Community > Posts By > freakyshiki2009

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:42 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Mon 03/28/11 07:44 AM
I guess the next step is if I post a topic about reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas, TexasScoundrel will get upset because how can a children's book "taint" the minds of children by having them believe that Christmas is "a little something more."

TexasScoundrel - what was the original post?
"Anyone read the Bible? I read it every day and it helps me out a lot."

So, I'm not the scholar that you are, but I believe the correct answer is either, "Yes, I read the Bible," or "No, I do not read the Bible."

Keep your love of turtles out of this topic.

P.S. Did you ever think Darwin spent all of his time on the Galapagos Islands because he didn't get with the program?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:38 AM
Keep in mind that faith is a gift from God. It is given to all. Not all accept it.

If you are going to go with a hypothesis, that is a great start.

Are there people who do not accept gifts freely given to them. If so, why?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:36 AM
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:35 AM
Jeanniebean, you may not know this but the authors of the books of the New Testament are in the titles.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:33 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Mon 03/28/11 07:33 AM
Jeanniebean, a bit of advice here. If you are going to dispute faith, you should come up with something a bit better than a quote from The Mummy.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:31 AM
1. Adam and Eve ate the apple in the Garden of Eden.
FALSE. We have no idea what fruit they ate. We know it was golden. It could be an apple. But, it could be any fruit (for example, a pear).

2. Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
FALSE. Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. We have no way of knowing this was a whale.

3. Jesus was poor.
FALSE. Jesus was rich, monetarily. There are many examples of this, including Jesus having a treasurer (Judas) as one of the apostles. You Don't have a treasurer if you do not have money. Also, Jesus' garment was not tarn because it was an expensive garment. There are over 25 references in the Bible alluding to Jesus' financial wealth.

4. Paul fell off of his horse on the Road to Damascus.
FALSE. Paul never fell off of a horse. Read the scriptures. You'll see that he feel, but NOWHERE is a horse mentioned.
P.S. Saul never fell off of a horse either on the road to Damascus.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:26 AM
"The TEN Commandments were not givin to us by God. They were givin to us by MOSES who claimed they were from God."

Moses merely carried them down from Mt. Sinai. They were God's inspired words.


"1. How do you know they were given by God?"
Faith, my friend.

"2. If they were so given what did the missing portion contain?"
There is no missing portion. "The LORD said to Moses, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke."
-Exodus 34:1

"3. Was the missing portion the first part or the second of the 'commandments' alegedly 'givin' by god?"
See above.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:18 AM
Jeanniebean writes:

"What's going to happen when Jesus gets back?
or... what has to happen before he comes back?
or .. is he coming back at all?"

If you look at the Prophecies of the Bible, you see that things are being lined up for His return. First of all, the creation of the Nation of Israel in 1948 was the first sign. The next sign is happening now, as the tragedies of the Earth are like "birth pains."

What are "birth pains?" They start far apart, but as the birth nears, they get STRONGER and MORE FREQUENT. Well, look at the natural disaters that have occurred over the past 100 years.

We have had more natural disaters over the past 100 years than we have had over the past 2000 years.

This is not faith, but scientific fact.

People are talking about global warning, and that may be true, but it is the signs of the times.

Christ IS coming back.


Are you ready?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:12 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Mon 03/28/11 07:12 AM
God asks us questions for our benefit, not for His. As for me:

What did you enjoy the most about your experience of life?
I have glorified God on Earth. I have completed the work He has given me to do.
(John 17:4)

If you could suggest one thing that you feel could have improved your life's experience what would you suggest?
To have increased in Wisdom more so that I could know Christ better to do His will better.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:09 AM
Point #1: Nobody Disputed It
Read the Bible. What is interesting here is that nowhere in the Bible is the resurrection disputed by anybody. People were upset, enraged, and perhaps a little scared. But, nobody disputed the resurrection. It was accepted as historical fact.

Now, you may say, "It's the Bible." Other writings at the time, including writings from Prius and Josephus mention the Resurrection. They never dispute it, and if anything, write it as one would a news event.

Here is my question to you doubters. If Jesus did not rise from dead, and did not walk among us, wouldn't someone have reported this? We have many writings from people of that era, and we even have writings from those who contradict Christ.

In NO writings is there ANYTHING that refutes Christ's resurrection. Even those who were against Christ did not write about the "absurdity" of Christ's resurrection.

Think about it. If Christ's resurrection were a hoax, there would be thousands of writings that stated this "falsity."

We have none.

I reiterate, we have the Bible, and third-party sources who support His resurrection. And yet, we have not one document that contradicts it.

What say you?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 07:01 AM
toreybelle, great point. He is in a better place.

Death is absolutely NOT the end of all things. We are merely relocating, and shedding our imperfections (sin) for perfection (God's glory) so that we can spend eternity with Him.

Anyone who tells who that death is the end of things has not really examined who they are. If you are insulted by this, you should not be. You are unique. That means the gifts you have are yours, and yours alone until you share them with others. There has never been anyone like you before and there never will be anyone like you after.

Your time is now! Live!

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 06:58 AM
Thank you for commenting. In response to your questions:

"I don't understand the quote above "that to have blind faith is not to really have faith".

Faith, like anything, has to be nurtured. In fact, even Christ Himself grew in wisdom. To read the Bible without questioning (that is, to have blind faith) is not really having faith. However, when you question and examine and pray, and see that the Bible is the most logical explanation of things, then, you have true faith. If you read what Jesus says, you learn that He too put things forth in such a way that causes us to question how things really are.

As an example, take John 3:17. "I did not come to condemn the world, but to save it." Well, if Christ is not condemning us, then we should not condemn God, others, or ourselves.

"Secondly, if your faith is only faith because you read a book to get it, than is it God you believe in or an objective piece of literature that tells you what you need to believe in order to have faith?"

The Bible is not merely a book, but God Himself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God."

How awesome is it that we have unfettered access to God any time we want?

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 06:53 AM
It's also known as the 2nd Annual Pilgrimage.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/28/11 06:52 AM
Great, great post. For me, prayer is communicating with God. The Book of Psalms are a book of heartfelt prayers.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 03:35 PM
What a week!

Merry Shik-mas to all
And to all a good night!!!

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 02:41 PM
You know, when someone apologizes, the good thing to say is, "I accept your apology."

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 02:32 PM
No, thank YOU Holly for being such a fine, fine woman. Only you lie about your age. You are in your late 30s, admit it!

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 02:10 PM
Jeanniebean, when you disobey God, what are you doing? You are separating from Him. First you separate; then, you disobey.

I deal with causes, not effects.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 02:02 PM
Why would you want to spend all of your time in the world with her? That is crowding, dude. Give her some space, man. You should have her as part of your life, not your entire life.

And I still say that a zombie-free world is a better world.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/25/11 01:59 PM
Fact number one
You don't talk about Fight Club.

Fact number two.
You don't talk about Fight Club.

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