Creative or destructive?
I’m going to assume by ‘creative’, you mean the root of the word, as in ‘create’. In that regard, I would say we are more destructive. Look at the world around us, our ecosystem decline, forests vanishing at 80,000 acres a day, the declining wildlife populations, BEES!, I mean it’s everywhere. Human population has had a devastatingly destructive affect. As far as human traits, we lie, steal, cheat, bully, have bad habits, we stress out, all destructive. Do these outweigh the good, giving, kind, paying it forward, I truly like to think so, I just don’t know. But, we do procreate, which is one miracle that has made it all worth it to me. That, and crocheting a blanket every now and then. |
Poets play
Edited by
Wed 10/06/21 12:39 PM
if you tilt your head,
just so I might be inclined, to kiss you leaving all my breaths, just to whisper, how much I love you short a few words, but it is what it is lol |
My flirt comes from instinct, I don’t make a conscious decision to flirt. It just comes
blurting out when there’s a natural connection. It’s an out of body experience. |
Morning cuddles
I really like the contrast between the title, cute, and the poem, overflowing with raw emotion. Awesomeness!!
Who loves dancing?
That’s a sexy, sultry song there. I’d dance to that. You can leave your hat on by Joe Cocker, also good! 🥰
No time to die
October 8th!!! I’m not a theater person, but I can’t wait for streaming on this. 🥰
what do you do for fun
Concerts, dirt bikes, and anything on the water.
I have mad respect for Pumpi and Slim. I could see that happening. Thanks for looking out for me though Bonnie!
Marriage or Cohabitation?
Edited by
Fri 10/01/21 05:56 AM
What I'm seeing from my own three daughters (in their 20s) is that they have no desire to get married, possibly ever. They don't want children, either. Things have changed a lot since we were younger. I think the trend you mentioned in your OP is becoming more common with people of all ages. Two of my sisters (one is 47, one is 50) are divorced and have been with new partners for many years (one 7 years, one 17 years). Neither of them have any plans to ever get married to their current partners. The don't see a need to. Some of us do still believe in marriage though. It's definitely not a goal for me, but with the right person I totally would. My son, also in his 20’s, feels the same as your daughters. He and my daughter-in-love, have lived together for years and now have a child together, my little ray of sunshine. He makes me beam!! Dont we, at the time, marry the right person? It’s more “the right now right person”. |
Marriage or Cohabitation?
Is marriage really more of a commitment? Maybe because of “law”, but I doubt it as far as love goes. People fall in and out of love regardless. I get that society looks at a marriage commitment with more permanency, but there’s a generation that grew up with the highest divorce rates and leaves them feeling that marriage is the means to the end. I don’t begrudge them that.
So if a man isn't interested in hearing my voice, or talking to me on the phone. If he only wants to write, and seldom at the same time in order to have an ongoing conversation... can I surmise that there's something odd about that, or that he's just not into me, even though he says he is? Let's say it's been going on for a couple years, off and on, and every day for the past three months? I'm thinking that's way too long to not talk on the phone... But what if he really doesn't like talking on the phone? OP... Seems to happen to woman as well. Best thing I can say is consider the words of wisdom from those posting here. And most of all... listen to your intuition/gut feeling! Definitely seems like a red flag, almost like maybe he’s… married? Or seeing someone?? Just odd no phone, and only seems to be online when ‘he’ can be. I’m not one to talk on phone right away, but that’s out of caution, not avoidance. |
Miss 😶 You
I was about to say you forgot the U, but then I realized that was the point of the post. (Blonde moment) 🤣
Women who want only sex
Some of the best relationships start out as sex only, based solely on my own experiences lol. If you’re compatible in the bedroom you usually make great dance partners, and cooking together is amazing.
Fixed thinking
I’ve had the opposite experience - never holding onto past relationships/experiences long afterwards making me susceptible to falling blindly again for a similar experience. There’s no one answer for how we let the past play into our future. Some bad experiences are worthy of holding onto, a reason I will never date a heavy drinker or drugs. Common sense goes a long way moving forward and so is being responsible for your own emotions.
Moving for Love, Would You?
I had a romance once and he moved 3,000 miles to the other side of the country, we
co-mingled our stuff (lol, furniture, pets, dvd’s guys), and after 3 months I was like, ugh, this isn’t working. It was a hard conversation to have, but we split as friends and back to west coast he went. Then I almost moved to Arizona, but thankfully, I found out what a scoundrel he was before doing so. I’m settled, close family, no intentions to ever marry again, so, no, never moving for love. Dating locally only. Lessons learned. |
Bride's Dowry and Hope Chest
Modern day tradition has replaced the dowry with the Bride’s family
paying for the wedding, at least in the US. |
No answer is an answer
If you’re interviewed for a position, you should get a reply. To not reply
would be rude. Otherwise, I don’t think it’s necessary. |
Today we make DC great again
I found an article about the judge blocking a suppression of videos. The argument was too much footage could provide too much information on the surveillance cameras, posing security risks. Although, denied, that seems reasonable. As far as those dressed all in black, I found where the proud boys claimed they weren’t wearing their colors of black and yellow on Jan 6, rather, all black. I do believe some of those involved were so passionate about trump, they had hoped to block the election counts. No violence or threats? One person died, 138 were injured, 13 requiring hospitalization, a noose was erected, and $30m dollars in damage to the Capitol. So you agree there was violence and threats then. That was my only point, no need to deflect. |
Concert tonight!! Love live music
No answer is an answer
I have a note posted next to my doorbell. "Any salesperson or religious group ringing this bell will be shot and eaten" Can you please share any recipes? Thanks 🤣 let’s hope you get a reply! |