Community > Posts By > I_love_bluegrass
Older Women and Age
Buzz litebeer:
I dunno...but, I think I *did* say "well, I thought that was supposed to be the way it worked" or something. He supposedly moved back to the other side of TN where his "abusive girlfriend" lived He'd moved (to the area where I lived) to get away from her..he had said.. Whatever. |
Older Women and Age
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Wed 09/11/19 09:41 AM
*I* met a guy some years back... When we met outside the venue (where we'd arranged to meet), he said, in a flat monotone "you look like your picture"... Like he was disappointed or something. Not "hey, you look like your picture!", like he was glad i did or something.. I dunno..I thought that was to be the way it was supposed to be..people *are* supposed to look like their pictures. |
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Wed 09/04/19 05:27 PM
A good smile includes good teeth. Don;t want to argue with you, catinidaho....everyone is entitled to their prefences.. But. I haven't smiled showing any teeth since a was a *little* kid... Every picture of me smiling as a teen or adult...I am not showing teeth.. I have teeth..and there's nothing wrong with them...just don't have a toothy/ gummy smile...never did.. So, just because someone doesn't show a mounth full of teeth (like that goofy Giada DeLaurentis), that doesn't mean anything.. I'd rather see a small smile..cute, flirty look, than a mouth full of teeth in a smile... To each their own. What one person likes may not be what the next person likes...and all that |
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Wed 09/04/19 04:57 PM
Interesting responses. Can't tell you how many times women have told me that I should dress up, or change myself in some way, shape, or form. Ask them to? Prepare to duck. If you don't want change, it's fine by me. But I also won't do anything on my behalf, to initiate interest in you. I'll be cordial, that's all. I agree 110%....(and apparently Riverspirit doesas well) I wouldn;t presume to tell a random stranger they should "fix themselves up"...I either find them interesting, or I don't. *I* myself can see through/ overlook someone sloppily dressed, and if I think they might be interesting..I'll talk to them anyway. But we know there are *certain* people here in the forums that say that women should fix themselves up *just* to run errands and grocery shop, because you never know when you might run across some man who, if you *weren't* dressed like a slob (or just like anyone else who didn't bother to "fix up" before running to the store for something they neded for dinner or whatever)..he might find you interesting and come up and taLk to you.. Honey, i fix myself up when I go places where I think I should/ am expected to...cultural things, events, get-togethers, etc... I'll be dam**d if I'm going to change my clothes and fix my face just because YOU think I should or some random man might prefer me that way... Sorry. My personality, intellect, and downright decency and good things about myself are there whether I am "prettied up", or look like I just rolled out of bed.. I am worth knowing either way, and..if I have to be "fixed up" for you to even want to talk to can keep moving..wouldn't be interested in you anyway... P.S I met my late husband at the laundromat, when I hadn't slept well the night before (got some bad news, and actually called in work to have a "mental health day LOL), looked wretched, and was dressed like a slob. I was leaned back in my seat in the car (waiting for my clothes to dry) listening to "Bluegrass Breakdown" on the radio when I hear a voice at my window..."whatcha listening to?" We were s]till talking 2 hours later...and had 12 good years together. |
Death of Masculine
since so far nothing factual have been presented on how masculinity is dying perhaps a better insight can be provided if the "Op and cahoots" would share the wisdom they would hand down to a daughter as to how they can help preserve masculinity FOR EXAMPLE dear daughter when your man hits you do not call the authorities because now there is some crazy thing leftist have made up called domestic violence which can cause your Man to be arrested daughter practice the old values when it was socially acceptable for Real Men to display their masculinity by hitting their women and not have to worry about getting into any silly trouble dear daughter if a man sexually harass you at your job or grab your private parts do not report him because this is how real men display their masculinity, so do not take it personally and accept it as being normal ...besides if the president of the United States does it therefore it must be ok Let's make Masculinity great again dear daughter do not invoke your voting rights or worry your pretty little head about politics ... just place in your trust that men know exactly how to ruin I meant trust that men know exactly how to run the world and know exactly what's good for you women ..haven't men done a good job so far in controlling your uterus dear daughter when you're about to be married remember to include the old values and place "to obey your husband" in your wedding vows .doing otherwise may result in your husband feeling less of a Man and possibly ruin your wedding night consummation activities funches 3:16....ah luv yew... :-) |
women have no idea what they want. you tell them your lookimg for a relationship they tell you they want a duck buddy . you tell them you want a duck buddy they will tell you they want a long committed relationship. What ever you tell them you want and looking for online they will tell you the total opposite . Very few women online are honest about what they truly want and post it . Just my opinion from years of being online in so called dating apps . wonders what type weomen you have been messaging/ chatting with that this is "my opinion from years of being online in so called dating apps." I have always know what I want, like, and prefer...have *never* been wishy-washy, or untruthful WRT a person I am considering for a relationhip.. Why start out that way? Makes no sense.. |
Death of Masculine
"Women have to plod like idiots to get a position that used to be 'men only' as in men's minds it still is 'men only'.
Many men who are deeply rooted in the old system to feel good, feel threatened." Yes, and when a woman is strong, voices her opinion, stands by her beiefs, insists she be treated like a worthwhile human being (which *anyone* should have the right to do, regarless of their gender)..then she's a "b**ch", "shrill", "castrating", demanding, domineering.... Even when if what she said , if it was said by a *guy*, exact same words, no one would bat an eye... It's sad.. |
Death of Masculine
Ha, ha Bluegrass, who is the kid? Natural masculinity has no correlation with toxicity; purely depends on environment and upbringing. It is known fact that while women de-stress by talking about their issues to their support group, men live it out in the solitude of their minds and on rare occasions talk to themselves as in your GIF. i think instead of derailing this topic, ladies should bring forth their patience & read it through a man's eyes; or at least distance yourself from the fire and view objectively and you will note this post is not actually about women at all. "Who is the kid???" Don't know what you are refering to.. And, FWIW, I wasn't addrressing YOU...I was replying to Blondy111. Why you felt the need to comment on my comment to another poster is curious.. I, for the rcord, *I* do not "de-stress by talking about their issues to their support group" Horse ****...I've never done that in my entire life.. When *I* am stressed, sad, depressed, etc...I go into hermit mode...or, as you put it "it out in the solitude of their minds" And, your comment "I think instead of derailing this topic, ladies should bring forth their patience & read it through a man's eyes" that pretty much shows what you think about women...that we should defer to the guys in this thread....when, last I checked..ALL forums were open to BOTH sexes...*you* don't get to dictate who responds, nor how. |
Death of Masculine
Great reaction, not. A little respect would go a long way. Seems pretty clear you're one of these men who need to oppress women in order to feel strong and as such fear women being equals like they're supposed to be as then you fear you lose your masculinity. Rather pathetic. Also, it always Americans who whinge about this because you are behind when it comes to this subject. Probably not in the northern parts, but in the mid and southern states, definitely. Just find your own source of strength on the inside and stop spreading hate. YES! |
Death of Masculine
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Fri 08/30/19 12:37 PM
Hello mr space cadet Firstly ., can I ask what toxic masculinity means to you (not the feminist perspective )? Secondly .., the agenda of feminism has many faces .. sexual freedom was only one ., it was also about overcoming oppression , empowering women and seeking equality for women in career choice and opportunity . I love my life and I am very grateful for the past struggles and determination that Have played a part in my career progression . I am sure some feminists are man haters but on the whole I do not think that is the case . There are many intelligent , talented , ambitious women in global leadership roles who know and respect the value of their peers .. regardless of what sex they are . Society is ever evolving and that is wonderful . We are all capable of toxic behaviour/traits and although hormones regulate mood and systemic human function .. being toxic is a learned behaviour . |
There's enough scammers and fakes and creeps online. And plenty of them have photos. Have you ever heard of "Dirty John"? If not, Google it. How about the guy in Washington state who killed a woman he had met on an online dating site and dated for a couple months, and cut up her body into pieces? He had smiling photos on his profile. And a criminal record in 6 states. Photos on an online dating site don't make anyone a better human being. I don't care how many great photos someone has on some dating site, if they're not a decent human being to begin with, I'm not interested. And I get crap all the time because I don't have several photos...ones of me going "Hey...look at me HERE doing this thing".."check this out...was a cool thing..."...."having a great time on vacation..." I know some people *want* to see a bunch of pics of someone "having fun", "doing things they enjoy"...I get it.. But, myself, like you said, DeeJay....I personally don't need a bunch of "hey..look at me here" pics to decide if I want to talk to you.. A head pic and body pic is sufficient for me... I am more interested in your character, personality, interests, and can you actually participate in any meaningful conversation..and I can gather that by chatting with you. Everyone is different...that's fine, I've heard it all..don't really care.. Just rememeber...everyone IS different....and has that right to be..and not to conform what person x, y, or z wants them to merely to suit them/ because that is what *they'd do.... |
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Sat 08/24/19 11:28 AM
There was this guy last year.
He lived in an adjoining city...and, as there wasn't much *here* to do/ decent restaurants...I decided to go there... However, *his* genius idea was (instead of *anything* else he could have suggested) that I park my car (since *I* had driven *there), and get in his car....and we go for a ride in the country up to Dale Hollow lake (almost an hour away)....and walk around.. Four thimngs: 1. It was late February, and...while not freezing cold..not exactly conducive to walking around was damp and chilly. 2. I have been to that lake and surrounding areas MANY times... Sparsely inhabited....most roads there are long and winding....not exactly the place I'd want to be with a total stranger. 3. Having been there many times, I knew *I* had no cell service there, so, in the event of a bad situtation..I'd have no way to call for help... 4. I told him that didn't seem like a good idea, i wasn't all that comfortable with that about something else? (numerous other things we could do there, BTW) He proceeded to lambast me about having trust issues/ being paranoid, etc.... Thereby proving that he was up to no good.. A decent guy wouldn't haven't suggested that in the first place (unless he was totally clueless about a woman's concern for safety), or would have said "yeah, you're probably right..." and agreed on some other activity.. NOT gotten angry and judgey. ----> I pointed out that it wasn't a good idea for him, either..being in a remote place with someone he didn't know...I could have some guy follow me, and follow us oit there, and beat and rob him... But, he didn't hear/ acknowledge that...*I* was the one with the problem.. Whatever, darlin'.... Now, maybe he had only honorable intentions, maybe he would have been completely safe, maybe I offended him....but, as a nearby people, and no cell service, I do not think *I* was in the wrong to decline that activity. And that GUYS need to be careful as well....a proposed meet up with a woman *could* be a set up...just be cautious and use common sense. |
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Sat 08/24/19 11:08 AM
Bad thigs can happen to GUYS also, if they don't screen carefully/ do due dilligence...and yet they seem oblivious to that fact.
I'll be da**ed if I am going to be pressued into meeting someone even at a public place before I feel comfortable. Don't like that/ agree? Fine, die mad about it, I don't care.... My safety is more importsant to me than the opinion of some pushy guy. |
And cat we or speaking for myself, yes we do want to do the pursuit. I think thsat's a primasl thing also. Well then, explain to me why *every* half-a**ed conversation I have had on the dating sites (because for the reason i am about to say I';ve never had a good, quality chat) *I* had to lead the conversation/ keep the chat going.....even if the guy messaged ME first.. If I don't keep prompting them...the conversation just dies.. They claim they don't take the inititative because they: Don't want to bother me I might be busy Figure I'll message them when i want to chat.. Homey...that s**t works BOTH ways.. If BOTH people sit and wait for the other one to message...then *no one* messages... |
Fair enough comment and thank you,,,, but that situation will be in the minority, the scenario I mentioned to other Guy Is what I have mostly encountered on here, when emailed by someone with a different name and photo from the profile that's dis- honesty straight away, school kids and old Grannies have smart phones and access to internet somewhere. I can well afford a cell phone, but, as I said..don't need one, don't feel I am missing anything.. To each their own. My computer works just fine for the internet, has a bigger screen, much easier to read as one gets older.... Not so easy on a cigerette-pack sized phone... Oh can scroll up dowqn and sideways..but, with my bigger screen...I don't need to do any of that... |
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Fri 08/23/19 01:34 PM
hi, beware - once you give your own email you will find that you may receive an email from a different person that the one you messaged on here complete with photos one way to eliminate fake profiles of this type is that after a few emails casually mention to the person that in the near future you would like to do a Video call via WhatsApp or skype, if the person makes excuses or says they don't have access to either or phone is broken this confirms straight away that the profile is fake, this is a dating site - if they don't agree to a simple video call what chance do you have of a real meeting = None Good luck Not necessarily. *I* do not have a video camera on my computer...and I do not have a cell phone (by choice). So...don't make a blanket judgement. P.S. Yes, I could probably go out and buy a video/ web camera to use (plugs in like a keyboard), but..why? I don't really need one for any reason... |
Yes, I frequently complain about not being able to meet someone for a social companion. That is very much different than looking for a connection or relationship. Not all of us have that goal. When I specify certain criteria for a partner/relationship that is again different than a social companion. If you only are willing to get acquainted with or spend time with someone you view as relationship material, you are probably going to be a lonely, middle aged woman. There are not a lot of quality people out there if that is what you are looking for. Again your choice in life. Sweetie....I've made no mention of or reference to myself.... Odd that you would make such an assumption...but OK.. Maybe look up the word "generalizations" in the dictionary. |
IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. I don't think many older men expect them to be young woman thin or a special beauty. Men do expect a certain level of sanity, take pride in your appearance, and have a basis for the opinions you have. It is also necessary that you be out in society where others can meet you and be receptive when someone tries to start that initial conversation with you. So often it is just like on Mingle, your initial message or greeting is ignored. "IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. " Da*m What could someone say about a 72 year old man who is alone/ lonely??? You're saying HE doesn't have "serious problems"? (since you chosde to go there) It's sad you think women who are on dating sites because they are single must have some "serious problems".. Maybe that view you have of women is part of your problem, buddy... And i am sorry *you* misunderstood *my* reply to your comment about "putting words into your mouth... You have been on here complaining you can't meet anyone (can i get a witness/ verification that he has syayed thos numerous times?)....and yet you dare to claim that mddle aged women "who cannot find a companion either are not putting out effort or have some "serious problems"." Again...isn't that exactly YOUR gripe??? That *you* can't seem to meet/ find someone? Maybe they don't have problems, mayvbe they *are* putting in effort....maybe the selection is just not to their liking.. YOU have stated YOU have strongly-held prefernces...which you have a right to.. Don't women have the same right? Some people don't want to be with just anyone/ someone.....most people are lookimg for a true connection...and that is not easy to find. |
IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. I don't think many older men expect them to be young woman thin or a special beauty. Men do expect a certain level of sanity, take pride in your appearance, and have a basis for the opinions you have. It is also necessary that you be out in society where others can meet you and be receptive when someone tries to start that initial conversation with you. So often it is just like on Mingle, your initial message or greeting is ignored. "IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. " Da*m What could someone say about a 72 year old man who is alone/ lonely??? You're saying HE doesn't have "serious problems"? (since you chosde to go there) It's sad you think women who are on dating sites because they are single must have some "serious problems".. Maybe that view you have of women is part of your problem, buddy... "who cannot find a companion either are not putting out effort or have some "serious problems"." But...isn't that exactly YOUR gripe??? That *you* can't seem to meet/ find someone? |
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Thu 08/15/19 06:59 PM
IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. I don't think many older men expect them to be young woman thin or a special beauty. Men do expect a certain level of sanity, take pride in your appearance, and have a basis for the opinions you have. It is also necessary that you be out in society where others can meet you and be receptive when someone tries to start that initial conversation with you. So often it is just like on Mingle, your initial message or greeting is ignored. "IF there are middle aged women who are lonely, then they must have some serious problems. " Da*m What could someone say about a 72 year old man who is alone/ lonely??? You're saying HE doesn't have "serious problems"? (since you chosde to go there) It's sad you think women who are on dating sites because they are single must have some "serious problems".. Maybe that view you have of women is part of your problem, buddy... |