Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt
Just a poll. Whoes from southern california? whos from Northern California? im from Northern Cali. next to a big *** volcano. So. Cali, San Diego and the Mexican Border. Have also lived in Nor Cal for 18 years. |
Depression support - part 4
I just wanna curl up in a ball and die. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal. I just don't see the point in breathing any longer. I know I'll come out of this funk eventually, but for right now I just don't know what to do to motivate myself at all. I spent a beautiful weekend in front of the tv flipping channels, I don't even think I really watched anything. Except Arsenic and Old Lace on PBS, gotta love Carey Grant, at least he made me laugh. I just don't have anyone to love or anything to look forward to. ![]() You know, I have suffered from depression for quite awhile. It used to be that everytime something bad happened, I would fall into this shell. I felt that talking to anyone was a waste of time and that is the truth. I am getting the help that I need for mine and there is no problem telling any one that needs help that it is out here. Sometimes, it is just good to talk to someone who can understand as well as relate. I have never thought of suicide, but I am sure that there were those who thought of it and worst of all, carried through with it. I empathize and truly understand. I would offer you my ear if it were necessary. We all really need to help someone when they need it and not push them to the side like I see so much of. |
I had just drove into Phoenix when I heard the news on our radios and on TV when we checked into our hotel. I saw a pic of the guy on TV. It looked as though he was smirking when they showed his booking photo on the news. A very sick puppy indeed. I don't know about this amateur thing, but the fact is he killed people. That is very difficult to comprehend, this act of violence!!!!
Oregon vs Auburn
I just got back from being at the game.(BCS Game in Glendale). I had to take a lot of Auburn folks around to parties and sadly, I could not get a ticket for the game. Had a tailgate party with about 300 other drivers in the Stadium. We saw the game from a 60 inch flat screen TV. It was sure cold outside though. It was a good game, but of course, The Ducks lost.
Am I really that repulsive?
As so many folks here have said, You must be " patient". Patience is a virtue. Things will not happen without it. Rome and Greece were not built in one day, and neither are relationships. Also, don't let people know about desperation. That is a big "turn off". I admire the honesty, but that is not a good thing to do. Scares women off big time!!! Best of luck in your search!!!
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I am not fond of the term!! It labels you as "old" and I am not even that!!! A form of stereotyping!! Ugh!
Romantic songs...
I can think of two: "I do love you" by Billy Stewart and GQ from the 60"s and 70's. Billy Stewart wrote and sang the song and GQ covered it. I also love the song "By the time I get to Phoenix". Issac Hayes covered the song with a little intro rap in the 70's. I can't remember who originally did it, but I loved this version of it.
Auburn plays Oregon play Monday in Glendale, Arizona for the BCS National Title. Any predictions? I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for the game. I don't know if I will be able to watch the game, but if it goes like last year at the Fiesta Bowl, it as going to be a party atmosphere at the game because it was last year. I have not been here for awhile because my work schedule is very odd. I did not have anything going on earlier, now I do. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Man what can you do to please your woman? Everything that is legal and possible!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm sorry Mikey I am sorry about what has happened to you!!! Friends are to be cherished and at least you got the chance to reconnect. May peace and love reign in your heart and may your memories be fond ones and you have my condolances as well!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I think it's time that those of us who are actually here for (hopefully) something more than pointless blatherings about what we would do to the person above us, called a moratorium on the endless string of useless cliches that seem to infest our forum posts like an epidemic of mental corrosion. Three examples: 1. "It always shows up when you stop looking." Wrong. It does NOT ALWAYS show up. I'm living proof. Now, I'm not saying it NEVER happens that way -- any student of non-zero possibilities knows that it MUST occasionally happen that way, simply due to mathematical laws. Something with a zero possibility (i.e., "my dog will turn into a kayak next Thursday") will never happen, but something with a non-zero possibility (the classical example in physics is that of all the air molecules in a room moving to one side of the room -- it's unlikely, but there is nothing in the laws of physics which disallows it) most likely WILL happen if you wait long enough. But "It always shows up when you stop looking" is not an inevitable law of nature. It's a cliche, it's wishful thinking, and it may sometimes be accurate. But it is by no means universal. 2. "The common denominator in all your failed relationships is you." There has always been something about this statement that struck me as specious, but it took me awhile to figure it out. And here it is -- the common denominator in ALL OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE'S EXPERIENCES is you. What does that mean, insofar as cause-and-effect is concerned? Not much! Let's say you've been a passenger in five different cars that were involved in five different accidents in your life. Well, sure, you've been unlucky, but.... There's a sort of implicit blame game going on in "the common denominator in all of your failed relationships is you" -- in other words, since you were involved in all of these, then it's your own fault -- there's something inherently wrong with you, otherwise you could not possibly have engendered so many failures. Is it your fault that you were in the five accident-bound cars? (Other than that you chose to ride in those cars in the first place, for whatever reason?) See, the problem with "the common denominator in all of your failed relationships is you" is that it completely ignores the possibility that the other party may have had some responsibility for the failure of the relationship. Rather than deal with "we just weren't compatible" or "they changed after awhile," or whatever, it turns into "Hey, it's your fault that none of them worked out." But what if those exes, the ones who were "your fault," had just as bad a track record in THEIR other relationships? So now "the common denominator in all of your failed relationships is you" applies to both parties, but you can't really sustain accusatory blame ("you're the common denominator"!) with the obligatory stigma if it's spread around to all involved. I think we need to see this one for what it is -- it's just shorthand for "I'm too lazy to think up any useful comment or advice, so I'll just say something to make you feel bad about yourself." Yes, that's helpful. 3. "I like to see the glass as half full." It doesn't make any difference. If it's half full, it's also half empty; this is simple math. Whether you choose to put a positive spin on the imagery, it doesn't change the amount of fluid in the container. Also, it's one of those phrases that shows up in profiles almost as often as "I'm laid back and easy going," which is about as informative as the UPC code on the Shredded Wheat box. There are more. Lots more. They don't help, they don't provide anything in the way of relevant information or communication enhancement. They need to be retired. You know what? I truly agree with what you say. All of this stuff gets old fast. Folk need to step up, look at themselves and stop all of this useless blabbering. everything begins and ends with YOU. No one can do anything for you but You !!!! |
What has christmas become?
Very commercialized and with people forgetting what the real meaning of Christmas really is!!!! |
My mom told me about a week ago (that there is not Santa) and I about slapped her!!!! I do believe, I do believe, I do believe and I trust he has a job coming my way soon and a friend with bennies. Think two things are to much to ask for? ![]() Thank you! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Heck, I want both too. Where do we sign up? I know they say that love is happiness. That is what some of us want. Oh,but those lists!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Which one? which one??? You are welcome to try either!! OR both! |
When I fell down the stairs at age 8 to see my mother placing gifts under the tree. Of course, I paid dearly for it, but that was it for me. That stopped you from believing!??? Santa has elves you know!!!! And I bet your mom was a really pretty one! I know knew then I guess. But, after I fell and hurt all over, they all laughed at me.Did not make me feel very good, so there!! My mom was a pretty one alright!!! |
Military and Life
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my service men and women who are in harm's way doing what they need to do. I hope that very soon everyone will get what they desire and come home soon!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When I fell down the stairs at age 8 to see my mother placing gifts under the tree. Of course, I paid dearly for it, but that was it for me. |
Life is GOOD!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Let this be the time of the year that we wake up with love in our hearts and joy to spread to our fellow man!! Remember again our Servicemen and women who can not be home because they are in harm's way protecting things we hold so near and dear to us!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's been SO busy and have been sayin "yes" to everything during these Holidays. Show'd A LOT of restraint! Luckiy it's been MUCH harder to get to Tijuana these days. Has anyone suggested some holiday activities that you might call "weird"? Spending it with family. Really you can't tell me that it can't get very "weird"!! If you don't have family, you get to spend it all alone, which is weird to a lot of people except when it happens to you. |
It is supposed to be 65 degrees tommorrow in San Diego. Happy Holidays to all!!!! |
What do you have left
The greatest Christmas present would be to go across the country to see neices and nephews and cousins I never knew I had.But, sadly I know that will not happen this year. That is something I want to do though. One must pass on their wisdom and knowledge to other family members as a Christmas present they will remember. Gifts and all is cool, but that is not the reason for the season. It is about love, peace and the eloquence of having another chance to wake up, live and see another day, no matter what it may bring. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |