Community > Posts By > Redrider1500

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Sat 01/01/22 01:04 PM

It’s hard to believe with all the turmoil of partisan politics in 2021 that 2022 wouldn’t be better. Than you look at the reality of the times we find ourselves living in and you might think it will not get better. We have a president that doesn’t have a concept of how to preside over a country. The people around him and advising him are just as clueless. With this being a year for mid-term elections we get to decide the path we want our country to proceed on. Hopefully we have all noticed the hate and deception that the current administration has chosen to be their mantra and the republicans and independents and many moderate democrats will flock to the polls in droves and send a message to these progressive and liberal democrats that their agenda is not for America.

Sure, lol. Joe is trying the very best to get some of the skunky ring kissers from the so called "Good Old Party" to see what's real, and repair the damage the Orange Troll Dump has left behind.

2022 will probably (historically) flip the house majority but by 2024 all will be back to normal and either Joe is going into his second term or someone else liberal will replace him. No second Dump term for sure, he will be in prison by then and some of his ring kissers will accompany him. The orange jump suite will match his skin tone.
On a side not, I am not a liberal voter, we have a liberal government here in Canada and a clown at the throne. Same character as his Dad.
Just my observation and opinion, don't hate me, lol.
How could we not? You are pushing keeping a clown at the wheel. An idiot that claimed that he would eradicate covid, yet he now owns the title of more deaths from covid than Trump, during his tenure. A huge boob that gave away Bougrum air base, then ordered our military out, leaving 80 billion in equipment behind. Not to mention american lives. A Jerk that opens the southern boarder to anybody, and everybody. Then wants to give them thousands for just crossing the boarder, doesn't know what disease they bring, never test them,plus bring devastating drugs with, so they can sell these illegal drugs to our addicted population, killing a great many of them.This just skimmed the surface of brandon's mess.

I shouldn't hate you? From what you stated, you just came in my house and kicked my dog. Excuse me, I have to let my dog pee on your leg. FJB

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Fri 12/31/21 03:08 PM
Edited by Redrider1500 on Fri 12/31/21 03:10 PM

once again for the brain dead sheep that believe everything the propagandist media tells their flock… vaccines don’t stop the spread of covid. Biden is a complete failure on his no1 lie that he will stop Covid-19. He is a embarrassment to our country.

How about just reducing it? Honestly, if we actually had 75-90% of the population properly vaccinated, it would save hundreds of thousands of lives in the US. Clinical studies have already shown that vaccinated individuals are 70-95% less likely to become infected and are 11 times less likely to need hospitalization. That said, it's unclear how effective these vaccines will remain with all the variants coming along. Even the monoclonal antibody treatment (the one that President Trump got) is not effective against the omicron variant. Who knows what's next.

But Bart, if you've got some credible sources to show this isn't true, I'd like to see them.

According to NYC dept. of health:
The vaccination rate for all people is 81% have had one dose and 72% are "fully vaccinated".
The vaccination rate for adults is 92% have had one shot and 83% are "fully vaccinated".

Even with one of the highest vaccinations rates nationally the NYC dept. of health states "Early evidence shows the omicron variant is spreading rapidly in NYC."
Average daily case counts in New York City more than doubled over the week ending Friday Dec. 17, according to the latest data available on the the city’s health department website. New York is reporting a seven-day average of more than 7,200 cases per day, up from about 3,200 the week prior, a 127% increase.

I don't know where you saw that "Clinical studies have already shown that vaccinated individuals are 70-95% less likely to become infected" the ACTUAL data from NYC, which has strict mask and vax mandates, contradicts what you posted.

I've received 3 vaccine shots, I'm not anti vaccination. Current data shows that the chance of being hospitalized if you are vaccinated is low but there isn't enough data to show "that vaccinated individuals are 70-95% less likely to become infected".
CDC earliest report on the Omicron variant showed that 79% of the cases were occurred in persons who completed the primary series of an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine. It was a very small sample size but the trend showed there was a high rate of fully vaccinated people getting the Omicron variant.....the good news is the symptoms are cold/flu like.
In other words, you catch a cold. Like some do every winter if they aren't careful.

I happened to catch some doctor on tv a while back. He said that many that died from covid, were fat to obese. That got me to look up the stats on that. 50.5% of the covid deaths, happened to obese people. That came from that fly-by-night outfit called the CDC.

Some time ago, I had a couple friends get the flu. Their gripe points about it, was that they had gotten their yearly Flu shots, and still caught it. They couldn't figure out why. I asked them when they did get their shots, it was a month before the contracted it. Some investigation by me online,I found out their immunity to the flu would NOT come to them, for 6 to 8 weeks after their shots. Why? They are fat. The local pharmacy did not inform them about the waiting period for their immunity.

I Fully suspect that covid is operating in the same way.Your covid shots aren't protecting you completely for a time, say 6-8 weeks after you get them. Like if you're carrying extra baggage, then your shot immunity isn't fully in play, yet.

What I really think, is this Omacron variety, is going to get us to "Herd immunity". But biden gets to hold the record for having more covid cases during his watch than trump did. Mr."I'm defeating covid!" gets to brag on how he blew it.

no photo
Tue 12/28/21 04:38 AM
I find it really comical that people seem to think carbon dioxide is bad, when everything that is green needs it to survive.

Nickle is needed for electric car batteries. The Amazon rain forests have lots of it in the ground. Are you going to mine that, and destroy the "Lungs of the Earth", just so we can have EV's?

I'm waiting for these self driving cars to malfunction, and kill a bunch of people in the process. What a whopper of a lawsuit that's going to be! It'll make the exploding Pinto look like they were playing games.

They tell me your average Tesla requires an 80 amp charger to recharge them. Since a good many homes have 200 amp service, (Older homes only have 100 amp service) just what are you planning to not have on while your car is charging?

I know a lady right now that's looking at a $1000 a month electric bill, because her home is heated with electric. (High efficiency, by the way) I bet the electric companies are jumping for joy over increased usage on that one.

no photo
Mon 12/27/21 03:29 PM
If we stop driving internal combustion cars, we only lower carbon emissions 6%. Electric power plants-34%.

We haven't got that many electric cars on the road yet. What happens when we hit 10% electric cars on the road?

no photo
Tue 12/21/21 01:31 PM
Start the countdown-91 days until Spring.

no photo
Mon 12/20/21 02:15 PM

I am a young Entrepreneur. and I want to gain some knowledge from people who've succeed in whatever aspect. share something you've learned and share to some Goal chaser like me
Well now, since I started in my business when I was 19, and I'm still at it now, at age 66, I guess you could say I've been somewhat of a success at what I do.

First off, I'm in construction & remodeling. I made sure my knowledge base was as wide as I could make it. I found that I had to make my customers as pleased as I could, so that they would refer me to their friends. And I informed them of what I could do, beyond what they hired me for.

I started off charging less than the going rate. Not so much that they questioned my ability. I also would toss in touches that they weren't getting from others.I'd also jump into doing something for them, if they had something fly apart that was unrelated to what I was called for. And NOT charge them for it.(Beyond something that required a part or piece. Then, they would buy it)

I never ran out and bought tools before I had a call for them. I rented where I could. If it grew to I needed a tool for more than one customer, then I'd buy it.

I made myself available at odd times, if they needed it. Several times I would work nights, weekends, just to help a customer in a lurch. That pays off more than you know.

Be HONEST! If you can do it, say so. If not, Also say so! Sometimes, one would ask me to take a crack at repairing a problem. If once you get into it, and find yourself over your head-STOP. You'll only make matters worse. But ask no money for it.Let them decide to pay you for your effort, if they choose to.

Deadbeat customers are everywhere. Work within the laws, don't take matters into your own hands. Judges see that you were on the up and up, and will award you accordingly. Just make sure you stay within your limits of what you might loose.

Have at it. I hope you're a success.

no photo
Fri 12/17/21 01:46 PM

More lies and non-sence coming from our “ commander and chief “. He told everyone on Tuesday that we should give up our right of freedom to choose , and be a patriot by getting a vaccine so we won’t transmit covid to others. If this guy had a functioning brain he would know that vaccines don’t stop the transmission of covid, as stated by his own cdc officials. This guy is either lying or just to senile to understand. Either way it’s very advantageous for the republicans in 2022. Joe and the rest of his corrupted cronies keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Now the corrupter and chief has a new scare tactic. Non vaxxers will end up gravely ill this winter.
Oh. Thank you Dr biden for your medical opinion. Since I didn't ask for one, can I just assume this is just more hollow talk from someone I have no respect for? FJB

no photo
Thu 12/16/21 01:22 AM
I see that conspiracy junk quite often. Each time, I wonder how gullible those who believe it to be true. Most of the time, it's because they just want to fit in with certain people.

One that I thought that was truly laughable, was black helicopters. Trying to keep a straight face on that one was very hard! If you have a basic knowledge of Physics, there is no way that can be believable.

Loud pipes save lives. That one, is beyond nuts. I give in to the fact that sound does travel faster than a motorcycle. But because that sound is trailing the bike,I think I'd rather trust in my brakes, lights, and my general knowledge of riding safely, than the noise of my bike saving me. Besides, the sound insulating qualities of most cars, (Along with audio systems within the vehicle) just ruins that theory. Along with wrecked squad cars, ambulances, and fire engines that have very loud sirens aimed forward.

No, I'm not a sheep.If you have something that seems pretty far fetched, better bring some evidence with it before I choose to believe you.

no photo
Wed 12/15/21 02:35 PM
Until people started buying the lousy things to eat non-existent insects, and we were overrun with them. I found them in walls, attics, garages, anyplace they could get into. Ever see swarms of those things flying through the air? I have. These so-called organic gardeners did nothing but create an infestation of them. And I did what I had to, to get rid of them- a shop-vac.

no photo
Mon 12/13/21 03:10 AM

Companies and Organisations should provide housing for their employees..

Ummm no.
If they did, they could claim that part of your wages go to paying for your living quarters.Say you got hired for a job that paid $20 per hour. With housing included, count on them to tell the government that you're making $25 an hour, putting you one spot for paying income tax for your housing.

Don't show up for work? Out you go. Count on them to set up their housing for employees agreement in such a way that it wouldn't fall into any tenant protection laws that are currently in place.

Do you want to be put into that situation? You'd be putting yourself at the mercy of your employer.They could cut your wages, then claim you're not working hard enough. You could get fired, and booted out of your living quarters in one day.

You'd better rethink your idea.

no photo
Sun 12/12/21 03:12 PM
Take a look at Hard Rain. Christian Slater and Morgan Freeman. Its about four men robbing an armored truck, during a flood.

The cinematography is something else in that one. They built the set in an old airplane factory, then flooded it. To imitate the flood waters rising, they made the floors in that move.They might have overdid the rain some during the movie. They made it pour in buckets all through the picture.

no photo
Sat 12/11/21 04:30 AM

Smollet was facing a total of six years,
if found guilty on all charges.

Found guilty of five out of the six
felony counts, he probably will get
community service.

I was kinda hoping, he'd at least get an
overnight stay in Joliet.
They closed Joliet in 2002. It really wasn't a formal prison for about the last 10 years of it's existence. It was there to ship convicts to other facilities.

Marion Federal still open?
It is. Its a medium security federal prison.

no photo
Fri 12/10/21 02:17 PM

Smollet was facing a total of six years,
if found guilty on all charges.

Found guilty of five out of the six
felony counts, he probably will get
community service.

I was kinda hoping, he'd at least get an
overnight stay in Joliet.
They closed Joliet in 2002. It really wasn't a formal prison for about the last 10 years of it's existence. It was there to ship convicts to other facilities.

no photo
Mon 11/29/21 05:08 AM
But this variant hasn't been studied yet. Nobody knows exactly how strong, or weak this one is. Five days into it does not warrant going into a full blown panic mode yet.
Restricting travel? Might not be such a horrible idea. To assume that the sky is falling, instantly?

Really dumb move.

no photo
Sun 11/28/21 04:01 AM

I question the value of the vaccine. I had it before they were even calling it covid. I have the covid toes to back it up.

(By the way, it does go away. Had it on my left foot, that cleared. Now the right has two, and that's going away.It took about a year for that to happen)

Now, two people I know got their shots. One went in for covid, he spent 4 days in the hospital. Five days AFTER he got his shots. His wife wasn't so fortunate, he planted her two weeks ago.

So lets just sit around and grouse about the unvaxxinated ones spreading it. And how those that did aren't getting it. Don't forget, I knew no one before the vaccines were in place, that died. Now I do, AFTER they had gotten their shots.

Sorry to hear about your loss, Red.
In my experience / observations, the shots are somewhat risky for seniors above 85 based on their health - frailness

Some of us may find this interesting.
LA County Sheriff's advice on how to carry people in his department instead of enforcing mandate.

These people weren't seniors, but they were overweight.
A common problem with most covid patients, was that they had other illness that aggravated their existing conditions. I read the other day, that actual covid only deaths occurred in 6% of those who got it.
When I was a kid, I hardly knew anybody that was fat. As an adult, I hardly know anyone that ISN'T fat.
A full 50% of covid related deaths happened when the patient was excessively fat to obese.

Now,I found out back a couple years ago, that flu shots really don't start protecting overweight folks for up to 90 days after being vaccinated. I scared a few people that were faithfully getting flu shots for years, because they didn't know that. I suspect that it's the same with getting a covid shot. Yet, I have yet to hear anyone say that your covid shot might not kick in for up to 90 day after, if you are fat.

I didn't set out to offend those who carry around extra weight. But those who do get it, better understand that you put yourself at risk for a rougher time getting over covid.

no photo
Sat 11/27/21 02:17 PM
I question the value of the vaccine. I had it before they were even calling it covid. I have the covid toes to back it up.

(By the way, it does go away. Had it on my left foot, that cleared. Now the right has two, and that's going away.It took about a year for that to happen)

Now, two people I know got their shots. One went in for covid, he spent 4 days in the hospital. Five days AFTER he got his shots. His wife wasn't so fortunate, he planted her two weeks ago.

So lets just sit around and grouse about the unvaxxinated ones spreading it. And how those that did aren't getting it. Don't forget, I knew no one before the vaccines were in place, that died. Now I do, AFTER they had gotten their shots.

no photo
Fri 11/26/21 04:13 AM
Perhaps in big cities. I know in smaller towns, the numbers get very lopsided. I've seen it be 8-10 men for every woman.(Actively participating)

no photo
Thu 11/25/21 06:58 AM

From soldiers dying to a father and his kids in a car being blown up , it’s clear that Biden and his administration are inept in their ability to lead. From foreign affairs to domestic challenges there is nothing for anybody to point to as a success. You post a link to Trump lies. With the worst being a exaderatgion of the weather forecast…. I’ll point out to you if you want to see examples of Biden’s lies just read or watch a honest news clip any day of the week.The big difference is that Biden’s lies are having dire effects on our country.

No. The worst lie was what we call the "big lie" where Trump says he actually won the election and that the election was stolen with massive voter fraud. Trump's lies are having dire effects in that states are wasting $millions auditing elections after those states already carried out recounts and audits of the recounts ad nauseum. The dire effects of death threats to anybody who dare contradict Trump or his big lies. Sure, go ahead and point me to a list of Biden's lies, but I already know how to use Google.

At least with Biden, he actually puts qualified people in place, and not his children, or for example, a foreign agent as his National Security Advisor.


Then You must believe that Buttigieg is smart? I live in the town he came from. He REALLY messed up this town! We watched him rebuild streets and sidewalks, only to turn around and rip up those repaired streets to replace sewers. He did that many times. WE watch that fool give illegals city ID cards. Many VOTED with those.

I had my chance. He walked out of one of our local Lowes, and just walked in front of me, as I was driving out of the parking lot. Had I NOT been quick on the brakes, I'd have squished him. (You do not survive getting run over by a loaded one ton truck) Nope, I was watching, all he did was shoot me a dirty look.

So sorry, I do NOT believe you.

no photo
Wed 11/24/21 08:12 PM
Oh. We have crackpots like that posting garbage similar to that, here in this country.

I've met a few like that. As long as you don't cross them, they are the most boring people to listen to.

Mind you, I said listen. They're holding court as they speak. They never ask for input, or opinions.

no photo
Sun 11/21/21 07:40 AM

I've been online for 12 years.

If I got two messages in a year, then I did something. I used to work on my profile, do new photos. Never got me anywhere. In 2014,I just gave up. All I was doing was getting aggravated. I wasn't doing myself any favors. I put my efforts in my work, and hobbies.

Besides, I couldn't read women at all. I never knew the difference between interest, or just being cordial. I know lots of guys will lie to women. I won't. Being completely up front with them, simply does not work. I'm only here for the forums. I haven't even browsed in the dating section, for a good five years. I've gotten notices in my e-mail inbox, I just delete them.
Why should I look for something that doesn't exist?

It is very hard and also want to give up. I think maybe just end up to have a pet at the end instead of finding someone. It's not compulsory to have someone, not everyone is lucky to find their true love. Just enjoy life and have hobbies will be better.

I've met others that feel my way. That freedom is pretty relaxing. No pressure, you live to suit yourself. One old lady I know had been married three times. Her last one died 12 years ago, she now claims that this has been the happiest time of her life.

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