Community > Posts By > Redrider1500

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Sat 02/27/21 06:45 AM
I've been on several. We all admit it isn't what it's cracked up to be. I've done the pay sites. And no, it wasn't worth it. Reminded me of ordering fast food and only getting the wrapping paper. Sure, they always say you'll find dates. Because if you do, you'll continue to shell out the cash to them. (They hope)

From my observations, if you can manage to make new social contacts in the real world, you can manage to obtain dates. I could, when there were organized singles dances. One could go, and be surrounded with possible dates. Women would get brave enough to accept a dance invitation, however short, and at least some ice would be broken. From that, it was up to the two that met to continue on if they felt some draw towards one another.

I built contacts from that. Some women would be regulars, it could build over a period of time. Unfortunately, those went the way of the doe doe bird when online came on the scene. (At least in my area)

When online came about, I found out how short my conversation skills were. I am not up on the latest fads, or social directions others follow. That's not me. Yeah, I'm in a rut. But I like my rut. It works for me. It's predictable. I can have challenges that I can successfully do. But, it looks boring to most all women. Oh well.

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Fri 02/26/21 03:38 PM
They sound a lot like jock straps. Any guy can tell you how wonky those things are.

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Thu 02/25/21 06:32 PM
My jammies.

Now how dirty minded are you?laugh laugh

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Wed 02/24/21 02:58 PM

I haven't dated anyone yet... is it weird??

No. I gave up 8 years ago. One date is hardly a stellar accomplishment. But then, hardly anyone is on here in my area. I could moan and groan about it, or just blow it off, and work with my own interests.

Make me wonder if Women ever realize that I don't look at at them as date-able anymore. But not a one has ever shown enough interest in me to ask. Oh well.

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Sun 02/21/21 07:20 PM

It is very egotistical of us to believe that we are the only sentient life form in the whole universe, or universes. And that any life must be carbon and water based like we are.

It might exist in ways we don't comprehend- yet.

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Sun 02/21/21 07:09 PM
Interesting. I took the 16 personalities test. They rated me as ISTP-A. It was pretty accurate, at least in my case.

What I thought was most curious about it, was that out of 5 pages of this thread, I'm the only one who is ISTP-A. Which fits what they said, there's only about 5% of people like me that exist. Sorta ties in with the color of my eyes-green. I'm rather exclusive, only 3% of the people in this world have green eyes.

I'm an oddball. I accepted that long ago. Good thing I was built that way. I can stand myself. (Its rather easy)

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Fri 02/19/21 09:19 PM
No, not really. I figured out that if it's a woman, she isn't attracted to me. They only are if they happen to be at least 2000 miles away from me. And I should send them money so they can come visit me.

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Mon 02/15/21 04:51 PM
Run all night plowing snow. And I hate doing it.

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Fri 02/12/21 10:14 PM
Edited by Redrider1500 on Fri 02/12/21 10:17 PM

to impeach Donald Trump this time, it is. If convicted he:

Loses the 200K plus pension

Loses the million dollar a year travel allowance

Loses his fulltime Secret Service detail

Loses the ability to run again in 2024

I think he should lose it all... and pay anything he has left to the families of the deceased. These deaths are the fruit of his corruptive words/his incitement. He could not lose like a real man of integrity.

Absolutely right Notlooking, I think he should be impeached so he can never hold office again. That might help disperse his cult. pitchfork

Cult? Hardly. Trump thinks like me, and not the other way around. What I never liked about dems was their feeble attempt to sound intelligent. I always wanted a concise explanation of what they are attempting to do. Covering that up with flowery words only tells me you're trying hide something. Lie to me once, I'll never listen to you again.

no photo
Fri 02/12/21 09:47 PM

Yes I have done so several times. Because I have male friends, many of them tell me they are clueless when a woman likes them. They are always flattered and never offended, in fact they see you as a strong, confident woman.
Win, win.
I never knew. I still don't. I never had one ask me out. So I don't know what that's like.

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Fri 02/12/21 09:38 PM
You have to have alternate forms of entertainment. Something that eats up your spare time. I was the quiet kid in school that everyone decided to pick on. Instead of getting beat down trying to fit in, I started riding motorcycles. Between riding and fixing them, it kept me away from experiments with drugs or alcohol. Also kept me from being depressed over not dating.

At that time, however, bikes weren't the hot ticket with girls. Seemed like they all knew some doofus who'd gotten hurt or killed on one. So it was taboo. I wasn't going to stop just because of their irrational fears. And none were really ever special enough to quit riding for them.

54 years later, I'm still anxiously awaiting for the snow to melt, so I can get back out for another riding season.

no photo
Tue 02/09/21 07:37 PM
I dropped into worrying about my own butt mode. Go serve your sales pitch to someone who might listen.

no photo
Tue 02/09/21 07:19 PM
Covid, I'm sure is real. What it had to take to avoid it, was just to stay away from others in order to contain it. People that got it, I believe were ones that couldn't bare to not be around others. They really couldn't stand to be alone, so they took chances. Stupid chances, in my opinion.
Now, I did a little research. I was curious, I found out that overweight people were more susceptible to it. And something else came out, that I didn't know. Flu shots take time to make a person immune to whatever strain happens to be out there during flu season. With overweight folks, as Long as 8 weeks. I thought that was rather interesting. I know people who are overweight, had gotten the shot, and they just assumed just the next day after, they were immune to it. Not so, because one did get it a week after, and was mad that he did.

Another point, which have nothing to do with covid. Or does it? A rural housing development is going up in my area. The local government decided that for the size of it, it should be on city services. Reason is, not using well water or septic tanks, for pollution reasons. One pollutant I can understand, is nitrates, fertilizer.

But the other is disturbing- Pharmaceuticals. Why, in ground that's been farmed for decades have that in the shallow water table? I suspect the residents have been flushing unused prescriptions. But that many??? Or, are they taking that many, and it's going thru them, then ending up in their septic systems? I'm sorta thinking it's that. There was a drug company in another town. That plant was more involved with the manufacturer of prosthetic joints, not drugs. And they closed down 20 years ago.

This, is an unknown source. Then again, it isn't. There isn't but one person I know of, that doesn't take a regular prescription daily. I'm the oddball, I don't. Are people that sick? Or are they so worried about having some high risk chronic affliction, that they just have to take whatever to give them peace of mind? I know just by going out in public, I see my share of overweight people. I friend of mine, who also happens to be a physician has told me that a great many of his patients could stand to loose weight. Of course, if you're overweight, other medical issues are going to be aggravated. If the local government wants to put them on city services, I don't care, it doesn't affect me.

Bottom line, to me, is that this covid business has been brought on by the general health issues of this country. I kept my distance. I avoided people in general for my own good health in this mess. And I plan to get the vaccine once it comes available to my age bracket.

Oh, and I heard today that right now, ten people are getting vaccinated for every one person that has tested positive.

I'm all in on that bit of good news.

no photo
Mon 02/08/21 07:28 PM

Have you actually had a romantic date in last 2 years?

Nope. Multiply that two by five for me.

no photo
Mon 02/08/21 07:25 PM

That sometimes when a women likes a man she can be guilty of sending too many messages .. Or contacting him too much !!

What man In his right frame of mind would complain about that ???

Every message sent by a woman is a gift .. lmao .,

Have you ever been put off by someone (you are interested in ) contacting you too much ??? Or at weird times ??

Personally ... I have never had a man complain I contact him too much . Usually the opposite . (Bad blondey!!!) ... In my defence .. My professional life is a social nightmare :angel:

Don't be so sure of that. Not everyone wants constant contact. I don't. To the point of leaving my cell in my pickup while working. I shot a possible girlfriend down when she texted me a bunch of times during a workday. It ran my phone down. When it went dead, I just went home and plugged it in, I never checked it for messages when it got charged up. She got mad because I didn't. That sort of circled the drain, I'm glad it did.

no photo
Mon 02/08/21 07:10 PM

Women aren't the only ones to be abused.

Men get abused too.

Oh yes, I was in one. It wasn't physical, all mental. Took me about 3 days to feel like I got paroled, after she moved out. Then, I started to wonder why I didn't get out of it sooner.

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Mon 02/08/21 06:58 PM
Why?....... I asked myself that a couple times. So I could delete a bunch of useless emails that they send me, thinking I'm going to spend some money and upgrade. (My extra money is spent on premiums on my hubcap insurance)

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Sat 02/06/21 10:11 PM
I never worried about showing my ID to my credit union. They're only protecting you. I get the same treatment writing checks most anywhere I do business with. Most cashiers that ask, I start giving them my licence number as I fish out my drivers licence, I've memorized it. A few flip out because I can.

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Sat 02/06/21 03:35 PM

Being tall can be a disadvantage when buying clothes and a advantage when reaching for items on the top shelf, playing basketball or volleyball. On dating websites, height has a bigger impact for men. Many women want a man that is taller than her. Or even sometimes a man that is taller than her when she is wearing high heels.

While there are some men that prefer a shorter woman, overall I doubt most men would turn down an attractive woman just because she is tall. In general, I think men care more about a woman's weight or body type than height.

I never found that to be a great advantage, dating. I dated several short girls, but I had few choices. It was short, or none. Often I went for none. I got accused of not being 6'4" several times. I couldn't disprove it, the ones that did were never willing to meet in person.

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Wed 02/03/21 06:59 PM
Depends on what one watches. There's loads of useless programming on.

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