Community > Posts By > Gemini44

Gemini44's photo
Sat 01/12/08 05:32 PM
*bangs knee*

Ahhh, ssss, ahhh, sssss, aaahhh, ssss, ahhh, sssss, aaahhh, ssss, ahhh, sssss, aaahhh, ssss, ahhh, sssss, aaahhh, ssss,....

Gemini44's photo
Sat 01/12/08 05:29 PM
"Love is the soul's recognition of its counterpart in another." Not my words, but I like it.

Gemini44's photo
Sat 01/12/08 05:20 PM
I think hikerchick has the right idea. The closer you become to someone you have an interest in, you invest more and more of your emotions, becoming more vulnerable. Essentially, the distance between you and another is directly correlated to your vulnerability. Emotionally, you are taking a risk, which could turn out to have a large payoff or a terrible one, and that can be extremely scary. It sounds like you're making a good investment with a suitable guy. I hope it works out well for you.

Gemini44's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:36 PM
For the most part, I'm not the biggest fan of roses. The one exception would be black roses; I think they're beautiful.

Gemini44's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:26 PM
I did enjoy "Shaun of the Dead", but "Night of the Living Dead" is a classic.

Gemini44's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:24 PM
Honestly, I don't want a guy to wait on my hand and foot; I always prefer an even exchange--a symbiotic relationship.

Gemini44's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:33 PM
Softball. I really miss playing it.

Gemini44's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:32 PM

I wear glasses, and I have always been attracted to girls who wear glasses.

Someone once told me that people with glasses tend to be more intelligent (thus causing an attraction), but I'm not sure if there is any scientific backing to that. My theory is that people who wear glasses may appear to be more intelligent because they have realized a limitation (in this case a visual restraint) and took proper steps in correcting it as well as possible.

Even if that's all untrue, I still wear them and find others with them attractive. :smile:

Gemini44's photo
Wed 01/02/08 08:51 PM
You're done? I only read two pages....

Gemini44's photo
Wed 01/02/08 08:43 PM
House of the Dead

It's so pitiful, you can't help but laugh so hard you begin to cry.

Gemini44's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:00 PM
I think mine would have to be to stop sabotaging myself whenever happiness is knocking on my door.

Gemini44's photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:46 PM
Hmm.... It's a tough one; I'm usually disappointed in most horror movies. As a classic, I'd have to say "The Shining."

Gemini44's photo
Sat 12/29/07 06:28 PM
Personally, I just think of the line as someone who is able to keep an interest in or enjoy simple pleasures--someone who would notice details on a flower and could amuse themselves with a box. Refrigerator boxes were always the best.

Gemini44's photo
Sat 12/29/07 06:25 PM
For me, it's cheap art books.

Gemini44's photo
Sat 12/29/07 06:22 PM
Just him and me, but I'd prefer the library.

Gemini44's photo
Fri 12/28/07 05:53 PM
Gemini, but that might have been a bit obvious.

Gemini44's photo
Fri 12/28/07 05:51 PM
I would drive 7 hours, pick up a Pepsi and a Mountain Dew, and be with my sweetheart.

Gemini44's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:31 PM
Going insane.

Gemini44's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:23 PM
Nina Simone's beautiful voice coming out of my speakers. Earlier it was Tom Waits.

Gemini44's photo
Thu 12/27/07 08:03 PM
Beautifully done.flowerforyou