Cute? If you drop the e and add an n into the word people have called me that ![]() You sure they weren't dyslexic? lot of it about.. |
I'ts an anoying thing. Sometimes or quite a lot actually, women as the get to know me start telling me I'm cute or sweet and start calling me stevie. Cute baaa I'm trying to be a bloke here, I mean I've got a hairy arse and everything. Sweet........... stevie............... Pa! I'm not alone on this I hope. Anyone have similar things that get their goat. You could have told me in private ![]() Haha, I'm with you on cute... Even as a woman it's a little annoying. But I have called you sweet and have told other men they are sweet, it's good to know you don't like it... Makes me wonder how other men feel about it. Guess I'll find out with this thread ![]() You can call me sweet River :) ![]() ![]() |
Ok, I am an older person, I find that when I text/email I use the old 'letter' writing etiquette - I open with a salutation, even just "Hi" then say what I am texting/emailing about - then end with a closing. So how many here find themselves still using 'old school' letter writing techniques in a time of "lol" "TTYL" and all the shorthand, most of which I am not familiar with? And is it a bad thing to use some old school 'politeness'? Or am I a dinosaur? Do we all have to buy into QUICK in every text and email? (mostly texting) You're definitely not alone on this.. It's ,like someone else said, because of the time it takes to text on a phone or whilst playing an mmo texting has become bare bones and grammar, punctuation, spelling, words over a certain length are all sacrificed in the name of speed. And the vocabulary in common use has diminished quite alarmingly among the under 30s as a rule. Not all though. where will it all end lol I was chatting to my daughter on skype the other day and little phrases kept popping up as suggestions to reply with. so we decided to bounce then back and forth for a while without actually typing anything. Was a bit weird actually.. I wonder if there will be an auto chat button one day. Away with the boring drudgery of actually typing or even thinking. Just set autochat up and away you go. |
Yea definitely veiled compliments.. Floats my boat
![]() |
Any way thanks for the input guys :) So if on the rare occasion i meet a woman I am attracted to and she starts calling me stevie. then ill leave it there... And shave my arse :) Why? Some women like a hairy arse! More to the point... You haven't said what you prefer to be called or what endearing words you'd rather hear than sweet or cute? That's a point. I prefer a compliment to be veiled if poss. chatted to a woman a few weeks ago (on another site) she said "a lot of sharks here" I said " not any problems yet, maybe I'm not such attractive bait" She started txing something ad then broke off mid sentence And said "oh you smooth" I prefer banter. |
I don't mind being called handsome cute or sweet, at least I know then that the person ain't lying.. ![]() ![]() Valid point m8 ![]() |
Any way thanks for the input guys :)
So if on the rare occasion i meet a woman I am attracted to and she starts calling me stevie. then ill leave it there... And shave my arse :) |
You want honesty? The ugly truth? The naked truth? If not then stop reading NOW! A hairy *** has nothing to do with being a bloke. It's the energy you exude. You're getting friend-zoned once they get to know you cos your energy is not 'the bloke' yet. In other words: you're not ready for dating and if you're not ready for dating you certainly aren't relationship material yet. It takes time, not a hairy ***. You'll get there. The reactions you get will begin to change when you heal. That's how you can tell whether or not you are getting more healed, or not, by what you attract and get back. Haha that's what I thought. But it's not ones that I'm attracted to that do the cuty sweety thing just people i get to know in general life, friends wifes , Obviously I am not quite the same with someone I am attracted to. I'm only a man as it were for the right sort of woman. I don't want to spend time trying to conform to a random set of conceptions of what a man should or shouldn't be. according to every woman I see. Should a sabre tooth turn up however..... |
Good shout Steve, a wee bitta Irish is always a good start to any day.. ![]() ![]() It's the tempo isn't it. that gets you going ![]() |
The Waterboys Song From The End Of The World
followed by when spring comes to spiddle great firs thing in the morning. sets me up for the day |
welcome aboard Cliff. good luck. and sense..
I'ts an anoying thing. Sometimes or quite a lot actually, women as the get to know me start telling me I'm cute or sweet and start calling me stevie.
Cute baaa I'm trying to be a bloke here, I mean I've got a hairy arse and everything. Sweet........... stevie............... Pa! I'm not alone on this I hope. Anyone have similar things that get their goat. |
I go for cheep and cheerful. I only wear them as under cloths anyway.
Usually wear shirts. Hides the bulging biceps better. Bit past showing them off. You know? :) |
Google Hangouts or Die
Its a shame there is no way of filtering them out as soon as the upload their picture. Surely you could use some face recognition code and change it a bit to arse recognition or nipple recognition, or indeed several other anatomical points of contention.. that would filter out a few..
Anyhow OT sound judgement m8 ![]() |
na next time probably.
Special offer
10% extra attention for any ladies who date me this month, Then 10% more at Christmas, then another 10% on Valentines, Dude, markdowns will go on until you are all used up! Tu don't you know anything about marketing at all? He has to operate at the regular rate for x amount of time before he can claim that there is a markdown. otherwise he could devalue the service being offered. Which could have far reaching effects for not only him, but all of us, if this thing goes viral... |
Hey Male 34 Glasgow
welcome m8ty.
good luck Dont be taken in by scammers. (most of them are 20 something and scantily clad) |
Do You like Country?
Jonny C. Still got the folsom prison album. had it since i was six lol
Special offer
Have you thought of stamps. like the co op used to do. You wouldn't need the tech then. Maybe when a certain amount of stamps have been acquired she could exchange them for holidays. Or something. I've no idea how the stamps would be earned however.. I'll leave that to your entrepreneurial spirit. I did consider stamps but then thought all that licking would tire their tongues , an unwanted side effect, contactless is also ruled out , You could do what the gambling sites do and give free points to spend on various types of attention that you may wish to lavish on them. Or perhaps attentions that they may wish to have lavished upon them. you could play with the wording a bit, i think you could be a tadge ambiguous on the finer details. Just had a thought.. Tokens.. like you used to get in the old one arm bandits. I bet you could get some on ebay. |
I think that selfishness is something that we should naturally grow out of. But i think it is reinforced constantly by the many media devices that try to make us feel special, hoping we will buy their product or services.
I think such clever media devices retard maturity. but that's good right, immature people spend more on stuff. Mutual selfishness approximates love. but isn't just me rambling on |