My marriage ended in August of 2008, and he still hasn't filed for divorce. I haven't dated yet ... this is the first time I've dipped tootsie in the singles pool.
Anybody else separated with a divorce nowhere in sight? |
Why are you still Single?
I wondered if you'd own some of that.
![]() |
I don't put out. And I am uncomfortable with a complete lack of boundaries, i.e. men that come out of nowhere looking to get laid. Hello. I don't even kiss a man if I don't know his middle name. I'm certainly not going to assume the position with somebody I can barely pick out of a lineup.
When I'm in one, it's very important. When I'm not, I value my solitude.
Why are you still Single?
and the only thing worse than that is being married to a c..t! Reminds me of Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. "So now I'm praying for the end of time, to hurry up and arrive. Cuz if I have to spend another minute with you, I don't think that I could really survive. I'll never break my promise or forget my vow, BUT GOD ONLY KNOWS WHAT I COULD DO RIGHT NOW!" So, obviously that's not who you married. Any idea where or how she derailed? |
Geek incoming!
Hi there. I be danish and my enlish is no good, so i will not say much but hello. I am a good person and look for good people. Okay not that bad. Well, just wanted to introduce myself, cause as you can see at my postcount, im pretty new... I really am danish, so that part wasn't wrong. I'm currently studing Computer Science, software development and stuff, yes...a little geeky :) Well... Looking forward to 'meeting' you guys/girls. What a lovely torso. Where's the rest of you? |
All the Wrinkled Ladies
First time I heard that song, I was laughing so hard, choking was involved. That woman is hysterical!
![]() ![]() ![]() It's a talent. ![]() |
Why are you still Single?
I'd just like to remind all of you who either forgot or never knew; the only thing worse than being single and lonely is being married and lonely.
Enjoy, and good luck. :)
You need an electric blanket Betty...I have a down comforter thats nice and warm... ![]() Hi Bill, Roy and BDBoops ![]() I have one, but I'm working right now (one wonders why I'm in the forum when I'm supposed to be writing a sales letter). As soon as I'm done, I'm in it! |
On top of the almost 2' of snow we got over the weekend, Minnesota is about to get another 2-6". WHY!!?? </sob>
I should have said "if one", rather than "if you". But yeah, I think people can shut their minds so far that nothing good in the universe has the option of connecting with them. |
Yes did you ever seem him sing jingle bombs ![]() Yes, and I laughed way too hard! |
Yes two for one burriittoooosssss ![]() You ever see Achmed, the Dead Terrorist? Jeff Dunham totally rules. |
Not in my world. You set your own destiny. Welcome to M2 and the 50's forum ![]() Do you really believe that you set your own destiny?? I don't think so. I think that maybe our 'destiny' is preordained.Hey! maybe this is a topic for a new thread! ![]() I think if you truly believe you are destined to die lonely and alone, you will. Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that. |
"Old People"..
![]() ![]() Whoa, would that suck or what. |
once and awhile i drive across town to talk to the slushie guy ![]() As long as you can understand what he's saying ... or can you? |
OMG I love that film!!!! Do people in that area really talk that way? I've heard that it's a complete myth and now I don't know what to believe! The longer Minnesota is around, the less true it is, at least down here in the metro. It's worse on the Iron Range, IMO. Also worse in ND. She nailed the accent. One of the hardest times I ever laughed was when my daughter kicked into the accent when she was in her mid-teens. She nailed it, too. I was breathless from laughing. ![]() |
All the Wrinkled Ladies
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Wed 12/15/10 03:49 PM