Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/13/13 08:08 AM

I will believe that Canada has freedoms of speech and religion when a person there can preach against homosexual behavior without being investigated by government officials or a government agency.

No problem...everyone is entitled to their opinion. Henry Makow rants about immorality & homosexuality all the time. As far as I know, the government has left him alone to rant as he pleases.
The only things you have to avoid in Canada are "Hate Speech" and violating the Canadian Human Rights Act (unless you are a public servant or politician...Then you can get away with breaking the law with relative impunity...Pretty much the same as in the US)

Oh? And what "rights" would those be?

Pretty well all of them, to spite the limitations "theoretically" imposed by things like the Canadian Human Rights Act, the ICESCR, ICCPR, The Canadian Constitution, the Canadian Bill of Rights, The Criminal Code of Canada (which contains their "escape clause"), etc.

It is far easier to list the rights they appear to honour than the ones they infringe with seeming impunity. As far as I know (and unlike the US with all the cop killings of innocents & drone killings of American citizens) they seem to still be honouring the right to life.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 04/12/13 05:41 PM

I remember a person was arrested in Canada a while back for free speech. They have an asterisk beside their free speech that you can be arrested if your speech may cause problems.

I don't know anything about police tactics in Canada, but I do know that Canada doesn't have the Bill of Rights that the USA has.

What does it matter?...Human rights are not honoured by either country.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 04/12/13 05:00 PM

The easiest way to have handled the situation would have been to let the city impound the car as abandoned and buy it back at auction for about $500 (which would of course go to the city).

She's probably already spent way more than $500 on legal fees for the lawsuit that got dismissed, so her common sense is, (to put it mildly) kinda "out to lunch."... Obviously she should never have hired that other law firm, Shafter Goode & Dytcher.
Heck,it was way better than the one she had before,Dewey,Shaftem&Howe!pitchfork

The new firm was started by attorneys who articled at the old one. They wanted to make a powerful statement about their unique talents and knew they'd never be able to do that at a firm based on an interrogative.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 04/12/13 04:50 PM

I think Stephen Harper sucks, and I hate what he's done to our country, but I don't think he's a dictator or a fascist.

I think I figured out the problem...People have a REALLY hard time believing the truth, even when it bites them on the a$$!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 04/12/13 04:45 PM

Just exactly what are kids learning in school...?

From what I hear, they're learning in science class that the world was created 6,000 years ago, that the dinosaurs walked with Adam in the Garden of eden, and the only reason they went extinct was because Noah couldn't fit them into his ark.

Being the sophisticated and cynical sort myself, I long ago quit believing that an old man in the clouds existed...I still believe in Bigfoot though...

While the evidence is sketchy (to say the least), there is at least some evidence for Bigfoot's existence, so I've taken to praying to him instead. I got a partial confirmation recently when he answered one of my prayers & cleared up my warts...I'm still waiting on the leprosy thing, but if he comes thru on that, I think I'll start a church!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 04/12/13 04:17 PM
The easiest way to have handled the situation would have been to let the city impound the car as abandoned and buy it back at auction for about $500 (which would of course go to the city).

She's probably already spent way more than $500 on legal fees for the lawsuit that got dismissed, so her common sense is, (to put it mildly) kinda "out to lunch."... Obviously she should never have hired that other law firm, Shafter Goode & Dytcher.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 04/11/13 09:00 PM

You can count yourself lucky if they don't have royalty rights to some of your genes.

They can have the rights to my genes that they want...they still won't fit them. laugh

If everyone's ideas and inventions were pubic domain, who would risk their time, effort and money to create them?

I would.

Just sayin'. smile2

Not everyone is independently wealthy. :tongue:

That depends what you mean by wealthy. IMO bankers are the poorest and most useless parasites on earth, and while I may scrounge the streets for discarded cigarette butts to smoke, I count myself as one of the wealthiest people going...I have true friends.

I work to serve my fellows; I don't work to serve myself.

I commend you for it, Dukky,flowerforyou but do you think Bill Gates could have created Windows without a resource to his name? Innovation takes a time commitment and the funding that most can't come by without working our way to the financial state that opens the possibility. Brilliance alone does not an invention make.

It's kind of funny you used the example you did...I know a bit of the history around it....

While I kinda like Bill Gates for his business acumen and his intelligence, I can't say too much for his creativity, or his respect for the intellectual property of others....

When Windows first came out, it was simply a poorly constructed executive that ran on top of what was called MSDOS (another story I'll get to in a minute). It was an attempt to try not to lose too much market share to Apple's new "GUI" operating system (which was itself, a relatively uncreative ripoff of work being done at the Xerox PARC facility (the mouse, screen icons, etc. were all "stolen" from Xerox...So much for THAT intellectual property)). I remember the first Windows well...It was a bloody abortion!...Windows didn't even START looking worthwhile until version 3.

MSDOS (originally licenced to IBM as PCDOS for their new IBM PC in 1981) was NOT created by Bill and did NOT use any of his resources. He had already made a hugely profitable (many millions) deal with IBM on the licensing BEFORE he acquired the OS. After making the deal, he simply walked down the street and BOUGHT the intellectual property from its creator (who had invested almost all of his private resources in creating it) for $50k.

Needless to say, I have some issues with stuff like "intellectual property"...especially when greedy speculators can rip off the hardworking creators.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 04/11/13 06:56 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 04/11/13 06:56 PM

You can count yourself lucky if they don't have royalty rights to some of your genes.

They can have the rights to my genes that they want...they still won't fit them. laugh

If everyone's ideas and inventions were pubic domain, who would risk their time, effort and money to create them?

I would.

Just sayin'. smile2

Not everyone is independently wealthy. :tongue:

That depends what you mean by wealthy. IMO bankers are the poorest and most useless parasites on earth, and while I may scrounge the streets for discarded cigarette butts to smoke, I count myself as one of the wealthiest people going...I have true friends.

I work to serve my fellows; I don't work to serve myself.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 04/11/13 06:19 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 04/11/13 06:20 PM
What a coincidence...I got kicked out of class for wearing a Mohawk too!...They didn't even have the decency to wait until a substitute teacher could be brought in!...That's the last time I lecture to those stuck-up snobby doughheads at Yale!!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 04/11/13 06:13 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 04/11/13 06:13 PM

I just bought the COPYRIGHT to the Ten Commandments!

That's a relief!…I was afraid the bank was gonna get them and lend them back to us at interest!…At their compounding rate it'd be no time at all before we had more commandments than we could possibly read, let alone follow.

If it were not for copyright and patents, we would not have had many if not all the stuff we have today. Copyrights and patents do keep many from steeling your ideas. After all, why should someone profit from your idea that you worked so hard to see come true.

IMO, copyright on books should move to the public domain upon the death of the author…But I'm not as upset by the copyright legislation as I am by the atrocity that patent law has become. Monsanto patented (or bought the patents on) huge swaths of human genetic code. You can count yourself lucky if they don't have royalty rights to some of your genes.

If you thought the carbon tax was a bad idea, just wait…Pretty soon you'll have to send Monsanto royalties for yourself and your kids' patented DNA sequences, or lose the farm when they sue you for them.

If everyone's ideas and inventions were pubic domain, who would risk their time, effort and money to create them?

I would.

Just sayin'. smile2

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 04/10/13 08:56 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Wed 04/10/13 08:58 PM
Copyright law sucks!...It used to be that an author's copyright expired 50 years after his death, but in the UK, they extended it to 70. This means that Orwell's (Blair's) stuff won't be in the public domain until 2020.

I wonder what little corporate bloodsuckers are profiting from his life's work until 2020?...I kinda doubt that his family is.

I heard a rumour that Greece was holding the copyright on Plato's Republic and using it (along with the Parthenon, Acropolis & the rest of Greece) as security against an IMF loan that they defaulted on.

Now that greece is belly up, I'm expecting to find some bargains on ebay. I can't afford the whole country of course, but I figure if nobody else is interested, I should be able to get Mt. Olympus for a song (the shipping costs are ridiculous though) to use as a conversational paperweight in the office. Failing that, I might try for the copyright on Plato's work...His "Republic" would make a great coffee table book...

To increase the value of it, I think I'll have Amazon destroy all the ebook versions.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 04/08/13 07:34 PM

world must be coming to an end,the Fuzz is giving back Drugs!laugh

I blame the monetary crisis and the declining dollar...It's not as profitable as it used to be to sell them back.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 07:22 PM
I heard a rumour that they use real steel & concrete for buildings in Russia. Until now I figured it was just another wild rumour and that they too used white metal & Silly Putty like we do...Guess I was wrong.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 06:19 PM
It's nice to see the cops doing something good and I applaud the Seattle police on their forward thinking; however I won't really be happy until we've seen the last of the following kind of abuse (they were NOT Seattle cops):

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 06:14 PM

No conspiracy was less commonly believed than one suggesting that the government is populated by lizard people. But that's mostly because only 2 percent of Obama supporters believe the theory while 5 percent of Romney supporters do.

This is the stat that surprises me the most. Given the character traits & behaviour of politicians I would have thought the percentages would run the other way, with about 97% believing that almost all politicians were lizard people...I mean "everybody knows" they are, so the general population appears even dumber than I gave them credit for.

I note too that my own pet CT regarding central banks isn't even listed...I guess it must be too easy to prove the conspiracy is real, so "they" are trying to aweep that CT under the rug, hoping nobody notices.


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 06:03 PM

alot of assumptions

clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,,
well,suffices to say,the Gungrabbers got kicked in their You-Know-Whats!
So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like!

an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless?

that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,,

Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive.....

there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually

but some things seem less probable or likely than others

money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created

Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try.

power without money is like peanut butter with no peanuts

just not likely,, they are mutually inclusive interests

Oh they have plenty of money, don't you worry about that, the legal system serves that interest quite is not an issue for them whatsoever.

Money is really a drug, like heroine. It's primary use is to control the populace the same way a drug pusher controls his clients....First you practically give it away to get people hooked...Then all you have to do to have people curled up in the fetal position sweating or committing suicide is make the supply scarce for awhile.

The central banksters are far worse than the heroine pushers. a regular drug pusher only abuses his individual clients...The banks' clients are whole countries.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:14 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 04/06/13 12:20 PM

hope they like the taste of Leadpaint,Dioxine etc!

and it seems,by the MO of those Hacks,that China is getting a bit tired of NK constantly P**sing in their leaded Wheaties!

They must; they're still eating it...and have some pity on the North Koreans...The only reason they're p**sing in China's Wheaties is because they have none of their own to p**s in. Most North Koreans are eating grass to stay alive, which probably works in their favour healthwise, since it is organic & non-GM.

Cooking Dear Leader-Slug could feed quite a few N-Korean peasants for weeks!
Then they could move on to the Generals,Party-Officials and those fat Civilservants!pitchfork

Good idea!...If it works for the North Koreans, we should try it here.

I can already see it as the "Duck Special" on a Canadian french restaurant menu..."Harper a l'Orange" (yum!)


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:12 PM
Changing a world that sucks is gonna take a lot of good people actually putting some effort into it by doing the right thing. Whatever you might say about the new pope or his motives, I have to say that he's doing the right thing...and he's far from alone. Adding the above Richard Stallman (doing his own "thing") to the list, we still have many more to count in.

I'm sure most of you have at least heard of Max Keiser...Have a look at his inclinations these days.:

I think any of the new pope, Richard, or Max would qualify as one of us!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:03 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Sat 04/06/13 12:04 PM

hope they like the taste of Leadpaint,Dioxine etc!

and it seems,by the MO of those Hacks,that China is getting a bit tired of NK constantly P**sing in their leaded Wheaties!

They must; they're still eating it...and have some pity on the North Koreans...The only reason they're p**sing in China's Wheaties is because they have none of their own to p**s in. Most North Koreans are eating grass to stay alive, which probably works in their favour healthwise, since it is organic & non-GM.


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 04/06/13 10:06 AM

I think the likelihood is high something stupid will ensue.

So does China, which is on full alert, and also has a defence treaty with North Korea. If North Korea is attacked, it will mean war with China, which is probably something the US really wants doesn't want to have to pay its debt to China and could really use a major war right now to rally the country behind the flag...after all, it worked on 9/11...for awhile.
yep,China is going to lose the American Market over NK!laugh
Are they going to eat all that tainted Stuff themselves?laugh

I think they've been eating it for ages. I thought that was part of the original deal the corporations made with China...It would serve as a test market for goods designed to cull the less useful eaters from the population and then export the goods that worked "best" to the West.

I think this is all part of the austerity programs being introduced in light of the banking crisis. All surpluses must be dedicated to reducing the outstanding debt. It seems the only thing both East and West can agree on, and the only "surplus" they have left is a "surplus population" of creditors to either kill off or pay...Obviously the former alternative has been the preferred choice for quite some time.

ill :laughing: