Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 07/03/13 08:33 PM

it's always been going on, still going on, and will continue to go on.

...except for the "will continue to go on" part. I don't know about you, but WE THE PEOPLE aren't going to allow it to continue. WE're the boss and what WE say goes.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 07/03/13 10:50 AM

next chapter: anonymous takes on NSA as it should

snowden is a whistleblower and probably did what he did figuring he'd be protected by laws in place that protect whistleblowers (helloooooo anybody home in the brain of washington;t think so)

where does washington get off thinking it can subvert the legal system by calling a duck an emu and get away with it. snowden should sue washington for harrassment & illegal prosecution

it would serve obama right if canada takes him and I think they might

...chin up folks, only 2 more years.....unless we can somehow figure out a way to impeach for this latest

It won't take two years...(take it from a duck who knows ... and tell 'em a "little birdie told me" LOL)

As for Canada, the existing administration is just a poor, outdated carbon copy of the american administration. With the agreements in place already, Canada would be about the WORST place Snowden could go for asylum, even if it could be granted (which it won't I'm sure) His best bet is either Iceland or Equador.

Also concerning Canada, a bunch of Canada Geese I know are fed up with the $h¡t coming out of Ottawa and have dispatched a squadron of "dive bombers" to "return the favour." (If you know geese, you know what I'm talking about) Knowing the geese as I do, they won't miss and Ottawa will soon find itself up to its nose in it.

Call it poetic justice, or call it real justice, we all know that what goes around comes around and that people justly get what they first give. I think we all know what the administrations of BOTH countries have been giving us all for a long time now. They are about to get it all spades!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 07/02/13 11:23 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 07/02/13 11:33 PM

I feel sorry for Snowden. He wasted his life on a stupid and pointless
exercise benefitting no one but forever calling into question Snowden's
own reputation and character. It was a character asassination of his own
doing and he will have to live with it somewhere - likely in prison.

I'd hardly call being a hero assassinating his own character. He's only one man of conscience. there are MANY others still embedded in the system. Prison doesn't change the principles of a principled man. Look at Mordecai Vanunu. And look at these young hackers. Some were caught & went to prison, but it hasn't changed their principles. They are all heroes IMO.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 07/02/13 10:00 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 07/02/13 10:01 PM
Somebody's in trouble now! LMAO

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 06/29/13 09:32 PM
It's the same in Canada as in the US. Both are corporate "governments" whose "citizens" are considered employees of the corporation "subject" to the corporation's rules (statutes, codes & regulations).

The wisest course of action is NOT to either confirm (Then you have to follow their rules) or deny being a citizen or resident of the jurisdiction (point of contract), because that would be a claim you'd have to prove (so they'd haul you off to prove it in court). If asked, answer in such a way that you haven't answered. The best way to do that is by asking a pertinent question. e.g.:

Q: Are you a citizen?
A: "How can I answer that in a way that doesn't prejudice my rights as a private person?" (lmao)

There are two kinds of gun possessing Canadians, those who have registered and those who haven't. I'd guess that the latter is a much larger group than the former, and many Canadians have claimed the right to lawfully possess & use firearms. The ones who registered are mostly sorry they ever did!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 06/26/13 04:24 AM

This ship is sinking...Brace yourself, brace yourself at 12.

Bail, bail, bail.

The bad guys are the ones bailing (out the banks mostly). It's YOUR ship of state...Take command of it and order the pilot and the lazy crooked scummy pirates under him to sail the course YOU set for it!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 06/25/13 12:05 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 06/25/13 12:21 PM

Personally...I got no way or another.

Realistically ...when I tried to watch international video from foreign press...

Everyone shut down on me. (Youtube)

Kind of creepy.

I am a big fan of the United States ....

This post got zero to do with democrat or republican.

This is about freedom to know what is going on.

I think that freedom is something is something we will never see again in this lifetime...or for the lifetime of our children to come.

I halfway expect people to show up to tell me what my opinion will be.

Good luck to all of us in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I assume you're talking about Edward Snowdon, who is IMHO a true patriot and one of the greatest heroes the world has ever produced, because he has the public interest at heart. As you know, a Nation is its people, not the land administered by a corporation called a "country", so National Security is and should be a matter of great interest to a nation, and should never be confused with the corporation's National Security, which is the security used to borrow from the nation thru the banks, by using the people's credit value as collateral.

I hope you can all see this youtube video in the US:

If you can't, you'd better be damned worried about the state of your Nation!...Hopefully worried enough to do something yourselves...every single one of you!...Your Nation needs you now more than at any point in its entire history and you don't want to let it down because you'll be letting yourself down in the process, so stand up and DON'T Fight!...Just take charge of your country, because it's YOUR PROPERTY...It's bankrupt and only stayes in business because you, the American People are the Creditors who are owed the national debt. You can foreclose in a minute and shut the whole damn thing down (which is why "they" are terrified of you and your true POWER over them)

Now is the time to stand up and shout as with a single voice...ENOUGH!!...WE THE PEOPLE will take charge now and chart a decent course for OUR ship of state!

...and I wouldn't worry too much about Ed Snowdon's well being...I heard an as yet unsubstantiated rumour thru the grapevine that he has "little birdies" (other men of conscience) standing watch over him, and some of those are ducks & geese!...and as we should all know by now, you don't want to mess with them!

At any rate, if you can't see the video directly, you can probably watch it thru an out-of-country proxy. If you can, I think you should download it, make copies and give them to everyone you know to raise the alarm bells...You're country has been stolen from you as you slept, but it is now time to rise...and shine!...and take the damn thing back!

The whole world is at a crisis point in history. In my view, people everywhere are going to rise to the occasion (many are already doing so) and start beating their swords into plowshares. All I can say in that regard is that the US has more swords that the rest of the world put together, and that could make for enough plowshares for everyone, everywhere. Maybe if the US could do that, we could all go back to the business of living and growing things other than big guns for a global suicide.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 06/18/13 06:49 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 06/18/13 06:54 AM

When did Russia gain sovereignty over Syria?

When did anyone else in the world gain sovereignty over Syria?
When did the US decide to supply Al Caida, it's most hated terrorist enemy, with weapons to use in Syria?
What happened the last time Russia voted to approve a no-fly zone over a country?

All I can say is the enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least that way, I have more friends than enemies!

Go Vlad go!...Yayyy team!

Great in theory.
Until your enemies die and you get stabbed in the back.


which is exactly what would happen

Only if you were too stupid to keep your friend to enemy ratio over 1:1, and who's stupid enough to do that?

What states have more enemies than friends?...hmmm...I guess those states should be institutionalized because they are too stupid & incompetent to function in society.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 06/18/13 06:46 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 06/18/13 06:47 AM

When did Russia gain sovereignty over Syria?

When did anyone else in the world gain sovereignty over Syria?
When did the US decide to supply Al Caida, it's most hated terrorist enemy, with weapons to use in Syria?
What happened the last time Russia voted to approve a no-fly zone over a country?

All I can say is the enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least that way, I have more friends than enemies!

Go Vlad go!...Yayyy team!
Not to worry,Hezbollah will!
They have been a Party looking for a State since the Eighties!

Aren't they a part of Lebanon? Are they pissed because Israel wants to add Lebanon to its collection of conquered territories? Aren't they just defending themselves from a rogue aggressor State?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 06/17/13 09:44 PM

When did Russia gain sovereignty over Syria?

When did anyone else in the world gain sovereignty over Syria?
When did the US decide to supply Al Caida, it's most hated terrorist enemy, with weapons to use in Syria?
What happened the last time Russia voted to approve a no-fly zone over a country?

All I can say is the enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least that way, I have more friends than enemies!

Go Vlad go!...Yayyy team!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 06/12/13 11:49 AM

Being a privacy advocate and the fussy duck that I am, I have my own preferences for search engines and email.

For a search engine, I sometimes like Startpage, but my favorite engine is (naturally)

As for & web browsing & email, I find it hard to beat the Torbrowser package and for email. If you have someone you correspond with who also has a Tormail account (or similar mail service in the Tor network) you can send private emails back I forth and nobody is gonna see it because it stays on the darkweb. You can use it for regular email too, but your privacy can be compromised by the people on the clearnet who know who you are (loose lips syndrome). "They can't see where you come from or where you go on the darknet, but there are other subtle ways to identify you, so you should always keep an eye on what you say and who you say it to, and how much (with enough text to go by, a style can be almost as revealing as a fingerprint) (should be https, but owing to Mingle's limitations can't be) (ditto on https) (Take THAT Yahoo!) :laughing:

Tormail is good and startpage is using the same https: format to launch their secure email late this summer.

I have my doubts that anything is safe anymore, encrypted or not, since gov't seems to think the people have NO right to privacy, and they can spend taxpayer money to hire the best hackers, lawyers, judges, and media talking heads in the world to promote, implement and sell whatever lie suits their purpose.

We all know DC is corrupt and quit working for us as soon as the courts deemed corporations as "people" too.

Repeal that law from the books and MUCH would change. Add term limits for congress and senate and we may have a start at reclaiming our liberties accorded by our creator and the constitution/bill of rights

I wouldn't sweat it too much, the best hackers come from the free & open source software movement and do what they do in terms of what their social conscience dictates, not their paycheque. There are very few "turncoats" and the ones that are in it for the money probably weren't that good or creative to start with. Frankly, I don't think the spy agencies stand much of a chance, as there are encryption algorithms that are even safe from the upcoming (here already?) sophisticated quantum computers.

Really the biggest threat to personal privacy and security comes from the people themselves, because they don't know how to secure their systems and are basically too lazy or apathetic to even try very hard. Hell...Most people still us Windoze! and even the OS X is no longer all that secure. Unfortunately, even Ubuntu is becoming insecure, but there are other OS's that are VERY secure.

Rick Stallman (I'm told) is an even bigger privacy nut than I am and doesn't connect to the internet much at all & when he does, he uses an oddball Chinese-made processor designed to be safe from US based hacking attempts in addition to his other precautions.

My personal favorite encyption is still the OTP Vernam cypher developed in the early twenties. It is simple and uncrackable by ANY computer or algorithm. here again the only security flaw is arranging for the two parties to exchange the symmetric cypher key securely...major vulnerability there!

Tor is a good anonymizer, but can be somewhat vulnerable to flooding attacks & the exit nodes can be compromised by traffic analysis with a sufficiently sophisticated system or hostile exit node, but staying in the darkweb fixes that.

An option I really like is called I2P, but that might be a little too sophisticated for the average user and can be a bit complicated to set up, but it doesn't have reliable exit nodes, so all traffic goes into the darkweb & stays there...Very secure.

There is also a LOT of work going on to build wireless mesh networks using secure protocols that will free most people from ISP slavery and reduce cost to not much more than electricity.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 06/12/13 10:41 AM
I haven't been paranoid for a long time now...Just sick to my stomach and wishing I was only paranoid.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 06/12/13 10:38 AM
Being a privacy advocate and the fussy duck that I am, I have my own preferences for search engines and email.

For a search engine, I sometimes like Startpage, but my favorite engine is (naturally)

As for & web browsing & email, I find it hard to beat the Torbrowser package and for email. If you have someone you correspond with who also has a Tormail account (or similar mail service in the Tor network) you can send private emails back I forth and nobody is gonna see it because it stays on the darkweb. You can use it for regular email too, but your privacy can be compromised by the people on the clearnet who know who you are (loose lips syndrome). "They can't see where you come from or where you go on the darknet, but there are other subtle ways to identify you, so you should always keep an eye on what you say and who you say it to, and how much (with enough text to go by, a style can be almost as revealing as a fingerprint) (should be https, but owing to Mingle's limitations can't be) (ditto on https) (Take THAT Yahoo!) :laughing:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 06/10/13 08:56 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 06/10/13 08:56 AM

Richard Stallman

Web-based programs like Google's Gmail will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that will cost more and more over time, according to the free software campaigner

I have great respect for Stallman and he's absolutely right. In spite of that, I think cloud computing is a great long as it is your own cloud, OR as long as you only use somebody else's (free?) cloud service as an encrypted online flash drive you can share with only the people (who can be anywhere the internet is) you want to share with.

Services like "Dropbox" can be great for this, especially when you encrypt all your Dropbox files before dumping them in.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 06/10/13 08:49 AM

I usually laugh at the absurd!

It beats hell out of believing it!

"Those who believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities." -- Voltaire

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 06/08/13 11:05 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 06/08/13 11:08 AM

you mean Aunt Esther?

Doesn't she have a part-time job pressing her face in dough to make gorilla cookies?

In any event, Esther's husband, while he is probably a natural-born US National, is quite provably guilty of committing fraud, which makes his elections (and therefore any presidential orders or signing statements) null, void and without lawful effect ab initio which should get him impeached from office.

The USA has over 300 million people in it...Surely ONE of them has the guts to step up to the plate and lay formal charges against him in a court of competent jurisdiction (Supreme Court?)

If I weren't just a li'l ducky not in the jurisdiction, I know I would!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 06/08/13 10:16 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 06/08/13 10:19 AM

All that legal gibberish just to in other words say
change the law. Lol.

All's fair in love, war and law...

They've been feeding you legalese gibberish since you were born and you've been swallowing it; don't you think it's time you returned the favour? You might as well stuff it down their throat, because I heard a rumour that the government only swallows it when they have to.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 06/08/13 09:54 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 06/08/13 09:57 AM

Yahoo to Users: Let Us Read Your Emails or -- Goodbye!

I already use startpage, for my search provider too, install it on all my customer machines, and recommend it to others.

Now they are launching a new PRIVATE email to beta testers until it formally launches in the near future.


There is also gmx mail, tormail and a couple of others who are filling the need for people who still believe their privacy is not open to government interpretation!

Sorry to burst your bubble but the government is mining from pretty much everywhere.
Saying no isn't going to stop them.
Even if a new email site comes out they can mine there too until the current ruling is overturned by a judge which I'm sure it will as it's clear government overreach.

the government is mining from pretty much everywhere.
Saying no isn't going to stop them.

If the government is mining your private information, you should send the government a fee schedule, charging them (retroactively) for any monitoring, recording, etc. of your private information, with or without without a lawfully authorized warrant issued by the judge of a court of competent jurisdiction, which you must be notified of within 90 days of any such surveillance.

Granted, you can't charge for something you don't know is occurring and if you are lawfully surveilled and that surveillance results in your being charged with and convicted of a crime, you are SOL, but if you aren't, and ever find out that you have been surveilled, the information is still YOUR PROPERTY and you can order done with it what you want, whether it is disclosure only to parties you expressly authorize, verified destruction of it, or billing the party storing it for the right to store and/or use it, or whatever.

Please remember that all law is contract and all contracts are the law between the parties.

All you really need to do is create a contract with "the government" that is more to your liking.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 06/07/13 07:46 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 06/07/13 07:47 PM
I feel I should point out that the bank debt is fraudulent, because the bankers have had their agents in the various governments legalize fraud.

It's really just a matter of the people uniting, forcing their governments to rescind legislation not consistent with law (and fraud isn't!) and then the international community simply demanding their money back from the banks.

There is no money of course, only some gold, false equity, and a lot of empty promises of payment, but when the banks go bankrupt, the world will be a MUCH better place to live in.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 06/07/13 07:18 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 06/07/13 07:25 PM
While it may be kinda late, I found this circulating on the hidden web. Some of you may still find it useful, though I accept no liability for its legality or lack of it:

Please take notice that service to agent is service to principal and service to principal is service to agent. Notice also that this notice is one such service. Note that this "feedback" notice was sent on <date & time>.

Be advised that this "feedback" message entered at <"feedback" URL> is a lawful notice of potential billing to the Yahoo Corporation, hereinafter called "the account provider." Be advised also that I certify that I am the lawful possessor of and in lawful possession of the email account called "<yahoo email account>", hereinafter called "the account", and that I shall hereinafter refer to myself in the third person or as "the account holder" or simply "the holder." Be advised that this "feedback" notice is intended for and addressed to the account provider, which currently services the account.

The account holder has been using the account for approximately <# years> years, and while the holder was never overly happy with the old terms of service, the holder did agree to them notwithstanding the fact that he considers that he had already sacrificed a great deal of his precious privacy in exchange for "free" email service.

The account holder felt forced to treat his email like open postcards, which can be read by any interested party, however since some of his friends & associates never got the "hang" of encrypted private email, he continued to use the service, aware of the privacy limitations imposed by the old terms of service.

To the best of his knowledge & memory, he never willfully upgraded the account if a change in the terms of service and/or privacy policy was required, for the simple reason that he generally could not be bothered to deconstruct a lengthy proposed agreement to look for changes which might reduce what little online privacy rights he still retained under the new or modified terms that often go along with such an upgrade.

He sees now that he is being FORCED to either accept an email "upgrade" with a new or modified "agreement", or alternatively, relinquish some or all of the account provider's service to the account. Be advised that neither alternative is acceptable to him without fair monetary compensation for the inconvenience.

As you might expect, after <# years> years of contacts made, who can contact him only through the account he holds, losing the existing service on the account would impose a considerable hardship to him if he simply allowed the account provider to make changes detrimental to his interests without equitable compensation.

Be advised that the account holder considers the providing of many years of service from the account provider to grant him an "account easement", by which is meant a right to expect the service he has been getting to continue to be provided without interruption or modification of the existing agreement(s). Note also that this "feedback" is a lawful notice of equitable claim and potential billing to the account provider for equitable monetary compensation for the damages or inconvenience suffered by the holder for unapproved modification to the account and/or changes to the existing agreement(s) with respect to it.

In the event the account provider wishes to expedite changes to the account in lieu of the holder's expressed written approval, the holder offers the account provider the convenience of expediting proceedings by making such changes in lieu of said approval if the account provider agrees to pay the holder the sum of $<insert appropriate amount>, due within 30 days from the date that any such changes are first made to the account.

Any changes made to the existing account shall be deemed to be the account provider's acceptance of the above offer and the account provider's agreement to pay the aforementioned sum to the account holder in accordance with the above terms.