Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt
Life, health, strength and good people. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
prayers for Grammy09
I am sorry for your loss. I am also sorry you did not make it to South Carolina. Stay strong and keep the faith and things will go well.!!! Amen!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Made french fries in my deep fat fryer and had eggs. Just when you thought it was safe to have eggs for dinner................ |
I was listening to a San Diego based guitarist named Yves Vincent. He has covered things like "Amazing Grace", " Leader of the Pack", "Summertime" and "How great thou art" He has a soothing style which makes it easy to just sit and listen. He plays a lot around town here. According to his Biography, both of his parents were musicians. |
The "chick flick" I remember most is "Waiting to Exhale". Guys even hated mentioning that they saw this movie. I saw it twice and own the DVD of it. I don't watch it as much as I used to. I was pretty deep too. Also, I thought "Sould Food" with Vanessa Williams was a "chick flick too. I also own it on DVD. |
I remember some things that Dr Barbara De Angelis used to say in her book on relationships; 1. Don't come in her life to solve her problems. She may be just tring to vent and just wants you to listen. 2. Don't be boring. That is the biggest poison pill men have. 3. Respect her as much as you would want her to respect you. 4. Clean up after yourself. My mother used to always say she hated a lazy man. 5. Don't take a woman on a date if you have no money. Ugh!!! 6. Reassure her that everything is going to be fine when she is going through rough spots. She will thank you for it. 7.Biggest and most important thing: Let her have some freedom and don't control her. She will start to dislike you, which will turn into hate. JMO of course. |
I was homeless once my self. but not for long. I can assure you I do know what it was like being cold, hungry and even wet. It was not and is not a pretty thing to think of.I got sort of complacent thinking things will never change. I had to do something.Luckily, I met a husband and wife who were churchgoing people and they pretty much "adopted me". Went to technical school and earned a trade and got a job temporarily working for IBM in San Jose. I vowed that I would remember this when things got bad and to never take any thing for granted. I remember going to the library to use a computer to find work here. There are a few others who were with me that did not make it. They made bad choices and paid with their lives. I am sooo lucky and thankful to have what I have. You can do something, but what you do must come from the heart. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am thinking of shy people
From my experience, being shy is a tough one. Becaused shy people don't like eye contact, people get the wrong idea and don't trust them, even though they may be a beautiful person. I am looking for experiences that shy people have dating and in the real world. Back when I was younger, the women loved shy men because of their meek personality. Nowadays, shyness is a terrible thing to be. I am shy myself, but I am capable of speaking my mind if I have to or pushed to. Experiences please !!! Thanx. ![]() ![]() |
The days of yr typical homeless person bein' some drunk in an alley drinking Mad Dog outta' a paper bag are long gone. The majority of homeless are people that are just like you and me who have fallen on hard times. I believe we need more awareness of this problem in our country. Instead of focusing on it's causes I believe time and energy can be better utilized by finding ways to deal with it first. As Esebulldog pointed out, many cities are being very progressive in dealing with this issue. Still....a lot more can be done..... Awareness of the problem is the first step. ABSOLUTELY!!!! THis problem is bigger than us and needs action !!!! |
Rise and Shine - part 9
I have seen a lot of people sailing big model boats on San Diego's Mission Bay. Nice, relaxing activity. Then, there is Wii Bowling and Jigsaw puzzles. Minds need excercise also. |
Thinking about a nap, ironing clothes and preparation for my trip. Always fun to travel.Leaves one revitalized and refreshed, at least me. |
I have heard that most people are living one paycheck from being homeless. Still, it is a scary sight and a very unwelcome part of our social fabric. |
Hot Fun In The Summertime- Sly and The Family Stone |
What is your take on the homelessness across our country? I see a lot of it in my travels throughout California. Do you feel that people make wrong decisions or are they a victim of their circumstances? Just soliciting opinions. I will say that I see many women and families out here now who are homeless. This is a chilling sight. I also am taking note of the astounding number of homeless veterans. These are men and women who have served our country. Scary!!!! |
I posted a mote of my coming trip to Las Vegas,Anahiem, Fresno and Oakland. Taking softball and Basketball teams everywhere. I have never done so much basketball and softball stuff with college students as I have done the last 2 years. I guess this is God's way of saying be able and flexible and things will fall your way. |
THE Recipe Thread
Mr Jeff, Reading through your recipes, I find that you must enjoy cooking and you seem also to inspire others. I for one, appreciate what you are doing. I am not much of a cook, but I won't starve. Your efforts are appreciated. I just wanted to put that out there just as a moment of thanks. |
Last WW1 veteran has died
As part of my travels, I see veterans from WW2 and Korea. I wish I had something to say to them. I did thank them for their service. I am sorry for the passing of the WW 1 vet. I am sure he had many stories to tell and was a walking, living, and breathing piece of history. Too bad he has passed, but I am sure he lived a full life and has touched many people. May he rest in peace and we should be thankful for the history he has left behind. |
Standards and morals make you who you are.They ground you and make your life worth living. If you compromise either of those, think of what it will do to your life as you know it. Of course, it is a reality that some people will never change and that comes with the person. If you lower your standards, your life will probably suffer.JMO. |
psychotropic medications
Yep, anti-depressants are things you really have to watch. I have had some myself. Welbutrin made me sick and zoloft was the worst. Make sure you have a prescription for them because some are considered controlled substances.I had one that caused me to have bad dreams,probably brought on by my military service. Good Luck in finding that one that works for you and realize that it is a personal choice also. |
Just to say that America is the land of our ancestors. Some came on their own free will and others were forced to come here. Rape me and kill me with taxes. If our ancestors were here to see this, they would probably just be sick. Some countries have shackles on what their citizens can say and even write. As long as you have money(to quote someone), then you will be free. |