Community > Posts By > Alterette

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Tue 07/19/11 11:28 AM
Edited by Alterette on Tue 07/19/11 11:29 AM
Georgy Girl

I think I'll just stay in the Games and After 50 forums .. everyone else is arguing like crazy.

(((Ed))) flowerforyou smooched

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Tue 07/19/11 11:24 AM

In some cultures, having a mistress is totally acceptable. Especially when marriages are arranged.

You were the one who was asked, so I think it matters what YOU think. Personally, I'd take it as a compliment.

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Tue 07/19/11 11:21 AM


translated that means...close your mind to all that are not of your Faith

It is obvious (or should be, after three pages of argument) that Funches doesn't believe that Jesus is mentioned in Genesis.

no sh_t?

You aren't going to convince him otherwise, so why bother? HE IS NOT LOOKING FOR ANSWERS.

my mind is open...all you have to do is provide a passage in Genesis where it states anything about the existence of three God heads

It's a trap to make believers look insane or stupid.

I wish I could take credit for that...but the authors of The New Testament beat me to it

Every verse will be taken out of context or twisted ...

perhaps "passage twisting" explains why there are so many different denominations of Christians

every statement will be turned to make you look ridiculous.

that's because giving statements about Jesus that are not in Genesis instead of supplying passages about Jesus that are in Genesis is destined to make one look ridiculous

You're "casting pearls before swine" and just wasting your time.

oink oink

Here's a Wiki entry for ya:

Wikipedia..where some Christians go instead of going to church

"Troll (Internet): In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

ahhh name refreshing to see the teachings of Jesus in action

God please forgive "alterette" ...for she knows not what she type ..

but anyway are you finish having your connipton fit so that we can get back on topic and find where in the Genesis is Jesus?

Gee, that's funny. I never said I was a Christian, did I?

Let's try it this time from the Urban Dictionary:


One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

By the way, it's not name calling, it's a label, just like "Republican" or "student". And you fit the description perfectly. You're not here for enlightenment; your mind couldn't be more closed if it was superglued. It doesn't matter what the subject is, a troll is a troll.

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Tue 07/19/11 09:48 AM
Help! How do I delete a Topic I posted?

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Tue 07/19/11 09:00 AM
Edited by Alterette on Tue 07/19/11 09:03 AM
I don't really hate anything either. I don't like spiders but they serve their purpose. Okra disgusts me, but I don't hate it. I may see things that shouldn't be happening (oppression, molestation, brutal murder) and they might break my heart, disgust me or anger me greatly but I still don't hate. Anger and hate are not necessarily the same thing. I think the word 'hate' is overused.

My kids have done foolish things that have made me exceedingly angry. I've gotten into arguments where I just wanted to put my fist to the person's face. I made my own brother leave at gunpoint because he threatened my family. Did I hate any of them because I was angry? No.

Yeshua also said that to hate someone is the same as murdering them in your mind. If you believe that G-d is fair and just - and even if you just believe in karma - you know that whatever a person does comes back upon them. So why hate? It only poisons you - and whoever does these things will get what's coming to them eventually.

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Tue 07/19/11 08:49 AM

Thank you. flowerforyou

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Tue 07/19/11 08:43 AM


Well...are u expecting husband to do these 29 autistic activities??what

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Tue 07/19/11 08:38 AM
Edited by Alterette on Tue 07/19/11 08:42 AM

Thanks wux. I have had an abusive husband; fortunately, not at the same time as my daughter.

Although I know that she can't be "cured", she can be taught to take care of herself. We've made a lot of progress in that area. And I do love her - unconditionally. She's taught me a lot. flowerforyou

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Tue 07/19/11 08:22 AM
Edited by Alterette on Tue 07/19/11 08:23 AM
(Yes, it's a poem but about being the parent of a special needs child).

What You See.

It's just a trip to the store
You want to pick up a few things
Pay, and rush back home
To watch TV.

A noisy muffler while we were leaving
And now my child is screaming
Thrashing on the ground
as I try to calm her down.

You look at me with disgust.
I hear, "Can't you shut that kid up?"
And, "Spoiled, no doubt."
"She just needs a good spanking."

You don't see what I see:
The terror in her eyes.
You don't know what I know:
It's like a seizure
She can't control it
Or make it release her.

You don't see how she clings to me
Even while she kicks.
I ignore your nasty looks.
I must make her look at me
To see in my eyes that it will pass...

Why can't you see her tears?
That she screams with pain
Each sound a bomb exploding.
She doesn't understand
And I can't explain.

My child is autistic.
It's not an excuse.
Too bad you're so quick to judge
And in too much of a hurry
To know the truth.

She's finally coming back to Earth.
So take your looks - your words
And leave us alone.
Show's over now.
You can go home.

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Tue 07/19/11 08:17 AM

so why did you post that then? you don't seem to want there opinions, so what was the point of the post?

Gosh, maybe he's feeling unhappy and just wanted his feelings validated? It's not only a woman thing you know.

OP, that sucks and I'm sorry it happened to you; however, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Get back on that horse and go find her! I wish you luck and hope the two of you have a long, happy life together.

BTW, I totally agree with Krupa. IMO, you dodged a bullet.

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Tue 07/19/11 08:08 AM

Nope, don't get your sense of humor, even though I also grew up with British comedy (and still enjoy it).

Many people don't get it, so no problem. I'll avoid joking with you, so that we won't have any more misunderstandings.

Now, there you go ... getting all huffy. Spider, there's a lot of good in you but seriously, I think you need some people skills. Don't be so quick to cut everyone off; maybe if you didn't, more would "get you". Sometimes you seem to have this gigantic chip on your shoulder. Calm down a bit; no offense taken. No worries.

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Tue 07/19/11 08:01 AM

Good morning to all my present (and future) Mingle friends.

HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Tue 07/19/11 07:51 AM

Good morning, dear friend. Thank you for the lovely conversation last night; it was great to talk and laugh before going to sleep. We do have a lot in common and I enjoyed talking to you.

Thank you for being so compassionate and understanding. flowerforyou smooched flowers

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Tue 07/19/11 07:44 AM


It is obvious (or should be, after three pages of argument) that Funches doesn't believe that Jesus is mentioned in Genesis. You aren't going to convince him otherwise, so why bother? HE IS NOT LOOKING FOR ANSWERS. It's a trap to make believers look insane or stupid. Every verse will be taken out of context or twisted ... every statement will be turned to make you look ridiculous. You're "casting pearls before swine" and just wasting your time.

Here's a Wiki entry for ya:

"Troll (Internet): In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

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Tue 07/19/11 07:20 AM
Edited by Alterette on Tue 07/19/11 07:24 AM
I really love you guys and the diversity of opinions, but ya know sometimes I think, "Does EVERYTHING have to become a freakin' debate???"

Do people of faith feel this is a bad thing or good thing?

Well, for people of faith it's bad and good. Bad for you because it means you are fulfilling prophecy and the end of this world is near. Good for us because you are fulfilling prophecy and the end of this world is near. :laughing:

It just depends on your individual perspective, really. It's to be expected so I don't have any emotional upheaval either way.

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Tue 07/19/11 07:09 AM

Wow, if this is how a husband would treat an autistic child, maybe it's a good thing (for her) that I don't have one. You wouldn't punish a 2 yo for scribbling on the walls; you'd correct him/her. But a 10 yo should be disciplined more severely (like making him/her scrub the walls). To a 2 yo, a wall is an empty canvas; to a 10 yo, well, they should know better.

So is the same with an autistic child. You can't react to them with fear tactics; they just don't get it. You can't be visibly angry; they see it as a physical attack and any ground you covered on the subject will be lost in the emotions. It takes a good deal of patience and repetition to get through, because their logic comes from a different place than the "average" child.

You lost the whole point of the joke, Spider. Sheesh. whoa

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Tue 07/19/11 06:48 AM
An effort in iambic pentameter ...

To aim toward a different way of life
I woke before my normal waking's due;
Impressed with self I went outside to try
And paint the sky a most peculiar hue.

That ceased, of course, when hunger drove me in;
I switched my steaming coffee to iced tea.
Then did my household tasks another way
To make my life flow somewhat differently.

What else? I wondered, looking round about
But nothing that I saw gave me a clue
So I replaced my shirt with pantyhose
My feet wore hats, my hands were bearing shoes.

I called to ask my friends for their advice
Though none had seemed to ever take a chance.
Our mailman told me I should sell my car
Since walking backwards might help me advance.

From morning 'til the dawn of evening star
My efforts grew to brilliant shades of strange.
Accomplishing vexation at myself
For inverse didn't bring desired change.

A day of wasted labor proved to me
That new-found life is where the psyche dwells.
Though one might change the whole periphery
The truth is that you can't escape yourself.

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Tue 07/19/11 06:41 AM

I have a nine-year-old autistic daughter. She:

1. has to be awakened 8-10 times before she'll get up
2. is a terrible grouch in the morning
3. leaves the empty milk carton in the fridge
4. is bossy
5. tries to take over the computer and/or the tv
6. drinks the last of the koolaide but won't make more
7. thinks everything can be fixed with duct tape
8. is constantly correcting me
9. ... and is usually wrong
10. has to constantly be reminded to pick up after herself
11. ... and wash her hands after going to the bathroom
12. expects to be babied when she's sick
13. ... but acts like I'm inconveniencing her if I am
14. eats everything in sight, but doesn't gain an ounce
15. thinks that what's hers is hers, and what's mine is hers also
16. takes a mile if you give her an inch
17. has trouble communicating
18. tries to get you to wait on her hand and foot
19. steals the covers at night
20. snores in my ear
21. has grandiose schemes
22. is obsessed with video games
23. pouts if she loses ... and gloats if she wins
24. frustrates the crap out of me
25. cannot be left to her own devices
26. has no concept of money
27. makes me laugh when I least expect it
28. has completely stolen my heart and I can't imagine life without her
29. ... in spite of (or perhaps because of) all of these things. I can picture myself growing old with her


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Tue 07/19/11 05:18 AM

Rose, I love your profile pic. You look adorable!

Hey, MG my bro ... love you too.

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Tue 07/19/11 05:14 AM

Can anyone

It says," Hi friend. I looked at your profile. I'm very loveable. I like you; you'll like me. Your lifestyle is peaceful. Good morning."

I used to tutor high school and first year college English. bigsmile

Either that or it says:

"Hi fiend. I look, in your profile, like a berry love ball. I lick you, you lick me or your life will be pissfull. Go mourning. slaphead

Did he seem agitated? :laughing: