I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/20/19 10:45 AM
You didn't answer the question:

Now, tell me WHY you believe anyone needs a fully or semi-automatic waeapons..also caled "assault weapons"?
Do you also have an issue with doing background checks on prospective gun owners to weed out those with mental illness or history of domestic abuse/ assault?

Plus I am aware what "rifling" is....and that shotguns do not have that.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/20/19 09:32 AM
In doing a bit of searching..I found THIS..
Now, tell me WHY you believe anyone needs a fully or semi-automatic waeapons..also caled "assault weapons"?
Do you also have an issue with doing background checks on prospective gun owners to weed out those with mental illness or history of domestic abuse/ assault?

No one wants your actual hunting rifles or regular shotguns or handguns...
I have both a .22 rifle and a handgun..in case you were going to say I must hate guns.

"The legislation would have banned the importation, manufacture, sale, transfer, and possession of what it termed “assault firearms.” The term was defined to include any semi-automatic centerfire rifle with a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 10 rounds or any semi-automatic centerfire rifle that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine and has one of several enumerated features. These features included, a folding or telescoping stock, a pistol grip, a thumbhole stock, a second handgrip, a bayonet mount, a silencer, a flash suppressor, a muzzle brake, a muzzle compensator, or a threaded barrel. The legislation also would have banned commonly-owned semi-automatic shotguns and centerfire pistols with any one of several prohibiting features.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/20/19 09:24 AM

Governor Prepares to Disarm Virginians: We are in the fight of our lives to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens of the state of Virginia. PLEASE Watch AND SHARE this video with everyone and everywhere you can. WE MUST get the word out quickly about this imminent threat to our rights!

That link refers to House Bill #67..

I attatch that Bill, from the state site...please show me where it says what is claimed?


I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/20/19 06:50 AM

Here i am trying to find a decent woman and i just keep coming across the one that just want money for sex my god can a person just find someone to go out with have some fun take it easy for a while then see where it goes what u all think

Which ones are you messaging?
They ones much younger than you?
With the obviously faked picture?

Maybe that is part of the problem.
Read a woman's profile, see if the two of you share anything in common, then message her about THAT.
That way, it is something she will *have* to talk about..and, if that person immediatelt gpes for asking for money,you know it is a scammer...


I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/20/19 06:26 AM

I did a google search, and quickly learned,
that "free" generally means 'free sample'.

Sorry, I can't be of more help.

However, as your friend probably isn't the
only person local, to have such a need.
You might check through your local
RSVP office, (Retired Volunteer Seniors Program)
to see if they can get you pointed in the right direction.

There are several other things I have tried that I didn't type out..as it would have been much longer..

It shocking how little help there is for such people..

Council On Aging & Disability for one...no help..

The thing you specifically mentiones...this is hat it says it does, so, i don't know how they would be any help. but\, I'll give the place there in DC a cal..

"The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provides grants to qualified agencies and organizations for the dual purpose of engaging persons 55 and older in volunteer service to meet critical community needs and to provide a high quality experience that will enrich the lives of volunteer"

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 12/19/19 01:01 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Thu 12/19/19 01:02 PM
Please read entire posting, thank you..
I am trying to help a friend with no insurance and no income with getting some badly needed supplies.
They can''t get TN Care...don't qualify...it is only for end-stage renal and pregnant women..
The various manufacturers (Coloplast, Holister)..they do help, but it's a one time limeted supply (like, 6 month)
As they had the operation in 2016....they already availed themselves of that.
So, please don't suggestI contact those places.
There are people in Davidson County and Knoxville that take in donated supplies, but..as I do not live in Nashville, and am an older person..I cannot drive the 2 hours there and 2 hours back, and the people in Knoxville don't have anything last I checked.

What i am specifically looking for is Hollister wafer/ gasket/ flange 14203

I was able to get some reusable bags for them, which is what this wafer/ gasket fits...
The bags can be reused...so, that is why I am looking for these specific ones, so they can continue to use the reusable bags..

If you know where I could get some, or an agency that DOES help, please let me know.
I *have* called most agencies, and gotten nowhere, so...there's that..


I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sun 12/15/19 12:21 PM

When the girl says...

..I am seeking for etc etc(instead of looking for).
..I'd like to get to know you more better. (instead of just better).

Also "am Wilson by name.."

It's "I am Wilson" or "My name is Wilson"..

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sun 12/15/19 09:21 AM

when they claim to be from places like...
walmart massachusetts, london scotland or denver new york

I seem to get a lot from Manhattan NY...to such a degree that apparently ALL the women have disappeared from there...laugh

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/13/19 03:14 PM
Still no explanation if that isn't what you mean...(What Riverspirit1111 said)..then what does *this* you wrote mean?

"What they say, men like the chase, it shouldn't be too easy.
And yes, this is still true, with masculine energy men at least, which is the kind of guy I want.
You do of course got to give a sign, the equivalent of dropping the lacy handkerchief.

But... Abraham Hicks says "The less you care -or show you care- the more they are interested."
Dating coaches say this too btw, referring to the fact you shouldn't be needy."

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/13/19 01:22 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Fri 12/13/19 01:23 PM

Sounds like silly games to me

Games. Maybe read again?
It's about a woman giving clear signal "not interested" and guys trying to engage regardless.
Not unlike PMing back to a guy on Mingle, directly saying not interested in a polite fashion. What that gets a girl: the guy thinks it's a clue to engage.

Ah, I missed this when I posted my little rant... which I still hold to, haha. But I understand more what you're getting at now. I believe that happens because guys don't read signals very well, being more direct works better. Although I have found with the ones that have messaged me here, early on when I used to respond, that even politely saying I'm not interested doesn't work, they still engage thinking somehow I will change my mind for them. Ignoring them or blocking them seems to work better.

But.. you DID say:
"What they say, men like the chase, it shouldn't be too easy.
And yes, this is still true, with masculine energy men at least, which is the kind of guy I want.
You do of course got to give a sign, the equivalent of dropping the lacy handkerchief.

But... Abraham Hicks says "The less you care -or show you care- the more they are interested."
Dating coaches say this too btw, referring to the fact you shouldn't be needy."

That doesn't sound at *all* like "Maybe read again?
It's about a woman giving clear signal "not interested" and guys trying to engage regardless.
Not unlike PMing back to a guy on Mingle, directly saying not interested in a polite fashion. What that gets a girl: the guy thinks it's a clue to engage."

Unless *I* am missing something????? huh

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/13/19 12:25 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Fri 12/13/19 12:31 PM

So what I'm hearing is I'm to play hard to get, but not too hard... treat him like I could care less and don't need or want him... but on the same token, have plenty of handkerchiefs to drop in his path.

Reminds me of a cat and mouse game or like the "nice guy" who finishes last because he's not a stereotypical manly man. Guess I will be the one who finishes last or be alone for the remainder of my life because I refuse to play that game. It's not in my nature to do that so if I did, I wouldn't be being me.

Sorry Crystal, I get what you're saying and respect your opinion and point of view, along with the dating experts... but that stuff doesn't sit well with me. I do see it though, some women treat men badly, or hard to get and the men fall all over them... and vise versa. It frustrates the heck out of me because it's not in me to do that... and I don't want to resort to that to snag a man. He either likes me the way I am, or he doesn't.

Haha, guess you touched a sore spot in me. Definitely food for thought! :)

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 12/13/19 09:49 AM
"The less you care -or show you care- the more they are interested."

If someone acts like they could care less whether they talk to me/ have an interest in me/ want to go out with or spend time with me....then it's NEXT.

I want someone who is JUST as interested in getting to know me as *I* am them.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 12/12/19 07:41 AM

I read somewhere that it can cause frequent urinary tract issues later in life, and also that they can chew the paw continually and cause chronic infections and change even the whole balance of the cat including how he/she walks.

So, what surgical procedures on *people* have been shown to cause totally unrelated things?
Get a vasectomy....you're going to be plagued with sinus infections later in life?
Have you appendix out....and you're going to have to deal with chronic back spams?

I'd LOVE to see where you got that info from..

I have had a declawed cat (front only) for 9 years..
She's not an outside cat, has never been outside (unless it is in her carried when i take her to the vet), never has chewed on her feet, or walked funny...and is lovable playful cat..

what damage did *I* possibly cause her by having her spayed???

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 12/11/19 04:02 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Wed 12/11/19 04:03 PM

Women can have who they want
Men can have who they can.
Pretty true, I believe.
Your thoughts?

It's a specious stereotype.

You can easily say "men should just make sure they 'can' have who they want!"
Making it a pointless stereotype.

Other than that, is anybody getting who they "need?"

Nope.. sad2

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 12/11/19 12:15 PM

I've had a few women who gave me ED.
There are many other reasons for ED. Low T, smoking, diabetes, etc.

But, of course, it is NEVER the man's fault some women lose interest in sex...of course not... huh

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 12/11/19 10:51 AM

Mostly, the men have to work at it.
Women need only bat their eyes.

Well, again, not everyone..
I have never been an "eye batter", and I doubt if I did that it would attract the man I want...
I'm looking for someone a *bit* more intellectual than that....laugh

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sat 12/07/19 07:16 AM

Lars, I can't promise I won't ever do it but I just don't get why in a profile pic?

Something I don't understand..
Guys over 50-55...sticking out their tongue, or making duck lips...

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 12/02/19 02:59 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Mon 12/02/19 03:01 PM

I met her on Match and she was is a manipulator and scams men for a living. I was the only guy she married but she asked me during sex if I was going to marry her. I said yes but again during sex I would say I killed JFF if you asked. We got married way too soon and it was her pushing it. I am a grown man so clearly I could have stopped it but I was married to my first wife for 18 years and never realized after being with her who she really was so I thought "hell-maybe you never know."

We got married within 6 weeks so I didn't know her red flags or her alcoholism until into the marriage. I didn't know about a psychological issue until going through the divorce and she refused to give her medical history because of it.

She was screwing her lawyer during the divorce and I know needed to land a man quickly as she had to get her car out of my name by a certain date. Sure enough she scammed another man into financing her car out of my name and I am sure will screw him over in time. She has black mailed married me, she has claimed sexual harassment. She is one dangerous and crazy woman.

And yet, I *still* get **** about being so careful and picky and screening thoroughly...to avoid stuff like this..

I'm guessing you guys didn't live together for a bit before getting married?
That should have been the first step....because someone can keep up a pretense if you are just dating, but....living with someone day-to-day gives you a whole other look onto their personality..

I would NEVER marry anyone unless I lived with them first.

I don't knnow how these women do it....da*n..she got a car off some dude..I can't even get a date... sad

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 12/02/19 07:46 AM
Not a big crier here..

Never been a fan of thjose goofy "Hallmmark Channel" type movies...
Never had PMS myself...

I cry when it is reasonable *to* cry....grief/ sadness...

I think sadly men don't cry more because they are taught it isn't somethimng they should do.
I've said before, and I woll say again...Vince Gill is unquestionably a man, and a really good person, and *he* has no problem with crying in public when any normal person would..
Pertinent part starts at 1:20
Singer Patty Loveless steps in and takes over for him.


I_love_bluegrass's photo
Tue 11/26/19 07:57 AM

Why do the majority of women here lie about their names and locations?

Are they seriously trying to hide or date? If hide,why are they here? Playing silly little games huh? What a waste if lives.

It's because women are always cold.
They like to wind men up to the point they run around screaming with their hands above their heads and spontaneously combust.

Once that happens they grab their blankie and converge in large packs to warm their feet over the smoldering ashes, giggle, make s'mores, and have pillow fights in their underwear.

It's all there if you do enough google research, and dating site "social experiments."

Sad you feel that way about women, but, whatever... whoa

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