Leave Earth or not?
Yes I would, that would be so cool! I believe it would be better and more interesting if it were in a star ship like Steve described, but even with what we have now a days, I would go if I had the chance. Wow, you li'l dare-devil, haha! That's me... The gypsy traveler ![]() One of the series I recently watched while up in New England was Farscape... The astronaut had a mishap while going into space, ended up in a worm hole that took him to another part of the Universe. That part would scare me but also intrigue me. I don't see myself as being 'of the Earth', rather I see myself as a spiritual being living on Earth in this lifetime. I have the desire to explore and travel the World I'm living in, going into space would be much the same... exploring the Universe that I am a part of. And who knows, maybe in outerspace I'd have a little more luck finding that special being that's just right for me ![]() Hahaha! Right we're off then girls... prepare to enter deep subspace lol |
Well it seemed like a good idea at the time lol. but the more I think about it......
I don't think I'd get married again anyhow. Done that twice.Its not the piece of paper from the city hall that keeps you tied and true anyway. Ill jump the broomstick or something in future. |
Who sang this song ?
Somewhere in my mind there is a painting box
I have every color there it's true just lately when I look inside my painting box I seem to pick the colors of you. |
Who sang this song ?
Acid, booze, and *** Needles, guns, and grass Lots of laughs Lots of laughs Everybody's saying that hell's the hippest way to go well I don't think so, but I'm Gonna take a look around it though .... That would be Joni Mitchel. Blue |
Hmm what to use as giant squid suction cups ![]() Yorkshire puddings. ![]() |
Different dimension
Already did. when I was about 21. Was glad to get back to this one though.
Leave Earth or not?
Ok that's 4 to beem up Scotty.
.....Energize.............. |
Look. I'm telling you.
If that was rubber, there wouldn't be enough to make a flip flop for a one legged budgie.. |
Asking them to leave
It also depends on how long she has been living there. Has it become home to her for years? All you can do is sit her down and say your piece and offer to help in any way you can. Whatever you do, don't wait until you are in a blazing row about the tooth paste lid, or something. Or also when drunk.
It does seem to be harder for men to end relationships.. You've just got to harden your heart for a while, and do what you think is right... She would.. |
Leave Earth or not?
It would depend very much on the level of sophistication of the travel.
I mean if it was like, you know, star treck. Then, well beam me up scotty.. I mean to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new civi......... well you catch my drift. I recon even you would Crystal.:) if I pulled up in my galactic cruiser and offered to show you the galaxy . And get you back before tea. Having partaken of some bizarre fermented gastropod delicacy, with the omni cognate earth mother of ziggalon 5 ?? but with current sophistication..... probably not. |
I prefer chemistry to maths ![]() ![]() ![]() Haha the chemistry experiments are fun |
When I was a kid me and a friend would glue a 50 pence to the ground outside our local pub, when some drunk person bent to try and pick it up we were ready with dried peas and catapults.
![]() |
| listened to it. this one spoke to me. |
There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth.
People are attracted for many reasons looks aren't the only reason to be with someone. Can you imagine being with the best looking fellow and find out how bland and boring he was. Or oh gosh Lord forbid not have anything in common other then they make your poker peck up . I think looks fade time is harsh. If you are just looking for the outter shell try looking deeper that's what counts. I look for a wonderful personality and great conversation. I want someone to to make love to my mind. We all have our preferences some like blonde some like brunette. And some want muscle bound or tall and lankey. Bearded or clean shaven but inside is what makes them who they are. well said. ![]() for me there are a few categories, with a few boxes to tick in each. It's easy to go for physical attractiveness, and be blinded to character faults until you are already involved. Having said, it is important to a certain degree. the face is the most important. |
Wait! I speak fluent gibberish.
He's looking for an older woman to bestow his affections on. Or possibly looking for a woman for his older brother. Good luck m8 ![]() |
My partner like slapping
Edited by
steve B
Wed 06/19/19 09:59 AM
Well if it takes that to light his candle...whats next? Don't answer that lol
Maybe it time for the little blue pill. Or maybe he should leave it alone for a five minutes give it a rest. Either way sounds a bit weird to me. I peed on an electric fence once, that worked pretty instantly. perhaps you could rig something up with a car battery and leave the live terminals in easy reach. And then at an opportune moment during the horse play, complete the circuit directly on the lazy lobber. It WILL work.. hope this helps. tip.. You can get set of crocodile clip jump leads for a fiver on ebay. that should do the trick. ![]() |
If a marriage license had an expiry date of 5-10-15 and 20 years with the option to renew if both parties are in agreement.
there would be a penalty system. so the offending party could be disqualified from marrying again for 5-10 or15 years. ( if they are bad enough) which one would you go for? and why I think I'd go for the 15. I mean it's a good chunk,and kids would be pretty much grown up. long enough to give it a good go, short enough to discourage complacency. |
Ha ha you bet.
Is marriage a proof of love
At the time maybe. but the proof expires sooner or later. Then other proofs need to be forth coming
Marriage licenses should come with an expiry date in my view. You could have all different kinds , 10 year or 15, 20? |