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120557's photo
Mon 09/01/08 01:15 PM

Is Palin the most qualified person that McCain could have picked?

I am embarrassed that he picked Palin. Can you imagine her as our President? It can happen. He is 72 years old and had cancer four times.

I believe if they become President and Vice-President, he has put our country in jeopardy in the event that he would die.

Other countries must be laughing at us, IMO.

Is Obama the most experienced Presidential candidate
the DNC could have picked?

oh ahahahahahaha....

ya think that McCain was actually welcoming this comparison?


ya think?
Obama is the joke of the century. Palin is more qualified to run the country, when McCain dies. I feel better with her then o&m running it.

120557's photo
Mon 09/01/08 01:11 PM
If you say so!

120557's photo
Sun 08/31/08 02:45 AM

Sarah Palin was Mayor of town with population 6,000
Sarah Palin was Governor 20 months
Alaska population 650,000

Illinois population 13 million
Obama was 8 years Illinois state legislature
Obama US Senator 2 years

Abe Lincoln Illinois
Abe Lincoln 8 years Illinois state legislature
Abe Lincoln 1 year US House of representatives
Abe Lincoln elected President

If you are going to state facts, then make sure you are correct on them. Example:obama was not 2 years - it was 143 days.

120557's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:05 AM
Well atleast with him, you know that if you drop the soap, then!!!!!!!!! With Obama nobody knows what will happen.

120557's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:35 PM

who the hell gave you the right to TRY to control my life?
You did!

that makes no sence

It is not that they want to control your life, its that they have a different opinion on when life begins. By having an abortion you are killing something, why do you think you have the right to kill it? (not trying to take a side, I am really just asking this question)

For the HPV do they want to make it illegal or not make it mandatory, because those are 2 different things.

if i have a tumor i have the right to cut it off. its growing on me ill do what i want. if i wanna chop my ear off and learn to paint. its my friggin ear right? if my girl feels that the best thing she can do for both of us considering the situation we are in then its her body and not the pro-lifers. they arent the ones who are going to have to care for the child. ive seen bombs at planned parenthoods. ive never seen lines at orphanages.

as for the hpv, they dont want to make it mandatory. they are making a heath issue into a political one because they want to control your sex life. after all if you have a child you get them shots for polio and tb and a host of others somehow preventing cervical cancer is a political issue?
I am still paying for you to cut off your ear, IS that something I want to pay for?? Hell NO! The parents should bear the burden of their kids shots, schools, ect... If the parent cannot or willnot take the resposibility of the kid, then someone has to.

120557's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:25 PM

For the HPV do they want to make it illegal or not make it mandatory, because those are 2 different things.

Abortion should be left up to the woman. HPV should not be manditory because if you want to risk your life for sex then take a bullet. Don't ask me to support you (Gov. funding) when you get hiv/aids due to your stupidity.

120557's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:19 PM

So,.... how about them Cowboys??? ohwell

Wow, bringing up The Cold War, round Two!! You got chutpah!!
Cowboys suck. Round 2 Cold War - We is going to be in it soon. No way around it. MPO.

120557's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:09 PM

who the hell gave you the right to TRY to control my life?
You did!

that makes no sence
Think about it!!! Anytime the issue has come up, have you contacted your senate or congress person about it and complained? I'll bet that you haven't. So you gave them the right to control you by not voicing your oppinion about it...

120557's photo
Fri 08/29/08 08:55 PM

who the hell gave you the right to TRY to control my life?
You did!

120557's photo
Fri 08/29/08 06:24 AM
Good question! Why, are you guilty?

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 03:57 PM
Hell, lets do like china. You have no rights. After the 3rd child, you can't have any more or you are excuted. Total control of the population.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:10 PM

Poor turtle! Oh wait its a joke? Saddly, i don't care about who the next president will be since both candidates suck. Why not elect the turtle on the post? laugh
Now that is a good thought. Why not, can't do any worse then what we are getting.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:06 PM

Rape I think and some professionals agree with this isn't about sex as much as it is about violence and control.

I have no sympathy for rapist and people who sexually abuse children but unfortunately cutting it off and slapping some tar on it won't end what they do.
It'll stop their urges when you take all that is down there.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:02 PM

In my mind, Ohio should put this woman in a huge clothes dryer, and let parents that can't have kids drop in their quarters..
If she's convicted.
I'll 2nd that motion.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:00 PM

I think all Americans should be armed...the way most of you are so trigger happy its enough to solve the problem of American corporate imperialism for the rest of the world....

go NRA!!!!


Sometimes i wonder if your even human sick
Go NRA Go. It saves the court system money. My weapons are loaded and if someone wants my stuff, then the sheriff will be picking up a body or more, whether it's them or me.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 12:54 PM
Very good UK!!!!!!!!!!!!

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:49 AM

haha I'll have to retell that joke.

By all means DO. It was sent to me from a friend stationed overseas. That was one I had to pass along.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:46 AM

Post great an adjective with some humor mixed in to describe the nausiating 'o' ..... (and his wife, have you ever seen her facial expressions? OMG scares my Golden Retriever just to see that scowl...)

Mine doesn't even watch it. Smart girl, that's why I love her so much.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:45 AM

Half of the human race can die off and the world be a better place.

Wrong. It would still be the same. Think about it. The other half will keep on living the same way.

120557's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:40 AM
I think a couple of people here need some mental test done on them. MPO.