Community > Posts By > mark5222

mark5222's photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:00 PM
where is the outrage?we are allowing our liberty to be sollen from us one liberal bill at a time.

mark5222's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:03 PM
it the perfect storm for obama to grab power

mark5222's photo
Sun 05/31/09 09:53 PM
they are an enamy to the united states.they are a danger to all of us.they are not citizens of the u.s.they are not entitled to the same rights as you and would be stupid to close quantanamo.because once they are on american soil they are entitled to a ll the rights as you and me.but you are right obama is a liar and can twist any speech to make it be interpreted in any way.he will forever blame bush for any decision he has to what time is it his presidentsy.i cant stand to hear him. i dont like being lied to and talked down to. he insults what little intelligents i have.he has a socialist agenda and turning out to be the most dictator of a president we have ever had.he has sold us to the chinese.with little consideration for future generations.all because he want to make america his socialist government.he has shown his true colors by apologizing to our sworn enemys.and blaming america first.i cant take the guy.he is a dirt he got elected i will never know.i thaught americans were smarter that what they showed at the ballot box.but in the words of jeramia wright the chickens have come home to roost.the problem is he has distroyed mine and your america.

mark5222's photo
Thu 05/21/09 09:43 PM
let me get this right?there are people upset because a christian won american idol?or is it because christians banned together to vote on a christian to win using the same methods that has won the contest for other winners ?i realize anything that has god attached to it is shurly corupt these days and it certainly has to be evil.i dont get it.why is god so resented?there is just as much hostile showed toward christians than any other group these days.any one who openly believes in god and the bible is depicted as stupid,hostile and insain.but then christ warned us we would be persicuted because we follow oh,,,,,,,,,,,well

mark5222's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:16 AM
there are hypocrites much as we want to deny it in some way we are all hypocrits.i agree pot is less harmless than whiskey.but we live in a society that has laws.we cant take it apon ourself to pick and choose the laws we do and dont obey.there are some streets where it is stupid to have a 25mph speed zone.but i cant go 35 and be responsible.if we all decide to pick and choose the laws we break we become a nation of anarchy.i dont think you are a bad person if you go to your house shut the door and smoke with out any kids around.but like she said.dont get caught.congradulations on for stoping drinking.thats cool.

mark5222's photo
Wed 05/20/09 07:59 AM
i am not aware this is going on.the catholic church has alot of following.i think they went out of there way to cover up the child molestation scandal.that is as much the root of the problem as the actual is true that there is coruption in other denominations.any coruption in the churches hurts the body of christ catholic or protestant.paul in the bible.said we were all is only because of christ and his sacrafice that we are how can we bost or bragg or look down on christ is the only one without bleamash.but. the bible does say we should separate ourselves from those who knowingly and intentionally do harm to the church.just because christ is the only doesnt say we should condone sin.there will be catholics in heaven along with church had a close call with this subject.the one who was molesting was taken to the police station by the pastor.he now awaits trial.this was done the very minute the crime was known.if the catholic church had handled there situation in this way in a timely manner they would not have had the fallout.when any christian sins it hurts the body of christ.when it is covered up and there is no accountability it creates a bad situation for everyone most of all the children who are scared for life

mark5222's photo
Sat 05/16/09 09:57 PM
obama has put us in a pre 9/11 mentality.has ran americans down to people who want want to destroy us because of religious beliefs.ran up our debt to promote his socialist convictions.has our sworn ememys laughing at his utopian foreign policy.cut defense spending with two wars.his energy policy is going cause electric and gas to to go sky high.but some rich guy will pay for that.or shouldi say somone with a job.i can go on and on.hes done a great job.i thaught he was smarter.

mark5222's photo
Sat 05/16/09 09:30 PM

Some of the highs:

Domestic policy: During the election, much was made about then-Sen. Barack Obama's lack of experience. But President Obama hit the ground running: Just days after his inauguration, Obama issued a White House pay freeze, ordered the closure of Guantanamo Bay and signed his first bill into law.

Obama then pushed through a massive $787 billion stimulus bill, ended the ban on stem-cell research, and lifted travel limits to Cuba. Oh, and a few weeks ago, he authorized the use of U.S. force against Somali pirates holding an American sea captain hostage.

Foreign policy: Depending on whom you ask, Obama's European trip for the G20, NATO and EU-US summits was either a successful first step toward "soft diplomacy," or as Karl Rove dubbed it, the "President's Apology Tour."

In a meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama set the tone for his trip, telling Brown that he came to Europe "to listen and not to lecture." By reaching out, Politico declared that Obama made it clear to the world that "the Bush era of foreign policy is over." In return, various heads of state lavished praise for the new U.S. president. A sampling:

- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown: "Your first 70 days in office have changed America, and you've changed America's relationship with the world."

- French President Nicholas Sarkozy: Called Obama a "U.S. president who wants to change the world and who understands that the world does not boil down to simply American frontiers and borders."

- Chinese President Hu Jintao: "Since President Obama took office, we have secured a good beginning in the growth of this relationship."

Back home, however, analysts were on the fence as to what Obama actually accomplished. The New York Times called the trip a "mixed bag," while Politico commented that Obama got "a warm embrace and a cold shoulder" from our NATO allies. The verdict? Not a solid "high," but since Obama was universally well-received, his trip falls into the "plus" column — for now.

The White House: So far, the Obama White House might be the most relaxed — and open — administration yet. Even after he was elected president, Obama was seen in Chicago, taking Michelle out for Valentine's Day dinner. In D.C., the president was seen sipping a beer courtside watching the Bulls play the Wizards.

It's definitely the most wired administration; Obama managed to keep his Blackberry and his weekly radio addresses are the first to be released as Web videos. In March, Obama became the first sitting president to appear on "The Tonight Show" and hosted the first virtual town hall at the White House.

And honestly — when was the last time the president and the secretary of state held a briefing meeting at a picnic table?

mark5222's photo
Tue 05/12/09 09:43 PM

mark5222's photo
Tue 05/12/09 08:52 PM
its a proven fact that taxes hurt the econemy.get ready

mark5222's photo
Sun 05/10/09 11:09 PM
i see a couple who needs to be in jail.i see people scared of the border problems such as rape,kidnapping,drug wars,its a sad thing this happened.they belong in jail with illegal drug trafficers and rapest and murderers.however it doesnt make it right nor give a pass to illegals who treaspass on private land.nor does this one incident deprive law biding citizens the right to responsabally protect there property.

mark5222's photo
Fri 05/01/09 11:06 PM
i will pray for them

mark5222's photo
Thu 04/30/09 10:09 PM
thats debatable.some claim it does.if theres a doubt and your kids lives were at stake would you not use any method availible to save them icluding harsh interigation?or would you sweet talk them into talking?

mark5222's photo
Thu 04/30/09 10:05 PM

Torture puts us at the same level as those we claim to be so much better than. It has never been shown to prevent an attack and the information gathered from it is unreliable.

mark5222's photo
Thu 04/30/09 10:00 PM
yes unions have proven its all about them.the american public is not far behind

mark5222's photo
Thu 04/30/09 09:44 PM
whats the piont?i am a christian.god does not tell us to roll over dead when our famillys lives are at stake.there is a difference in needless torture and interigation using harsh methods to obtain information that can save millions of innocent people.the mainstream press never ceases to amaze me in there low opinion of christ and god and anyone who believes and this is just another example of just how low they will go.i think.its worse than any torture that has been done on the part of america.we are not the bad guys.the terrorist is.somehow america has forgot 9/11.and the way we felt the day after.

mark5222's photo
Tue 04/14/09 06:40 PM

have you ever mulled over the idea that you may be more moral that your religion's god?

I have already come to the conclusion that if there is a god we are more moral than he is.
First, he demands a blood sacrifice to forgive "his creation" for using an ability that he gave "his creation".
Second, he is supposed to be all-knowing and all-powerful. Therefore, he knew that events like 9/11 and the Holocaust were going to happen, and had the power to prevent them, and didn't.
Lastly, if he is all powerful, he has the power to speak to everyone, and end the debate on which religion is right, instead, only the lunatics hear him, and all the religious people are still killing each other, to find out who has the best imaginary friend.

mark5222's photo
Tue 04/14/09 06:37 PM
alot of good advice on should worry .if he would do this to himself could he turn on you???

mark5222's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:52 PM
this is where the collapse of the econamy started.if they are not treated with the same vengence as aig was there is somthing wrong with the system.and it may be because barny frank and co. are in bed with them.lets see what happens.will acorn hire protesters to picket the bonus resipients houses?

mark5222's photo
Sun 03/01/09 10:41 PM
obama had rather have everyone poor than give everyone the chance to be rich.he is clueless.and is destroying free interprise.we dont have the money .war isnt forever he wants to make all the entitlement permanent.before he is through the whole u.s.a. will look like nancys california.broke and helpless to do anything about it.but dems will never learn even history doesnt teach them.the new deal prolonged the great wasnt until ww2 did we get out of it and let free inerprise make america great.not only is he breaking americas back .he is putting us in a verry vulnerable position with our enemys.

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