Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 02:31 PM

Report: Holder Went Judge Shopping To Obtain Fox News Subpoena

Don't try this at home kiddies. Judge shopping is a no-no for the unwashed every-day folk.

The New Yorker reports that the effort by the Justice Department to obtain the controversial (Fox News) court order was arduous, contentious and unsuccessful until finally a third judge acquiesced.

wonder what they had on that Judge!

I figure he was either a pedophile or a Lodge Brother.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 02:10 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/30/13 02:13 PM

Japan cancels tender to purchase U.S. wheat on GMO fears

If people won't buy it, they can't sell it.

The power is in the hands of the consumer.

That's everyone should vote with their money...That vote comes thru loud and clear to the corporations...especially when the vote is against them.

As long as people continue to buy the garbage, they'll keep feeding it to you...The organic food industry is BOOMING as a reaction to the plastic & GM swill they are trying to feed people.

The boom in that industry is of course trying to be controlled by Monsanto too, so let the small organic farmer spite the short-term profit potential, don't sell to Monsanto...It will only cost everyone dearly in the long run.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 07:55 AM
Without saying one way or the other what the real truth of 9/11 might prove to be, I can say with complete confidence that in due course of time, the truth will eventually be known, and those who have told it will be exonerated. The honest man will not suffer, only those who concealed or obfuscated the truth with lies and deception will suffer the lawful penalty.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 04:08 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/30/13 04:53 AM

You really think Monsanto is worried about a couple of Ducks,when they have the power and protection of a Congresional Act behind them?

This is what you are up against!

I'm not up against anything. All I'm doing is using the law to get contractual agreements with counterparties. Are you trying to tell me that monsanto or a government would breach contracts or treaties it makes and get away with it?...They couldn't do that. The international laws of commerce laid down by the banks would prohibit that, so if I find any counterparty breaching their contract with me, I have the world's banks on my side (behind the scenes)!

They HAVE to support me, because contract law is what supports them, and if ANYONE can get away with breach of contract, then EVERYONE can get away with it and the entire world order would collapse into chaos (there would be no rule of law).

Still think I have no political clout?

BTW,what is Canada doing about it?

There is currently a lot of legal process going on behind the scenes in Canada. Keep your eye on the papers. I suspect that Harper will have to resign in disgrace over the Mike Duffy thing and that the last election will be declared null & void (owing to election fraud) which will force the nullification of all legislation passed into "law" since the election. IMO, things will only get better after that. It will probably be about 6 months before the canadian people take down Monsanto Canada (less if we get someone to start on it now), but that is no reason people in other jurisdictions can't start taking it down in their sphere's of influence right now.

Us ducks have to adhere to the "Prime Directive" and not clean up someone else's mess for them, so in order to clean up the planet and make it fit for living in, we have to act as consultants to human agents. Unfortunately almost all of you are too stupid to see what's going on, and that small segment that does, tends to be too mad about being screwed to do much except either b!tch about it, or turn terrorist. Neither of those is a terribly wise course of action, so we ducks are advising people to simply know who they are, to realize that the mightiest of governments is really your employee and a "person" in law which can be contracted with.


Now you know why Monsanto so desperately wanted the "Protect Monsanto Act" passed into "law."

No biggie...You can get their agreement that allowing it into the wild was an act of criminal negligence on their part, and further evidence that they have abandoned the precautionary principle.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 03:33 AM

why don't you start the Proceedings if you think it is that easy!

Don't worry...It's on the agenda, just behind fluoridation, but there are bigger fish to fry first... They are going in the pan right now.
keep on wishing!laugh

If you wish in one Hand,and Crap in the Other,which one will get full first?:laughing:
Your hand will stay pretty empty!:laughing: biggrin

all that's gonna happen is that you all wind up in Jail,without having achieved anything!
Remember OCCUPY?
Well,one Man profited from it,the same one who had started it through Adbusters!
Yep,Uncle George the Billionaire!The one who gets Pssed everytime someone makes more Money than him!

Now the same Skullduggery is happening again,and it again is NOT in the People's favour!

Let's hope your Dream doesn't turn into a Nightmare

The "impossible" can only accomplished by one of two kinds of people:
1) Those too dumb to know that it was
2) Those smart enough to know that it isn't.

Either way, the "impossible" will only be accomplished by those brave enough to try.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 03:11 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/30/13 03:24 AM

why don't you start the Proceedings if you think it is that easy!

Don't worry...It's on the agenda, just behind fluoridation, but there are bigger fish to fry first... They are going in the pan right now.

Us ducks can do quite a bit on our own, but we can't cure all of the world's ills at once, so it would be nice to get a li'l help to accelerate the process...Otherwise it might take us a couple of years to clean up the mess you people made.

Until the Monsanto Protection Act is repealed,Monsanto has Immunity under the Law!
Besides,if someone claims to have been injured in any way by Monsanto Products,there has to be an Involvement by Courts,withe subsequent haggling by Oodles of Experts on both sides,and postponements ad Infinitum!
With that Act in place there is no way to get them!
Besides,Obama has appointed former Monsanto Executive strategically wherever there might be Trouble!
Monsanto would be Nobody without the Political Muscle behind it!

That's defeatism talking...Look at the assumptions you're making!

1) Monsanto has Immunity under the Law!
2) if someone claims to have been injured in any way by Monsanto Products,there has to be an Involvement by Courts
3) With that Act in place there is no way to get them!

1) Horsehockey!...They are NOT immune from the law...nobody is, most especially the "government" "granting " them that immunity.
2) Not if a contractual agreement exists to pay on damages
3) MY suggestion has nothing to do with lawsuits or claims against them, so that Act doesn't apply. Therefore there IS a way to get them...It is the way I have suggested.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 02:49 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 05/30/13 03:00 AM
We can take down Monsanto tomorrow by getting their AGREEMENT that they are completely liable for damages that are even only REASONABLY SUSPECTED to be caused by their products owing to THEIR ABANDONMENT OF THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPAL.

A few letters, or a letter drafted and signed by a significant number of people is all that is needed to start the process. As a result of documented harm caused by their products, they CANNOT DENY that they have abandoned the precautionary principle, and IF they have done so, it is logical to conclude that they have been GROSSLY NEGLIGENT and therefore LIABLE for any damages reasonably suspected to be caused as a result. Because they can't deny it, you can get their agreement that the mess is their fault, for which they MUST pay equitable compensation for any claims made against it owing to its negligence.

This doesn't have to go thru the courts, or result in any lawsuits. It forms the basis of a contractual agreement, wherein if they don't simply pay off, they can be sued as a deadbeat debtor for refusing to meet their contractual commitment.

There is a maxim in law that says "He who does not deny, admits." All you have to do is PRESUME (don't claim) that they have abandoned the precautionary principle, and show a little evidence to suggest that harm has resulted from that abandonment (and heaven knows what other damage might be in the offing if they continue). The aforementioned maxim can be employed to make Monsanto "testify" against and convict itself of wrongdoing by tacitly "admitting" to its crimes (by not denying them).

The first thing that will happen after you have Monsanto's agreement that it is liable for SUSPECTED damages is that the shareholders will jump ship immediately and the share value of the company will hit bottom and stay there...The creditors will force it into bankruptcy and the giant evil juggernaut that is Monsanto will wind up wiped from the pages of history.

"Never forget that a few dedicated citizens working to a common purpose can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

A few dedicated people (and ducks) have already started changing the world, but we can always use a hand if you wanna help out.

Lawful presumption and the above maxim have been used against unsuspecting people for centuries; they are the "weapons" of choice for tyrants who wish to rule by deception. It has been used against YOU without your even knowing it. It has been used to bring the whole world almost to its knees with fraudulent debt. Don't you think it's time the people started using it to correct the imbalance of power?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/30/13 02:18 AM

The government should fear the people... not the other way around.

I hope everyone lets that sink in a bit...They should then realize that the government DOES fear the people, and the Bank is the real government. It is the banksters' fear of the people that has been motivating the actions of their lackey "governments" as of late, including (along with many others) the government of the US (a "service" corporation).

The people should NOT fear the government, for the simple reason that they OWN it!...It is THEIR PROPERTY. It is well past time to stop acting like children of the state (because the state has turned out to be an abusive parent)...Those of you who are intelligent, rational adults are the proper parents of the governed, and it would seem that the body most in need of that governance is the state itself.

So quit acting like frightened angry children rebelling against an abusive parent and start acting like the wise and just parent of the state that you are! It's time to give that little bully you created a swat on the *** and tell it to smarten up!

You are CREDITORS of a bankrupt DEBTOR government in receivership! (It couldn't exist without you because you can foreclose at any time). You are Creditors to the banks that rob you daily of your natural wealth and abundance (and have done so for ages). The government's bank debt is FRAUDULENT and a theft of the natural wealth of your Nation.

TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE!...They know damn well who you are...They have been living in fear of the day that you would find out yourself. So now that you know who you are, you don't need protests or petitions, you don't need riots in the streets and you don't need Armed Marches on Washington* to preserve a right you always had and still have...What you need is an ACCOUNTING from your PUBLIC SERVANT, the USA, because the profits of the major corporations and Banks are YOUR MONEY...You are the creditors of ALL of them thru money that was stolen from you by bank fraud. The massive national debt is money that is owed to you. It was stolen from your nation using fraudulent bank "loans."

You can take charge of your country by first telling your "government" who you are (a creditor of it) and then telling them what they'll have to do to earn the PUBLIC TRUST again.

*(This has me worried...It has all the makings of a staged incident started by infiltrated provocateurs to impose martial law and "temporarily" suspend the Second Amendment...Don't fall for it.)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 05/27/13 12:29 AM

no one wins

terrorists usually get caught, have bad karma and prison sentences and do no leave a positive, peaceful , loving footprint. They lose because they are a scourge and shame themselves and their families also.

The victims lose obviously

so no one wins...that's the fact that terrorists cannot get thru their heads

you catch more flies with honey than vinegar you stupid terrorists

The banks never lose....they profit from both ends and never touch that bloody stick

BINGO!!!...Give this man a cigar!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 08:44 AM

as recently as 1991, a survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club found that readers rated "Atlas" as the second-most influential book in their lives, behind only the Bible.

What does that tell you? (Think in terms of her popularity and religious cults.)

There is no correlation between the popularity of the Bible and the popularity of the novel Atlas Shrugged.

There is only a correlation between the very common, uncritical minds, who simply read and believe something because it comes from "the authority of" some book or scripture (belief by a leap of faith). One cannot take seriously, the opinions of uncritical thinkers who only read something and believe it in the absence of proof of its validity.
(I think that's why Conrad was laughing)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 08:26 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 05/14/13 08:27 AM
To answer the question posed by the title of this thread, I am of the opinion that "Barry" has absolutely no respect for law at all, whether international or domestic/national. He is IMO, nothing but a tyrannical pirate, looting the country with his banking buddies (using the ignorance & fear of the people as the primary tool) and quite willing to kill anyone or destroy anything (foreign or domestic) that gets in the way.

He has to be stopped for the good of the nations, but who is going to arrest him and bring him before a court of competent jurisdiction to answer the many charges?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 08:14 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 05/14/13 08:16 AM

Have any of you read Rand at all?rofl

What both of you describe is Fascism,NOT Capitalism!rofl rofl :laughing:

So,you want to tell me that Politicians ought to lead those Corporations!
Actually they do,along with their Cronies,and look at the mess they made!rofl

Et tu Bruté?...Me?... a statist? that's absolutely laughable...I can only think you're joking.

I've looked into Rand and her "objectivism" (YAI...yet another "ism") and I have my own opinions about her philosophy and the philosophy of the hero-worshipping cult that follows her without a proper grounding in philosophy & logic. I think I've already expressed much of this in another post somewhere, didn't I?

Be that as it may, I'd like you to really examine my post before this one and tell me how putting the public in charge of the public servants who work for them (voluntarily) is fascism. You are right that it isn't capitalism, but in my mind you are totally off-base calling it fascism. (As I see it, it is simply the freedom to contract with contractors.)

You might make an argument that it could be Marxism, possibly even the kind of marxism that he himself envisioned (if we could ever know what that was from his books), but certainly not fascism, let alone Stalinism, Leninism, left-wing socialism, or communism as ever implemented or practiced in the real world. You won't need to make an argument that it is anti-capitalism...I'm guilty as charged, but then I'm anti-just-about-every-"ism". About the only "ism" I'm not "anti" is humanism... And I'm a bloody duck!... I just wish you humans would smarten up and quit killing one another over something as useless as claims of capital as private property. (or have the bankers already claimed most of it?)

The great flaw of capitalism, is that it tries to privatize the common. What do we do when the Rothschilds et al claim all the air, water and land as their private property except to either beg/pay for enough air to breathe, water to drink, and land to live on...or move? Us ducks have no money to buy life's necessities the way you humans MIGHT...Don't we have a right to exist, or do we have to work to "earn our keep" and pay for the privilege of existing like humans do?

So even though us ducks constitute another nation (species), I'd like to know how the humans' idiotic system of political and economic reasoning(?) respects our right to exist as a nation. Moreover, I know that it doesn't, but you humans seem to want to throw yourselves into greedy denial the minute someone speaks of sharing the common "property" and to keep claiming the common (which DOESN"T belong to you as property) as though it was all yours.

The old "might makes right" philosophy has always been wrong. Might might make for power, oppression and murder, but it will NEVER make it right, no matter how many statutes the legal eagles write to make it so. The truth is that right is the true might and everyone should do right. Frankly it almost shocks me that your own implied social contract (natural law) might have to be imposed on humanity before it kills itself. Who could impose it if not you yourselves?

Hey...I'm just trying to point out the logical flaws in human reasoning, so don't go sociopolitical on me, just think about what I say.

Atlas isn't shrugging; he's laying down on the job and letting the world roll away. Who is gonna put him back to work?
slaphead slaphead slaphead
Yep,you sure have looked into Objectivism!Every word of your Post proves it!
Especially the MIGHT is Right,as if Rand ever approved of Government Coercion!
Only Statists do that!

If you had read my post perceptively, you'd know that it doesn't matter whether Rand approved or disapproved of government coercion (and of course I'm as sure as you are that she disapproved of it, just as you and I do); the logical consequence of her unstated presumption that capitalism is valid and right, when integrated into the philosophy of her objectivism, allows the (fallacious) "proof" that capitalism is "right" in terms of natural law, which is a conclusion that is provably fallacious in terms of the logical reasoning of natural law.

as recently as 1991, a survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club found that readers rated "Atlas" as the second-most influential book in their lives, behind only the Bible.

What does that tell you? (Think in terms of her popularity and religious cults.)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 06:31 AM

In reality the whole world is (lawfully) a free republic and a single "nation" (humanity) governed by the rule of law (natural law)...At least it would be if everyone behaved lawfully.

(of course until you guys grow feathers, us ducks will always be a separate nation.) :laughing:
Aha,a Separatist,hmmm?laugh

Think of me as a unionist-separatist-collectivist-individualist. :laughing:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 06:15 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 05/14/13 06:26 AM

Have any of you read Rand at all?rofl

What both of you describe is Fascism,NOT Capitalism!rofl rofl :laughing:

So,you want to tell me that Politicians ought to lead those Corporations!
Actually they do,along with their Cronies,and look at the mess they made!rofl

Et tu Bruté?...Me?... a statist? that's absolutely laughable...I can only think you're joking.

I've looked into Rand and her "objectivism" (YAI...yet another "ism") and I have my own opinions about her philosophy and the philosophy of the hero-worshipping cult that follows her without a proper grounding in philosophy & logic. I think I've already expressed much of this in another post somewhere, didn't I?

Be that as it may, I'd like you to really examine my post before this one and tell me how putting the public in charge of the public servants who work for them (voluntarily) is fascism. You are right that it isn't capitalism, but in my mind you are totally off-base calling it fascism. (As I see it, it is simply the freedom to contract with contractors.)

You might make an argument that it could be Marxism, possibly even the kind of marxism that he himself envisioned (if we could ever know what that was from his books), but certainly not fascism, let alone Stalinism, Leninism, left-wing socialism, or communism as ever implemented or practiced in the real world. You won't need to make an argument that it is anti-capitalism...I'm guilty as charged, but then I'm anti-just-about-every-"ism". About the only "ism" I'm not "anti" is humanism... And I'm a bloody duck!... I just wish you humans would smarten up and quit killing one another over something as useless as claims of capital as private property. (or have the bankers already claimed most of it?)

The great flaw of capitalism, is that it tries to privatize the common. What do we do when the Rothschilds et al claim all the air, water and land as their private property except to either beg/pay for enough air to breathe, water to drink, and land to live on...or move? Us ducks have no money to buy life's necessities the way you humans MIGHT...Don't we have a right to exist, or do we have to work to "earn our keep" and pay for the privilege of existing like humans do?

So even though us ducks constitute another nation (species), I'd like to know how the humans' idiotic system of political and economic reasoning(?) respects our right to exist as a nation. Moreover, I know that it doesn't, but you humans seem to want to throw yourselves into greedy denial the minute someone speaks of sharing the common "property" and to keep claiming the common (which DOESN"T belong to you as property) as though it was all yours.

The old "might makes right" philosophy has always been wrong. Might might make for power, oppression and murder, but it will NEVER make it right, no matter how many statutes the legal eagles write to make it so. The truth is that right is the true might and everyone should do right. Frankly it almost shocks me that your own implied social contract (natural law) might have to be imposed on humanity before it kills itself. Who could impose it if not you yourselves?

Hey...I'm just trying to point out the logical flaws in human reasoning, so don't go sociopolitical on me, just think about what I say.

Atlas isn't shrugging; he's laying down on the job and letting the world roll away. Who is gonna put him back to work?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 01:34 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 05/14/13 01:36 AM
In reality the whole world is (lawfully) a free republic and a single "nation" (humanity) governed by the rule of law (natural law)...At least it would be if everyone behaved lawfully.

(of course until you guys grow feathers, us ducks will always be a separate nation.) :laughing:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 05/14/13 01:21 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 05/14/13 01:29 AM
People have to realize that corporations were originally created to provide a service...They were intended to be our servants, but the greedy capitalists in charge of the corporations, following the defined sole ethic of shareholder profit, managed to accumulate enough capital to take control of the people's governments thru their banking enterprises.

People forgot that the government is their public trustee and is supposed to govern their affairs for them. Once that was forgotten, it became easy to believe the government governs the people (instead of the other way around), and those charged with the keeping of the public trust, who were put in charge of it, took charge of the public itself and have since "governed" in BREACH OF the public TRUST.

It was easy to bamboozle the people, since most now consider themselves almost the "useless eaters" they are considered to be by the banks & other corporations who now think they own the people (because they robbed them of their natural wealth), when in truth it is the people who "own" them (check legal definition for "own" and note that it is no longer holding property by right, but holding it in trust, which implies you are liable for property you own.

In reality, it is the people (all of them) who own the banks and corporations, but thanks to the word magic of city slicker "legalese" employed by government hired lawyers to frame "statutory law", the people have been conned into seeing themselves as the servants of the corporations instead of the true owners and masters of them. This allows the people (thru their own ignorance) to be robbed because they have been deceived (by the legalese) and have forgotten who they really are, which is "THE PEOPLE", also called "the boss" and the OWNER of ALL the corporations and governments who rob them.

When the people finally wise up and take the charge of human beings away from the corporations by pulling their own care out of the hands of greedy corporations & banks, things will improve...We might even have world peace for a change.

I LIVE for the day that the people finally wake up and smell the coffee...Things will NOT improve until they do. The problem is, nobody seems to have any guts or enough smarts to know who they really are, or they're too damned lazy or scared to do anything (or maybe even enjoy being a child of the state "nanny" who looks after them). If you do nothing as an individual (hoping somebody else is gonna do it for you) then nothing will be done for the whole bloody world, because the whole bloody world thinks like you. So if you are lazy or scared and not doing anything to straighten out the mess, preferring to look as asleep as everyone else looks, then you are NOT one of are one of THEM; the enemy we have to vanquish.

We have a choice...we can all unite as individual people and work together to make the world a better place, or we can let greed, enmity, division, apathy and fear, unite to kill us all while the planet we live on rots, and will until we are gone and there are no more corporations to rape & abuse it for private profit.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 05/09/13 04:50 PM

Like I said before, either the war mongers wind their necks in or we are heading for a fall. It is a sign of warped minds when people criticize Leaders for exercising caution. It is also a crazy world we live in when the supposedly civilised world supply arms, money and information to terrorists to overthrow elected governments in the guise of humanitarianism. Are we that dumbed dowm by our corporate media and corporate politicians?
so,how come you are so hellbent in defending Bloody ASSad?
Would you rather I support Al Qaeda - Paid Mercenaries and Islamic Terrorists.
actually the all need a Mudhole stomped in them!
Without the Black Gold nobody would be interested in The Middle East.

...except the people who were actually born there...Without all that colonialism & outside interest to stir the pot, they'd probably live peacefully.

The problem with the human animal is that he refuses to recognize other human animals as fellow humans being and only sees them as animals to be made use of. There's just too much profit in the "old divide & conquer", "let's kill 'em all" crap.

Since there's profit and control involved, I of course blame the bank. It is run by animals that I hesitate to call human. I think they are another (and even lower) species entirely than the human animal.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 05/03/13 04:56 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 05/03/13 04:57 PM

The police already have drones in one suburb of Dallas-Ft Worth.

How far is that from Austin?

Of course the police might be too good at maneuvering the horribly expensive drones to allow them to ever get damaged:


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 05/03/13 03:56 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 05/03/13 04:00 PM

sharia is a joke because it is all a male dominated set of rules designed to keep the women subservient to the men... i don't see a lot of that in the Judea/Christian law...

Only because you haven't studied either the law or your history. In point of fact, judeo/christian law is about as oppressive of women as sharia ever was. All of these were eclipsed by male-dominated, paternalistic, sexist, secular law until quite recently in our history.

If women have equal rights in western countries today, it is not to the credit of either the church or the patriarchal, sexist, secular state; thanks must go to the women themselves for fighting long and hard against men for their equal rights.

Hell…In Canada, women were not even considered "persons" under the meaning of the BNA Act until 1929! (fictional corporations had been considered "persons" in the US since the 1850's and they aren't even human!)

As I said before, sharia law is no funnier than our own, so we are in no position to tout how great our law is.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 05/03/13 10:17 AM

Wonder how long until he gets a Cease and Desist Order!

Won't do any good; the info is already in cyberspace. The plans will go forward and a cheap drone detector that anyone can buy or build will be available to anyone that wants one.

Viva la Privacy!