, there are rules. AND O needs to follow them too, don't you think? (smile) BB |
here's the long and short of it so far your curiosity has not been quelled, however, it has by governmental standards (whatever that mean) if he were unable to provide proof of his citizenship he wouldn't be allowed to run - end of story - why provide one now? for you and those who think like you? build a bridge pick better battles Imma have to take an aspirin let's stick to the facts This is a fact - http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/08/busted-obama-camp-behind-palin-smear.html ---copy---"The real outrage is that there's nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law," Berg said.---But until the certified paper birth document is produced -- either by media pressure or a legal challenge in any state -- the fact remains that Obama has not proven that he is a "natural born citizen" eligible to be President according to the Constitution. --- Faked the first time, lied about the second time, and now, ignoring the problem. Thia man does not deserve to speak for Americans! BB |
The three 'puppets'
http://www.livevideo.com/video/IceDiva/EF4222B3484245E2AA1854078107B164/new-world-order-puppets-of-war.aspx As far as the realmc site (cough, cough) The Reps don't have a 'truth squad' like O has, shutting down, and pulling many 'slanted, untruthful' sites. Like Obama does..... http://www.livevideo.com/video/IceDiva/3550F3294CF045D1995797F48583E4C4/barack-obama-truth-squads-flv.aspx (BTW, U can't give tax credits to those who 1)don't file or 2)don't make enough to pay into the IRS. Instead, it is another tax refund, those getting dollars who haven't paid into it. Socialism!) (one of several- MANY- fake sites put out by O camp. PLS read this -information shouldn't be missed!! BB) ---copy--- http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/08/busted-obama-camp-behind-palin-smear.html OBAMA CAMP BUSTED!! The Obama Campaign is behind the Sarah Palin Smear Website! Here's the Sarah Palin Supports Gay Rights website: It was set up by the Obama Campaign and Charles Johnson has the proof. Charles Johnson busted the Obama Camp for setting up anti-Palin websites: Interesting. There's nothing else on the page. This sure looks like the work of the dastardly right-wing anti-gay attack machine, doesn't it? But look who's really behind this. In the Linux console, if you enter the following commands, you can learn the secrets of a political dirty trick. |
T- did U get to
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apqtqp7EKgM (O's speech while overseas) (least of the 2 is McCain) http://texasdarlin.wordpress.com/ I absolutely agree with those who say that this rumbling growling underground issue could have been so easily quelled by merely producing true and correct documents. Why wouldn't Obama want to get the issue totally out the way and behind him? (Can't comes to mind) http://www.obamacrimes.com/ http://hillarysupportersformccainblog.com/2008/10/16/obama-and-eligibility-requirements--two-out-of-three-aint-bad.aspx --copy-- There are FOUR [update 10/20: Two new lawsuits were added - one in Utah! One suit is filed by Attorney Philip Berg in the District Court of Eastern Pennsylvania, outlining all of the evidence that points to Obama's failure to meet this basic requirement. Philip Berg has offered to DROP his suit if the Obama campaign simply provides the proper documentation proving his place of birth, and citizenship. Rather than to produce this simple and basic paperwork, Obama filed a motion to dismiss the case, claiming that the court had no jurisdiction, and further, has filed a motion to delay the discovery deadline (the deadline by which Obama must produce this critical documentation proving his citizenship) until the issue of dismissal has been decided by the judge. (Editor: Show me an honest person who would not readily produce this basic documentation, in order to build trust of the public, and to put this issue to rest. The only explanation is that Obama does not have the necessary documentation that allows him to be the US President). |
IF we don't want our country to continue down this road, we need to do something different. Washington won't change for us. So we have to ask ourselves what we keep doing time and time again... The answer to that lies in our votes. We have been voting for the specific people that claim to be from two different parties, that continually make our country worse. Look, we are doing it again... If you want change, vote for someone who stands for it. Look at the policies. No matter who they are. Who cares if the majority of congress doesn't "endorse" them. Look at what congress has done to us. We need someone they don't want us to have. I say again, we are are in danger of losing our country. They are pushing an economic crisis on us. They will eventually push for us to combine Canada and Mexico with the U.S. Our law system will be combined, our currencies, our militaries, etc. The Amero will take the place of the dollar. Congress voted a bill through that is certain to to increase the effects of the recession. Obama and McCain are both pushing to lower the value of our dollar while hiding behind the false pretense of "taking care of us" as if we were illegitimate children that can't take care of themselves. Why do you think congress doesn't take illegal immigration seriously? The answer is because the majority of the are globalists. They eventually want a one world government. The U.N. will be the world military, and the elite will continue to run things. (This is speculation but supposedly China is the guinea pig for the world government. Communism is what is being pushed. This is what Obama is pushing for.) Do your homework. The North American Union is REAL. Has been proven. Several members of congress warned us of this. It even had made Lou Dobbs on CNN. You want change, it has to come from us first. Stop endorsing candidates that are pushing for the same things. Stop endorsing candidates that are pushing to take us down and invent a crisis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lFCFIiwrsg http://www.nogw.com/shadow.html http://www.commondreams.org/view/2008/10/17 (Nader report) http://www.commondreams.org/views06/1025-21.htm http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/09... http://www.militarytimes.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1568518 http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=ba99826e-f9b7-42a4-9b0a-f82134b92e7e (above is in force NOW) Category: News & Politics Keywords: American Resistance, Militia Movement, New World Order, North American Union, TRUTH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apqtqp7EKgM (O's speech while overseas) Wikipedia article on "New World Order" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faction_One |
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Tue 10/21/08 10:17 AM
Obama Leaving Campaign Trail To Be With His Sick Grandmother
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/20/obama-leaving-campaign-tr_n_136373.html The lawsuit in Hawaii, and BO's trip to same, to visit an ailing grandmother, ---copy--- This is the same woman he found convenient to publicly humiliate and call a racist when he deemed necessary- this the White Grandmother that he trashed in his books. (Obama last visited Hawaii in August, when he spent a week on vacation after he had clinched the Democratic...) THIS IS THE SAME GRANDMOTHER HE SPENT LESS THAN AN HOUR WITH ON VACATION.. THE SAME ONE HIS WIFE AND KIDS DID NOT EVEN GO AND SEE. If Obama's grandmother is truly sick I pray for her to recover but for those who are looking down their self righteous noses in disdain at suspicion over Obama's visit to Hawaii, need to look at the facts. Take your rose colored glasses off and ask if she truly is that ill, why not get on his private jet tonight??? I would and so would you....Secondly, ask yourself why his wife Michelle is not going. Come on....Thirdly, why not take the great grandkids???? That would be the "normal"thing to do but then Obama doesn't do things normally, does he???? I am very interested in this suit in Hawaii and it seems very suspicious that he is going THIS week....You see, when you lie and cover up you always have to watch your back or as the good Book states; Be sure your sins will find you out.... Lastly, can't recall hearing anything about his grandmother since he has been on the campaign trail.If she was sick, wouldn't we have heard something??? If she is truly sick, I pray for her to recover.....But..... --end copy--- --copy-- New Lawsuit requires Obamas presence in Hawaii: Martin vs Obama Andy Martin takes action to stop official harassment in Hawaii Obama Hawaii investigation moves into high gear with lawsuit seeking release of birth records http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-119741 --end copy-- Check out http://www.americasright.com/ to see, first lawsuit now getting some detailed exposure! |
spock:Im just wondering why Sarah Palin wont release any of her medical records. ![]() ![]() such determinations are "above my pay grade" thanks, BB PS http://www.adn.com/626/story/382864.html click onto voice recording of Sarah's interview. Maybe we should get a photo of S breast-feeding, bet that would 'cement' things huh? (smile) BB |
T- thanks for the site, (had heard pieces but had not researched it yet.)--copy--
In fact, Mrs. McCain was investigated by the Drug Enforcement Administration after the agency was approached by a former staff member of her charity. The investigation resulted in no charges or prison time for her, and she entered a diversion program. While these records were not made public at the time, Mrs. McCain eventually confessed her drug use when she learned that a reporter was investigating the story.-- So, she was rehabbed, had confessed, and made amends. Way to go --- but now we look at O -----copy-- It is worth noting that you have not employed your investigative assets looking into Michelle Obama. You have not tried to find Barack Obama’s drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, Dreams of My Father. Nor have you interviewed his poor relatives in Kenya and determined why Barack Obama has not rescued them. Thus, there is a terrific lack of balance here. http://gretawire.foxnews.com/2008/10/18/you-have-not-tried-to-find-barack-obamas-drug-dealer/ Barack H Obama, candidate for the office Of president admitted in writing to committing THE FELONY of Cocaine Possession. The only reason he is not a CONVICTED FELLON is because he was not caught at the time. He gets a free ride with The NY Times…NBC, MSNBC..etc etc etc Quote from Obama’s book about his own drug use in high school and college - “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though,” For those of you who are not drug savvy, blow refers to inhaling cocaine jand smack refers to heroin. So, where are the great ‘news alerts’ on this?????? Why isn’t this getting plastered on the front pages of the Times? This is from a man who is running for PRESIDENT!!!!! A presidential candidate’s wife is written about in the NYTs, the focus being her addiction to LEGAL prescription drugs, that she overcame. A presidential candidate, ObamaFELON, used ILLEGAL drugs for quite some time - including cocaine - and there isn’t a paragraph written about it in the NYTs. What a joke the Times has become. What a transparent, yellow-journalism joke. BB http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=64 Here is the latest validation of the greater than, casual “Crossing Paths” of Obama/Ayers |
Temp, Did you know that melanoma can cause cancer in the brain and eyes? To add, If left untreated!! And he did make available his medical records, all of them, lots and lots of pages of them, not just a one page statement from his doc like the new kid. Peace, BB |
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Mon 10/20/08 10:35 PM
No, I don't know that about Mrs. M, got back-up?
No, I don't think Mrs. O is classy, on the view she called her husband sweet and pathetic!!!! http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/06/the_view_ladies_dive_in_to_res.html ---copy--ORIGINAL Barbara Walters asks Michelle Obama about how she reacted when husband Barack told her he was running for president. "Did you want him to be president," Walters asked. No, said Obama. ""Please, don't do this. You know, I did not want Barack to go into politics because I thought politics was a mean business. And you know, I knew this man that I loved, he was sweet and pathetic, I thought. there was no way......."" --end-- so nope, if a wife calls her man pathetic I wouldn't call her classy. (and yes, she has been rumored to be an angry woman, and should have been proud long ago.) And ck this out, no Birthday presents for those kids, and $1.00 a week allowance! Nice looking family. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20214569,00.html |
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Mon 10/20/08 10:17 PM
Aside from the religion questions here,(ignore the slant) this would be a good research report. Suffer thru the 1st 5 min, and then it gets interesting.
http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ will answer you about politics.(Hey, pls don't act like I said anyone was uneducated!!) T, about McCain, from his Bio---copy--- McCain's management skills have yet to be publicized. After he came back from his 5 1/2 years as a POW, McCain took command of the Navy's largest squadron, a force of A-7 attack aircraft. It was the largest by a lot. Most such squadrons in those days numbered 12 to 25. McCain's numbered 75, putting him in charge of a budget of more than a billion dollars. This was during the post-Vietnam years, when Washington was cutting back on the military budget, and the McCain squadron was short on parts, maintenance crews, and even fuel. Some 25 of his aircraft were permanently disabled "hangar queens." Morale was low. In what John Lehman, secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, has called "a near miracle of leadership and management," McCain restored morale and got all 75 A-7s up and running. Fellow officers did not think it was possible, which brings us to the question of character. After leaving Hanoi, McCain never was expected to fly again, such was the condition of his poorly treated injuries. The injuries included two broken arms, a broken leg, a broken shoulder, and the consequences of stab wounds to the groin and ankle. Navy doctors told him he never would achieve "flight status" again. In a show of exemplary fortitude, the young pilot undertook grueling physical therapy. He not only flew again but also took command of his squadron and rebuilt it. Then he became Navy liaison to the Senate, where, by working with hawkish Republicans and Democrats, he helped reverse the decline of the military and lay the foundation for the Reagan military buildup that bankrupted the USSR. In McCain's biography, we see leadership, managerial skills, an ability to work with senators on both sides of the aisle, and a vigilance about national security that we do not see in his opponent. McCain will not need the cheap tricks of a presidential campaign to win on Election Day. His biography will be sufficient. ---heck of a man on his service, and note, he helped reverse the decline of the military, among other things. Nite, BB PS. and his wife?---copy---The McCain campaign released Cindy McCain's tax returns late Friday afternoon, and the numbers might make Joe the Plumber blush. The beer-company executive reported income last year of nearly $4.2 million, and more than $6 million in 2006. The Arizona heiress with seven homes has traveled the globe for years doing humanitarian work, mostly aiding children and quietly donating plenty of money from a fortune estimated at $100 million. She may be the wife of a senator and presidential candidate, but from the time John McCain was elected to Congress in 1982, she has preferred to keep out of the political limelight. Spending time with kids -- her four and the countless others with whom she has connected in orphanages and medical facilities -- is how she feels most at ease. ---The Miami Herald She has waded through minefields in Cambodia. Slept out in the bush in tents in Angola. Comforted children under the broiling sun in Morocco. But the 53-year-old's extensive charity work has been largely overlooked. Instead, the focus has tended to be on her privileged upbringing as the heiress of a successful Phoenix beer distribution business and her highly publicized addiction to painkillers in the early 1990s. But friends and others who have traveled with her on mission trips say her commitment to humanitarian work is one of her most defining characteristics. They also expect that to become a major part of her work as first lady, should John McCain win in November. "The thing that differentiates Cindy and why I think she will make an excellent first lady is that she has this true connection with the underserved," said Vonnie Wray, the development director at Operation Smile who has accompanied Cindy on missions to Morocco, India and Vietnam. ---The Arizona Republic (she is Proud to be an American and gives freely) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There is a lot of stuff to sift thru on just the details alone in the elections. Here we have people calling people hateful names, based upon their choice. Shame, that is NOT patriotism! AND u know what?? We know the media spins in favor of O, so I don't believe much of what they write. I googled "whose campaign is more negative Obama or mccain?" and top of the list,, --copy--Interestingly, despite the meme of liberal commentary that McCain is running a scandalously negative campaign, the Obama campaign is running more negative ads than the McCain campaign. http://www.usnews.com/blogs/barone/2008/9/19/obamas-campaign-is-more-negative-than-mccains.html?s_cid=rss:barone:obamas-campaign-is-more-negative-than-mccains |
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Mon 10/20/08 09:09 PM
When are U speaking of? The 'rumors' were proven wrong.
In November I will vote for John McCain for many reasons not feelings. I support his views on taxes, his spending freeze, his expansion of Nuclear energy and his commitment to a strong national defense. And because I believe he has already proven he has the leadership to govern across both parties. If McCain were to somehow win, it makes me sick that some would claim it was because of racism. Many on the left claim that the last two elections were literally stolen from them. Now we hear Republicans starting to claim Obama and Acorn may be "stealing" the election. When the other side wins, I wish we could congratulate them in victory and accept that the people have spoken. So we will, we all need a fair race. AND the republicans are not getting it. O is outspending M 2 to 1 or more on ads, and his lies can't all be stomped out by McCain, as he is working w/limited funds, period. BB edited to add: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/p-j-gladnick/2008/10/08/james-carville-hints-riots-if-obama-loses In last night's post-debate analysis on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, James Carville proclaimed that Barack Obama will be the slam dunk winner of the election in November. However, he followed up by hinting at riots if Obama were to lose. Here is the transcript of the discussion. (where's that love U spoke of? Dem's would not riot if they lost, period) |
Not about race, it's about trying to keep the wrong guy out. But i really don't agree with the pulling of straws to do so. Look past the crap, and look at policies. Look and affiliations with organizations. Hell his message of "change" alone shows you that he is manipulative. Policies and political message to do not coincide. Honestly the best thing for the people of the United States to do, is vote third party. If everyone would do so, maybe we might get a guy in there that has OUR best interests at heart. We honestly need someone like Dr. Paul in office. He knows what needs to be done. I agree with you 100% The worst of 2 evils is what we are left with. One may not be perfect, but the better 'agenda' for the US. The other, well,, this thread is about him mostly posted by me so U'd know where I stand. But, don't call either of them worthless http://www.leaveitbehind.com/2008/09/dont-call-them.html Ron Paul would've had my vote - BB |
>>Same stuff has been posted for months...Im still waiting for the M Obama tape..Waiting patiently..
--- I know templter, me too. They Say it is coming. Yet we know O-bots non-stop scrubbing of website & the web of the constant missteps of the Obama Camp, really happens. BB PS. Tell me, how come people can dismiss Joe Biden's remarks at a debate, saying "Obama did not have enough experience to serve." AND that HE would be proud to serve McCain?? BUT,,,, the lies keep pilling up,(WHEW!!) so maybe if this gets the attention it deserves, little else will matter T. http://www.verumserum.com/?p=2907 http://web.archive.org/web/20020922153719/www.chi-challenge.org/implement3.htm The LIES keep piling up. The first site gives documentation that Ayres and BO shared an office for AT LEAST 3 years. The second site shows that BO gave Ayres’ “Small Schools Workshop” nearly $2 MILLION dollars when he served on the CAC and Woods Funds. Inform yourself, backup documentation is shown! BB |
I honestly believe that you are grasping at straws.
Why don't you do the same with McCain and Palin? We could write a book about the questionable things that Palin has done. Don't you just love how McCain had a gf while married and ditched his wife to marry her? ![]() Don't you just love McCain's involvement with Keating 5? ![]() Don't you just love how McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time? ![]() humm, pls see last post, to document the lies, and correct some of them THAT U LISTED as well (If U are interested in clearing things up). Also, did U know, Oprah had joined the same church (Rev. Wright's) in 1984, but quit in 86, thinking it would be departmental to her career. And yet, it took Obamas 20 YRS!! For those who believed Obama’s line about never having heard Jeremiah Wright’s anti American, anti white diatribes, please read these on Yid With Lid. There is hardly anything I can add to the above. The record of lies, the record of fraud and misrepresentation, is by far longer than that of many a more experienced politician. http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2008/03/proof-that-obama-is-lying-about-never.html |
Third state lawsuit, this on in Hawaii
------copy---- Friday's suit in Hawaii was filed by author of "Obama: The Man Behind the Mask" Andy Martin against Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle and Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the state Department of Health and is seeking a court order compelling the state to release Obama's birth certificate and any other related records in the interest of full disclosure. While Hawai’i statutes call for a balancing or weighing test where production is considered by a court, most respectfully Plaintiff submits that the balance falls entirely on the side of disclosure where the original birth certificate of a presidential candidate is concerned. Martin describes himself as a "legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic." He insists that he is not acting as a democrat or republican or on behalf of any campaign. Now, this self-proclaimed "Obama nemesis" is in Hawaii, waiting for a decision from the state circuit court judge. Judging from the nature of the proceedings in Berg v. Obama, Martin could be waiting for a while. -----end-- http://www.contrariancommentary.com/community/Home/tabid/36/mid/363/newsid363/284/Default.aspx The second suit - The suit in Washington State, filed against Secretary of State Sam Reed by Fall City, WA resident Steven Marquis. The first - OBAMA SUED IN PHILADELPHIA FEDERAL COURT ON GROUNDS HE IS CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE FOR THE PRESIDENCY - suit Philip Berg, Barack Obama, and U.S. Citizenship Pennsylvania attorney 59 days ago, Obama was served at his Washington, D.C. office on September 4. Since then, there have been almost a dozen pleadings filed by both parties and intervenors as well. http://www.americasright.com/2008/10/philip-berg-interview-hits-youtube.html ---end copy-- on another note...I was under the impression that suits had also been filed in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah as well?? --- copy---- Think freely. Take risks. Fight back. Oppose racism and injustice. Also welcome love. Be who you really are because life is too short to do otherwise. Be stronger than your condition. Be kind. Be supportive. Walk in somebody Else's shoes. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Above all, seek justice and do no harm----- So, we won't be lied to! Here is a link to an excellent reader letter. Calls Obama out on just about everything. A Record of Mistruths - Open Letter to Senator Obama Posted on October 19, 2008 http://www.freedomscost.net/?p=1212 --small part of it copied-- You claim that you will reduce taxes for 95% of America , but you forgot to tell America that those reductions are after you remove the Bush tax reductions. You have requested close to $1 billion in earmarks and several million for Acorn. Your social programs will cost America $1 trillion per year and you claim that a reduction in military spending ($100 billion for Iraq ) can pay for it. While your economic plan of adding 30% to the size of our federal government is of concern, the greater concern is that you are deceiving America .---(end c--pls ck it out)BB |
: US Law firm enters into agreement to represent API in The Michelle Obama tapes to be released soon in the US
Posted by africanpress on October 20, 2008 The touchy interview tapes of Michelle Obama, the wife of the US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is soon ready for release in the US and will be aired unedited. The release has taken long due to the fact that API wanted to clear all legal hurdles and be safe from getting sued by any one. API and a US Law firm - LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG has just entered into an agreement giving the law firm the right to represent API in all matters that may arise due to the Michelle Obama interview and the release of the tapes in the US. API has realised that the interview with Mrs Obama is of great significance in the coming elections. The release of the tapes is not intended to derail the elections or to destroy the chances that Mr Obama may have in getting elected the first black president of the United States. For us in API we wanted to get the tapes released - aired by a news channel that has a good reputation in the US, one that has listeners interested in the elections. Many networks have contacted us and due to the fact that we in API do not know them from before, it took time to go through all requests from the networks that took contact with us and to choose one that will air the tapes unedited. API is not interested in selling the tapes to any network. Our demand is that the tapes must be aired unedited by the network that we finally select. While doing the selection, we have landed into a problem with some networks who have taken upon themselves to inform the readers that they have already got an agreement to air the tapes. So far, no network has been selected and yet we have received signed agreements by three networks claiming to have been finally given the go ahead to release the tapes.------end copy-- http://africanpress.wordpress.com/2008/10/20/important-update-us-law-firm-enters-into-agreement-to-represent-api-in-the-michelle-obama-tapes-to-be-released-soon-in-the-us/ Deals with his US citizenship, Mrs. O racist remarks and more... BB |