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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 67
Rock's photo
Wed 01/09/19 06:49 PM

JustBeHonest's photo
Wed 01/09/19 07:07 PM
< continued from this topic >
< part one of this topic is here >
Chocolate and now Iā€™m eating it not thinking abuit

Wylie's photo
Wed 01/09/19 08:25 PM
How much society has changed and looks to be running the course of being subverted.

Daisy's photo
Wed 01/09/19 09:08 PM
Fresh Air ( too hot here)

Wylie's photo
Thu 01/10/19 01:44 PM
Thinking I need about half a dozen maids with extreme organizational skills up in this house! Do maids do garages?

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 01:48 PM
Thinking there was a reason I wasn't named grace laugh Maybe I need to just stay sitting down for the rest of the night. slaphead

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 04:23 PM
thinking i need to go back to the shop and get the wheelie chair

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 04:26 PM
Thinking laying on the couch and having someone wait on me would be better laugh

Stu's photo
Thu 01/10/19 06:54 PM


Wylie's photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:05 PM
Thinking about some tub soaking

no photo
Fri 01/11/19 06:05 AM
A claw foot tub with bubbles

no photo
Fri 01/11/19 06:08 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 01/11/19 06:12 AM
Thinking I sure hope it's warm on Sunday when my claw tub arrives in the backyard laugh

Stu's photo
Fri 01/11/19 06:10 AM
Edited by Stu on Fri 01/11/19 06:12 AM

A claw foot tub with bubbles

no photo
Fri 01/11/19 06:14 AM

A claw foot tub with bubbles

You can join me on Sunday when mine arrives bigsmile

Unless of course the deliver man was joking laugh

SparklingCrystal šŸ’–šŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 01/12/19 05:01 PM
I am wondering who the hell has messed the time up? Suddenly it is 2am?! noway
What the freck happened?

topherj37's photo
Wed 01/16/19 09:34 AM
Thinking, the Gospel was not a message of hatred.

no photo
Wed 01/16/19 09:43 AM
Thinking $20 for the bike was a great deal. It rides well and is just my size... just needs a couple minor adjustments and it'll be perfect.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/16/19 08:14 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/16/19 08:17 PM
The phone call I got tonight from an old friend I haven't seen in years.
We use to date years ago.. He lives 2hrs away.

He has just broke up with a girlfriend. We talked for 3 hours tonight. smile2

He is a retired counselor. He's a Professional. Sounds like he needed someone to talk to. spock

no photo
Thu 01/17/19 01:00 AM
Thinking random thoughts

Itybit's photo
Thu 01/17/19 12:36 PM
MY car...ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ was in the shop all day yesterday for them to diagnosis it so it messed my plans up for that day, now it's been in there all day again today messing me up 2 days in a row tears

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